Sunday, August 15, 2010

[TOWWFFC] Final SummerSlam Results


WWE Summerslam PPV Results
August 15, 2010
Los Angeles, Calif. at the Staples Center
Report by James Caldwell, PWTorch assistant editor

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This month's WWE PPV opened with a movie-style intro featuring aerial shots
of Los Angeles at nighttime leading to an overhead shot of the Staples
Center. It looked like the opening of an NBA Finals game. Cue up a video
recap of the build-up to tonight's big matches on the PPV. The voice-over
man ominously recapped Nexus taking apart WWE stars over the last two months
leading to the WWE vs. Nexus elimination match tonight. "What if they
(Nexus) succeed?" was the question lingering in the air.

Arena: They went inside the Staples Center for fireworks and pyro shooting
off. Michael Cole introduced the show by suggesting the "future direction of
WWE" is on the line tonight. Ringside, Cole, Matt Striker, and Jerry Lawler
were assembled to introduce the PPV. Lawler said he's looking for an end to
Nexus tonight. Cole said they're starting with a title match.

In-ring: As expected, the Smackdown brand's IC Title match is starting the
PPV. New Intercontinental champion Dolph Ziggler came out with Vickie
Guerrero, who took the mic. Guerrero tried to do the "Excuse Me!" bit, but
the crowd wasn't into it. She tried to repeat it a few times to draw heat,
but no dice. Awkward pause. Awkward pause. Kofi Kingston's music hit to
interrupt. Rough patch to start things off.

1 -- Intercontinental champion DOLPH ZIGGLER (w/Vickie Guerrero) vs. KOFI
KINGSTON -- IC Title match

Kingston quickly showed off his new aggressiveness and Cole noted he can't
win the IC Title via DQ tonight. Kofi knocked Dolph to the outside, then
attempted a plancha, but Vickie yanked Dolph out of the way for the save.
Kofi barely made it back into the ring, then Dolph went on the attack with
right hands. The announcers continued to focus on Vickie and Dolph's
relationship as Dolph slowed things down. Striker acknowledged the attempt
to "create levity" and they re-focused on calling the match with Dolph
working over Kingston's back and upper neck. Dolph missed with a corner
splash to finally lose control of the match and Kingston fired off a round
of chops. Kingston drew the ref's ire with a succession of right hands from
a mount position, then hit the Boom Drop.

Dolph and Kofi traded nearfalls in rapid-fire fashion. Dolph then "made Kofi
famous," as Striker said, with the Rocker Dropper for a two count. Kofi
tried to come back with the Trouble in Paradise kick, but Dolph ducked and
slapped on the sleeperhold. Suddenly, Nexus stormed the ring from out of
nowhere and ambushed Kingston. Dolph was clotheslined to the floor, leaving
Kofi alone in the ring. Nexus circled around him and Kofi tried to fight
out, but Nexus gang attacked him. Darren Young got the spotlight to hit a
spinning facebuster, then Barrett picked up Kingston to give him his
trademark overhead slam.

Nexus stood over Kingston's fallen body and Barrett took the mic. He said
this is a little taste of what's going to happen tonight. Barrett said Team
WWE is looking for a seventh member right now, but it won't make a
difference because the roster is so fragmented and so divided that they
won't be able to get together long enough to sign a birthday card. Great
line. On the other hand, Barrett claimed Nexus is the most destructive force
in WWE history. He said they're united behind a common purpose. He put
WWE...and the world on notice that they're either Nexus or against us.
Barrett dropped the mic and left the ring.

