Sunday, June 13, 2010

[TOWWFFC] Slammiversary 1/2 Point Results


TNA Slammiversary PPV Results
June 13, 2010
Orlando, Fla.
Report by James Caldwell, Torch assistant editor

-- Tonight's TNA PPV line-up includes RVD vs. Sting for the TNA World Title,
Jeff Hardy & Mr. Anderson vs. Beer Money, Doug Williams vs. Brian Kendrick
for the X Division Title, Madison Rayne vs. Roxxi for the Knockouts Title,
Kurt Angle vs. Kazarian, Matt Morgan vs. Hernandez, A.J. Styles vs. Jay
Lethal, Abyss vs. Desmond Wolfe in Monster's Ball, Brother Ray vs. Jesse
Neal, and an advertised "nice surprise" during the PPV.

The PPV opened with a Before the Bell history recap looking at TNA since
debuting in June 2002. They included historic clips such as Samoa Joe and
Kurt Angle's first interaction. Angle used the "homegrown talent" line in a
sit-down interview that surely will have Eric Bischoff's skin crawling. More
recent historic clips included Jeff Hardy returning to TNA on January 4 and
RVD's TNA Title victory on free TV.

Impact Zone: Mike Tenay set the stage for tonight's show with the talking
points on RVD vs. Sting. Out first to start the show was Kazarian, who was
booed by the live crowd. Kurt Angle, yes Kurt Angle in an opening match,
came out next to a loud ovation as the babyface for the match.


Angle appears to have put on an extraordinary amount of muscle. The crowd
remained hot for Angle early on as Kazarian scored early armdrags. The crowd
randomly chanted, "U-S-A," which drew laughter and an appropriate question
from Taz on commentary that isn't Kazarian's home, California, is in the
U.S.? Tenay announced a new Championship Ranking will be announced on
Thursday's Impact. At least they remembered. Kazarian landed a low blow out
of nowhere and referee Brian Hebner teased a DQ, but Angle over-ruled the
ref and said he wanted to continue the match. Kazarian then knocked Angle to
the outside and followed with a flip dive on the floor. Back in the ring,
Kazarian worked over Angle, who tried to fight back with right hands before
landing a release German Suplex.

At 6:00, both men recovered on the mat and continued to exchange control
before Angle landed another suplex. Angle stalked Kazarian for an Olympic
Slam, but Kazarian slipped out and hit a spinning neckbreaker for a two
count. Angle suddenly came back with a powerbomb and he took a page from
Samoa Joe's book turning a kick-out into a submission, but Kazarian slipped
out into a quick pin attempt for a two count. Kazarian then hit a
double-foot kick that landed with a thud. He took his time going up top,
giving Angle the opening for a running belly-to-belly suplex for a two
count. Angle then teased the Anklelock, but Kazarian kicked him away. Kaz
followed with a slingshot DDT from the ring apron for a two count.

At 10:00, Kaz kinda ran into the ropes with an attempted clothesline, then
kinda fell back into Angle who hit one German Suplex, then a second German
Suplex, then a third German Suplex. Angle released, then dropped the straps
and told Kaz to get to his feet. Angle stalked Kazarian and teased the
Olympic Slam, but Kazarian countered into his reverse piledriver finisher.
Kaz made the cover, but Angle kicked out in time. They regrouped and
exchanged holds before Kaz landed a backbreaker for a two count. The crowd
was quiet here as Kazarian went back to the apron. Kaz teased a springboard,
but Angle blocked and hit the Olympic Slam. Angle made a cover, but scored a
two count only.

At 13:00, Angle placed Kaz in the corner before going up top. Kazarian cut
off Angle and powerbombed him to the corner before attempting a pin with his
feet on the ropes, but Angle kicked out. Kazarian then attempted his reverse
piledriver again, but Angle countered into the anklelock center ring.
Kazarian teased tapping out and scraped the bottom rope with his hands, but
Angle pulled him back to center ring. Angle grapevined the leg, which meant
it was only a matter of time before Kazarian tapped out to give Angle the
win. Post-match, Angle mouthed that it's another one down on the Top 10

WINNER: Angle via submission at 14:15. The match had some slow moments at
the end of the match with both men losing steam. It's a match that's subject
to a higher critique due to Angle's involvement and the match was just
slightly below expectations. It was still a pretty good opening match with
Angle advancing toward a date with RVD down the road. (**3/4)

Announcers: Tenay and Taz were shown on-camera going through the list of
long-standing TNA wrestlers and employees over the last eight years. Tenay
transitioned into giving a shout-out to Jeff Jarrett, who's selling the
injury from Sting. Tenay then transitioned again to plugging the X Division
Title match up next.

