Monday, May 24, 2010

[TOWWFFC] Re: Over The Limit - Final Results


--- In, "FondyMark" <fondy54935@...> wrote:
> Up next: Edge vs. Randy Orton. They aired a lengthy video package
> highlighting the feud that has been spotlighted on Raw leading to the PPV.
> In-ring: Edge came out first sporting a heavy black coat and a shiner
> underneath his right eye. Nice addition to the heel look. After a pause
> following Edge's intro, Randy Orton's music hit to a strong reaction. Orton
> was out sans tape on his wrists. Lawler noted it wasn't a "huge ovation,"
> but a "huge reaction" because the audience still doesn't know how to take to
> Orton. Orton completed his ring intro and the match was on.
> The bell sounded and Orton remained still staring straight ahead at Edge.
> They waited out an "R-K-O" chant before Edge paced around the ring, then
> locked up with Orton. Striker painted a picture that Edge wanted to create
> distance to hit the spear and Orton wanted to keep things close to hit the
> RKO. Cole noted the winner of the match could jockey into position for a
> slot in the WWE Title match at the Fatal Four-Way PPV. Orton started on the
> offensive, then the action moved to the floor where Edge took control and
> dropped Orton stomach-first across the guardrail. Orton was selling his left
> arm as Edge rolled him back into the ring to begin a focused attack. Orton
> started elbowing out of a body scissors submission as the fans chanted
> "R-K-O," but Edge cut off Orton with a knee to the stomach to continue
> focusing on the mid-section to set up the spear.
> Edge went up top at 7:00, but Orton cut him off. He wanted a superplex, but
> Edge blocked and headbutted Orton to the mat. Edge tried to come back with a
> high-risk move, but Orton crotched him and this time hit the Orton family
> tradition superplex. Edge and Orton recovered to their feet, then started
> trading haymakers. Orton won the exchange with a powerslam for a two count,
> but Edge came back with a boot to the face. Orton then came back with a
> classic spike DDT with Edge hanging across the middle rope. Edge kicked out
> of a pin attempt, then rolled to the outside to recover. Edge lured Orton
> into a trap to yank Orton throat-first across the top rope to regain
> control. Edge then rolled into the ring and got his space in the corner.
> Edge teased the Spear as Orton recovered to his feet, but Orton kicked him
> in the head.
> Orton then started pounding the mat to tease the RKO, but he sold an injury
> to his arm and seemed to tell Edge to call an audible. Orton suddenly
> stopped the match and sold an injury to his right arm. His arm seemed to be
> hanging by a thread as he rolled to the outside no-selling punches. The ref
> started a ten count and they did a spot where Edge missed a spear and Orton
> continued to hold his arm. Double count-out finish. Refs checked on Orton
> and they tried a recovery angle with Edge snapping and trying to go after
> Orton, who just walked away clutching his forearm in pain. The announcers
> ringside talked about the potential injury and Orton's history of shoulder
> injuries. Striker unwittingly said the "night must go on." Where did we hear
> that before eleven years ago?
> WINNER: Double count-out at 12:50. They were booked into a corner where
> neither wrestler could really afford a loss, so the finish made sense. Orton
> sure seemed to be legit injured, although the finish made sense for a double
> count-out so neither wrestler had to take a loss. It will be interesting to
> see what the follow-up is on Orton, who could be out an extended length of
> time if the injury was legit. (n/a)
> Video package: They rolled an extended video package on Jack Swagger before
> going to Smackdown's World Title match. Swagger was out first to defend the
> World Title. Swagger also had a shiner, but on his left eye as opposed to
> Edge having one over his right eye. Big Show then came out to a nice
> reaction to challenge for the title.
> 6 -- World Hvt. champion JACK SWAGGER vs. BIG SHOW -- World Hvt. Title match
> Show started with some mind games doing Swagger's push-ups to mock Swagger.