WINNER: No Decision at 7:05. Another annoying "no decision announced," but
they accomplished an important goal establishing Nexus as a major threat
right off the bat. The match to this point was just okay with the strong
points being the nearfalls at the end. (*)

Backstage: The camera zoomed in on the Money in the Bank briefcase being
held by The Miz. Chris Jericho leaned in and told Miz he has the "talent and
uniqueness" they need tonight against Nexus. Since when has "uniqueness" won
a fight? In that respect, great back-handed complement from Jericho. Miz
smirked at these words from Jericho, then the camera panned left to show
Edge munching on a Slim Jim to echo Jericho's words. Miz said he has a lot
of things on his plate right now - he held up the briefcase - but he'll let
them know. Edge and Jericho conferenced, then Miz stole the Slim Jim from

2 -- Divas champion ALICIA FOX vs. MELINA -- Divas Title match

Divas champion Alicia Fox came out first to defend the title, followed by
Melina returning to her hometown wearing...well...something perhaps from the
Lady Gaga collection. Melina struggled to remove the elaborate wardrobe,
causing a delay before the opening bell. They had a back-and-forth opening
exchange before Melina began selling a knee injury by hobbling around the
ring. Alicia then worked over Melina, who came back with a Thesz Press and
did a primal scream to set up her comeback. Melina then finished off Alicia
to score the pinfall to re-capture the Divas Title she never lost before
going down with an injury in December. They stayed with the moment for a
while as Melina celebrated the victory.

In the post-match, Josh Mathews tried to get an interview with Melina, but
Lay-Cool interrupted, with Layla holding the Women's Title. Lay-Cool slowly
made their way into the ring and tried to verbally tear her down while also
circling around her. A catfight broke out with Melina trying to fight off
Layla, but McCool clobbered her from behind. They knocked Melina to the
outside, then trash-talked her. McCool followed with a big designer-shoe
kick to the gut, knocking Melina into the guardrail.

WINNER: Melina at 5:25 to capture the Divas Title. An awkward match at
times, but the bigger story being perhaps a little foreshadowing for
unifying the two women's titles? It's reasonable considering the lack of
roster depth, injuries, and overall de-emphasis on women's wrestling in WWE.

Night of Champions plug: They plugged next month's PPV with rapid-fire shots
of current champions. ... Ringside: Celebrities in attendance included Trace
Adkins, Marlon Wayans, Michael Clarke Duncan (not pictured), and, well, that
was it. In L.A., that's all they could get?

In-ring: Next up was Straight Edge Society for the handicap match against
Big Show. C.M. Punk led Joey Mercury, Luke Gallows, and Serena to the ring.
Punk was sporting a t-shirt that read "I broke Big Show's hand." Nice. Big
Show then came out sporting a big taped right hand following SES's attack on
his hand during the Smackdown build-up. A medic then walked over to Show and
cut off the tape covering Show's "injured" hand. This got no pop without a
dramatic moment to set up the "reveal" that Show's hand is fine, but Punk
tried to sell concern to get over the reveal.

GALLOWS w/Serena) -- handicap match

Punk tried to form a conference to discuss their strategy, but Show knocked
all the pins down early on. Punk went for comedy grabbing the tag rope while
standing on the apron as Show cleared the ring. The match moved to the floor
where Punk tried to smash Show's hand into the ring steps, but Show
side-stepped him. Show tried to follow with the big frying pan-like chop,
but Punk moved and Show's injured hand ate the ring steps. SES quickly
seized an opportunity to smash Show's hand before taking him back into the
ring to do some more damage.

Big Show made a comeback with a fired-up attack, but Punk cut him off and
landed a high knee in the corner. Punk and Mercury then combined for a
double bulldog, with Show kinda rolling on top of Mercury, who tried to
avoid being squashed. Punk tried to capitalize with elbow strikes to the
arm, but Show lifted Punk in the air. Mercury attempted a top rope dive, but
Show guzzled him. Luke then kicked Show in the gut, sending Punk over the
top rope, then Show double-clotheslined Luke and Joey. Serena helped Punk to
his feet on the floor. Meanwhile, back in the ring, Show chokeslammed Joey
on top of Luke and made the double cover for the pin and the win.
Post-match: Punk and Serena stood on the stage staring back at Show, who
glared at them from inside the ring.

