Wednesday, August 18, 2010

[TOWWFFC] TNA Impact Taping Results (8/19) *Spoilers*


TNA Impact Taping Results (8/19) *Spoilers*
Written by Richard Gray on Aug 10, 2010 - 6:33:16 PM

TNA Wrestling taped next week's edition of Impact tonight from Universal
Studios in Orlando, Florida. Thanks to Wrestling News World Orlando
correspondent Tim Capture for providing us with text-message updates. Below
are full results:

* TNA started to taping late as they filmed a backstage brawl involving
Abyss and Jeff Hardy where they didn't allow the fans in.

Dark Match:

* Jeremy Buck (wrongly announced as Max) vs. Bobby G w/Cookie (Rob Eckos and
Becky Bayless in Jersey shore roles). Cookie distracted Jeremy allowing
Bobby G to hit some stupid move that made no sense. He grabbed him and hit a
clothesline while still holding him, to get the win.

TNA Impact (airing Thursday, August 19, 2010 on Spike TV):

* Impact starts with Eric Bischoff in the ring with another big
announcement. He says he's never seen anything as horrific as he saw last
week. He holds Ric Flair personally responsible for this. He apologizes to
the fans for it. He says all involved will pay. He can't even describe how
bad RVD was hurt. He needed countless staples, stitches, pins and more and
may have significant organ trauma. He also mentions that Abyss has no idea
the payback Hogan and he will deliver to him. The championship committee
thought long and hard what to do and what the fans would want. They decided
to vacate the title and start a tournament that Ab ends at Bound for Glory.
It will start tonight and involve the top 8 from the top 10 rankings. He
wishes RVD good luck and he'll be welcome back whenever he recovers.

* Fourtune is out with new music and video. Matt Morgan and Douglas Williams
are out with them. Ric Flair gets on the mic and says when someone says the
word power,marquee says pro wrestling, not kendo sticks or trash cans. AJ
says EV2 couldn't leave well enough alone and had to stay around too long.
Dixie Carter comes out and says this is my house and their house. The EV2
guys come out to join her. She says as of last Thursday none of these guys
had contracts. As of tonight, they all do. Flair degrades Dreamer, Dixie and
all the EV2 guys. Dreamer says with all due respect, if Dixie hadn't told
them not to they would've stormed the ring made them pay now. But they're
moving forward because this is about TNA. Mick Foley and Flair get into a
war of words. Flair challenges Foley to roll in the thumbtacks again. Foley
says he doesn't take orders from Flair, he takes orders from Dixie Carter.
Flair says he works for Flair and Fourtune. Dreamer says they will pay back
Abyss for what he did to their friend RVD. Dreamer says he's got no respect
for what he did so tonight it will be Dreamer vs. AJ and tonight he'll be
sure to make it extreme.

* TNA Championship Tournament match, Rob Terry vs. Jeff Hardy. Hardy is out
in street clothes and no makeup. Winner via Swanton Bomb, Jeff Hardy.

* TNA Championship Tournament match, Jay Lethal vs. Mr. Anderson. Winner via
Mic Check, Mr. Anderson.

* For the TNA Knockout Women's Championship, Madison Rayne vs. Angelina
Love. Love came out on the Masked Rider's motorcycle and she joined her in
the ring. Due to the Masked Rider with Angelina, Velvet Sky joins Madison.
Winner via Bicycle Kick, Angelina Love. The Masked Rider interfered but
Velvet stopped her and was able to interfere on Madison's side instead.
After the match, Madison and the Rider lay out Angelina and Velvet and then
posed in the ring. They both leave together on the motorcycle.

* TNA Championship Tournament match, Douglas Williams vs. Kurt Angle. Winner
via ankle lock, Kurt Angle.

* Sting and Kevin Nash come out together. Nash says no matter their
disagreements, there's no one he respects more in this business than Sting.
He's been called a cancer before. He's been called worse things. But nobody
tells him when it's time to step aside. Nobody takes his spot. The company's
this close to making it to the next level. He's not the cancer, the cancer
is in the back. If you want to know the truth he'll tell you the truth. Jeff
Jarrett comes out and says the truth is since day one it's always about
Nash. And as for Sting, he can always go into Sting's closet and reveal his
skeletons and he knows what he means. He goes on to say that Hogan and
Bischoff have done nothing but good since joining the company. He says he's
going down to the ring and going to beat their a----.

* Hulk Hogan comes out and says if he's doing that he's not doing it alone.
Hogan says everybody in the back knows exactly what Sting and Nash are
about. Hogan and \Jarrett head to the ring. Just as they get in, the lights
go out. When they're back on, Fourtune is beating up everybody. Hogan was
taken out while the lights were out. Fourtune pose in the ring as their
music plays and they leave Hogan, Nash, Jarrett and Sting laid out.

* TNA Championship Tournament match, Matt Morgan vs. D'Angelo Dinero. Winner
via DDE on the outside, D'Angelo Dinero.

* Impact main event, Tommy Dreamer vs. TNA TV Champion AJ Styles in a
non-title match (what happened to AJ defending it every week?). Dreamer got
bloody early in the match. He has a head wound that reopened. Towards the
end of the match Fourtune came out but EV2.0 stopped them. During the melee,
Abyss ran in and gave Dreamer a black hole slam. Winner, AJ Styles. Fourtune
and EV2.0 brawl after the match as security and referees try to break it up.
The brawl continues, ending and restarting multiple times to end the show.


* Desmond Wolfe w/Chelsea vs. Jesse Neal. Winner via Tower of London,
Desmond Wolfe.

* Brutus Magnus w/Chelsea vs. Shannon Moore. Winner via jumping spinning
neckbreaker off the top rope, Shannon Moore. Desmond Wolfe runs out and
nails Moore. They hit a double team move on Moore. Jesse Neal runs down but
is wiped out too. Wolfe and Magnus pose triumphantly in the ring as their
music plays.

Dark Match:

* Jalil Patel vs. Roderick Strong. Winner via flying kick, Roderick Strong.


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