> Swagger ran into Show's trap, taking a knee to the gut before Show landed
> his frying-pan like chop to the chest in the corner. Show stepped on
> Swagger's chest before choking Swagger across the middle rope. Show teased a
> chokeslam, but Swagger slipped out and bailed to the outside. Swagger then
> finally got some offense taking Show off his feet with a running spear to
> Show's hip before nailing the running Vader Bomb out of the corner. Swagger
> hit a second VB, but Show bench-pressed Swagger through the ropes to "kick
> out" of a pin attempt. Show then made a comeback once Swagger re-entered the
> ring and he ran over Swagger with multiple blows. Show teased the chokeslam,
> but Swagger kicked Show in the knees. Show shook it off, then shoved Swagger
> over the top rope to the floor. Swagger said he was done with this, this so
> he grabbed the title belt and blasted Show in the face for a DQ. You could
> see the house show finish coming a mile away.
> Post-match: Swagger ran over Show again with a belt shot. He grabbed a chair
> and shoved a chair into Show's back, but Show kept coming back to his feet.
> Swagger landed another chair shot to the back, but Show pulled himself up
> again. Swagger tried another chair shot, but Show blocked and chokeslammed
> Swagger. Show dropped the strap, then bent the chair over Swagger's back. He
> followed with a chokeslam into the chair, leaving Swagger KO'ed. Swagger got
> up once again, then Show landed the big KO Punch to get the final word. The
> Jolly Green Big Show then walked out of the ring smiling for fans ringside
> as he slapped hands. They replayed the finish and post-match angle, then
> showed Swagger being helped to the back by referees to sell Show's offense.
> WINNER: Show via DQ at 5:03; Swagger retained the World Title. They were,
> again, booked into a corner where they didn't want Show to take a loss and
> they didn't want Swagger to drop the title. Not a memorable bout.
> Backstage: Josh Mathews brought in Batista to hype the WWE Title match.
> Batista said John Cena cried and wanted to quit on Raw and he's going to
> make him cry again tonight.
> 7 -- Divas champion EVE TORRES vs. MARYSE -- Divas Title match
> They came face-to-face to start the match and talk trash. Eve had enough of
> Maryse's taunts and jumpstarted the match. Maryse then cut off Eve and began
> a methodical attack. Eve came back with a sunset flip into a pin for a close
> two count. Maryse then blocked a splash attempt with knees to the gut.
> Maryse mocked Eve with her trademark laugh, but Eve surprised Maryse with a
> sort of fallaway neckbreaker planting Maryse into the mat for the pin and
> the win.
> WINNER: Eve in 5:00 to retain the Divas Title. Okay match. They had a good
> backstory developed on TV and were given the buffer spot to tell a decent
> story in-between the two title matches. (*)
> In-ring: Batista came out first to challenge John Cena for the WWE Title.
> The announcers noted it was the final meeting with no re-match clause in
> play. John Cena then came out to a typically strong reaction. Justin Roberts
> handled the formal ring intros with the crowd strongly in favor of Cena.
> We'll see if it lasts.
> 8 -- WWE champion JOHN CENA vs. BATISTA -- WWE Title match -- I Quit match
> The bell sounded and Batista took the mic from the ref, who had the mic to
> verify a quit. Batista said he's giving Cena one chance to say I Quit before
> he puts him in a world of pain. The ref asked Cena if he wanted to quit.
> Cena had a blank look on his face before surveying the audience with his
> eyes. Cena said Batista has made his point. "I...pause...I don't think so,"
> and he blasted Batista in the face with a mic to start the match. The match
> moved to the floor and Cena missed a hard chair shot, with the chair
> bouncing off the ringpost. Cena shook his hands before entering the ring
> where Batista cut him off and began an offensive attack. The crowd started
> trading "Let's Go Cena" and "Cena Sucks" chants before Cena made a comeback
> and teased the Attitude Adjustment. Suddenly, Batista pulled the ref in
> front of him and Cena had to stop in his tracks. Batista then shoved Cena
> away and hit a big spear center ring. Batista then slapped on his new Rings
> of Saturn type submission finisher. Cena refused to quit. The ref asked Cena
> again, but he refused. The problem with the I Quit format is the audience
> becomes quiet waiting for a word from the wrestler in jeopardy.
> Cena powered out of the Rings and slapped on the STFU. Batista wanted a rope
> break, but there are no rope breaks. He sold passing out and didn't respond
> to a question on whether he wanted to quit. Cena then left the ring and
> retrieved a bottle of water to revive Batista. Batista slapped the mic away
> and grunted, "No!" Suddenly, Batista came to life and dropped Cena with a
> spinebuster center ring. Batista then landed a Batistabomb center ring. Cole
> said this would normally lead to a three count. Cena paused when asked if he
> wanted to quit, then said no.