WINNER: Big Show at 6:50. Show gets the win, but Punk survived Show to
continue the program. Basic booking here. Not exactly exciting stuff,
though. (*)

Backstage: World Hvt. champion Kane was standing next to a casket with some
blue lights in the background. Kane talked to the casket about ending Rey
Mysterio's existence. WWE champion Sheamus then walked up to Kane, which
agitated the World champ. (Subtle plugs for Night of Champions here.)
Sheamus said he wants the casket for Randy Orton tonight. Kane sternly said,
"No." Sheamus said they could be unstoppable together, but he's sad to hear
Kane isn't on the same page. He vowed to take Kane's nickname of the "Big
Red Machine," referring to the color of his hair. Kane laughed maniacally
and told Sheamus he has guts - guts that will be spilled out on the floor if
he ever interrupts him again. Sheamus took the warning and walked off.

Announcers: Cole, Lawler, and Striker plugged the WWE Title match coming up
next. The Miz then interrupted and Cole shot a look to the entrance stage.
He suggested he'll make a decision on joining Team WWE or not. Lawler said
he could be cashing in the MITB briefcase. Once in the ring, Miz said the
question is whether he should join Team WWE or not. He polled the audience,
before saying he could "care less" what they think. Miz claimed something
happened before the PPV - John Cena got down on his knees and begged him to
be part of Team WWE. "John Cena literally said I am the only Superstar who
can see him," Miz said about himself. He claimed Hart told him he's the best
there is, was, and ever will be. Miz said Jericho offered him his band
before throwing it in the trash. John Morrison even said he is the Jannetty
of their former tag team and he is the Shawn Michaels - only better. Miz
even claimed Edge gave him a year's supply of Slim Jim. "R-Truth wrote me a
crappy rap," he added. Miz, done with his exaggerated claims, said he is
WWE's only hope against Nexus. Miz said he is the future and a future WWE

Miz got down to Indecision 2010. He said this decision is bigger than LeBron
James's spectacle on ESPN. That drew some boos. Bigger boos were had with
Miz saying James will help defeat the Lakers next season. Miz paused, then
said his answer is...pause...pause...pause...Yes. He said he will join Team
WWE and he will lead them to victory. Miz said the WWE Universe will not be
buzzing about Nexus anymore. He said they also won't be looking up their
hero John Cena, but finally admitting he's The Miz, and he's...Miz
interrupted himself to shout at the audience that they don't get to say his
catchphrase. Miz demanded absolute silence. Miz finished his catchphrase and
his music hit. Overall, very strong promo that was essentially a mid-card
PPV match. He commanded the stage and drew legitimate heat for being way
over-the-top with the claims.

Cole recapped Team WWE having seven men now. He talked up Miz as the
announcers tried to calm him down as his face turned red from waving Miz's
flag. Lawler said he would almost rather lose the match than have Miz win it
for them. Wait, isn't Nexus destined to tear down the entire company, take
over all of McMahon's stock shares, and defeat Linda McMahon in the Senate
race if they win? Striker covered by saying they need everyone they can get
to ensure victory over Nexus because of the threat to take food of their

In-ring: After a video package on the WWE Title match build-up, WWE champion
Sheamus came out to defend the title. After a pause to try to get that
"Cena, Cena" type pre-music chant for Orton, Randy Orton's music hit. Out
came Orton sans wrist tape to get all of his tattoos on-camera. Orton slowly
made his way to the ring as Sheamus held up the WWE Title belt to show Orton
who holds the gold. Orton then posed in the ring as Striker suggested the
history from past Summerslams point to Orton winning. Justin Roberts handled
the formal ring intros, with a strong reaction for Orton and little heat on
Sheamus. The crowd is a bit tepid tonight.

4 -- WWE champion SHEAMUS vs. RANDY ORTON -- WWE Title match

The stipulations are that anyone who outside interferes will be suspended
indefinitely. No word on whether that applies to Nexus, which has been
favored by the anonymous Raw GM. Also, if Orton loses, he goes to the back
of the line. Sheamus did a lot of showboating early on, prompting Orton to
kick him and stomp him into the corner. Orton then clotheslined Sheamus over
the top rope to the outside and rammed him head-first into the announce
table. Orton took him over the guardrail to the front row as the ref applied
a ten count. Orton continued to attack Sheamus, then realized the count
situation and took him back to ringside and back into the ring.

