Wednesday, July 25, 2012

[Peckers_Pics] Male/Gay Health-Discussion-PICS Muscle Wars-Jul 26, 2012-Outing Sally Ride


Muscle Wars-Jul 26, 2012- / Health-News-PICS
Safe PICS For All Ages / "NO" Religious Discussion
Boycott Salvation Army-TARGET-Trump-FOX NEWS/Murdoch


Consider joining:
  • Members should join the Re-Elect President Barack Obama Group . (Health Care & Gay Rights, Gay Marriage, Repeal DOMA, Don't Ask & Don't Tell).... Osama Bin Laden killed (May 1, 2011)! President Obama was totally involved and viewed the entire operation in real time. Pres. Obama personally recongnizes Same-Sex Marriage! Meamwhile, Mitt Romney is an Anti-gay High School Bully that cut off the long hair of a gay boy who cried as Mitt Romney laughed as he sat on top of the boy and cut off his hair, against the boy's will. Others in Romney's gang, helped to hold down the boy per Romney's orders as Romney did the cutting with a large pair of scissors. As adults, these guys came out and confessed what they did, confronted the boy who died as an adult and apologized. They admitted that Romney was the boy who was in charge of the gang and cut the hair off the boy! Not one person has stated otherwise! So it stands, Romney is an anti-gay High-school Bully for life! Today, this is a criminal offense as he would be guilty of a antI-gay hate crime with the use of a weopon that can kill, punnishable with a prison sentence!
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  • Diet & Fitness:

    • Reminder: Did you complete your Diet Journal today?
    • Did you do any physical activity? If not, make a point of it by tomorrow!
    • Perhaps our male fitness photos shall inspire you to get Fit!
    Health, Wellness, Exercise, Reflections:
    Cancer Drug May Flush Out 'Hidden' HIV: Study

    Strategy could help battle 'reservoir' of germs, but research is in early stages

    By Randy Dotinga / HealthDay Reporter / HealthDay / July 25, 2012

    WEDNESDAY, July 25 (HealthDay News) -- Medications can eliminate any sign of HIV from the bloodstream, but the virus that causes AIDS never vanishes for good. Instead, it hides in the body, waiting to strike again.

    Now, researchers report that they may have discovered a way to use a cancer drug to make the infected cells more visible, potentially allowing them to be killed.

    It's too early to know if the approach will actually help patients get rid of the virus forever. The optimistic hopes of scientists, who are forever seeking an AIDS cure, could be snarled by side effects or some other medical hitch.

    But the findings are a promising start, said study author Dr. David Margolis, a professor of medicine at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

    "We just wanted to show that we could get the virus to come out and show itself," he said. "This doesn't tell you that we have a cure for AIDS that everyone can take tomorrow. It begins us on a road to accomplish that goal."

    At issue is HIV's ability to hide in the body. Scientists suspect that the virus "hijacks" certain kinds of immune cells -- the ones that remember how to deal with certain kinds of germs -- and lurk inside them. Thanks to this hijacking ability, medications and the immune system itself can't find and kill the virus or prevent it from multiplying.

    The virus can move out of the immune cells if AIDS medications fail or if patients stop taking them. That means HIV can't currently be cured.

    In the new study, researchers gave single doses of a skin cancer chemotherapy drug called vorinostat (Zolinza) to eight HIV-infected patients. The drug seemed to flush out the hidden virus so it was more easily visible.

    None of the patients reported side effects, but they only took one dose.

    Manufacturer information for cancer patients who take the drug lists serious side effects including dehydration, clots (rare), low red blood cell levels and high blood sugar.

    As far as AIDS treatment, the next steps will be to figure out the best dose of the cancer drug and discover if medications or the immune system will kill the virus once it's loose.

    "We don't know how to use this drug yet, and we don't know if we have to use it all the time every day for weeks or months and months," study author Margolis said. "We may just need to use it a few days here, then rest, on and off, until we get to the goal we need to get to."

    One big question is whether it's possible to fully eliminate the "reservoir" of hidden virus in the body, said AIDS researcher Joseph Kulkosky, an associate professor of biology at Chestnut Hill College, in Philadelphia. Still, he said, it may be possible to at least get at some of it.

    Another AIDS researcher, Alberto Bosque, a research assistant professor at the University of Utah School of Medicine, praised the study but cautioned that "we are at the beginning of the race towards HIV eradication, where the unknowns and uncertainties exceed our knowledge."