Impact Zone: Brian Kendrick came out first as the challenger for the X
Title. Taz said he shared a word with Kendrick in the restroom before the
show. On that note, Doug Williams came out to defend the X Title.

2 -- X Division champion DOUG WILLIAMS vs. BRIAN KENDRICK -- X Division
Title match

Tenay listed the early-days X Division wrestlers who "set the way" for the
division, including Jerry Lynn, Low-Ki, and Michael Shane. Williams grounded
Kendrick early on to work him over with a mat-based attack. The match moved
to the floor where Williams rammed Kendrick into the guardrail and rolled
him back into the ring. Williams went back to a mat-based attack focusing on
Kendrick's back before taunting the crowd with his "British Invasion" wrist
roll. Williams went back on the attack draping Kendrick across the middle
rope, but Williams fell through the ropes to the floor attempting to
follow-up. Kendrick then hit a suicide dive on the outside before bringing
the action back into the ring. Kendrick went up top and landed a missile
dropkick for a two count.

Williams and Kendrick had a rolling pin exchange before Williams executed a
snap suplex into a gutwrench suplex. Williams followed with a t-bone suplex
for a two count. Kendrick then slapped Williams, who tried taunting Kendrick
after controlling the match. Williams lost control trying to be
overly-aggressive following up, then Kendrick took Williams to the corner.
Williams kicked him away and landed a Tornado DDT for the pin and the win.
The commentators were produced to complain that Williams used an "X Division
style move" to secure the win. So, only certain moves are for the X
Division? Ugh.

WINNER: Williams at 9:33 to retain the X Division Title. Fine match with
Williams showing off his technical proficiency, but it was too similar to
the opening match to stand out on the PPV. The half-brain storyline about
Williams "being a heel" for using certain "X Division moves" is ridiculous
when the kayfabe object is to win a match however the rules allow for a
wrestler to legally win. Sure, Williams's heel character is that he
complains about the "style" of the X Division, but he didn't use an array of
highspots with no meaning to win; he simply won with a high-impact move to
knock out his opponent for a three count. (**)

Backstage: Christy Hemme brought in Eric Bischoff and Miss T. Hemme asked
Bischoff about Sting's ominous words and the title match with RVD tonight.
Bischoff basically said a bunch of stuff which can be summed up that
Bischoff thinks Sting is looking out for himself and he can't wait for RVD
to win so they can get Sting out of their hair for a while.

3 -- Knockouts champion MADISON RAYNE vs. ROXXI -- Knockouts Title match

After Madison cut a long promo on Roxxi before the match, Madison tried a
sneak attack to score a quick pin, but Roxxi kicked out in time to continue
the match. After Madison's attempt to score a quick win, the match developed
into a good back-and-forth. Suddenly, Roxxi came up bleeding profusely from
the forehead. I certainly didn't expect the first blood of the PPV to be in
the third match of the PPV. The camera focused on Roxxi's face throughout
her attempted comeback. Roxxi scored close nearfalls before knocking Madison
to the outside. Back in the ring, Madison cut off Roxxi and scored the pin
for the win. Afterward, they stayed with a shot of Roxxi's blood-soaked face
for a while as Madison celebrated the victory in the ring. Roxxi sold being
near-tears with the loss while Madison admired herself gloating in victory.

WINNER: Madison at 4:42 to retain the Knockouts Title. Aggressive match. The
blood certainly added to the story, even if it was seemingly inadvertent.
They continue to build to a babyface Knockout coming into the company to be
the "Gail Kim" of the division feuding with Madison. (*1/2)

Impact Zone: Jesse Neal came out first for his match against Brother Ray.
Ray then came out and cut the music to cut a promo. Ray shouted for Devon to
come to the ring. Suddenly, Shannon Moore stormed the ring to have Neal's
back during the proceedings. Ray sold sincerity saying he owes everyone an
apology. Some of the castmembers weren't interested in the storyline, so
they chanted for tables. Ray paused and said he's been acting like a "total
bully and total d-bag." Great, that's going to get over like Mr. Anderson
saying he's an a-hole. Ray said there is no reason for him to have treated
Neal the way he has. He said it's obvious Neal is doing what they trained
him to do. Ray apologized for calling Neal a failure in the Navy. Shannon
left during this, of note. Ray apologized again to Devon, Neal, the fans,
and the people in the Impact Zone. "I screwed up," Ray said. Devon told Ray
that it's over. Ray then gave Neal a hug. Taz said it's just tough love. Ray
and Devon then started to leave the ring, leaving Neal alone in the ring.
Neal walked off behind Team 3D, then Ray suddenly turned around and blasted
Neal in the face before chucking him into the expected.


