Wednesday, August 11, 2010

[TOWWFFC] SmackDown Spoilers (8/13/10 aka Friday the Thirteenth)


WWE Smackdown TV taping report
August 10, 2010
San Jose, Calif.
Report by Trent, PWTorch reader

Dark Match: Alberto Del Rio beat JTG via submission. Del Rio won with an
armbar in a fairly quick match. Del Rio is supposed to officially debut on
Smackdown next week.

After the NXT TV taping, they switched the ring over to the blue ropes and
taped Superstars first.

Superstars TV taping for Thursday, August 12

(1) Chavo Guerrero beat Chris Masters. Chavo won with the frog splash.

Michelle McCool came out with Women's champion Layla and Kaval. This was
followed by Kelly Kelly coming out to face McCool sans Tiffany.

(2) Michelle McCool beat Kelly Kelly with the Faith Breaker (Styles Clash).
On a side note, Lay-Cool's belt that was cut in half looked plastic, as if
it were a $15 replica from the WWE store. It looked lame, in my opinion.

WWE Smackdown taping for Friday, August 13

They changed the ring apron from Superstars to Smackdown and did the
show-opening pyro, which was extremely loud live. Vickie Guerrero started
the show off in the ring, and she was booed out of the building. She
introduced the new Intercontinental champion and her boyfriend, Dolph
Ziggler. They talked about going to Tahiti to celebrate his first singles

Kofi Kingston hit the ring and started beating down Dolph. The referees came
out to break it up, followed by Teddy Long. Teddy said for Vickie and Dolph
to cancel their travel plans, because it's going to be Dolph vs. Kofi at
Summerslam for the IC Title. Teddy also announced that the Smackdown main
event would be Dolph vs. Rey Mysterio. Vickie became upset and said if Dolph
had to wrestle tonight, so should Kofi, so she booked Kofi vs Kane. Teddy
started saying she was only the consultant, and she had no power, but Kofi
cut him off and said he wasn't a coward like Dolph and would face
Kane...right now.

(1) World Hvt. champion Kane beat Kofi Kingston in a non-title match.
Everyone left the ring as Kane came out. It was a relatively short match. It
ended when Kofi went to the top rope, but Kane chokeslammed him off the top,
then hit a Tombstone. Kane cut a promo after the match about how Rey was
desperate and that's why he (Rey) took out The Undertaker. Rey came out to
cut Kane off and said Kane had the most to gain by attacking Taker.

(2) "Dashing" Cody Rhodes beat Christian. Rhodes won with Cross Rhodes in a
decent match.

(3) Big Show beat three jobbers in a three-on-one match. C.M. Punk and the
Straight Edge Society watched from the stage. Show won after chokeslamming
two guys, and hitting the last guy with a KO punch to show Punk he could
still use his hand. After the match, Luke Gallows started talking. In a
hilarious moment, Punk asked him, "Who gave you a mic?" Punk then cut a
promo hyping SES vs. Show for Summerslam. Punk is awesome on the mic.

(4) Drew McIntyre beat Matt Hardy. Yes, McIntyre vs. Hardy for the millionth
time was next. McIntyre won after he smashed Hardy's ankle with the steel
steps, then hit the Futureshock DDT. Hardy had to be helped to the back

Jack Swagger came out next and talked about all his problems, but MVP cut
him off. MVP said at this time last year, he was beating Swagger
convincingly at Summerslam. Swagger attacked MVP and threw him to the
outside. Apparently this was going to be a match from the start because
Swagger eventually rolled MVP back in the ring and the bell rang to begin
the match.

(5) MVP beat Jack Swagger. It was mostly a one-sided beating by Swagger, but
MVP surprisingly won with a roll-up out of nowhere.

(6) Rey Mysterio beat Intercontinental champion Dolph Ziggler in a non-title
match. About halfway through the match, Rey had Dolph set up for the 619,
but Kane's pyro went off and he came out with a casket. Rey eventually won
with a roll-up, with Kane watching from ringside. When the match finished,
Kane immediately hopped on the apron, but Rey fought him off, and eventually
knocked him into the casket. Kane quickly got out and bolted up the ramp to
end the show.

After Smackdown went off the air, they set up Kane vs. Rey vs. Swagger in a
triple threat cage match. They brought out the cage in eight pieces and
connected it all together. It looked, and was, much less stable than the
cages they normally use.

Post-SD Dark Match: World Hvt. champion Kane beat Rey Mysterio and Jack
Swagger in a three-way steel cage match to retain the World Hvt. Title. A
fun match, with two funny spots. First, Rey had Kane and Swagger both set up
for the 619, but he said, 'nah,' and started to climb the cage. Kane and
Swagger both went over, and all three were on the top rope, and one by one,
each one got crotched. Once all three were next to each other, they fell
over one by one. Pretty funny. The finish came when Kane threw Rey into the
cage and he hit Swagger with a chokeslam for the win.

Post-match: Kane tried to go after Rey again, but Rey reversed him and got
in some offense to end the show. It was my first live show, and it was a
really awesome experience. I can't wait to go again.

Biggest Pop: Rey Mysterio.

Most Heat: Vickie Guerrero and Michael Cole.

Best Match: Miz vs. Morrison from NXT.


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