Sunday, September 19, 2010

[TOWWFFC] Re: Night of Champions - 1/2 Way Results - 2 New Champs (Sorry RD)


What? I called it a MONTH ago when this match was announced that Skeletor was going to win it. And I was right.

With women trying to make themselves equal to men, it takes one to sleep her way to the top to get success that she wants.

I'm done! I'm not watching WWE anymore until that whore is gone!

I still got TNA & any other wrestling promotion to watch & I'll keep track of WWE news for the Group & the columns. But as a fan watching the show.


--- In, "FondyMark" <fondy54935@...> wrote:
> WWE Night of Champions PPV Results
> September 19, 2010
> Chicago, Ill.
> Report by James Caldwell, PWTorch assistant editor
> We have a note from the arena that WWE is selling Night of Champions
> t-shirts where the back of the t-shirt says the Hart Dynasty's WWE tag title
> match will be a "tag team turmoil" match. Take it for what it's worth right
> now...
> The PPV opened with a video package recapping that every WWE title is on the
> line tonight. The video slowed down and focused on WWE champion Sheamus,
> then Kane, then the Six-Pack Challengers, then Undertaker. Sheamus holds the
> most-prized possession, the voice-over man said. What does that make Kane's
> World Hvt. Title? The video stopped again to focus on Kane's evilness.
> "Sometimes the desire for a championship pushes one to do the unthinkable,"
> the voice-over man said about Kane. Tonight, is blood thicker than gold?
> Arena: Live inside the building, pyro shot off as they focused on the stage
> with a bright red backdrop and images of all the WWE titles on banners
> hanging from the stage. Michael Cole introduced the show and said history
> will be made. Cole was joined by Jerry Lawler and Michael Striker for
> commentary.
> In-ring: Tony Chimel introduced the first title match of the night for the
> Intercontinental Title. Chimel announced the champion will lose the title
> via count-out or DQ tonight. Suddenly, Vickie Guerrero interrupted with
> Kaitlyn. Guerrero introduced the "current and future Intercontinental
> champion," Dolph Ziggler. Out walked Ziggler with a Chippendale's bowtie to
> complement the silver vest. Guerrero marched out with Ziggler and made sure
> Kaitlyn didn't get the spotlight. Kofi Kingston then came out to challenge
> for the title. Same match to start this PPV as Summerslam last month.
> 1 -- IC champion DOLPH ZIGGLER (w/Vickie Guerrero and Kaitlyn) vs. KOFI
> KINGSTON -- Intercontinental Title match
> Nice feeling-out process to begin things with both men coming to a
> standstill. Kingston then clotheslined Ziggler over the top rope to the
> floor. Kaitlyn was the first one to check on Ziggler, then Vickie stepped in
> to check on her man. Meanwhile, the ref reached a six count, and Ziggler ran
> back into the ring. Vickie sent Kaitlyn to the back during this. They reset
> in the ring and Ziggler cut off Kingston in the corner to establish
> offensive control. The announcers tried to create witty banter as Ziggler
> continued to cut off Kingston. Ziggler then landed a Fameasser and Striker
> noted he was "trying to make him famous." Ziggler re-established control as
> Striker tried to hit the talking point on Ziggler being the
> "college-educated, 21st Century wrestler."
> At 7:00, Ziggler fought back from his knees to escape a reverse chinlock.
> They started trading bombs, then Kingston had to be pulled away by the ref
> when Ziggler reached the corner. Kingston came back with a top rope
> cross-body attempt and Ziggler jumped into the air to make it look good, but
> not real. Kingston scored a nearfall, then went to work with high-flying
> offense. Kingston followed with the Boom Drop before going to the corner to
> do the hand-clap. Ziggler ducked the Trouble in Paradise, but Kingston
> escaped a sleeperhold and hit his swinging SOS maneuver. Kofi had the pin,
> but Dolph put his foot on the bottom rope to break the count just in time.
> Very good nearfall.
> The match moved to the floor where Kingston scoop slammed Ziggler on the
> floor. He then sent Dolph back into the ring and made a cover for a two
> count. Cole noted Kofi should have left Dolph on the outside to get him
> counted out. After a replay, Kofi teased the swinging SOS again, but Dolph
> sprung to life with a sleeperhold. Kofi dropped down to one knee and tried
> to break free, but Dolph maintained control. Kofi eventually broke free to a
> pop and slapped on a sleeperhold of his own. Dolph ran Kofi into the ropes
> to escape, though. Vickie then warmed up a slap, but Dolph yelled at her
> that he's got this. Dolph then turned around and managed to duck Trouble in
> Paradise just in time. Ziggler followed right up with the Zig-Zag and scored
> the pin for the win.
> Post-match: Vickie entered the ring to ruin Ziggler's parade by selling she