> At 10:00, Batista went to the floor and started clearing the announce tables
> ringside. Batista sold a left arm injury as he placed Cena on the English
> announce table. Cena then powered Batista to his shoulders and teased an
> Attitude Adjustment, but Batista countered with a big powerslam through the
> Spanish announce table. Cena was bleeding heavily from the forehead after
> taking the big spot of the night. Medics came down to check on Cena while
> the ref asked Cena if he wanted to quit. Cena remained silent before saying
> no. The medic then worked on Cena's cut as the audience chanted, "Cena,
> Cena." Batista was great playing into the medic being ringside, telling him
> to get out of the way but come back later because Cena is going to need him.
> Batista proceeded to dump Cena over the guardrail into the front row of
> seats. Batista then dragged Cena up the arena steps to the 200 section of
> seats. The wrestlers disappeared in a sea of fans before the camera picked
> up the action on the second level. Batista demanded Cena quit or he would
> throw him off the stands. Cena refused to quit, so Batista picked up Cena
> and teased the Batistabomb. Cena hung in the air in jeopardy before blocking
> and putting Batista over the second level barrier. Cena then landed a right
> hand knocking Batista off the barrier into a sea of probably planted fans
> absorbing the fall. Batista didn't want to quit, so Cena rolled him down the
> steps back toward the ringside area. Batista fell down a flight of stairs to
> the floor seats as Cena landed right hand blows rocking Batista toward the
> stage area.
> On the floor next to the stage, Batista retrieved a chair and cracked it
> over Cena's back. And again. They climbed up a short flight of stairs to the
> stage where Batista landed more chair shots to the back. Cena refused to
> quit. Batista then punished Cena with more chair shots. He then approached a
> prop car positioned on the stage and entered the driver side. The car
> actually started as Cena was behind the car. They went to a straight-on shot
> of Batista in the car so the audience couldn't see behind the car as Batista
> backed up and rammed into the PPV set. Fireworks shot up like the
> Searchlight deal with Big Show a while ago. Some people in the crowd
> shrieked with horror, saying, "No!!!"
> Cena emerged from out of nowhere to grab Batista and throw him into the car.
> Striker said Cena must have rolled out of the way. Cena then gave Batista an
> Attitude Adjustment onto the car. Batista wouldn't quit, though. Cena smiled
> and said he hoped Batista would say that. Cena then picked up Batista and
> took him to the hood of the car. He teased the Attitude Adjustment off the
> car into the stage below, but Batista shouted, "I quit, I quit!" Cena was
> the winner, but he gave Batista the Attitude Adjustment off the car through
> the prop stage below, with Batista disappearing through the stage. Cole
> justified it that Batista tried to end Cena's career, so it was fitting.
> Post-match: Cena stood stoically after being declared the winner. Ref Chioda
> handed him the WWE Title and he walked to the ring to celebrate for the
> audience. Cena then walked back down the entranceramp and stood on the stage
> as the announcers wrapped up the PPV. Last month, they went all the way to
> one minute before the top of the hour. This month, the PPV was about to end
> 16 months before the top of the hour. But wait, they started to sign off,
> only to have Sheamus sneak out on stage with no one noticing him. Cena then
> turned around and took a pump kick to the face that dropped him on the
> stage. The announcers were silent as Sheamus stood tall over Cena to close
> the PPV.
> WINNER: Cena at 20:29 to retain the WWE Title. One of those matches you
> either liked or didn't like. There wasn't much middle ground, although the
> match was a strong brawl before they got too cute at the end. I thought it
> went too far into WWE trying to do that "action movie" stuff where they
> break the tone of a wrestling show. It brings up the question of why Batista
> didn't just pull out a gun and try to shoot Cena or why cops didn't come on
> the scene to arrest Batista for attempted vehicular manslaughter. As
> expected, WWE used the end of the PPV to set up Cena's next feud with
> Sheamus, with two other wrestlers being added to the Fatal Four-Way PPV
> title match. (**1/2)
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "FondyMark" <fondy54935@...>
> To: "TheOriginalWWFFanClub" <>
> Sent: Sunday, May 23, 2010 8:32 PM
> Subject: Over The Limit Results - 90 Minute Mark
> > WWE Over the Limit PPV Results & Report
> > May 23, 2010
> > Detroit, Mich.
