Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Re: [Peckers_Pics] Re: Model Wars; June 3, 2010 - Safe PICS For All Ages, Rated G

Hi Jake.
I know that you are not into religion, but the fact is that many Jewish people and many non-Jews that are Christian know that the re-birth and resurgence of extreme anti-Semitism is something that is to be expected prophetically.
no matter how many situations like the activists on the ships attack Israeli soldiers (our Toronto Police would not put up with that)
they will be the martyrs and the israelis the murderers even though Hamas has still not withdrawn its pledge to see Israel destroyed and basically go along with the late President Nasser of Egypt's promise to drive all of the Jews in Israel into the sea!!!
many of us believe that we are in the "End Time".
That is why educated newscasters treat Canada as some stupid country continually iinsulting us or taking the position of friendship with our far right-wing Prime Minister Harper, and also come out against Israel or against Black people or Gays.
I pray that their "eyes will be opened" and that they will invite the Love of God into their hearts and minds so they can be a blessing and not a curse.
FYI:   Examine what has happened to various empires at their height once they began persecuting the Jews either before 135 A.D. or during the period between when Jews had no country of their own and 1948, or since then, and you will see the Truth of the followingf which is in the Bible in the Old Testament:  " I will bless those who bless my people (referring to the people of Israel meaning the physical descendants of Israel which was a nation or people)(G-d speaking) and I will curse them who curse them.."
The interpretation of the verse relates to nations as well as individuals who persecute the Jews.
how many nations have done this and then fallen apart?
I'll let you examine the historical facts.  (The British Empire (whose history and reputation I generally love and respect0, for one,did very little to help the Jews (see the White Paper re Jewish Immigrtion to Palestine which was drawn up AFTER the persecutions by Hitler began in order not to make the Araabs angry and withold oil etc. Hundreds of thousands of Jews could have been saved!! Many were waiting in countries not occupied by the Nazis which were later occupied and hahd had time to ahve been let into Palestine, if that piece of prejudical discriminatory documenation hadn't been written!!  In 1942 Roosevelt would not come out to greeet a represenation of about 1,000m (or  was it 10,000) rabbis who went to Capitol Hill to tell the United States Government what was happening and would continue to happen to European Jews unless the U.S. would help as much as it could!! You see the hatred and aversion of the eyes of hypocrites still exists!)
Thank you and God Bless you Jake,
Butch Blanc

From: Jake <>
Sent: Thu, June 3, 2010 12:33:55 AM
Subject: [Peckers_Pics] Re: Model Wars; June 3, 2010 - Safe PICS For All Ages, Rated G


By the way, i apologize if you are not anti-black. But, i dont apologize
if you listen to commentators, and read articles that are anti-black.
Most emploeyers are anti-black. Therefor,e i take it that most of the
media is anti-black. Even MSNBC does not have a black host nor a latin
host. They all all white. They have black experts; but, no black
hosts. Why? Than I saw CNN pay the biggest anti-mexican Lou Dobb for
yrs and yrs. And everything by FOX is anti-black. Too nany lawyers
in the gay community are out for themselves and not for us. They will
sell us out to AIDS in order to protect bath-houses that promote

Want to know more? This is fact, the perosn who was the 1st in
floirida is personal friend of mine. He began the boycott against Anti
Bryant. I have told this story before. He sat on oard of the UCHR
(Huamn Citizens for Human Rights). Most known gay politicans once
served on its board. When a lethal disease was 1st goign arounhd killing
gays,. my friend who wa son its board stated that Bath-Houses may be a
problem for spreading ht disease now known as HIV/AIDS. Instead of
protecting the gay community, they were more involved in protecting the
mafia who owned these bathhouses. These lawyers/directors were paid by
the mafia. Thgere were humnan rights issues that were legit. The gay
organizatuion an dall others deciced to ignore safety of the community
and gay rights and spent all their time fighting for bath-houses. More
American Gay men died from bath houses because of Aids than Americans
that died in Vietnam. There is a process to winning rights. There is
a wrong procress as well. Most of us don't liek to talk abotu it, as
it gives the enemy and the public too much info. I have watched Obama &
met him. He is not phoney. He is 100 percent pro-gay. My GOD even Laura
Bush turned out to be pro-gay marriage. John McCain's wife is pro-gay
marriage as well. They have to be careful in how they deal with it as
the House and senate must be willing to deal with it. The generals must
be cooperative. The American people (voters) decide who rules. Obama
is the rela thiong and he has been delievering on his promises during
the very worst of times. Health Care, Hate Crime BILL. Gay rights for
Fedl employees. Nowe moving on DADT. Next will be DOMA and DOMA wont be
ready until after re-election of OBama. I am tellign you if DOMA is
rushed, say goodbye to the president. But, DOMA can change in a pro-gay
US Supreme COurt. WEer are not there yet, they are still anti-gay.
Patience sir, patience. The time is coming. .....jake

