Wednesday, May 19, 2010

[TOWWFFC] TNA Impact Taping Results (5/20) *Spoilers*


TNA Impact Taping Results (5/20) *Spoilers*
Written by Richard Gray on May 17, 2010 - 9:56:11 PM

TNA Wrestling taped this Thursday's edition of Impact tonight from Universal
Studios in Orlando, Florida. Below are full taping results exclusive to Thanks to our Orlando correspondent Tim Capture for
providing us with text-message updates.

* Jeremy Borash is the ring announcer. Dave Penzer is gone from the company
as Borash handled the announce duties last night at Sacrifice as well.

* They're doing a Make a Wish for a kid named Trent who wanted to compete in
a ring. It's Team 3D & Trent Dunn vs. Beer Money, Inc. Winner after a 3D
through a table with Trent getting the pin, Team 3D & Trent Dunn.

TNA Impact (Airing Thursday on Spike TV):

* The show is starting with a segment in the ring about the top ten

* Eric Bischoff out w/ Ms. Tessmacher. He knows everybody has been waiting
for the #1 contender to the championship. He, Hulk Hogan and Dixie Carter
are the deciding committee and factor in win/losses, previous champions and
fan votes.

10. Samoa Joe
9. Rob Terry
8. Desmond Wolfe
7. The Pope
6. Abyss
5. Mr. Anderson
4. Jeff Hardy
3. AJ Styles
2. Kurt Angle
1. Sting.

* Everybody but Angle came out on the stage as their name was announced.
Sting will face RVD for the title at Slammiversary. Samoa Joe left during
the names being called. Sting came to the ring and Bischoff congratulated
him on wrestling RVD for the title but tonight he'll show he deserved it by
wrestling Jeff Hardy. Sting smashes the signs in the ring with his baseball
bat then says if he, Hogan and Dixie want change so bad he should change how
he walks and then smashes Bischoff's leg with his bat. All the babyfaces go
in for the save but Sting uses the bat to keep them all away. Hardy gets the
bat and gets in Sting's face. Hardy then throws away the bat and Sting gives
Hardy a low blow. RVD comes out and distracts Sting while Hardy recovers and
hits a reverse DDT. Hardy goes up for a Swanton but Sting gets away.

* Roxxi vs. Madison Rayne. Winner via cradle DDT stunner type move, Roxxi.

* Kurt Angle is back and comes to the ring for a promo. He's noticed some
changes since he started here four years ago. He was one of the elite and
one of the best. But with guys like Hardy, RVD and Mr. Anderson around plus
guys who elevated themselves like AJ Styles and even Jay Lethal he's not one
of the best anymore. He says he'd wrestle for free. It was never about the
money, it was about competing and being a winner. He says he'll be a winner
forever. He's at a crossroads now and has accomplished everything you can
do. He's going to start from scratch and take his name off the top 10 list
and wrestle everybody on the list. He promises to have some of the best
matches you'll ever see and that's real, damn real.

* Orlando Jordan is on the catwalk hooked up and ready to rappel down.
Orlando Jordan (after being slowly lowered down) vs. Rob Terry. Terry is
limping and his left leg is heavily bandaged. Hebner called for the bell
while Jordan had Terry in a front ankle lock. I didn't see Terry tap but
Hebner gave the X sign. Jordan wouldn't break the hold and all the referees
rushed into help. Jordan broke the hold but attacked Terry again as he was
being checked and put the ankle lock back on. He broke the hold again and
left. No announcement of who won. Terry got helped to the back by security.

* Beer Money, Inc. vs Jay Lethal (as just Jay Lethal, no Black Machismo) &
Rob Van Dam. Lethal and RVD win after a Lethal figure four leglock to Robert
Roode. Ric Flair came out afterwards and attacked Lethal on the ramp. They
fought to the back as RVD watched on. RVD went around slapping hands with
fans and Sting came out of the crowd and hit him with a chair, beat him up
and then left. Hardy came out afterwards to check on RVD. Hardy gets in the
ring and says he makes his living walking to the beat of a different drum
but no one really knows what's going on in his head. He grew up watching
Sting and now he's in TNA with him. He dares for Sting to figure out what's
in his mind now and says he and his creatures of the night will take him to
the furthest reaches of his imagination.

* Abyss comes out. He says Desmond Wolfe has something, or someone, he owes
to him, so let's do this. Chelsea is brought to the ring with security as
Desmond Wolfe is furious and yelling at security. Abyss says it's quite
ironic because at Sacrifice he made Wolfe his bitch. Tonight he's taking
Desmond's. Wolfe says what we have is a sense of false security. If he
thinks Abyss is taking her he's sorely mistaken and is taking her over his
dead body. He takes out security and low blows Abyss. He takes a bottle out
of Chelsea's bag and breaks it. He uses the jagged bottle to cut Abyss up.
Chelsea is upset and thinks it's too much. Abyss uses the opportunity to
black hole slam Desmond and put Chelsea on his shoulder so he can leave with

* It's Earl Hebner's birthday.

* Eric Young w/Scott Hall and Kevin Nash is out. Young gets on the mic and
says he understands the boos. He's got everything and you have nothing. He's
in the Band and you're not. These are the only guys he respects. Nash is an
ass kicker and gets booed for it. The only people who understand him are
Young and Hall. The Band are here to stay and there's nothing you can do
about it.

* Eric Young w/Scott Hall & Kevin Nash vs. Shannon Moore w/Jesse Neal. Team
3D come out and Jesse Neal goes after them. Nash gets up on the apron and
distracts the ref, giving Nash a chance to hit Moore with his tag belt.
Young then hits a piledriver for the win. After the match, Neal slides into
check on Moore but Bubba takes him out. He slaps Neal in the face and says
he brought him into the business and can take him out. Devon stops him and
says he's overreacting. Brother Ray argues with him and says he's not. They
leave and argue the whole time.

* X Division Battle Royal: Homicide, Amazing Red, Generation Me, Brian
Kendrick, Kazarian and the Motor City Machine Guns. Order of elimination:
Amazing Red, Max Buck, Alex Shelley, Jeremy Buck, Chris Sabin, Homicide and
Brian Kendrick. Winner: Kazarian

* Sting vs. Jeff Hardy. The ref got knocked out. During this Sting went for
a Scorpion Death Drop but Mr. Anderson gave Sting one instead. Hardy made
the cover and got the pin. Anderson tries to celebrate the win with Hardy
but Hardy pushes him away and they argue. Anderson goes into his pose for
the mic to come down but Sting hits him and Hardy with his bat and takes

Xplosion Match:

* Okada vs. Douglas Williams. Winner via Chaos Theory, Douglas Williams.


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