> > Report by James Caldwell, PWTorch assistant editor
> >
> >
> > This month's WWE PPV has WWE champion John Cena vs. Batista, World Hvt.
> > champion Jack Swagger vs. Big Show, Edge vs. Randy Orton, C.M. Punk vs.
> > Rey Mysterio, and five total title matches. Follow our live coverage
> > starting now.
> >
> > The PPV started with a video package focusing on WWE wrestlers trying to
> > break limits set by society e.g. stopping at red lights, 25 MPH, stopping
> > at school crossing, etc. "These men will go over the limit," said the
> > voice-over man. I don't know if I can take anymore of these cliches. Cue
> > up a video package on John Cena vs. Batista, Edge vs. Orton, Swagger vs.
> > Show, and other top matches with the focus on them "pushing harder than
> > every before." They closed with a close-up of Cena and Batista while the
> > voice-man said ominously that "it's over" after tonight.
> >
> > Arena: Michael Cole, Matt Striker, and Jerry Lawler were shown ringside
> > for the three-man booth. They have the Spanish announce table again this
> > month.
> >
> > In-ring: Cue up Kofi Kingston's theme music for the opening match with the
> > IC Title on the line. Being in the opening match doesn't quite carry the
> > same negative connotation it used to, but I would have preferred seeing
> > this later in the card with the recent emphasis on the title on Smackdown.
> > After they rolled a video package on the IC Title situation, Drew
> > McIntyre's music hit to silence. The very slow ring entrance music then
> > gave way to McIntyre coming out with the IC Title belt in hand. Striker
> > and Lawler engaged in their first verbal battle of the night debating
> > whether what Mr. McMahon says matters more than what the fans say.
> >
> > 1 -- Intercontinental champion DREW MCINTYRE vs. KOFI KINGSTON -- IC Title
> > match
> >
> > Striker gave his monthly history lesson that the last time the IC Title
> > belt changed hands in Detroit was in 1999. That might be the only
> > reference to 1999 on this PPV with it being the unmentionable 11-year
> > anniversary of Owen Hart's death today. The match started with Kofi
> > landing early offense before McIntyre cut him off and started working over
> > Kingston with submission holds. Drew then went to the second rope, but
> > Kofi blocked a high-risk move with two feet to the face. The crowd chanted
> > "Kofi, Kofi, Kofi" as he began a full comeback. Kofi then mounted Drew
> > with corner punches. Striker said it's illegal to land closed fists to the
> > head and he should be DQ'ed. Cole made the dumbest comment ever with no
> > conviction that the referee's view was obstructed. He just had no line
> > there and should have remained quiet. They went to the finish where Kofi
> > missed with the Trouble in Paradise. Drew tried to follow with the Future
> > Shock, but Kofi countered into the SOS for the pin and the win to capture
> > the IC Title. Striker: "Where's Mr. McMahon? Where is he?" Kofi celebrated
> > with the title to officially regain the belt.
> >
> > WINNER: Kofi Kingston at 6:25 to capture the IC Title. Okay opener. The
> > crowd was into Kofi, which is good. Drew needs a lot of time before he
> > stands out as a wrestler the audience takes note of. They've done a good
> > job with the IC Title situation lately, but he needs time. (*1/2)
> >
> > Post-match: Kofi celebrated on the way to the stage, then Drew took the
> > mic and snapped on the announce table. Drew called out Teddy Long to
> > reverse the decision and re-declare him IC champion. Suddenly, Matt
> > Hardy's music hit and Hardy walked out with his eyes locked on McIntyre.
> > McIntyre tried to get the first blow, but Hardy ducked and snapped off the
> > Twist of Fate. Hardy talked trash in Drew's face, then Hardy celebrated
> > for the live crowd. Mac gets his comeuppance twice in one night.