Orton did his classic stomp before knocking Sheamus to the outside again.
Sheamus is taking a beating early on here. Orton then tried to whip Sheamus
into the ring steps, but Sheamus reversed and Orton ate the steps. Orton
sold a shoulder/elbow injury to the right arm before rolling back into the
ring. Sheamus then went on the attack with rapid-fire right hands as the
crowd tried to rally with a "Randy, Randy" chant. Orton tried to come back
with his spike DDT off the middle rope, but Sheamus countered with a back
drop clear over the top rope to the floor. And the match moved back to the
outside. Sheamus rammed Orton into the guardrail two deliberate times before
taking him back into the ring. Sheamus landed a Polish Hammer, then made a
cover for a two count.

At 10:00, Sheamus settled into a rear chinlock. Orton came to his feet and
tried to fight back, but Sheamus countered with a drop toe hold into the
middle turnbuckle. Nice counter. Orton tried another comeback, but Sheamus
cut him off with another Polish Hammer. Sheamus went back to work on the
neck with a submission hold and Orton teased another comeback before hitting
a back drop suplex to escape. Orton and Sheamus came together and started
trading right hand bombs to energize the crowd with boo / yeah chants. Orton
entered full babyface comeback mode with the snap powerslam before cocking
his head to tease the RKO. Not yet, though, as Orton took Sheamus up top and
executed a superplex. Orton made a cover, but Sheamus kicked out in time.

Orton slithered across the ring, then stalked Sheamus. He tried to hit a
clothesline, but Sheamus ducked and hit the Irish Curse backbreaker for
another nearfall. Sheamus teased the Brogue Kick, but Orton was slow to get
to his feet against the ropes. Sheamus, impatient, tried the kick anyways,
but Orton ducked and Sheamus spilled to the outside. Sheamus tried to get
back into the ring, but Orton snapped to attention and dropped him with the
spike DDT off the middle rope. Orton then snapped and "went into that place"
grabbing his face with his hands. Orton pounded the mat to tease the RKO,
but Sheamus shoved Orton off just in time to avoid the RKO. Sheamus made a
cover, but Orton kicked out. Nice nearfall.

Sheamus tried to follow up with the Celtic Cross powerbomb, but Orton
slipped out. Orton teased the RKO, but Sheamus shoved off and nailed the
Brogue Kick for a close nearfall. They finally have the crowd fully engaged
here. Sheamus teased ripping his hair out after the nearfall, then he rolled
to the outside and grabbed a chair. Sheamus tried to enter the ring with the
chair, but ref Jack Doane fought him for control of it. The ref was flung to
the outside in the process, and the ref called for a DQ. Yep, they pretty
much gave away the DQ finish on Raw last Monday. Sheamus smiled down at the
ref after he called for the DQ.

Post-match: Still in the ring, Sheamus measured Orton for a chair shot as
Orton slowly made his way to his feet. Orton ducked, though, then kicked
Sheamus with a deliberate strike to the groin. Orton then slowly picked up
the chair, but dropped it on the mat and rolled Sheamus to the outside.
Orton's IED kicked in and he started clearing the announce table. Orton put
Sheamus on the announce table and stared down at Sheamus. He shot him a
sinister smile, then RKO'ed Sheamus onto the announce table. No table break.
Orton's music hit and that was that. He walked away from ringside after
being declared the victor, then his music stopped. Roberts announced Sheamus
as still being WWE champion, which drew a smattering of boos. A medic helped
Sheamus recover after taking the RKO on the table. Sheamus sold and sold and
sold before flinging the medics away to try to stand up on his own. No Miz

WINNER: Orton via DQ at 18:56; Sheamus retained the WWE Title. Methodical
ten-minute opening, then a strong second-half finally getting the crowd
engaged. The DQ finish was expected based on the Raw hype and Orton's chase
for the title continues. It likely wasn't the finish most WWE fans were
looking for, though, after a so-so first hour. (**3/4)

Legendary plug: They aired a trailer for John Cena's Legendary movie due out
next month. ... Ringside: Cena's co-star, Devon Graye, was shown ringside.

