Safe PICS For All Ages, Rated G
- Members of Peckers Pics should join our President Barack Obama group . (Health Care & Gay Rights, Gay Marriage, Repeal DOMA &, Don't Ask Don't Tell) group/ObamaBiden 2008/join - Bearhug Submission - Roommates (Wrestling fiction)http://groups.(Your Yahoo Profile must have Age, Gender, Location before you apply for membership!). group/BearhugSub mission_/ join
Take Action:
- Boycott advertisers of Glenn Beck on Fox News as well as all of FOX NEWS! Glenn has lied about Health-care, called our President a racist, and is anti-gay rights.
- We demand immediate end of DADT. It is out-right discrimination.
- Boycott Bill O'Reilly and FOX News and their advertisers. Bill discussed a French commerical by McDonalds that was meant to show that McDonalds is Gay Friendly. Bill said what is next? Is McDonalds going to get be Al-Qaida friendly as well? Further, Bill said that McDonalds would never show a gay friendly commercial in the USA. We view this as Bill comparing Gays to Al-Qaida. How dare these people make this comparison. Come on McDonalds, we want to see a USA Gay Friendly commerical on Network TV! I will eat your burgers everyday for 365 days in a year if you do this!
- Boycott Arizona because of their uncivilized anti-Immigration Law that encourages racial profiling and increases hatred towards minorities. A remedy: Demand Republicans to support Immigration Reform. So Far, Republicans will not cooperate. Are we all suppose to walk around with Birth Certificates in our hands? Are we all suppose to "look 'White' or go to jail" (until all documents prove you are American)? What if Arizona does not like Gay People? Will that person be hastled for vertification of being a American? Oh Wait, Arizona does not have laws protecting gay people nor rendering them equal rights. Oops! "My Bad" - for not remembering. I guess "Arizona does not like gay people." Gay in Arizona and tanned? You better have your papers!
- Did you complete your Diet Journal today? Get it done!
- Did you do any physical activity? If not, make a point of it by tomorrow!
- It is our hope that these photos shall inspire you!
And Now, Model Wars!Today's Health/Excercise Tip:Study backs heart-healthy effect of dairy fatNEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Eating dairy foods could help protect your heart, new research from Sweden suggests.Dairy foods are a major source of saturated fat in the diet, which has been associated with heart disease. However, there's some evidence that dairy foods could actually benefit heart health, for example by lowering blood pressure or reducing cholesterol levels, Dr. Eva Warensjo of Uppsala University and her colleagues note in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
To get a clearer sense of people's intake of fat from dairy and heart disease risk, Warensjo and her team measured blood levels of two biomarkers of milk fat in 444 heart attack patients and 556 healthy controls. The substances, pentadecanoic acid and heptadecanoic acid, indicate how much dairy fat a person has been eating.
The researchers found that people with the highest levels of milk fat biomarkers, suggesting they consumed the most dairy fat, were actually at lower risk of heart attack; for women, the risk was reduced by 26 percent, while for men risk was 9 percent lower.
Based on the American Heart Association's Heart Attack Risk Calculator, a normal-weight 60-year-old man with no risk factors for heart disease (such as smoking or diabetes) has a 6 percent risk of dying over the next 10 years; the current study suggests, therefore, that if this hypothetical man ate lots of dairy food, he would reduce his risk by about half a percent. For a woman, or someone at higher risk of a heart attack, the benefit would be larger.
Dairy foods contain a number of potentially beneficial substances, such as calcium, vitamin D, and potassium, Warensjo and her team note. They have also been shown to increase people's levels of "good" HDL cholesterol.
"The exact mechanism behind these associations cannot be deduced from the present study, but the range of bioactive components present in the food matrix of milk products as well as associated lifestyle factors may all have contributed to the observed associations," the researchers conclude.
The study was funded in part by the National Dairy Council/Dairy Management Inc., a trade group for the US dairy industry. Dr. Warensjo has been a paid speaker for the Swedish Dairy Association and the International Dairy Federation.
This group is called "Peckers PICS." The English - slang definition of "pecker" is to pluck at the truth. Therefore, we peck at items such as Gay Men's Health and Male Fitness, Gay (LGBT) Politics & Issues. In this section you may peck at each photo in order to decide the winner of the "war of the fittest!" Whereas, who is the model that may inspire you to exercise and "get fit?" Warning: This may stoke you!