The bell sounded and Ray kicked Neal in the face. The refs and security
tried to hold Devon back, who screamed at Ray. Devon and Shannon eventually
walked away from ringside as Ray began an attack on Neal. Ray began a
prolonged attack on Neal with a prolonged beating. Neal then teased a
comeback that had no heat. Neal scored a nearfall that drew a mild pop, then
Ray went back on the attack including hitting a Bubba Bomb. Suddenly, Tommy
Dreamer appeared in the crowd with no music and a spotlight on him. Dreamer,
in jeans and t-shirt, did his trademark pose in the crowd with Ray meeting
him face-to-face from a distance. Ray then cut off Neal trying to make a
comeback. Neal eventually hit a spear and scored a pin for the win. They
showed Dreamer then walking away to the back with a smile on his face.

WINNER: Neal at 5:51. As expected, Neal gets a win, but Ray doesn't really
do a job. Neal's victory was overshadowed by Dreamer's arrival continuing
TNA's attempt to re-create images from ECW. (n/a)

Backstage: Hemme brought in Hernandez for an interview talking about his TNA
return and getting a piece of Matt Morgan after Morgan put him on the shelf
two months ago.

Impact Zone: Matt Morgan came out to the ring not dressed to wrestle
tonight. Morgan was sporting a neckbrace, a cut-off tee, and jeans while
holding his neck to sell an injury. Morgan took the mic once in the ring and
solemnly said, "It is with deep regret I had to be the one to come out here
and inform everybody that the Blueprint Matt Morgan will not be performing
on tonight's PPV." Morgan heelishly sold sorrow over this announcement. He
told the audience not to thank him, but the animalistic savage Hernandez -
pause for the crowd cheering - who brutally jumped him from beyond. Morgan
paused and told "Mr. Referee" is a signed, sealed note from his doctor that
he cannot and will not be performing tonight. Ref Brian Hebner scrutinized
the document and Morgan turned to the camera. He said he knows his audience
ordered this PPV to see him in action, so he is most sorry. Morgan said he
will be back soon enough.

Morgan started to leave the ring, then Hernandez's music hit and Hernandez
jumped him on the stage. Hernandez knocked Morgan into the ring and the bell
sounded. So, there's apparently a match.


Hernandez choked Mogan with his neckbrace and the ref reprimanded Hernandez
for his actions. Hernandez went back on the attack and the ref reprimanded
him again. Hernandez had enough and put Hebner in the corner to watch the
action. Morgan then dropped down to his knees and begged off before luring
Hernandez into a trap sending him to the outside. On the floor, Morgan
landed a discus clothesline and sold his neck. Morgan rolled Hernandez back
into the ring and rammed Hernandez into the corner ringpost. And again. And
again. Hernandez rolled to the outside and sold an injury as Morgan
celebrated an attempted count-out victory. Hernandez then re-entered the
ring at eight and Morgan went on the attack with his rapid-fire elbows in
the corner, followed by a big splash. Morgan hit a sidewalk slam for a two
count as the crowd remained quiet for an extended angle into an extended

Hernandez eventually made his comeback and ripped off Morgan's shirt to
choke him around the neck. There's a Bryan Danielson joke in here somewhere.
Hernandez had enough of the ref trying to reprimand him, so he chucked
Hebner across the ring, causing a DQ. Morgan tried to leave the ring, but
Hernandez chased him down and rammed him into the ring apron. Hernandez then
teased a boot into the ringpost like Morgan did to him, but Hebner stood in
the way. Hernandez went for the kick anyways and Hebner took the blow.
Morgan took off running, then Earl Hebner ran down to ringside to check on
his son. Hernandez eventually ran off giving chase to Morgan. And the
sympathy and heat goes to a ref to conclude the angle.