PS> Did you watch olberman tobight? He went by a anti-israeli American
who was witness on the ships that was boarded by Israeli's? But, i saw
tapes that showed a different story. Everythign he stated was not
true. Olberman took his side. Olberman took a anti-israeli view. How
come i saW WHAT I DID ON VIDEO? i SAW MEN IN BLACK (hAMAS) supported
by Turkey who supports Iran, attack the israeli's. There is embargo of
Gaza. Israel does allow all aid to go to Gaza via Israel. They need to
go to israel to be searched and the aid is than transfered. By the way,
aid sent by israel is paid by Israeli people. Not by Turkey, not Iran.
Olberman failed to mention this. So dont trust any media. all of them
have motives that might mislead you. Of course, FOX is a a soap oepra
and not news. FOX is blatantly pro-white, GOP and KKK news-outlet. .

--- In, ifctv1@... wrote:
> so let me get this, im complaining because he's black? Thats funny
> I am simply stating that it seems when he makes the community mad he
> us something. he did it when he defended DOMA in the courts. it's not
> fault he promised us the moon and is having a hard time delivering.
> Moderator: I am not a lawyer; but, i am guessing you are not a lawyer
as well. But, I have a BS in both biology and political science under a
BS and BA as well as a medical degree on top of that. I look at a whole
picture and look at all possibilities and scenarios. I calculate the
ability to build a case and what the negatives and positives would be.
If I was President Obama I would fight DOMA as well (yes, you read this
correctly)... WHY? Cause if it is ruled in our favor, it will be brought
to the US Supreme Court and a new precedent will be set that rules
against all LGBT cases. I have some experience with this on the medical
side of lawsuits. I have watch patient cases challenge big companies. I
can name cases that made case history. The current US Supreme Court
would rule against a LGBT case. WE might need 2 more gay friendly judges
before we would want to introduce such a case. This shall take time as
we can't force judges to retire and Democratic's do not have a
filibuster proof Senate.
> Now, to be constructive:
> 1. Obama gave rights to the LGBT community int eh diplomatic
community. This places DOMA at risk as being unconstitutional.
> 2. Obama than gave Federal workers - LGBT friendly rights. This
> places DOMA at risk as being unconstitutional.
> 3. Obama is rushing through the end of DADT. IF DADT is reversed, than
DOMA will be challenged.
> r. Obama Signed the Hate Crime Bill. This shall lead to employee
discrimation bill that is LGBT friendly. This bill would challenge the
integrity of DADT and DOMA.
> This is a pattern - whereas, President Obama is orchestrating a path
to enforcing the end of DADT and DOMA. None of this is easy; but,
President Obama is being meticulous and very fast in getting this done.
> I guarantee you, no other president would ever achieve what he has
achieved already. IT is a very complex scenario. Therefore, it is
important for Obama to make sure that DOMA does not go to the US Supreme
Court, as that will ruin our path by setting a negative precedent.
> With all that the president has done by using logic, one has to
question the motives of the people that do not support this president.
President Obama's logic is so sensibly and calculated with intelligence
in everything he does. Our pressure for him to keep plugging away has
been positive. Our questioning his motives to help us really makes me
think that people do not like him because of his color. Almost every
article I read about Obama has racial tones. You don't see it? than you
might go back to school and take a few courses on racial profiling. The
republicans and teabag party are loading us codes what are racially
charged. Even a lot of members in the gay community who are lawyers are
prejudiced and out for themselves and not the gay community. Have you
ever been a member on the board of directors of a gay organization? It
is like a mafia. You will see lawyers of people that own gay bath houses
and bars on such organizations. They are not out to help you. They were
against anything that would help prevent the spread of aids. THEY PLACED
> PS. over 70 % of people now watch FOX NEWS, or read Wall Street
