Thursday, September 9, 2010

[TOWWFFC] TNA Impact Taping Results (9/23) *Spoilers*


TNA Impact Taping Results (9/23) *Spoilers*
Written by Richard Gray on Sep 7, 2010 - 8:52:17 PM

TNA Wrestling taped the 9/23 edition of TNA Impact tonight from Universal
Studios in Orlando, Florida. Thanks to Wrestling News World Orlando
correspondent Tim Capture for providing us with text-message updates. Below
are full results:

Dark match:

* Navy Blue vs. Stevie Richards. Winner via Stevie Kick, Stevie Richards

TNA Impact (Airing 9/23 on Spike TV):

* Rob Terry vs. Abyss. Winner via DQ, Rob Terry. Abyss used and kept beating
on Terry. A bandaged and banged up Rob Van Dam appeared in the crowd and was
held back by security. He hit one of them with a chair. Abyss tried to get
to him and Al Snow, Simon Diamond and D-Lo Brown ran down with chairs to get
Abyss to leave. RVD got in the ring afterwards and calls out Eric Bischoff.
Bischoff comes down and RVD talks about all the love he's received. He
appreciates it but doesn't want any sympathy. He prides himself on being
able to take care of himself. Even though people think he's vulnerable. He's
not. He wishes Angle, Anderson and Hardy good luck. RVD says he would've
shown up within 30 days but whatever, things happen. He wants the winner of
the tournament to put the title up against him. RVD says he also wants Abyss
at 10-10-10. Bischoff says he'd like nothing more and it's a done deal.

* D'Angelo Dinero comes to the ring while Bischoff is still out there. He
says since Bischoff is doing favors, why not do him a favor and tell him
what the h--- is going on around here. He says Bischoff is full of it. Pope
beat Kazarian in the fatal 4-way tag. Then he pinned Angle in this very
ring. He says there was a hiccup at No Surrender but how can RVD get a title
shot before him. How can Hardy or Angle get one when they didn't win their
match? Bischoff says I hope you're insinuating what I think you are. He says
they need to discuss this in the back and leave. The tone suggested Dinero
was saying Bischoff is a racist.

* Jeremy Buck w/Matt Buck vs. Chris Sabin. Matt got thrown out immediately
for tripping Sabin. Winner via schoolboy, Chris Sabin. Matt ran down
afterwards to help Jeremy beat Sabin down. They did their double team top
rope hanging DDT and then stole Sabin's tag team championship belt.

* TNA Knockouts tag title match, Lacey Von Erich & Velvet Sky vs. Taylor
Wilde & Hamada. Winner via enziguri from Wilde to Lacey, Hamada & Taylor
Wilde. The referee was distracted and Madison Rayne ran in and hit Lacey
with a motorcycle helmet which led to the win. Angelina Love ran down
afterwards to help Lacey to the back.

* D'Angelo Dinero vs. Samoa Joe. Jeff Jarrett comes out during the match to
cheer Joe on. Sting and Kevin Nash then come out to beat up Jarrett. This
distracts Dinero which leads to Joe locking on a choke for the win. An all
out brawl then erupts with everybody except Dinero who stays in the ring.
Security comes out to break things up. Dinero gets helped to the back by

* Mr. Anderson is out. He wants us a--holes to make some noise. He says this
is a little more personal. He wants to bring out the only Olympic gold
medalist in wrestling history, Kurt Angle. Angle joins Anderson in the ring.
Anderson says Angle is the absolute best in this business. Angle reiterates
that he would retire if he lost on the way back to the title. The thing you
don't know is that what he does in this ring is who he is. Anderson says
bring it on.

* Ladder match for the advantage in a Lethal Lockdown match, AJ Styles vs.
Sabu. I'm not 100% sure if that's definitely the stipulation but that's what
people around me think was said. Ric Flair and Matt Morgan are out with AJ.
Mick Foley came out during the match and Flair flipped out. Morgan and Flair
beat up Foley at one point. EV2 and Fourtune ran out and a giant brawl
ensued. People were fighting everywhere as security tried to break it up.
James Storm got in the ring and smashed a beer bottle on Sabu's head and
then helped AJ up the ladder for the win.

* Abyss comes to the ring carrying an unconscious Jeff Hardy. He asks Rob
Van Dam if he's wondering why he has his best friend Hardy with him? Abyss
says seeing RVD was like seeing a ghost. He was never supposed to come back.
Seeing him shows how pathetic he really is. Abyss' only mistake was he left
RVD breathing. He'll correct that on 10-10-10 and THEY will finally reveal
themselves and start their takeover of TNA. He says he and Janice will
slaughter RVD but doesn't want to wait until 10-10-10. She wants a piece of
meat so get out here RVD. RVD makes his way out slowly with a chair and
starts beating Abyss down with the chair. Abyss hits a big boot and turns
the tables on RVD. He grabs Janice to use but Ink Inc run out and make the


* Orlando Jordan vs. Suicide. Winner after kissing Suicide and then
schoolboying him, Orlando Jordan.

* Eric Young vs. Rob Terry. Winner via running powerslam, Rob Terry.

* Matt Morgan & Douglas Williams vs. Raven & Stevie Richards. Winner via
evenflow DDT from Raven to Williams, Raven and Stevie Richards. Williams and
Morgan beat Raven and Richards up after the match.


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