Up next: World Title match. Despite all the TV time for caskets recently,
it's not a casket match. They aired a lengthy video package on the build-up
to Kane vs. Rey Mysterio for the World Title.

In-ring: Rey Mysterio came out first for the World Title match. Cole and
Lawler debated the accusations from Kane and Rey against each other on who
took out The Undertaker. Cole tried to lay out a scenario where Mysterio
could have taken out Taker and put him in a vegetative state. He suggested
Rey needed to devise a plan to get back into the title picture. Striker and
Lawler sided with Rey that he wouldn't take this route. Kane then came out
and walked up to a casket on the stage. Kane rolled the casket down to
ringside. But, it's not a casket match. Kane opened the casket and smirked
at Rey. Striker gave a ten-second recap of the "Taker & Kane as brothers"
storyline from years ago before Tony Chimel handled the formal ring intros.

5 -- World Hvt. champion KANE vs. REY MYSTERIO -- World Hvt. Title match

Kane landed early offense, but Rey won a cat & mouse game on the outside,
including a running splash off the apron. Back in the ring, Kane took
control with power offense overcoming Rey's speed. Back on the outside, Kane
rammed Rey back-first into the ringpost before rolling him back into the
ring. And back inside the ring they went where Kane went to work on Rey
trying to wear him down. Striker channeled Jesus's speech to the disciples
about Rey's spirit being stronger than his flesh taking Kane's punishment to
enhance the story of the match. And back to the outside they went where Rey
gained a brief advantage. He rolled Kane back into the ring before going to
the top turnbuckle for a flying head-first dive. The result was a two count.
Kane then went back to work on Rey and continued to wear him down. Kane was
pretty humorous channeling Tyson Kidd and Chris Jericho talking trash in the
middle of a submission hold telling Rey to give up and avoid further

At 9:20, Kane went up top, but Rey cut him off. With the crowd dead quiet,
tone-deaf Cole said the crowd is on the edge of their seats here. Striker
corrected him that they're in an "uncomfortable hush" anticipating what's
going to happen. The match reset with Rey going up top with a sentaun that
connected. Rey followed with a spinning DDT for a two count. Rey then hit a
springboard guillotine leg drop to the back of the head for another two
count. Rey followed with right hands, followed by a kick strike to the face
for another two count. Rey went up top, but Kane countered with a mid-air
uppercut for another nearfall.

Kane walked over to the casket and opened the lid. He teased a chokeslam,
but Rey blocked and set up the 619. Kane grabbed him to block, though, and
teased a chokeslam, but Rey fell into the casket. Rey fought out of the
casket, then missed with a second 619 attempt. He connected on the third 619
attempt, though. Rey tried a springboard splash, but Kane blocked. Rey tried
a roll-up anyways, but Kane kicked out. Kane then blasted Rey with a boot to
the face. He proceeded to drop Rey with a chokeslam and he made the cover
for the win.

WINNER: Kane at 13:30 to retain the World Hvt. Title. Sluggish match,
uninterested crowd, and a solid final two minutes was the story here. The
casket was a decent prop to include in the match to enhance the finish. (**)

Post-match: Rey took the mic and talked down to Rey, who was on the mat
selling. Kane told Rey he will pay for what he did to his brother with
eternal suffering. Kane leaned in close to Rey to tell him he will be
surrounded by darkness within the casket. Kane tried to put Rey in the
casket, but Rey fought him off. Kane landed another chokeslam, then a third
in total. Kane followed with a Tombstone Piledriver planting Rey into the
mat. Kane then dragged Rey across the ring, opened the casket, and there was
The Undertaker. The crowd popped.

