Sunday, August 8, 2010

[TOWWFFC] Hardcore Justice - 1/2 Way Results


TNA Hardcore Justice Results
August 8, 2010
Orlando, Fla.
Report by James Caldwell, PWTorch assistant editor

-- Tonight's ECW-themed PPV will feature TNA World Hvt. champion Rob Van Dam
vs. Sabu in a non-title match. Sabu is replacing Jerry Lynn, who was
originally scheduled to face RVD on tonight's PPV. Also announced is Tommy
Dreamer vs. Raven with Mick Foley as special referee.

The PPV opened with a slideshow-style video package with ECW Original photos
of Tommy Dreamer, Brother Devon, Raven, Brother Ray, Rhino, Dreamer again,
Al Snow, RVD, Taz vs. Sabu, Mick Foley, Sandman, Stevie Richards, and shots
of the exterior of the ECW Arena in Philadelphia. They mixed in recent
photos and close-up shots

Impact Zone: They went live to the arena where it looked like it was
Halloween with some dark lighting and blue lights in the arena. Taz was
introduced first to hype the PPV. He said he's looked into the eyes of the
"extreme athletes who are going to perform for you tonight and it's going to
get extreme." He said that desire is in their eyes tonight. Taz paused for
an "E-C-W" chant before mocking criticism of what some people believe ECW
was. Taz claimed ECW revolutionized "this friggin' business" and said they
were the "true renegades of this industry...and that's a shoot." He said he
has a message to the folks who want to piss on what ECW did. "You don't get
it, you're never going to get it, so you might as well kiss my ass," he said
into the camera. Taz did his signature catch phrases before sending it back
to ring announcer Stephen Deangelis.

In-ring: Cue up FBI's theme music to bring out Tracy Smothers, Little Guido,
Tony Luke, and Big Sal E. bringing up the rear. It's six-man tag to start.
Kid Kash then came out first for the other side of the team. Tenay noted
Kash's history in TNA and ECW. Out next were Simon Diamond and Johnny
Swinger as Kash's partners. Deangelis handled formal ring intros, including
introducing Big Sal E. as residing in Snookie's poolhouse on the Jersey

SMOTHERS & TONY LUKE & LITTLE GUIDO w/Big Sal) -- six-man tag match

The bell sounded and the lights were turned down so they were nearly
wrestling in the dark. They couldn't interject some artificial smoke so they
looked like they were in a "smoky arena?" Tenay noted there are certain
"names and initials" they aren't legally allowed to use, so they're going to
let the audience fill in the blanks. Smothers and Diamond tagged in after
the smaller wrestlers started things off. Taz noted Diamond looks like he's
about "three diamonds," with Diamond looking heavy.

Diamond rolled to the outside and grabbed a mic. "Simon has a problem," he
said, which drew a "Shut the f--- up" chant. Diamond suggested they have an
extreme dance-off right now. Diamond asked for the DJ, which prompted
Swinger to do a horrible dance. Diamond did the robot. Taz said it's like
Elaine from Seinfeld. Smothers took the mic and said Michael Jackson just
rolled over in his grave. Smothers asked for some music of his own and FBI
proceeded to dance. Sal E. joined the dance party as well. I can't believe
this is airing on pay wrestling television in 2010. Diamond eventually ended
the party by knocking Smothers to the outside, but Sal clotheslined the
heels to the outside. A brawl broke out on the floor, then Kash went running
off the referee's back for a flip dive onto everyone on the outside.

Back in the ring, the action resumed with back-and-forth action. All six men
ended up sprawled in the ring. Diamond then proceeded to execute two
suplexes and a faceplant suplex consecutively. A rapid-fire series of moves
were executed before they went to the finish where Guido hit the Killswitch
on Diamond for the pin and the win. Post-match: Diamond collected himself as
Kash and Swinger contemplated their loss.

WINNERS: FBI at 10:45.

Announcers: Taz and Tenay were shown on-camera. Taz suggested Tenay might be
a bit out of place tonight. Tenay said he's not here to imitate Joey Styles.
He said he's here as Mike Tenay, the fan and student of the game. Taz said
he knows Joey Styles would give Tenay a stamp of approval tonight. Tenay and
Taz then talked about Jerry Lynn being scratched from the line-up tonight
and TNA booking RVD vs. Sabu tonight. Tenay and Taz sent it to a "Where Are
They Now" video package.

Where Are They Now: Tod Gordon. Gordon was shown on-camera addressing a
camera. In a separate shot, Pitbull Gary Wolfe was shown driving. In a
separate shot, Blue Meanie was shown doing his dance. Back to Gordon again
saying he's doing this promo from the office where the formation of ECW
began. He thanked the audience for making this possible. Wolfe said he had
"prior commitments" and couldn't be there. Meanie thanked TNA, especially
Dixie Carter. He's figured this out. They aired final words from Gordon,
Wolfe, and Meanie.

Video package: A.J. Styles was shown on-camera talking about The Sandman vs.
Raven feud. He referenced Sandman taking repeated cane shots from Raven. He
said Dreamer is either the stupidest or toughest wrestler in the world.
Velvet Sky talked about catching the tail-end of ECW in Toronto.

Backstage: Al Snow was talking to Head that you can't chant "those three
letters" and they can't afford any more legal problems. Stevie Richards
interrupted Snow to tell him to calm down. In walked Super Nova doing the
mock Hogan gimmick with the blue gear and black spray-on beard. Next was one
of the Phi Delta Slam members dressed up like Blue Meanie. "We can't even
afford the real one?" Richards asked. It's the PDS member on the production
team who runs water to Dixie Carter during each TNA PPV. The other BWO
members walked off, leaving fake Meanie in the locker room.

