Sunday, June 6, 2010

Re: [Peckers_Pics] Re: Muscle Wars; June 6, 2010 - Safe PICS For All Ages, Rated G

What a hot group!  The black guys all look so powerful and handsome, and #71 shows how hot and handsome a man over 50 can be!

On Sun, Jun 6, 2010 at 1:18 AM, LipcyS <> wrote:

I Like No. 61
He's awesome and outstanding personality!!!!
--- In, "Jake" <jakewest_tn@...> wrote:
>  Muscle Wars; June 6, 2010 Safe PICS For All Ages, Rated  G   Consider
> joining:
>     *  Members of Peckers Pics should join our President Barack Obama
> group <>  .  (Health
> Care & Gay Rights, Gay Marriage, Repeal DOMA &, Don't Ask Don't Tell)
> <>       *  Daily
> Wrestling Pic group
> <>   @
> <> @
> <>  @
> <>  - Roommates
> (Wrestling fiction)  (Your Yahoo Profile must have Age, Gender, Location
> before you apply for membership!).  NEW - Roommates: TJ & Jeremy Wrestle
> Again, & Some Hot Gym Action (Episode 114)
> <>
> <>
> Take Action:
>     *  Boycott "Whole Foods" Grocery Stores:  Their CEO is against Health
> Care Reform.  Also, Whole Foods is blocking unionization. Check out
> Trader Joe's instead. Due to the boycott & pressure from stockholders,
> their CEO has stepped down; But,  remains on the Board.  Further,  Whole
> Foods has made no retraction of these anti-Healthcare reform comments &
> continues to support Republican agenda.      *  Boycott Exxon OIL. Do
> not purchase their GAS. "Exxon scored as the worst company for the LGBT
> to work for!"  In fact,  before Exxon purchased Mobil Oil, Mobile had
> same gender partner benefits. Well, that changed for those employees
> when Exxon purchased Mobil - as same gender-partner benefits went out
> the door! Therefore, as we have choices, we don't need Exxon.      *
> Boycott advertisers of Glenn Beck on Fox News as well as all of FOX
> NEWS!  Glenn has lied about Health-care, called our President a racist,
> and is anti-gay rights.     *  Call the White House and let them know
> you are angry about the situation in UGANDA.  Uganda legislation calls
> for the Death Penalty for Gay People and mandatory Jail Sentence for
> anyone who does not report someone they know who is Gay!  This is
> Genocide!  Tel. the White House at 1-202-456-1111  ...., Fax White House
> @ FAX: 202-456-2461 .  Contact your local LGBT Community Center and see
> what they can do to express your/their anger!
> <>     *   We demand
> immediate end of DADT. It is out-right discrimination.
> Diet & Fitness:
>     *  Did you complete your Diet Journal today?  Get it done!    *  Did
> you do any physical activity?  If not, make a point of it by tomorrow!
> *  It is our hope that these photos shall inspire you!
> Today's Health/Excercise Tip:  How It Feels to Be Fit   What does it
> feel like to be fit? If you focus only on how you'll look once you
> reach your fitness goals, you're missing out on a very important
> outcome of exercise. In my opinion, so many fitness programs neglect to
> address how you'll feel once you reach your goals. Do you want to
> feel confident? Strong? Empowered? Energetic? I know it might sound
> corny, but giving yourself a feeling to strive for will provide that
> extra drive and focus you need.
> Just make sure you pick a word that has nothing to do with weight or
> your body. For example, "skinny" won't provide lasting
> motivation because it can take a while to see physical changes.
> "Energetic," on the other hand, is something you'll start to
> feel right away. I want you to commit to a feeling because that is
> what's going to transform your life. And Now, Muscle Wars!   This
> group is called "Peckers PICS."  The English -  slang definition of
> "pecker" is to pluck at the truth. Therefore, we peck at items such as
> Gay Men's Health and Male Fitness, Gay (LGBT) Politics & Issues.  In
> this section you may peck at each photo in order to decide the winner of
> the "war of the fittest!"  Whereas, you should select the guy that may
> inspire you to exercise and "get fit!"   Warning: This may stoke you!
> 1   2 [CLICK ME For Larger PIC]
> <>     3
> 4 Tory George   5 Levi Poulter   6 Michael Kleeves [CLICK ME For Larger
> PIC] <>
> 7 Jakub Stefano [CLICK ME For Larger PIC]
> <>     8
> 9 Gregory Capra    [CLICK ME For Larger PIC]
> <>     10
> Derek Keeton [CLICK ME For Larger PIC]
> <>     11
> Dennis Bielik [CLICK ME For Larger PIC]
> <>     12
> Brock Yurich [CLICK ME For Larger PIC]
> <>     13
> Anthony C [CLICK ME For Larger PIC]
> <>     14
> Ambrose Olsen [CLICK ME For Larger PIC]
> <>     15
> [CLICK ME For Larger PIC]
> <>     16
> [CLICK ME For Larger PIC]
> <>
> 16a        [CLICK ME For Larger PIC]
> <>     17
