Monday, January 31, 2011

Re: [TOWWFFC] Make Believe Letter to JBL


On Mon, Jan 31, 2011 at 9:55 AM,
<> wrote:
> JBL had a border line HOF career in APA and is a house hold name for wrestling fans. His character was palyed so well it made you hate was his job...........

I didn't "hate" him like a heel. He was a waste of television time. CM
Punk is a good heel, Roddy Piper was a great heel, even Vickie
Guerrero is a good heel. JBL didn't have enough real heel heat to be
in the position he was in as the top heel in the company. As far as
the HoF, if Koko B. Ware can go in before Randy Savage, I don't doubt
he could be HoF worthy.

> Del Rio a better talent than JBL right now.....JBL wasa main eventer..........Del rio is another example of WWE pushes a green horn and slapping the veterans

Del Rio can wrestle circles around JBL in his prime. Del Rio is not a
"green horn" or a rookie by any stretch of the imagination. He has
been wrestling for over a decade and was one of the most popular
wrestlers in Mexico performing for AAA and CMLL (where he was World
Heavyweight Champion), the two largest promotions in Mexico. Not

Most smarks will tell you that the veterans need to put over the
younger talent, because that is who the company needs to build around.
While I think Sheamus and Swagger got the titles too soon, I din't
think the veterans get "slapped" when the younger talent gets pushed,
because that's the way it should be. Alberto needs to be built up.
They're doing it right with him.

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