Sunday, September 19, 2010

[TOWWFFC] Night Of Champions Results : FINAL!


Mark hasn't posted the FINAL results for "Night Of Champions". Here it is, when Mark puts those results up I'll take mine down.

Source: L-O-P

"No Holds Barred Match for the World Heavyweight Title: The Undertaker vs. Kane

The lights go out and out first comes the challenger, The Undertaker. Taker does his grand entrance. The pyro explodes and out next comes the World Heavyweight Champion Kane. As Kane is walking down the ramp, Taker runs at him and they start brawling near the stage.

Taker beats on Kane, using some of the set pieces to hold up Kane while he pounds away at him. Taker throws Kane off the stage and into one of the pillars that make up the stage. Kane looks to slip, but he hits a kick to Taker's knee, sending Taker back. Kane pounds away at Taker on the entrance ramp, but Taker is quick to get back up, hitting Kane with a big right hand to the face.

Taker continues to pound away on Kane on the entrance ramp, hitting him with big right hands repeatedly. Taker chokes away at Kane, but Kane rakes the eyes. Kane hits Taker with a boot to the face to send him down the ramp and toward the ring. Kane tries to slam Taker into the barricade, but Taker blocks it and sends Kane into the barricade instead. Taker hits Kane with a big right and a head butt, before burying a couple of knees in Kane's midsection. Taker tries to whip Kane into the ring steps, but it's reversed and Taker goes in shoulder first.

Kane slams Taker's head into the ring steps before stomping down on Taker's head, still placed on the steps. Kane slams Taker head first into the ring post before going to the timekeeper's table and grabbing his belt. Kane readies himself, and buries the title in Taker's midsection, before following it up with a boot to the same area. Kane tosses Taker into the ring for the first time this match. Kane goes to the top rope and dives off with a big clothesline.

Kane chokes away at Taker in the ropes, and since this is no holds barred there's no count. Taker tries to fight back with a quick right hand, but Kane is having none of it, responding with a series of right hands of his own before hitting a trio of big splashes in the corner that's good for a near fall. Kane charges into Taker, hitting a running low kick. Kane pulls Taker to the apron, hitting him with a couple of right hands to the side of the head before catching Taker with an elbow to the throat.

Kane tosses Taker across the announce table, before picking up a piece of it and tossing it at Taker's face. Kane picks Taker up and tries to send him into the ring steps, but Taker is able to counter it and Kane goes into the steps shoulder first. Taker crawls over to Kane and starts to hit him with a series of right hands. Taker rolls Kane back into the ring, leaving him neck out on the apron exposed. Taker hits Kane with a boot to the side of the head before following up with his signature leg drop on the apron, but Kane gets right back to his feet. Taker responds with a clothesline that sends Kane over the barricade into the timekeeper's area.

Taker hits a sick leaping dive right over the barricade and into Kane, and both men go crashing to the floor. Kane comes back with a chair to the midsection, and he trips right over another ringside chair. Kane hits Taker with a right hand and things spill out into the crowd. Taker hits Kane with an unopened Mountain Dew can. Kane blocks a right from the Undertaker and responds with one of his own. Kane drives his knee into Taker's head while he's sitting up against a barricade. Taker and Kane fight back to the ringside area, with Kane sending Taker over the barricade with a big right. Kane climbs on top of the barricade, and jumps off with a leaping lariat, much like his one off the top rope.

Kane rolls Taker back into the ring, and Taker tells Kane to bring it on. Taker starts to climb to his feet and Kane wear away Taker with a series of rights and lefts, and stomps to the midsection. Kane chokes Taker with his boot before mocking him with a combination of left and right jabs to Taker. Taker makes his way out of one corner and into another, only to be met with even more strikes from Kane. Taker takes a load of punishment before finally dropping to the mat. The ref talks to Taker, but Taker waves him away and tells Kane to bring some more. Kane works Taker over with even more right hands, and Taker responds with one of his own. Taker and Kane trade rights in the middle of the ring and Taker is able to get the upper hand, but Kane responds with a knee to the gut. Taker comes right back with a huge jumping clothesline.

Kane beats Taker to his feet but it doesn't matter as Taker steamrolls Kane in the corner before hitting snake eyes, a big boot, and a big leg drop that's good for a two count. Taker signals for the chokeslam. He brings Kane up and takes him right back down to the mat. Taker doesn't go right for the cover, instead signaling for the tombstone. Taker goes for it, but Kane is able to reverse it into a tombstone of his own. Kane covers Taker, and gets the three count.

Winner: Kane

- After the match, Undertaker tries to recover in the ring as Kane heads up the ramp. Kane holds his World Heavyweight Title belt and laughs, looking at Taker in the ring. Taker finally exits the ring and sells the match, having trouble standing up and walking. Taker limps slowly up the ramp as the announcers wonder if this is the end of an era. Taker makes it to the top of the stage and drops to one knee. Taker gets up again, limps to the big screen and has to stop and rest on it for a second. Taker heads to the back finally as the crowd cheers him.