> was upset with him for the scolding. Ziggler then raised her arm in the air
> and she smiled. They replayed the finish of the match before showing Dolph
> and Vickie hug it out in the ring. Meanwhile, Cole's infatuation with Vickie
> continued.
> WINNER: Dolph Ziggler at 12:45. Nice story and some strong nearfalls
> throughout the match. They took a while to kick it into second gear, then
> delivered a strong finish. It will be interesting to see who's next for
> Ziggler. (**3/4)
> Backstage: Todd Grisham brought in Edge to talk about the Six-Pack Challenge
> match. Edge told Grisham to go find the other five men and ask them how they
> plan to defeat him. Edge said he shocks people in these situations and he
> will do it again by walking out the new WWE champion.
> In-ring: Tony Chimel gave the audible introduction for C.M. Punk being from
> Chicago, which drew a loud ovation, before Punk came out to face Big Show.
> Striker said it's the hometown advantage vs. Big Show's right hand punch
> tonight. Punk entered the ring and paraded around the ring soaking in the
> cheers. Punk's music stopped and he paused for a loud "C-M Punk" chant. Punk
> took the mic and slowly said, "I love Chicago." He put over various aspects
> of Chicago, but said he hates the inhabitants of Chicago. They cut to a shot
> of fan laughing along with Punk's heel promo. Punk called out everyone, then
> called out the "horrible White Sox." Punk said he is proud to live here in
> Chicago and said the people should be ashamed of themselves. Punk boldly
> said there should be a second Chicago fire and he will rebuild it under the
> SES banner. Punk said he is defiant of Big Show and confident he will run
> Chicago tonight. Punk said he is David and Show can be Goliath. His
> slingshot is the "power of almighty Straight Edge," he said as he lifted his
> fist in the air. Big Show's music then hit and out came Colt Dusty Show (the
> Cabana bandana with the Dusty Rhodes polka-dots). And off we go.
> 2 -- C.M. PUNK vs. BIG SHOW
> Early on, Show landed a big overhand chop that flipped Punk over the top
> rope to the floor. Show then rolled him back in, but Punk booted Show in the
> face to cut him off. Punk tried to win via count-out, but Show slipped back
> in the ring at nine. Punk then landed kick strikes, but Show shoved him
> away, so Punk went for a double axe handle from the second rope. Punk tried
> to stay on Show to keep him on the mat, then went for a springboard move
> from the top rope, but Show smashed him with a mid-air football tackle. Show
> got his second wind, then roared like a bear, waited for Punk to turn
> around, and smashed him with the KO Punch to the face. Show made the cover
> for the win. Post-match: Show sold the ribs selling Punk's offense on the
> way out of the ring. Show clutched his mid-section on the way out as Punk
> remained out cold.
> WINNER: Show at 4:40. They tried to give Punk enough offense to remain
> credibility before the inevitable finish. Time to move on from the program
> after the babyface got the final word. (*1/2)
> Backstage: Josh Mathews brought in a smug Chris Jericho to discuss the
> Six-Pack Challenge. Jericho said his track record is so strong that it was
> only natural the Raw GM put him in the Six-Pack match. Jericho noted he beat
> Steve Austin and The Rock in one night. Also, he beat five other men in the
> Elimination Chamber match earlier this year. Jericho said his goal will be
> eliminate everyone. He vowed to walk out the new WWE champion. Jericho said
> it's not luck, but because he is the best in the world at what he does.
> Ringside: WWE focused on the National Guard members on the front row to give
> them a shout-out. Cole and Striker re-visited the stipulation for Jericho
> that he's done if he doesn't win the WWE Title. Up next is the U.S. Title
> match.
> Video package: WWE recapped the history of Miz vs. Bryan dating back to the
> first season of NXT. After the video, The Miz and Alex Riley came out first.
> Miz was sporting a slick black jacket with the MITB briefcase in hand. Riley
> stood ringside as Miz stood in the ring holding up the case for everyone to
> get a good look at. They focused on Miz as he waited for Daniel Bryan to
> come out as the challenger. Strong reaction for Bryan, who pointed at Riley
> on the way into the ring.
> 3 -- U.S. champion THE MIZ (w/Alex Riley) vs. DANIEL BRYAN -- United States
> Title match
> Bryan teased the LeBell Lock early on, so Miz ducked to the outside for a
> break. Striker put over Bryan's background and training as Bryan landed a
> running kick strike in the ring. Miz then slingshot Bryan's arm across the
> top rope and began working on the left arm. Miz followed with a seated full
> nelson lock to wear down Bryan, who countered into a back slide for a two
> count. Miz suddenly came back with a boot to the upper body and followed