Kane freaked out, backed up, and Taker slowly sat up. He looked very aged
sans make-up, selling the "vegetative state" bit. He looked very "Mean Mark"
here. Taker stumbled into the ring like Frankenstein, still selling the
effects, apparently. Taker stared at Kane, who smiled and told him it was
Mysterio. Taker leaned down and gave Mysterio a message, with some coughing.
He asked Rey why he did it. "I swear, I swear, it wasn't me," Rey quietly
said. Taker said he believes him. He then grabbed Rey around the throat and
pulled him up. Kane smiled in the background, not privy to the conference in
the corner.

Taker did the throat slash toward Rey, then turned around and shot Kane "the
look." Kane shook his head that he didn't do it. Taker did a Hogan point,
then grabbed Kane around the throat. Kane met his grip, though, and grabbed
Taker around the throat. The "brothers" had a struggle, then Kane
overpowered Taker, who Striker noted has been in a vegetative state. Kane
landed a Tombstone Piledriver on Taker to win this particular battle. His
pyro shot off, then he took the World Title and walked off, leaving Taker in
the ring struggling to collect himself. Kane did his maniacal laugh on the
stage as the announcers suggested this confirms Kane took out Taker. Striker
asked what revenge Taker will seek on Friday's Smackdown.

Smackdown on Syfy: A TV spot aired with WWE wrestlers battling in slow
motion with local independent wrestlers from Southern California. They're
planting a seed for the Smackdown move to Syfy in October.

WWE Week video: They recapped Summerslam in Los Angeles with clips of
wrestlers on George Lopez, various charitable appearances, and A-to-D-List
celebrities interacting with WWE wrestlers.

Backstage: They showed Nexus walking down the hallway in preparation for the
main event elimination match. This was followed by a lengthy video package
on the build-up to the main event tonight, with Team WWE teasing dissension
on Raw leading to the PPV.

In-ring: Nexus came out to the ring first for the main event. As former WWE
writer Dave Lagana pointed out on Twitter, they were in "Flying V"
formation. They're certainly close enough to Anaheim.

After a pause, John Cena's music hit and Cena came out sporting L.A. Lakers
yellow and gold colors. A new color scheme following John Deere and Miami
Dolphins or just appropriate for Staples? We'll see. Cena came out alone and
stood in the entrance ramp staring into the ring where Nexus was ready for a
fight. Edge was out next to back up Cena. Edge got the babyface pyro
blast-off before joining Cena ringside. R-Truth came out next, then Chris
Jericho came out fourth. Jericho was well-tanned for the occasion. The
announcers noted Jericho being the Pro for Wade Barrett on NXT Season One.
John Morrison came out fifth and Striker noted Morrison getting his WWE
start on Tough Enough. Bret Hart's music hit next to bring out Hart as the
sixth member of the team. Sunglasses, leather jacket, t-shirt, jean shorts,
and black shoes. And everyone waited for the star of the show, The Miz.

Before Miz could join the team, though, Cena cut off his music and told him
he's way, way, way too late. Cena said they realized how important this
match is to WWE and they couldn't rely on someone making his decision the
day of Summerslam. So, they went out and found a seventh member. "It's not
you," Cena told him. He said it's someone who hates Nexus just as much as
all of them. Cena said it's... Daniel Bryan. Cena dropped the mic and Bryan
walked past Miz and joined Team WWE to charge the ring. Cole snapped at the
idea of Cena replacing Miz with Bryan. He called it a huge mistake. Team WWE
cleared Nexus to the outside, then Nexus regrouped as the announcers
recapped the storyline write-off with Bryan sympathizing with Team WWE when
he was kicked out of Nexus.

6 -- TEAM WWE vs. TEAM NEXUS -- Elimination tag match

After everyone settled down, Danielson and Darren Young started things off.
Striker noted it's Daniel Bryan and Darren Young in the main event of
Summerslam. Danielson slapped on an early Crossface and Young, the weak link
in the group, tapped out less than one minute in. Hot start for Danielson.
Team WWE started trading tags in and out as Cole continued to try to knock
the Danielson decision. Morrison then hit Starship Pain on Michael Tarver
and eliminated him at 3:34. Team WWE up 7-5.