- We go backstage to Randy Orton, who is getting ready for the Six Pack Challenge. Todd Grisham asks Orton about the match and he waits a second before just saying "no." Orton walks off.

Tag Team Turmoil WWE Tag Team Title Match: The Hart Dynasty vs. The Usos vs. Mark Henry & Evan Bourne vs. Vladimir Kozlov & Santino Marella vs. Cody Rhodes & Drew McIntyre

We go to the ring and out comes WWE's Tag Team Champions The Hart Dynasty, with Natalya at their side. The announcers say Harts will have to face four teams tonight. Out next comes The Usos with Tamina and here we go.

Uso pounds away on Kidd right at the beginning, but Kidd comes right back with a roll up and a kick to the gut. It's pretty impossible to tell the Uso's apart as they're wearing identical trunks. Kidd tags out to Smith who comes in with a big shoulder block, and a clothesline to Uso. Uso catches him with a kick to the chest, but Smith comes right back with a belly to belly suplex. Hart goes for the sharpshooter, but the other Uso pulls him to the outside. Kidd tags in and hits an insane springboard dive to the outside before rolling Uso back into the ring. Kidd locks in a sharpshooter, but the other Uso kicks him in the head. Uso pins Hart, and we're guaranteed new Tag Champs.

The Hart Dynasty eliminated.

Vladimir Kozlov and Santino Marella are the next team out, and Santino almost scores a three count on Uso, but it's broken up. Santino teases the cobra, but he's distracted by Tamina, and Uso hits a big flapjack, putting Santino down for three.

Kozlov and Santino are eliminated.

Evan Bourne and Mark Henry are out next and Bourne kicks things off. Bourne hits a series of kicks and a big hurricarana, but he's taken down by a back elbow from Uso. Bourne is able to tag Henry in and Henry takes it to Uso with a couple of big clotheslines and a bit head butt. He tosses the Uso on the outside down to the floor before hitting the World's strongest slam on the legal Uso. Bourne tags in and hits his amazing shooting star press, that's good for a three count, and we're on our last team.

The Usos are eliminated.

Drew McIntyre and Cody Rhodes are out next.

McIntyre comes right in and pounds away on Bourne in the corner. McIntyre stomps down on Bourne's face before tagging in Rhodes. Rhodes hits a beautiful suplex on Bourne before tagging right back out to McIntyre. McIntyre picks Bourne up to his feet and hits a big clothesline to put him down to the mat. McIntyre focuses on Bourne's shoulder, but Bourne is able to fight out of the hold. Rhodes tags in and goes right to work on Bourne, hitting his rope assisted knee drop.

McIntyre tags back in and gets Bourne into a fireman's carry before bringing him down across his knee, but it's only good enough for two. McIntyre locks in a rear chin lock, and Bourne begins to fight out of it. Bourne hits a kick to McIntyre's leg, but McIntyre hits him with a shoulder block that sends him to the outside. Rhodes pounds on him for a bit before sending him back into the ring. McIntyre locks in another rear chin lock, continuing to wear away on Bourne. Bourne fights up to his feet, and when McIntyre tries for a suplex, Bourne fights out of it and hits a big knee to McIntyre's face. Both men make the tag and Henry and Rhodes are in. Henry takes it to Rhodes with several big clubbing blows before knocking McIntyre off the apron. Henry splashes Rhodes in the corner before hitting a giant gorilla press slam. Bourne tags back in, climbs up onto Henry's shoulders, but McIntyre stops it. Bourne catches McIntyre with a big kick to the head, but he walks right into cross Rhodes. Rhodes pins Bourne and this one is over.

Winners and New WWE Tag Team Champions: Drew McIntyre and Cody Rhodes

- We go to a promo video that shows off Alberto Del Rio with a pre-taped vignette.

- We get a nice video package on the WWE Title to hype tonight's main event.

- We go backstage with Josh Matthews and WWE Champion Sheamus. Josh asks if Sheamus is concerned about tonight. Sheamus says he doesn't look like someone who's concerned. Sheamus doesn't care what anyone has to say. He says tonight will end like every other night does for him – a kick to someone's skull and him leaving with a smile on his face and the WWE Title on his shoulder.

Six Pack Challenge Elimination for the WWE Title: Randy Orton vs. Edge vs. Chris Jericho vs. John Cena vs. Wade Barrett vs. Sheamus

We go to the ring and out first comes the WWE Champion Sheamus. Out next is John Cena and he definitely gets a mied reaction from the crowd. Lots of boo's as Cena heads to the ring. Edge is out next to a big pop from the crowd, bigger than Cena. Chris Jericho comes out next, also to a decent reaction. Out next is Wade Barrett to the lowest reaction of the night. And finally, Randy Orton comes out to the biggest pop of the match. They do formal introductions and here we go.

The bell rings, and it's mayhem as things break down and everyone is just brawling. Please bear with me as this one will be difficult to call. Jericho and Orton are left as the only men in the ring and Jericho pounds on Orton. It doesn't last long though as Cena comes in and he and Jericho stare each other down before trading blows. Jericho pounds on Cena in the corner, but he eats a bulldog in return. Jericho gets an RKO from Orton and Orton pins Jericho for the three. WOW!