> with elbow strikes to the shoulder to re-establish the advantage. Bryan
> tried to fight back, but Miz cut him off and executed a nice shoulder
> breaker for a two count. Miz then knocked Bryan to the outside and rolled
> him back in for a cover resulting in a nearfall.
> At 6:00, Miz re-applied a shoulder submission as the crowd rallied behind
> Bryan. Miz kicked Bryan in the shoulder, but Bryan fired back by flinging
> Miz to the outside. Bryan then nailed a suicide dive ala Week 1 of NXT on
> Chris Jericho, which Cole noted. Back in the ring, Bryan landed a top rope
> missile dropkick for a two count. Bryan continued to sell the left shoulder,
> then he tried a submission, but Miz kicked him in the shoulder. Bryan came
> right back with another flying kick strike for a two count.
> Miz and Bryan started trading bombs center ring, then Miz landed multiple
> kick strikes in the corner. The ref pulled Bryan away, then Bryan came
> running into the corner with a flying kick strike. Bryan measured Miz and
> landed a KO kick to the face. He made the cover, but Miz kicked out. Bryan
> then took Miz up top and they started trading bombs before Miz crotched
> Bryan across the top rope. Miz then came flying off the top turnbuckle with
> a nice inside-out clothesline. He made a cover, but Bryan kicked out.
> At 9:30, Miz sat down on an innovative submission hold. The camera focused
> in on a big red bump on Bryan's head from leading on his forehead via the
> inside-out clothesline. Bryan refused to tap out, then Miz released the
> hold, got the big eyes, stalked Bryan, and measured him for the
> Skullcrushing Finale. Bryan blocked, though, and rolled through into a close
> two count. Bryan then teased the LeBell Lock, but Riley got on the apron to
> distract. Miz then accidentally smashed Riley and Bryan teased a three count
> on a roll up, but Miz escaped just before three. Miz suddenly snapped and
> landed multiple left hand blows on Bryan before the ref broke it up. Miz
> then walked over to Bryan to follow up, but Bryan slapped on the LeBell
> Lock. Miz fought the hold and reached out looking for a rope, but eventually
> tapped out.
> The crowd popped as Bryan took the title and held it up for the crowd while
> still selling the shoulder. After a replay of the finish, they showed Miz
> selling deep despair as Cole made excuses for Miz's loss. Bryan was shown
> holding up the title on the stage to conclude the segment.
> WINNER: Bryan at 12:28. That was an excellent, high-energy match. Some great
> nearfalls throughout leading to the satisfying finish for the audience that
> has bought into Bryan as a babyface to rally behind. It was the type of
> match Miz needs on his resume to be a top star and it was the type of match
> to confirm Bryan as a future star in WWE. (***3/4)
> Backstage: Mathews brought in John Cena, which drew boos from the crowd.
> Cena ran down the likely percentages of anything and everything possibly
> happening. He said no one really knows if they will win, but the one thing
> they can count on is him giving his best to win.
> In-ring: The Diva lumberjills came out for the Unification Title match. Out
> first was Women's champion Michelle McCool sans Layla, who vowed not to be
> by her side after the rigged draw-out-of-the-hat on Smackdown. Divas
> champion Melina came out next and the brawl started on the outside before
> the match began.
> 4 -- Women's champion MICHELLE McCOOL vs. Divas champion MELINA --
> Unification Title match -- lumberjills ringside
> The match moved to the floor early and often to give the lumberjills camera
> time. The match settled down with McCool on the offensive cutting off
> Melina's comeback teases. Melina eventually had a pinfall, but the ref was
> distracted by the lumberjills ringside. McCool then kicked out in time.
> Again, chaos broke out, the ref lost control, and Layla snuck in the back
> door to give the assist to McCool on winning the unification title match.
> McCool and Layla then took the titles and walked up the ramp to celebrate as
> the babyface lumberjills consoled Melina in the ring.
> WINNER: McCool at 6:36 to become new Unified champion. It will be
> interesting to see what the future of women's wrestling on the Raw brand
> will be. Not that WWE has given them any quality focus over the last few
> years to have a bright future to begin with. (*)
> Backstage: Wade Barrett was pumping himself up for the Six-Pack Challenge
> match to come. Barrett said he's up against five of the very best tonight
> and he'll prove the winds of change are blowing. He said he will become new
> WWE champion.
> Announcers: Cole, Striker, and Lawler plugged the Kane vs. McCool's husband
> match coming up next for the World Hvt. Title. They cued up the full-length
> video package recapping the history of their feud.

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