> >
> > Backstage: They faded out from a shot of McIntyre grimacing in pain to
> > C.M. Punk staring into a mirror backstage. "Mirror mirror on the wall,
> > who's the fairest of them all?" Punk asked the mirror while Luke Gallows
> > and Serena watched him. Serena stroked Punk's hair as Punk talked about
> > bringing Rey Mysterio into the fold tonight. Punk said they give birth to
> > Straight Edge Mysterio tonight. Luke then embraced Punk with an awkward
> > hug that looked like a sleeperhold.
> >
> > Three weeks ago: Ted DiBiase was looking for a new Virgil, but R-Truth
> > slapped him in the face. ... In-ring: R-Truth came to the ring first to
> > face Ted DiBiase, Jr. After Truth completed his rap, DiBiase came out with
> > Virgil. Virgil apparently bought a suit to upgrade from the plain white
> > t-shirt on Raw last week. Striker said DiBiase has "adjusted for
> > inflation" to give Virgil a contract three times the sum of what his
> > father paid Virgil.
> >
> > 2 -- TED DIBIASE, JR. vs. R-TRUTH
> >
> > Early on, Virgil was the most over with the live audience, as they chanted
> > "Virgil" repeatedly after the bell sounded. DiBiase became frustrated
> > early on, so he slapped Truth across the face. Truth then responded with a
> > cold slap to the face that seemed to legit knock out DiBiase. Either
> > DiBiase was selling like beautifully or he was legit KO'ed by Truth's
> > blow, as he wobbled over to the corner and didn't sell follow-up punches.
> > Truth then knocked DiBiase to the floor with a clothesline and DiBiase
> > tried to regroup on the floor. Virgil gave DiBiase an assist to gain
> > control in the match, setting up DiBiase's offensive attack. Truth then
> > blocked a top rope move by DiBiase and teased a superplex, but DiBiase
> > blocked and knocked Truth to the mat. DiBiase tried to balance on the top
> > turnbuckle, but Truth crotched him and both men fell to the mat.
> >
> > Truth started a comeback at 6:00 and landed a hip toss before hitting a
> > Flatliner (noted by Striker) for a two count. Virgil had a stern look on
> > his face watching the proceedings as DiBiase cut off Truth's offense and
> > landed a sloppy electric chair that could have injured both men. Truth
> > then tried a suplex and he kind of turned it into a flip-over Stunner. The
> > audience didn't know how to react to that, as it wasn't clear who actually
> > scored the move. Truth then hit the Lie Detector moments later for the pin
> > and the win. Post-match: Virgil entered the ring with the Million Dollar
> > Title belt and tried to help DiBiase recover. Truth then hugged it up with
> > the audience on the way out of the ring.
> >
> > WINNER: R-Truth at 7:45. Not a good match. The action fell apart at the
> > end while DiBiase sure looked temporarily KO'ed in the beginning. DiBiase
> > could have been selling, but let's say for argument's sake that DiBiase
> > was legit KO'ed there, the match should have been stopped to check on his
> > condition. (3/4*)
> >
> > Backstage: Teddy Long was on the phone saying he couldn't imagine either
> > John Cena or Batista saying I Quit tonight. Drew McIntyre then stormed in
> > demanding the IC Title match result over-turned. He also demanded Matt
> > Hardy fired. McIntyre snapped and started trashing Long's offense. They
> > focused on Long's Martin Luther King picture hanging on the wall. Long
> > begged him not to ruin the picture. McIntyre said it's the picture of a
> > revolutionary man, while Long is gutless and spineless. McIntyre said he's
> > more revolutionary than Long ever will be. The bit fell flat with the
> > audience. It was just uncomfortable and unnecessary to involve MLK in the
> > storyline. Bad choice.
> >
> > In-ring: Next up was C.M. Punk vs. Rey Mysterio. Cole noted the Straight
> > Edge Society was banned from ringside. Striker noted there was a famous
> > hair-cutting in Detroit before (referencing WrestleMania 23 with McMahon's
> > head shaving). Rey Mysterio then came out sporting all-yellow for this
> > PPV. Mysterio picked up the clippers positioned ringside to show Punk what
> > his fate could be tonight. The announcers talked about Punk possibly being
> > exposed if he loses and the Straight Edge Society's eyes being opened from
> > their trance if he loses. Meanwhile, Punk held his hand in the air showing
> > Rey he could pledge to join SES right now.