    The study appears in the July 26 issue of the journal Nature.
    Take Action:
    • BOYCOTT EXXON MOBILE - Do not pump gas at ExxonMobil - Oil and gas giant ExxonMobil voted earlier this year overwhelmingly against protecting employees from discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. It's been doing that for years. Despite being the top Fortune 500 company, the corporation is notorious for failing to provide for its LGBT employees. Scoring an abysmal -25 on HRC's Corporate Equality Index -- the lowest possible score -- ExxonMobil claims that LGBT protections are "unnecessary" and already covered under other company policy.
    • BOYCOTT "Chick-fil-a" for donating money to anti-gay groups. UPDATE: President/Owner of Chick-Fil-A stated "they do not support Gay Marriage." "They support the bible only." Therefore, we believe they do not welcome Gay people as they may feel that Gay people are an abomination. Tell your colleges, business's to end their lease and business relationships with Chick-Fil-A.
    • Boycott Target, Best Buy, Gold's Gym - for donating money towards anti-gay political candidates/organizations. Update: (12/26/2010): Target is continuing to donate to anti-gay groups/causes/politicians. Update 03/08/11 - Lady Gaga Ends Target Partnership, Reportedly Over Target's Poor LGBT Stance. Update 3/25/2010 - Target displays their hypocrisy and Sues California Gay Rights Group for Lobbying Outside Stores. Target is attempting to block the LGBT right of free speech! STOP SHOPPING AT TARGET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Update 4/8/2011: Target lost its case to stop the LGBT from canvassing in front of their stores. A huge PR Disaster for TARGET! Perhaps Target should go out of business as they betrayed their investers and customer base. Target contributed massive funds to a politician who would like to exterminate gays. Now, Target can not stop us from Boycotting them, nor picketing, nor talking to customers near their stores; although, Target allows a anti-gay company such as the Salvation Army to stand outside their door and speak with customers and raise money. Isn't this a double standard?
    • End DOMA (Defense of Marriage Act). Prevents Federal employees and Gays in the Military from gaining equal benefits. Prevents Gay Partners from gaining equal benefits.
    • Pass a LGBT friendly ENDA (Employee Non-Discrimination Act). ENDA would prevent employment discrimination of LGBT workforce.
    • Boycott Salvation Army as they will not hire Gays! "DO NOT DONATE TO THEM."
    • BOYCOTT KOCH INDUSTRIES PRODUCTS- to include their products: Angel Soft toilet paper / Brawny paper towels / Dixie plates, bowls, napkins & cups / Mardi Gras napkins and towels / Quilted Northern toilet paper / Soft 'n Gentle toilet paper / Sparkle napkins / Vanity fair napkins / Zee napkins / Georgia-Pacific paper products & envelopes / All Georgia-Pacific lumber & building products (INVISTA Products) / Lycra / Stainmaster Carpet. The billionaire - Koch brothers are ultra republican - tea bag founders/supporters that do not support causes of the LGBT community.
    • Boycott WALMART - The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force criticized Wal-Mart for denying employee benefits to same-s-x partners and for failing to prohibit discrimination based on gender identity. By comparison, the group said two other chain stores with a strong presence in New York, Costco and Walgreens, did much better.
    • "Tune Out Trump", Boycott all Trump Hotel, casinos, holdings, The Apprentice and NBC Network! At CPAC, Trump said he is considering a run for president as a Republican. In a interview with the Des Moines Register, Trump added that he opposes all forms of legal recognition for gay couples, not just marriage. "They should not be able to marry," he said. So why does NBC keep the Apprentice when Donald Trump has stated he may run for president? After making racist remarks about Obama and recv'g public backlash, Trump decided not to run for president after NBC renewed his awful TV Show. How can NBC re-new the clown's show after he pulled such hateful shenanigans?

    And Now, Our War of the Fittest!

    This group is called "Peckers Pics." The English - slang definition of "pecker" is to pluck at the truth. Therefore, we peck at items such as Gay Men's Health, Male Fitness, Gay (LGBT) Politics & Issues. In this section you may peck at each photo in order to decide the winner of the "war of the fittest!" Whereas, you should select the "Male Athlete" that may inspire you to exercise and "get fit!" Warning: This may stoke you!
    Your participation in discussion of health / news articles - appearing in this message is greatly appreciated!
    Raciel Castro
    David Mcintosh
    Cheyenne Jackson
    Noah Mills
    Corey Cann
    Goksun Ergur
    Eric Rio
    Steve Vega
    You Decide!
    Cologne Pride; July 8, 2012
    Cologne Pride; July 8, 2012
    Outing Sally Ride: Her sexual orientation has nothing to do with space ships
    By Virginia Heffernan / The Lookout /  Updated Jul 25, 2012

    Maybe the idea of gays in space is just so exciting that it has overwhelmed Sally Ride's eulogists, who really should be parsing her achievements in astrophysics, accident investigations and middle-school education, rather than trying to make hay out of her mellow lesbian romantic life.