> 18   19   20   21 [CLICK ME For Larger PIC]
> <>     22
> 23 [CLICK ME For Larger PIC]
> <>     24
> Usher   25   26 Jamie Dornan   27   28   29   30 David Carty   31 [CLICK
> ME For Larger PIC]
> <>     32
> [CLICK ME For Larger PIC]
> <>     33
> 34 [CLICK ME For Larger PIC]
> <>     35
> 36   37   38 [CLICK ME For Larger PIC]
> <>     39
> 40   41 [CLICK ME For Larger PIC]
> <>     42
> [CLICK ME For Larger PIC]
> <>     43
> [CLICK ME For Larger PIC]
> <>     44
> 45   46 [CLICK ME For Larger PIC]
> <>     47
> [CLICK ME For Larger PIC]
> <>     48
> 49 [CLICK ME For Larger PIC]
> <>     50
> 51   52 [CLICK ME For Larger PIC]
> <>     53
> [CLICK ME For Larger PIC]
> <>     54
> 55 [CLICK ME For Larger PIC]
> <>     56
> Austin [CLICK ME For Larger PIC]
> <>     57
> 58 [CLICK ME For Larger PIC]
> <>     59
> Rich Jenkins   60 John Pruitt   61   62   63   64 [CLICK ME For Larger
> PIC] <>
> 65   66 [CLICK ME For Larger PIC]
> <>     67
> Gregg Avedon [CLICK ME For Larger PIC]
> <>     68
> James Wusterbarth [CLICK ME For Larger PIC]
> <>     69
> Alex Ceobanu   70   71   72  [CLICK ME For Larger PIC]
> <>
> 72a   72b   73   74   75   76   77 Darian A   78 Salman Khan   79   80
> 81 [CLICK ME For Larger PIC]
> <>     82
> Rob Patrick   83 Petr Prielozny [CLICK ME For Larger PIC]
> <>     84
> [CLICK ME For Larger PIC]
> <>     85
> 86   You Decide!   Gay Pride - Lille, France - June 5, 2010  [CLICK ME
> For Larger PIC]
> <>
> Stoked?   Birmingham, UK - Gay Pride; May 29, 2010 Gay? Whatever, Dude
> By CHARLES M. BLOW / New York Times; Op-Ed; June 5, 2010
> Last week, while many of us were distracted by the oil belching forth
> from the gulf floor and the president's ham-handed attempts to
> demonstrate that he was sufficiently engaged and enraged, Gallup
> released a stunning, and little noticed, report on Americans' evolving
> views of homosexuality. Allow me to enlighten:
> 1. For the first time, the percentage of Americans who perceive "gay and
> lesbian relations" as morally acceptable has crossed the 50 percent
> mark. (You have to love the fact that they still use the word
> "relations." So quaint.)
> 2. Also for the first time, the percentage of men who hold that view is
> greater than the percentage of women who do.
> 3. This new alignment is being led by a dramatic change in attitudes
> among younger men, but older men's perceptions also have eclipsed older
> women's. While women's views have stayed about the same over the past
> four years, the percentage of men ages 18 to 49 who perceived these
> "relations" as morally acceptable rose by 48 percent, and among men over
> 50, it rose by 26 percent.
> I warned you: stunning.
> There is no way to know for sure what's driving such a radical change in
> men's views on this issue because Gallup didn't ask, but that doesn't
> mean that we can't speculate. To help me do so, I called Dr. Michael
> Kimmel, a professor of sociology at the State University of New York at
> Stony Brook and the author or editor of more than 20 books on men and
> masculinity, and Professor Ritch Savin-Williams, the chairman of human
> development at Cornell University and the author of seven books, most of
> which deal with adolescent development and same-sex attraction.
> Here are three theories:
> 1. The contact hypothesis. As more men openly acknowledge that they are
> gay, it becomes harder for men who are not gay to discriminate against
> them. And as that group of openly gay men becomes more varied --
> including athletes, celebrities and soldiers -- many of the old,
> derisive stereotypes lose their purchase. To that point, a Gallup poll
> released last May found that people who said they personally knew
> someone who was gay or lesbian were more likely to be accepting of gay
> men and lesbians in general and more supportive of their issues.
> 2. Men may be becoming more egalitarian in general. As Dr. Kimmel put
> it: "Men have gotten increasingly comfortable with the presence of, and
> relative equality of, 'the other,' and we're becoming more accustomed to
> it. And most men are finding that it has not been a disaster." The
> expanding sense of acceptance likely began with the feminist and civil
> rights movements and is now being extended to the gay rights movement.
> Dr. Kimmel continued, "The dire predictions for diversity have not only
> not come true, but, in fact, they've been proved the other way."
> 3. Virulent homophobes are increasingly being exposed for engaging in
> homosexuality. Think Ted Haggard, the once fervent antigay preacher and
> former leader of the National Association of Evangelicals, and his male