Journal. Both owned by Rupert Murdock who is anti-black; anti-jewish;
anti-gay. These people get coded messages on daily basis. Yes, i believe
that Americans are being racially charged by the cr-p on FOX. Look at
Immigration reform and Mexicans? It is out-right bigotry. 1st gays were
the new black. now mexicans are the new black. What we going to do, set
up prison camps for minorities? Isn't that what Hitler did to the Jews?
So, yes, I think people have a lot of bigotry in them and do not know
it. How logical does Obama need to be in order for people to get it? 1st
they claim he is a socialist. They dont want him to interfere with
private companies. Now they say eh should nationalize BP. The GOP is
using mixed messages. But, every story has a code to remind us of
Obama's color. Glen Beck mimmicking Obama's daughter and asking Obama
"why he hates blacks" was not sick? Why didn't you sir say something
about that story? why have the other members not reacted? Because most
of us have hate embedded into us. No onhe in my neighborhood will talk
to me. Why? cause I had a Obama sign on my lawn. They rather have the
old dementia rideen man (mCCain) and the nuclear bomb happy, drill baby
drill Palin. Yes, those were the biggest idiots ever to run for office.
They rather have him over a black man wiht logic and a high IQ. We need
tothink before we act. Not every organization that is gay is on your
side. In fact, most epople were against the challenge to ending Prop 8
as it will ebd up goign to US Supreme Court before Obama is able to get
2 more judges to retire. You dont want nagitive ruling against the LGBT
community by the US Supreme Court,. It will stick, and congress will use
it as a guide and not act.
> In a message dated 6/2/2010 9:56:12 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,
> ifctv1@... writes:
> love the pics!!
> ps: does anyone question the timing of the President's latest move??
> everytime we get close to the finish line, but not over it it seems
> like a new "right" is given to us. was it in the works or is it
> he was a no show (until the end) on DADT and groups are calling him
> on it? what do you guys think?
> Moderator: I believe that the president supports gay rights and
> end of DADT and DOMA from beginning. However, I believe our pressure
(such as
> you will see in our Obama group) places a lot of pressure on the
> to hurry up. Now you complain when he acts? If he doesn't act we
> and when he does act, we complain? Makes no sense. Is it because he is
> black? No-One gives this man a break for anything. They tell him to
> not to drill, not to nationize BP, than to nationalize BP. Am serious,
> believe he is attacked no matter what he does. And, serious, it
> racial, because this president has a lot of sense. Bush had no brains
> never caught this much flack. ....jake
> ------------------------------------
> All members of "Peckers PICS" are requested to join our "Obama Biden
> group as it runs in conjunction to this group. Both groups shall not
> repeat articles from one group to another. However, to gain full
knowledge of
> Gay rights, members must belong to the Obama group as well as this
> Therefore, please accept your invitation to join.
> To join the Obama group please click (or copy and paste the link into
> browser) @
> Thank you!
> ���Every gay and lesbian person who has been lucky enough to
survive the
> turmoil of growing up is a survivor. Survivors always have an
obligation to
> those who will face the same challenges.���
> ...Jake (Moderator)
> Yahoo! Groups Links


All members of "Peckers PICS" are requested to join our "Obama Biden 2008" group as it runs in conjunction to this group.  Both groups shall not repeat articles from one group to another.  However, to gain full knowledge of Gay rights, members must belong to the Obama group as well as this group.  Therefore, please accept your invitation to join. 

To join the Obama group please click (or copy and paste the link into your browser) @

Thank you!

�Every gay and lesbian person who has been lucky enough to survive the turmoil of growing up is a survivor. Survivors always have an obligation to those who will face the same challenges.�

...Jake (Moderator)

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