Thursday, September 9, 2010

[TOWWFFC] TNA Impact Taping Results (9/30) *Spoilers*


TNA Impact Taping Results (9/30) *Spoilers*
Written by Richard Gray on Sep 8, 2010 - 9:34:28 PM

TNA Wrestling taped the 9/30 edition of TNA Impact tonight from Universal
Studios in Orlando, Florida. Thanks to Wrestling News World Orlando
correspondent Tim Capture for providing us with text-message updates. Below
are full results:

Dark Match:

* Tony Mercer vs. Jay Lethal. Winner via top rope elbow drop, Jay Lethal

Re-tape to be included in the 9/23 edition of Impact:

* They just moved my group to be near where Rob Van Dam is coming through
the crowd. They're re-taping the segment from yesterday. Most likely because
it was horrible yesterday.

* Rob Terry vs. Abyss. Same thing as yesterday with Abyss getting DQed due
to using the guardrail. RVD comes through the crowd and is held back. The
agents get Abyss to leave this time with no chairs. Much shorter segment
with RVD getting the match against Abyss at Bound For Glory. Eric Bischoff
and RVD leave after that and there's no D'Angelo Dinero involvement this

TNA Impact (Airing 9/30 on Spike TV):

* Kurt Angle is shown on the phone backstage talking to Hulk Hogan and
saying the cage match against Abyss is taken care of and will be tonight.
Angle hangs up and makes his way to the ring. He says he knows Hogan is in a
hospital somewhere recovering from another back injury. He says Ken Anderson
and Jeff Hardy are great competitors but Bound for Glory is going to be
about him. He thanks Hogan for the faith he has in him and will take care of
Abyss for him tonight. Abyss took out RVD and Hardy and is talking about
10-10-10 but what about 9-30-10, which is tonight, when he takes Abyss down.
Abyss shows up and Angle goes after him. They fight to the back and are
shown brawling everywhere till the video goes out.

* Abyss and Angle are shown fighting backstage again. They fight for five
minutes until security and the agents break it up.

* Beer Money, Inc. w/Fourtune vs. Tommy Dreamer & Rhino w/Sabu, Mick Foley,
Stevie Richards & Raven. This is a lumberjack match. Winner via DVD from
Dreamer to Storm, EV2.0.

* A giant brawl erupted during the match and continued afterwards. Foley
demands the fighting stops and he just wants two individuals in the ring. He
says he and Ric Flair and had their differences so he wants Ric in the ring
now to work out their differences. Fourtune and EV2.0 leave so Flair and
Foley can talk. Flair asks Foley if he wanted to talk to Ric Flair the
wrestling god? Foley says he wants to talk to Ric Flair the man. Foley says
10-10-10 will be great but they should think about 10-7-10. They should
finally after 20 years meet in the ring. Flair takes a copy of Foley's new
book from a fan. He then drops it and drops boots, knees and elbows on it
and kicks it out of the ring. Flair asks who Foley thinks he is. Foley says
he needs Flair to bring the best out of him. Flair says he makes everybody
around him better. Flair threatens to hit Foley so Foley starts hitting
himself and busts his face open. Flair says Foley's good friend Tommy
Dreamer said he's hardcore. Foley says it took Flair 40 years to realize
he's hardcore. Flair says he's going to rape and beat Foley. Foley asks for
a last man standing match and Flair says you've got it, WOOOOOOOOO!

* Ink Inc. vs. Generation Me. Winner after Max Buck kicked Moore in the
groin and schoolboyed him, Generation Me. They started to beat down Ink Inc
afterwards but the Motor City Machine Guns ran out for the save.

* Following the match, there was a lengthy delay where The Motor City
Machine Guns and Ink Inc. tossed about 50 DVDs to the crowd.

* Mr. Anderson vs. Samoa Joe. D'Angelo Dinero is on commentary as Sting and
Kevin Nash watch at commentary. Winner via Mic Check, Mr. Anderson. After
Anderson leaves, Nash comes to the outside of the ring with a bat and argues
with Joe. Joe goes after Nash but security keeps him away. Sting, Nash and
Dinero get in the ring. Nash says bad things happen to bad people. Amazing
how Hulk Hogan is in a hospital right now. He says people have been duped by
Hogan and Bischoff but the people in the ring know what's going on. Dinero
says when you talk about some wolves who know how to run with the pack you
talk about these guys. He says Bischoff is a no good lying son of a b----.
He says Hogan and Bischoff are liars. Sting says this is about Hogan and
Sting from January. No, this goes farther back to WCW. Are people here to
see the good guys or the bad guys? At the Bound For Glory it's Sting and
Nash against Jarrett and Joe but why not make it a 6 man. Nash, Sting and
Dinero against Joe, Jarrett and Hogan. Bischoff comes out and says these
three are out here showing their true colors. He says Nash is at the end of
his career. Dinero should be careful since he has a lot to accomplish. Back
in WCW Sting would pout if he didn't get his way. Nash at least has been
consistent and always been self serving. Bischoff is most disappointed in
Dinero. He had his shot and lost. There's no conspiracy, just the one in his
head. Bischoff says he won't make the match but Hogan will be here live next
week to address things.

* AJ Styles is backstage yelling about Brian Kendrick wanting to join EV2.0
and get in his business. Well he's dressed and ready to go so let's have a
match tonight and see what's up.

* TV Title Match, Brian Kendrick vs. AJ Styles. Matt Morgan and Ric Flair
came out before the match started. Flair joined commentary for a second and
then joined Morgan at ringside. Winner via Styles Clash after interference
from Morgan and Flair, AJ Styles.

* They're putting up the cage now. Jay Lethal is out to toss out more DVDs.

* Cage match: Kurt Angle vs.Abyss. During the match, Angle climbed the cage
to dive off of it but Abyss chokeslammed the referee against the cage. Angle
went to dive onto Abyss but he hit a Black Hole Slam. Mr. Anderson ran out
and attacked Abyss but Abyss hit a Black Hole Slam on him too. Abyss went to
leave but the door was chained so he ripped it off the hinges. Abyss went
outside and got Janice but Angle came to and got her. He scared Abyss off
and got back in the ring as Anderson came to. They had a stand off and Angle
tossed Janice down. Anderson went for a hand shake but Angle left. This
match is over. No winner.


* Kyoshi & Okada vs. Ink Inc.. Winner via top rope neckbreaker/Samoan drop
combo, Ink Inc.

* Sarita vs. Angelina Love. Winner via schoolgirl with a handful of tights,

* Eric Young & Orlando Jordan vs. Suicide & Rob Terry. Winners via shot to
the groin and schoolboy from Jordan to Suicide, Orlando Jordan & Eric Young.


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