In-ring: C.W. Anderson came out for the next match. 2 Cold Scorpio was out
next wearing an all-black jump suit. Tenay noted they could have used
Scorpio in the first match of the PPV.


Tenay said this match is a representative of the different styles ECW
offered that weren't just "hardcore matches." Taz referenced Paul Heyman as
the man who ran the show and wanted to give the audience a different mix.
Scorpio executed an early dropkick that sent Anderson to the outside, then
Scorpio followed with a corkscrew splash on the floor. Back in the ring,
Anderson and Scorpio traded offense and pinfall attempts. Scorpio hit a 449
Splash (came up short of executing a full turn) for a nearfall, then
Anderson came back with a Double A-style spinebuster for a two count.
Scorpio then went back up top and hit a big moonsault with an extra
revolution for a leg drop across the throat. Scorpio with the pin for the
win. After the match, Scorpio pulled Anderson back into the ring and shook
his hand for "mutual respect."

WINNER: Scorpio at 6:48. Scorpio looked sharp in the ring. Good performance.
Anderson didn't stand out, as the match was about Scorpio. (**)

Video package: KO champion Madison Rayne was shown in a video talking about
the similarities between ECW and TNA. Matt Morgan was shown next. He talked
about bouncing at a bar when ECW ran a show and people came in by the drones
to see that. Morgan said he talked to the guys after that and that stood out
in his mind. Mr. Anderson said wrestling was a "PG product and campy" at the
time before "that company" brought something different.

Backstage: RVD was on the couch with Bill Alfonso. He said just the thought
of him against Jerry Lynn one more time has him stoked. He said he knows
Lynn has been training for the return match as well. RVD said Lynn must have
been training too hard and he won't be able to make it tonight. He said he
gave a lot of serious thought on who should replace Lynn. RVD walked through
his decision-making arriving at Sabu. Alfonso struggled to put together two
sentences before RVD asked Alfonso what side he's going to be on tonight.
Alfonso vowed to call it right down the middle. Better finish to the promo
from Fonzie before he blew his whistle at RVD.

In-ring: Justin Credible came out for the next match. They're billing him as
P.J. Polanco. Tenay and Taz talked about the history of the Impact Players,
with Lance Storm. Stevie Richards came out next, flanked by Super Nova and
fake Meanie. Taz noted Richards being a fitness freak, which is why he'll be
one of the more in-shape wrestlers on the PPV tonight. The fans chanted
"Justin Credible" during his formal ring intro. Richards's "managers" were
introduced as Hollywood Nova and Blue Tilly, who drew boos. Richards
shrugged that off before he was cheered during his intro.


The match moved to the floor early on where Credible landed a suplex on the
padding. Credible followed with a slingshot plancha before rolling Richards
back into the ring. Credible and Richards battled in the corner before
Richards flung Credible over the top rope onto the ring steps. Back in the
ring, the camera opted to zoom in at the wrong time with Credible calling
moves and Richards's right hand jabs leaving light. Richards then hit a
sit-out powerbomb for a two count. Richards went to the second rope for a
smash, but Credible hit a standing kick to block. Credible then talked trash
to Richards, who answered with a big Stevie Kick on Credible for the pin and
the win. Richards celebrated as Taz suggested the ring rust for Credible
might have affected him.

WINNER: Richards at 6:33. Fine match. (*1/2)

Post-match: Credible grabbed a Singapore cane and blasted Richards with
multiple cane shots to the back. The lights then went out. Lights back on
and The Sandman was standing there with his gut hanging out. Sandman smirked
at Credible, who turned to the ceiling. Credible tried a cane shot, but
Sandman side-stepped and hit a Russian legsweep. Sandman then hit a cane
shot to the head. Of course. Head shot. Sandman then broke his cane in
pieces and stood over Credible's fallen body.

Where Are They Now: Francine. She said she couldn't make it due to her new
role as a wife and mother. Francine gave a shout-out to the boys in the
locker room, Paul Heyman, and the fans for helping her have a 15-year run.
Good to see she's moved on and appears to be doing well.

Announcers: Tenay and Taz talked on-camera about Francine being "hardcore"
back in ECW. They talked about the atmosphere in the building and mentioned
fans coming to TNA from around the world. Tenay then sent it to a video
acknowledging the wrestlers who have died since the Original ECW. It was a
basic message thanking the wrestlers who came before them. No mention of

In-ring: Brother Runt, dressed as Little Spike Dudley, came out for the next
match. Al Snow was out as his opponent. Snow had Head with him, which
prompted shots of the fans in the crowd also waving Head around. Rhino then
came out next as Tenay noted Rhino being the last champion in the Original

threat, elimination-style match

Rhino measured Runt for an early Gore, but Snow grabbed his foot from the
outside. Taz told a story on Runt coming to ECW back in the day trying to
get into the business through ECW's training school. On the floor, Rhino and
Snow launched Spike halfway across the entrance floor to get a pop. Back in
the ring, Snow and Rhino battled while Spike tried to find himself. They
proceeded to cut to a shot of about five or six TNA wrestlers backstage
watching the action. Spike then re-entered the ring and three-way action
broke out again. Snow then played a trick on the ref before Runt dropped
Snow with an Acid Drop for a three count. Snow is gone at 5:52. Rhino
proceeded to Gore Spike out of his boots seconds later. Rhino made the pin
for the win.

WINNER: Rhino at 6:01. About what you would expect with plenty of spots
using Spike's size for some comedy. Rhino, as expected, picked up the win.


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