Chris Jericho has been eliminated.

The whole match stops as Jericho is eliminated. Jericho is stunned. He takes his time heading to the back, looking shocked and upset. The other Superstars just stare at Jericho as he walks to the back. The match starts again and the RAW stars have Wade Barrett surrounded.

Everyone but Orton jumps Barrett, and even he eventually joins in before Barrett is clotheslined over the top rope by Sheamus and Edge. Orton and Cena toss Edge and Sheamus to the outside and we get an Orton/Cena tease, but Barrett breaks it up. Everyone is back in the ring and Barrett tries to order Sheamus and Edge around, but to no avail. Edge and Sheamus team up on Barrett instead, taking him down with a double shoulder block. Again we're left with Cena and Orton alone in the ring.

Orton goes for the RKO but Cena blocks. Cena goes for the STF but Orton blocks. Orton tries for the rope assisted DDT but he can't get it, Cena tries for the AA but can't get it. Orton and Edge even try to double suplex Cena to the outside but they can't get it done as Barrett pulls them to the outside. Sheamus focuses on Cena in the ring, hitting him with a clubbing blow across the chest before he goes to the outside and focuses on everyone else all at the same time. Sheamus throws Orton into the barricade at ringside before turning back to Cena in the ring.

Sheamus hits a high knee to Cena taking him down to the mat yet again. Sheamus tries for a short arm clothesline, but Cena responds with a series of right hands, only to walk into a high elbow from Sheamus. Sheamus pounds on Cena in the corner and sits Cena on the top turnbuckle facing away from the ring. Sheamus tries for the high cross, but Cena fights it off. Sheamus goes for a super belly to back suplex, but Cena fights that off too. Cena goes for the high leg drop, but Edge pulls him off the top rope. Edge and Sheamus place Cena on the top turnbuckle and go for a double superplex, taking Cena down to the mat hard.

Edge goes for the cover but Sheamus breaks it up inexplicably. Sheamus and Edge continue to team up on the outside of the ring, sending Barrett crashing into a ringside barricade. Sheamus turns to Orton, rolling him back into the ring and pounding away at him. Sheamus tries for a cover but he only gets a two count. Sheamus and Edge both kick away at Orton before Sheamus rolls to the outside and buries his elbow in Orton's throat. Sheamus goes for another cover on Orton, but it's still not enough to hold him down.

Sheamus and Edge pound on Orton in the corner before they both whip him across the ring. Sheamus sends Edge into Orton with an Irish whip, but Orton comes right back, attacking both Edge and Orton. Sheamus is able to cut Orton off with a high clothesline that takes him down to the mat. Barrett tries to get back into the match, but he's sent off the apron with a big shoulder block. Edge and Sheamus turn their attention to each other, and Edge goes for a spear, but Sheamus sidesteps it before hitting a urunage backbreaker.

Sheamus stalks Edge and goes for the bicycle kick, but Edge ducks it and hits a spear. Out of nowhere Cena is in the ring going for an AA on Orton but Orton fights out and gets his with a spear from Edge. Cena hits an AA on Edge and pins him for the three count.

Edge has been eliminated.

Barrett attacks Cena from behind and lays into Cena with a series of big right hands. Barrett tries for the wasteland, but Cena counters out and almost connects with the AA, but Barrett is able to fight out of it. Barrett goes for the cover, but he only gets a two count. Barrett goes out and attacks everyone before coming back into the ring and focusing on Cena. Cena begins to fight back with a big belly to back suplex, and the crowd doesn't really like it. Cena hits the five knuckle shuffle, and tries to get Wade into AA position, but Sheamus breaks it up. Cena locks in the STF on Sheamus, but Sheamus is able to make it to the ropes to force a break.

Nexus make their way down to the ring to distract, and Wade Barrett hits the Wasteland on Cena. Barrett pins Cena and gets the three count.

Cena has been eliminated.

On the outside, Nexus attack and stomp away at Orton, wearing him down before sending him into the ring to Barrett. Barrett stares at Orton with a big smile on his face. Nexus climbs up to the ring apron, surrounding Orton, but Cena comes in with a chair, taking down two members, while Orton RKO's the other two. Barrett tries for the wasteland on Orton, but Orton fights out and hits his signature backbreaker. Orton psyches himself up and hits an RKO, pinning Barrett and getting the three count.

Barrett has been eliminated.

Orton gets to his feet and walks right into the bicycle kick, but Sheamus can't hold him down for three. Sheamus goes for the high cross, but Orton fights out of it. Orton hits the RKO, and pins Sheamus for the three count.

Winner and New WWE Champion: Randy Orton

- After the match, Randy Orton celebrates with the WWE Title in the ring. We go to replays. Orton takes his time celebrating and posing for the fans before we get more replays. Night of Champions goes off the air with Orton, who is all smiles, posing in the corner with the WWE Title."

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