Nexus regrouped on the outside and Wade Barrett talked them up trying to get
their heads back in the game. Skip Sheffield was next in there for Nexus
against Morrison. Skip dominated Morrison as the crowd chanted for Bret
Hart. J-Mo then fought back, but Gabriel smashed Morrison from behind on the
ring apron. Skip then nailed his signature clothesline to score a pin on
Skip for the win. R-Truth was in next and Skip quickly eliminated him with
another big clothesline. And they're even at 5-5.

Chris Jericho entered next and Sheffield tagged in Barrett, who worked on
his NXT Pro. Good focus on Skip in this sequence. David Otunga then tagged
in and worked on Jericho a bit before Nexus began tagging in and out.
Jericho broke free and made his way to Bret Hart, who tagged in. Heath
Slater also tagged in for Nexus. Hart looked sharp early with right hand
punches, then some serious rapid-fire blows in a corner mount. Hart landed a
punch to the gut, then a classic elbow. He followed with a scoop slam, then
another classic elbow drop. Hart picked up Slater, then a classic atomic
drop into a clothesline. Hart teased the Sharpshooter in front of Nexus,
then a chair was suddenly slid into the ring. Hart picked it up and cracked
the chair over Slater's back, prompting a DQ. Hart blamed Barrett for
rolling the chair into the ring. The ref wouldn't take the excuse and Cena
watched with concern as Hart walked out of the ring. Overall, strong
performance from Hart. Well done.

They reset with Skip taking the Codebreaker from Jericho. Edge then measured
Skip for the Spear and he connected. Skip is gone and they're even at four.
Justin Gabriel tagged in next and Edge worked him over. Gabriel then came
back with a step-up kick and made a cover for a nearfall. Slater was in next
and he stomped away on Edge. Wade Barrett then tagged in and pounded on
Edge, who took a beating for a few minutes. Edge broke free from Barrett
with a kick to the head and Cena begged for a tag from the apron. Barrett
cut him off with a neckbreaker, though, and Nexus resumed control. David
Otunga begged for a piece of Edge and Otunga entered the ring. Otunga wanted
his dominator finisher, but Edge countered with a faceplant.

Edge crawled over to his corner and tagged in Jericho, who came in fresh
with offense for Otunga. Jericho landed a running bulldog, Otunga positioned
himself, and Jericho landed a Lionsault across the ring. Jericho pumped the
crowd, then slapped on the Walls of Jericho. Jericho nearly dropped the hold
trying to apply it, but he re-synched it and Otunga tapped out at 19:15. WWE
up 4-3 now. Slater was in next. Jericho took control, but then accidentally
bumped Cena off the apron when Slater shoved him. Slater followed with his
finisher on Jericho and he was gone at 20:05.

Edge and Cena proceeded to yell and scream at each other due to the Jericho
situation. Edge shoved him, but Cena backed up to the ring apron to avoid a
fight breaking out. Edge kept trying to yell at him, so Slater rolled up
Edge and scored a pin at 20:40. Afterward, Edge and Jericho trash-talked
Cena and beat him on the outside, blaming Cena for their eliminations. Cole
proceeded to cut a promo on Daniel Bryan, with it down to Cena and Bryan vs.
three Nexus members. Cena was rolled into the ring and Nexus began picking
apart Cena. Cena then fought back and teased a comeback, but Barrett cut him
off with a clothesline for a two count. Cena teased another comeback on
Gabriel, but Gabriel cut him off. The crowd started a dueling chant of
"Let's go Cena" and "Cena sucks" as Nexus continued to work on Cena, Cole
continued to rip Bryan, and Bryan continued to look for a tag from the