> >
> > 3 -- REY MYSTERIO vs. C.M. PUNK -- Punk's hair vs. Rey's pledge to SES
> >
> > WWE's updated version of the Shawn Michaels vs. JBL program started with
> > Punk telling Rey he could give up now and join the SES. Rey refused, so
> > Punk kicked him in the gut to jumpstart the match. Punk then knocked Rey
> > to the outside and tried a plancha, but Rey moved out of the way. Rey
> > followed with a head scissors taking Punk into the guardrail. The match
> > moved to the barber's seat positioned ringside where Rey landed right hand
> > blows knocking Punk back into the chair. Back in the ring, Punk regained
> > control by throwing Rey through the ropes into the barber's chair. Rey
> > crashing into the chair made a nice sound effect to get an "oooh" from the
> > crowd. Rey sold on the outside while ref Charles Robinson had to stop the
> > match to cover an open cut on Punk's face. The match came to a halt with
> > medics checking on Punk, who was bleeding from the forehead. Rey continued
> > to sell on the outside during this as he held his right forearm in pain.
> > Rey pulled himself into the ring as the crowd chanted "boring" during this
> > stoppage.
> >
> > Punk suddenly sprung to life and blasted Rey with a flurry of offense. He
> > took Rey to the outside and had a huge adrenaline rush tossing Rey around
> > like a ragdoll. Back in the ring, Punk made a cover for a two count. Punk
> > then slowed things down with a submission hold as Lawler and Striker
> > resumed their monthly bickering going back and forth. Rey suddenly
> > countered a submission into a pin attempt, but scored a two count only.
> > Punk then came to life and ran over Rey with a clothesline for a two
> > count. Punk was bleeding from the forehead again here. He then did a great
> > sequence of heel moves pledging his allegiance before bouncing off the
> > ropes to land forearms. Rey made a comeback with a sunset flip powerbomb
> > that Punk had to co-operate with a little bit, and Rey scored a two count.
> >
> > At 9:00, both men started trading bombs from a standing position. Rey then
> > hit a flying cross-body splash off the ropes for a two count. Rey then
> > kicked Punk in the gut and nailed a springboard seated sentaun, followed
> > by a flip-over seated splash for a close two count. Punk tried to regroup
> > in the corner and he lured Rey in before sending him head-first into the
> > top turnbuckle. Punk then hit a butterfly suplex into a backbreaker for a
> > close two count. The crowd was buying into everything at this point. Punk
> > regrouped and teased the G2S, but Rey countered into a huracanrana
> > attempt, only to have Punk block the huracanrana counter into a buckle
> > bomb. Punk then went to the second rope and landed a bulldog. Punk only
> > scored a two count, so he pounded on Rey with a flurry of punches. Punk
> > followed with a kick strike to the head, then Rey suddenly came back with
> > the 619 out of nowhere. The audience bought the finish, but Punk suddenly
> > sat up to avoid Rey's trademark springboard splash. Punk seemed to be in
> > control again, but Rey pulled out a crucifix pin out of nowhere for the
> > pin and the win.
> >
> > WINNER: Rey at 13:49. Very good final five or six minutes after the
> > stoppage for Punk's blood. The audience bought the nearfalls and the
> > wrestlers had a very strong flurry to conclude the match. (***)
> >
> > Post-match: Punk sold shock that he would have to lose his hair. Suddenly,
> > the mystery hooded man hit the ring to attack Rey. Luke Gallows and Serena
> > joined the beatdown on Rey, then Luke pulled out handcuffs to try to lock
> > up Rey. Striker with a line that Rey didn't have his papers, so lock him
> > up. That was a really dumb line, especially since Rey was born in the U.S.
> > Suddenly, Kane's music hit and Kane came out to a huge pop. He started
> > cleaning house before grappling Punk for a chokeslam. He dropped Punk with
> > a chokeslam, then Rey cuffed Punk to the ropes. Rey proceeded to cut
> > Punk's hair, getting clumps of hair as the crowd popped. Punk had strands
> > of hair covering his back, prompting Striker to note he was hairier than
> > A-Train. Rey shaved most of Punk's hair, leaving patches of baldness. Rey
> > couldn't find whatever he was looking for, so his music hit. Rey then find
> > a mirror to give Punk a look at his messy hair. Rey celebrated and left
> > the ring while Serena grabbed a towel to cover Punk. The mystery man then
> > covered Punk with a towel as they pulled Punk away.