WINNER: Morgan via DQ at 5:18. They had to change this on the fly, it
appears, but going with a five-minute match after what appeared to be just
an angle to replace the match and save the match-up for a later date watered
down the entire program. And the focus on a ref over the two wrestlers was
an odd piece of booking. (n/a)

Backstage: Hemme brought in Hulk Hogan for his thoughts on the "whole
RVD-Sting situation." Hogan talked about himself before saying he's biased
and is looking at Sting from the eyes of being an ex-wrestler. In other
words, he's looking to set up Hogan vs. Sting.

Impact Zone: Desmond Wolfe came out to the ring first with Chelsea for the
Monster's Ball match. Apparently 30 days in TNA doesn't actually mean 30
days. Abyss then came out with a shopping cart full of weapons to begin the
obligatory gimmick match on the PPV.

6 -- ABYSS vs. DESMOND WOLFE (w/Chelsea) -- Monster's Ball match

After placing a chair in the corner of the ring, Abyss grabbed a barbed wire
board from under the ring early on. He placed it in the corner of the ring,
then saved it for later. Abyss whipped Desmond head-first into the chair
wedged in the corner for a pop, then went looking for more weapons. Abyss
took too long and Wolfe kicked the middle rope to crotch Abyss. This was
followed by two trashcan shots to the head. Yes, it's a can and not a chair,
but the image of any type of direct weapon blow to the head remains
unacceptable. Wolfe then grabbed a stuffed teddy bear wrapped in barbed
wire. He surveyed the odd scene for a while, giving Abyss an opening to cut
him off. Abyss then presented the token to Chelsea, who reluctantly
accepted. Back in the ring, Abyss dumped shards of glass on the mat. Wolfe
sold horror, then rolled out of the ring saying he didn't sign up for this.

Wolfe tried to take off with Chelsea, but Abyss gave chase. Wolfe used
Chelsea as a distraction and smashed Abyss with a Kendo Stick. The match
turned into a standing brawl down to the stage area and to the announce
section. Abyss then fought off Wolfe and chokeslammed him through a section
of the platform. Wolfe convulsed to sell the spot, which drew an initial pop
before the crowd quieted down. Abyss then dragged Wolfe down the floor area
back to the ring where he made an awkward cover, but Wolfe put his foot on
the bottom rope to break a count. For his next trick, Abyss set up the
barbed wire board in the corner before attempting a superplex from the top,
but Wolfe blocked. Wolfe then gave Abyss a sunset flip powerbomb off the top
into the barbed wire board. Wolfe made the cover with Abyss's arms sliced
up, but Abyss rolled a shoulder Jeff Jarrett-style to escape a pin. Wolfe
then grabbed a Kendo stick and cracked it over Abyss's head. And again.
Abyss ducked a third shot and gave Wolfe the Shock Treatment for a two

At 10:00, Wolfe recovered and cracked the Kendo Stick over Abyss's head,
causing Abyss to drop face-first into the shards of plastic glass. They cut
to shots of Chelsea apparently selling indigestion watching this play out.
Wolfe made a cover, but Abyss kicked out. Wolfe then demanded an object from
Chelsea's pursue. The gimmick was not in the purse. Wolfe freaked, then
Chelsea pulled out the brass knucks and tossed them to Abyss, much to
Wolfe's chagrin. Abyss hit Wolfe with the knucks before dropping him with
the Black Hole Slam center ring for the pin and the win. Chelsea continued
to sell indigestion as Abyss celebrated the win by licking his own blood.

WINNER: Abyss at 11:45. We've seen enough of these gimmick stunt matches
with no long-term selling from Abyss to last a lifetime, but it wasn't
terrible with a story in-play and Wolfe's facial reactions selling this
match. (n/a)

Backstage: Hemme brought in TNA champ Rob Van Dam. Hemme said the "Internet
is buzzing" over his title match tonight. RVD said he has to win this match,
not just for him, but for all the fans in TNA. He said it would be a dark
day if he lets Sting win tonight. RVD mockingly said it's
wait, "whole f'n show time."

Video package: A lengthy video on the A.J. Styles vs. Jay Lethal feud
involving Ric Flair aired. The closing line: "It's about pride, honor, and
respect more than winning and losing." It was the same line from the
Hernandez vs. Morgan "match." Why are they have a wrestling match, then? Why
not a game of cards or an arm-wrestling contest or a dance-off? Too often,
TNA doesn't protect the idea of a wrestling match settling an issue, which
is one reason why the audience doesn't buy these PPVs.


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