Cena made a comeback as Striker hyped Daniel wanting this opportunity to
defend WWE. Cole said the entire future of WWE could be resting on Bryan's
shoulders. Cena teased a tag to Bryan, but Nexus cut off Cena again. Cena
then exploded out of the corner with a clothesline and Slater responded with
a clothesline. After the double knock down, Cena teased another tag to Bryan
and finally got the tag in. Bryan came in hot with flying offense on Slater,
followed by a German Suplex. Bryan nailed a big dropkick before landing
multiple kick strikes in the corner. Bryan then knocked down Slater, showed
fire, and charged the ropes with a big flying suicide dive. Decent response
from the audience thus far. The males chanted, "Daniel Bryan," as he
re-entered the ring with a top rope missile dropkick on Slater. Daniel
knocked the Nexus members off the ring apron. Slater then tried a roll-up,
but Daniel rolled out into a Crossface. The crowd popped and Slater tapped
at 29:00.

After the fall, Daniel called for one of the remaining two members of Nexus.
The ref was occupied with Slater, though, and Miz stormed the ring with
briefcase in hand. Miz blasted Daniel from behind with the MITB case and
Barrett pinned Daniel for the elimination. There's your set up for Miz vs.
Bryan on Raw. So, it's Cena vs. Barrett and Gabriel. Cena was selling on the
outside, so Barrett rolled Cena back into the ring for Gabriel to go to
work. Cena avoided a corner attack, though, and made his big comeback. Cena
hit the sit-out slam, then set up the Five Knuckle Shuffle. Cena connected,
then Barrett blind-tagged in from behind. Barrett pounded on Cena with right
hand blows before kicking him in the head.

At 32:00, Barrett and Gabriel began trading tags in and out working on Cena.
They're nearing the top of the hour and Barrett knocked Cena to the outside.
Barrett and Gabriel then removed the ringside padding to expose the concrete
on the floor. The crowd was "hushed" as Barrett slowly picked up Cena.
Barrett smiled before executing a DDT on the floor. Barrett seemed to take
the worst of it, coming up holding his back. Barrett then picked up Cena and
rolled him back into the ring. Barrett placed Cena in the corner, then he
tagged in Gabriel to hit the trademark 450 Splash. In came Brad Lidge for
the close, but he blew the save with Cena moving out of the way. Cena then
made the cover at 34:52 and Gabriel is gone. Barrett tried to come right in
with a roll-up, but Cena countered into an STF. Barrett fought the hold, but
he eventually tapped out, giving Cena the win for Team WWE.

Post-match: Cena held his head to continue selling before he came to his
feet. They replayed high points from the match, including Bryan's big night.
Of course, Cole blamed Bryan for getting himself eliminated. They cut back
to Cena in the ring celebrating. Cena did the big "pump up the crowd"
celebration before leaning on the ropes to celebrate the victory. They went
off the air at 9:58 CST.

WINNERS: Team WWE at 35:18. Very strong main event that pushed the PPV to a
very mild thumbs up. They established Daniel Bryan as a star in his return,
showing off his offense and setting up a likely U.S. Title feud with The
Miz. As for the booking, it was surprising to see WWE play the "Daniel Bryan
return" card when they could have stretched it out longer. Also, it was
curious booking to see Team WWE get the first win in the battle with Team
Nexus. At this point in the PPV, they almost had to end with a babyface
victory after Rey lost, Orton didn't win the WWE Title, and Dolph kept the
IC Title. It will be very interesting to see how WWE gets Nexus's heat back
after this. (****)

Order of Elimination:
(1) Darren Young via Danielson at 0:42.
(2) Michael Tarver via Morrison at 3:34.
(3) John Morrison via Sheffield at 7:31.
(4) R-Truth via Sheffield at 7:58.
(5) Bret Hart DQ'ed at 12:05.
(6) Skip Sheffield via Edge at 13:12.
(7) David Otunga via Jericho at 19:15.
(8) Chris Jericho via Slater at 20:05.
(9) Edge via Slater at 20:40.
(10) Slater via Danielson at 29:00.
(11) Danielson via Barrett (w/Miz assist) at 29:32.
(12) Gabriel via Cena at 34:52.
(13) Barrett via Cena at 35:18.

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