> prostitute. (This week, Haggard announced that he was starting a new
> "inclusive" churchopen to "gay, straight, bi, tall, short," but no
> same-sex marriages. Not "God's ideal." Sorry.) Or George Rekers, the
> founding member of the Family Research Council, and his rent boy/luggage
> handler. Last week, the council claimed that repealing "don't ask, don't
> tell" would lead to an explosion of "homosexual assaults" in which
> sleeping soldiers would be the victims of fondling and fellatio by gay
> predators. In fact, there is a growing body of research that supports
> the notion that homophobia in some men could be a reaction to their own
> homosexual impulses. Many heterosexual men see this, and they don't want
> to be associated with it. It's like being antigay is becoming the old
> gay. Not cool.
> These sound plausible, but why aren't women seeing the same enlightening
> effects as men? Professor Savin-Williams suggests that there may be a
> "ceiling effect," that men are simply catching up to women, and there
> may be a level at which views top out. Interesting.
> All of this is great news, but it doesn't mean that all measures
> relating to acceptance of gay men and lesbians have changed to the same
> degree. People's comfort with the "gay and lesbian" part of the equation
> is still greater than their comfort with the "relations" part -- the
> idea versus the act -- particularly when it comes to pairings of men.
> As Professor Savin-Williams told me, there is still a higher aversive
> reaction to same-sex sexuality among men than among women.
> For instance, in a February New York Times/CBS News poll, half of the
> respondents were asked if they favored letting "gay men and lesbians"
> serve in the military (which is still more than 85 percent male), and
> the other half were asked if they favored letting "homosexuals" serve.
> Those who got the "homosexual" question favored it at a rate that was 11
> percentage points lower than those who got the "gay men and lesbians"
> question.
> Part of the difference may be that "homosexual" is a bigger, more
> clinical word freighted with a lot of historical baggage. But just as
> likely is that the inclusion of the root word "sex" still raises an
> aversive response to the idea of, how shall I say, the architectural
> issues between two men. It is the point at which support for basic human
> rights cleaves from endorsement of behavior.
> As for the aversion among men, it may be softening a bit. Professor
> Savin-Williams says that his current research reveals that the
> fastest-growing group along the sexuality continuum are men who
> self-identify as "mostly straight" as opposed to labels like "straight,"
> "gay" or "bisexual." They acknowledge some level of attraction to other
> men even as they say that they probably wouldn't act on it, but ... the
> right guy, the right day, a few beers and who knows. As the professor
> points out, you would never have heard that in years past.
> All together now: stunning.
> "Every gay and lesbian person who has been lucky enough to survive the
> turmoil of growing up is a survivor. Survivors always have an obligation
> to those who will face the same challenges."
>    ....Jake


All members of "Peckers PICS" are requested to join our "Obama Biden 2008" group as it runs in conjunction to this group.  Both groups shall not repeat articles from one group to another.  However, to gain full knowledge of Gay rights, members must belong to the Obama group as well as this group.  Therefore, please accept your invitation to join.

To join the Obama group please click (or copy and paste the link into your browser) @

Thank you!

"Every gay and lesbian person who has been lucky enough to survive the turmoil of growing up is a survivor. Survivors always have an obligation to those who will face the same challenges."

...Jake (Moderator)

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All members of "Peckers PICS" are requested to join our "Obama Biden 2008" group as it runs in conjunction to this group.  Both groups shall not repeat articles from one group to another.  However, to gain full knowledge of Gay rights, members must belong to the Obama group as well as this group.  Therefore, please accept your invitation to join. 

To join the Obama group please click (or copy and paste the link into your browser) @

Thank you!

"Every gay and lesbian person who has been lucky enough to survive the turmoil of growing up is a survivor. Survivors always have an obligation to those who will face the same challenges."

...Jake (Moderator)

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