    Commenters just seem like gay astronauts. After all, the first slashfic— gay romances spun out of fictional male friendships— involved men in space, namely Captain Kirk and Mr. Spock of "Star Trek." The stories were called Kirk/Spock fiction, and the name "slash" was given to the genre. Neil/Buzz slashfic also exists. There's not much of it, but it can be pretty lewd. Those who like to keep their memories of Apollo 11 chaste, or believe that slashfic defames real-life people featured in it, should never, ever put "Neil/Buzz slashfic" into a search engine.

    At the same time, there was Sally Ride. Her amazing life wasn't fiction, or fan fiction, or slashfic. She really was the first American woman and first gay person and youngest astronaut in space. And she and her collaborator and co-author Tam O'Shaughnessy, a biologist and school psychology professor, really did live together for three decades. This was well-known to family and friends.

    Ride died Monday. Much of her adoring public learned the details of her domestic arrangements only posthumously. In this way, she was like most celebrities who die. I didn't know until I read the obituary, for example, that Davy Jones of the Monkees, who died in February, had been married three times. I was also surprised to learn that Etta "At Last" James, who died in January, had been married to one man through 42 years (during her heroin and coke addictions), and that she had two sons.

    But for some reason the fact that Ride's live-in relationship with O'Shaugnessy was only revealed when she died, bugged commenters like Andrew Sullivan, who managed to find feminist secrecy in Ride's and O'Shaughnessy's promotion (O'Shaugnessy was the head of Ride's company) as a woman first and a lesbian second.

    "Feminists," he writes on the Daily Beast, citing no examples, "often 'inned' lesbian pioneers, or the lesbians closeted themselves. This was not because they were in a reactionary movement; it was because they were in a progressive movement that did not want to be 'tarred' with the lesbian image."

    For social liberals, Sally Ride's posthumous out-coming is a luxury problem in the extreme. She was the first American female, the youngest and the first gay in outer freaking space—and a major force in space policymaking. What's more, Ride alone served on the two presidential commissions that investigated both the 1986 Challenger crash and the 2003 Columbia accident, which together killed 14 astronauts. Without fear or favor, Ride concluded that NASA made the same errors in judgment both times.

    Is it more important than any of this that, having been married briefly to a man, Ride eventually settled down with a woman? Ride's identity as both gay and female is an embarrassment of riches that presents an irresistible opportunity, it seems, to kvetch rather than celebrate a life astoundingly well led.
    Urgent Notice: Our ObamaBiden2008 Group works hand - in - hand with Peckers PICS (Both groups were co-created to work with each-other). To prevent duplication of articles and questions, all members of this group are urgently recommended to join ObamaBiden2008 . We have the LGBT boycott list and discuss end of DADT, etc... There are 3 gay teen suicides in the USA - daily! There are Hate crimes against gay people. There are gay people who are fired over their sexual identity. There are gay people who died for our cause! These groups are focused towards Yahoo Members who sincerely care about LGBT rights and are interested in Gay Men's Health! Most important, we have a most critical election in 2012 that shall determine the future of LGBT rights and our health care (as many suffer from pre-existing illness)! Please Join Now!
    Its my finest group!
    Why have you not joined?
    Members note: "Best blog ever!
    The story of my life!
    The truth of everything you wanted to know and never dreamed of!

    Recent Activity:
    All members of "Peckers PICS" are requested to join our "Obama Biden 2008" group as it runs in conjunction to this group.  Both groups shall not repeat articles from one group to another.  However, to gain full knowledge of Gay rights, members must belong to the Obama group as well as this group.  Therefore, please accept your invitation to join. 

    To join the Obama group please click (or copy and paste the link into your browser) @

    Thank you!

    "Every gay and lesbian person who has been lucky enough to survive the turmoil of growing up is a survivor. Survivors always have an obligation to those who will face the same challenges."

    ...Jake (Moderator)



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