> >
> > Announcers: Cole, Striker, and Lawler were shown on-camera, with Striker
> > mocking Cole for getting beat up on TV. Cole plugged the Fatal Four-Way
> > PPV next month. He said wrestlers will have to qualify for each of the
> > four-way title matches.
> >
> > Backstage: Chris Jericho walked up to Big Show to rekindle the old flame.
> > Jericho said he and Miz discovered Big Show was the dead weight in the tag
> > team situation and they "trimmed the fat." Miz then snuck up behind Show
> > as Jericho continued to engage Show in a conversation that included
> > mocking Bret Hart's U.S. Title victory. Show, unflinchingly, said Miz
> > needs to stop staring at his back otherwise he'll knock him out, then
> > knock out Jericho, revive Jericho, and knock him out again. "Isn't that
> > right, Miz?" Miz slowly backed away, then Jericho walked away.
> >
> > In-ring: Hart Dynasty came out for the Unified tag title match. The Miz
> > then came out first and they replayed footage from Raw when Bret Hart won
> > the U.S. Title from Miz with an abundance of outside interference. Striker
> > complained about the interference while Cole repeated his heel comments on
> > Bret Hart from Raw, saying, "Bret Hart needs to go away." It seems they're
> > setting up an angle to connect the dots between this and the Daniel Bryan
> > deal. Chris Jericho then came out to join Miz to begin the second title
> > match of the show.
> >
> > 4 -- Unified tag champions HART DYNASTY (TYSON KIDD & D.H. SMITH
> > w/Natalya) vs. CHRIS JERICHO & THE MIZ -- Unified tag title match
> >
> > Hart Dynasty took control to start the match, including Smith executing
> > his delayed vertical suplex on Miz for an early nearfall. Jericho then
> > tagged in and knocked Smith to the outside as Lawler defended Bret Hart on
> > commentary. Jericho raised his hand to the crowd, which drew a mixed
> > reaction. Smith re-entered the ring and the heels began working over
> > Smith. The crowd was quiet here as Miz and Jericho tagged in and out
> > trying to score a pin on Smith. Kidd then tagged in and Jericho slapped on
> > the Walls of Jericho to pop the crowd. Kidd reached the bottom rope for a
> > break, then Jericho walked into a kick to the side of the head. Kidd
> > recovered, then attempted a springboard move, but Jericho blocked with a
> > mid-air codebreaker. Both men sold on the mat before Jericho made a
> > delayed cover for a two count. Jericho argued with the ref, then Kidd
> > caught Jericho with a kick to the ear.
> >
> > Smith tagged in and cleaned house on Jericho and Miz before clotheslining
> > Miz to the outside. Smith gave Jericho an overhead toss before hitting a
> > big powerslam for a two count. Miz then tried to trip Smith from the
> > outside and Smith kinda wobbled into Jericho's waiting arms for a two
> > count. Miz and Jericho argued with the ref, so Natalya tripped Jericho
> > from the outside and Smith landed a running powerslam for a close two
> > count. After some confusion, Miz tagged in and hit the Reality Check on
> > Smith for a close two count of his own. Miz wanted to follow with the
> > Sharpshooter, but Smith countered with a roll-up for a two count. Miz then
> > teased the Skullcrushing Finale, but Smith shoved Miz into Jericho. Smith
> > and Miz traded nearfalls before Smith caught Miz in the corner. Kidd
> > tagged in and they hit the Hart Attack on Miz for the pin and the win.
> >
> > WINNERS: Hart Dynasty at 10:41. They got a little too cute at the end
> > trying to move a lot of parts to create some compelling nearfalls. It was
> > a bit over-done at times. Decent match, but not a showcase match for Hart
> > Dynasty. Smith still needs polish in the ring; he seems clumsy at times.
> > (*3/4)
> >
> >

PPV injury update
Randy Orton suffered a separated shoulder and not a broken forearm based on updated reports off the WWE web site and from backstage.

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