Monday, October 25, 2010

[TOWWFFC] Re: Bragging Rights - Final Results


Two things about this PPV.

One: Michael Cole called Skeletor "Shockmaster bad". OH PLEASE LET THIS BE AN UNSCRIPTED MOMENT! PUH-LEASE! That one line could erase all the "American Dumbass" comments I've made over the years about him.

Two: Reports are coming in that Perry Saturn was backstage at the PPV. HOLY CRAP! PERRY SATURN IS ALIVE!

--- In, "FondyMark" <fondy54935@...> wrote:
> In-ring: Tony Chimel announced the Buried Alive match up next. Undertaker is
> checking in at 299 pounds tonight, for what it's worth. Taker slowly made
> his way to the ring as smoke and fog covered the entrance ramp. Very odd
> seeing him in-character less than 24 hours after an out-of-character
> appearance at UFC 121. Taker eventually made his way to the ring and limped
> around a bit before Kane and Paul Bearer made their way halfway down the
> entrance ramp. Taker met Kane on the ramp and the brawl began ringside.
> 5 -- World Hvt. champion KANE (w/Paul Bearer) vs. THE UNDERTAKER -- World
> Hvt. Title match -- Buried Alive rules
> Taker sent Kane reeling into the ring steps before landing right hand
> strikes. Taker turned over the ring steps before ramming Kane face-first
> into the ring steps. A light "We want blood" chant turned into a louder
> chant for blood. (It sounds like "We want Brock" at first, then sounded like
> "We want blood" as it grew louder.) In the ring, Taker continued to dominate
> the match, so Kane rolled to the floor. He tried to hop over the guardrail
> and met Taker with an uppercut. The fight moved to the floor and they
> approached a lounge table with a red tablecloth. After a trip through the
> VIP seating area, they moved down to the production area and to the second
> level of temporary grandstands. Target received some free advertising as
> Kane and Taker fought on the Target logo'ed steps. The fight moved back to
> the production area as they traded bombs.
> At 4:00, the fight moved back to ringside as objects suddenly started
> flying. The crowd popped as chairs flew into the ring via Undertaker. Taker
> landed a boot to the head on Kane before landing a "vintage" leg drop across
> the throat as Kane was hung over the ring apron. Taker then cleared the
> announce table and chucked the table cover into the ring. Back in the ring,
> Taker grabbed a chair and Kane ducked out of the ring to run away again.
> Taker clotheslined Kane back over the guardrail to the other side of the
> arena. Taker followed him to the outside and they went to the second level
> of seats again. Taker landed rights after rights as the males 18-34 got some
> camera time. They moved back over the guardrail to ringside as the crowd
> chanted for Taker.
> At 7:00, Taker punched Kane back into the ring. Kane then grabbed a chair
> and jabbed Taker with it before cracking the chair over Taker's back. Bearer
> encouraged Kane to continue the attack. Another shot to the back. And
> another. Kane jabbed the chair into Taker's throat before landing another
> chair to the back. Kane stumbled around the ring before teasing the
> chokeslam. And he executed center ring. Cole noted they're a long way away
> from the burial plot on the stage. Kane wanted another chokeslam and he
> connected with Part II.
> Kane scooped up Taker and began carrying him up the entrance ramp, but Taker
> slipped off Kane's shoulders and they started trading bombs. Taker punched
> Kane toward the grave area, but Kane punched him back toward the ring. Taker
> eventually landed the KO Punch that floored Kane on the entrance ramp. The
> fight moved to the dirt area surrounding the burial plot as Kane retreated.
> Kane then threw dirt in Taker's eyes before landing an uppercut that floored
> Taker on the grass beside the dirt. Taker suddenly slapped on the Hell's
> Gate submission. Kane tapped, then faded out.
> In the background, Bearer was walking around on the burial plot. Taker then
> rolled Kane over and into the grave. Bearer kind of leaned over on the
> tombstone, then Taker spotted Bearer. Bearer shrunk down to the ground and
> Taker rubbed Bearer's face with dirt. Taker then grabbed Bearer and wanted a
> chokeslam, but Nexus suddenly stormed the grave site. Taker fought them all
> off as Bearer called down to Kane in the background. The numbers game
> eventually caught up to Taker as Cole asked why they're attacking Taker. Is
> Brock Lesnar the Nexus's higher power? Anyways, Kane escaped the grave and
> bashed Taker with the urn. Taker fell into the grave as the crowd booed.
> Nexus went to work with shovels pouring dirt on top of Taker. Kane wanted to
> bury his brother himself and told Nexus to get out of here. Kane then did
> his pyro call and his music hit. Suddenly, a bulldozer over the grave site
> dumped a big load of dirt on top of the grave, covering where Taker was. The
> bell anticlimactically sounded and Chimel declared Kane the winner.
> Kane walked off with the title belt as the camera zoomed in on the grave
> site. Suddenly, Taker's music hit and pyro flashed across the arena like a
> bolt of lightning to hit the tombstone. Smoke covered the tombstone as
> Taker's logo flashed across the text. They cut back to the announcers
> selling befuddlement. Cole was speechless. Lawler said he thought this was
> about shoveling dirt onto your brother. They cut back to the tombstone as
> Taker's music continued to play.
> WINNER: Kane at 16:59 to retain the World Title. Really lame. The
> brawl-through-the-crowd seems to be the only thing Kane and Taker are
> capable of at this stage of their careers. The finish was pretty lame, but
> it will be interesting to see if there's a bigger storyline in-play
> involving Kane and Nexus or if that was a convenient means to achieve the
> goal of Kane getting a tainted victory over Taker. (n/a)
> Backstage: And on with the show to a smiling Josh Mathews. He brought in WWE
> champ Randy Orton, who cut a three-sentence promo on John Cena's predicament
> tonight.
> In-ring: The Miz, called the Bud Grant of WWE by Cole, led out Team Raw
> one-by-one for the semi-main event. Miz and Alex Riley, then C.M. Punk, then
> John Morrison, then Ezekiel Jackson, then Santino, then R-Truth, and then
> Sheamus made their way to the ring. Big Show's music hit to bring out Team
> Smackdown's Show and Hornswoggle, who was sporting the Vikings gear as the
> mascot for Team Smackdown. Rey Mysterio was out next, then Jack Swagger,
> then Tyler Reks to zero reaction with that generic rock music. Show clapped
> it up for him, then Kofi Kingston came out, followed by Alberto Del Rio and
> Edge to round out the team.
> 6 -- TEAM RAW (captain The Miz & C.M. Punk & John Morrison & Ezekiel Jackson
> & Santino Marella & R-Truth & Sheamus) vs. TEAM SMACKDOWN (captain Big Show
> & Edge & Rey Mysterio & Jack Swagger & Kofi Kingston & Alberto Del Rio &
> Tyler Reks) -- elimination match
> Morrison and Reks started things off as the announcers tried to create some
> back-and-forth discussing the merits of Raw and Smackdown. Santino tagged in
> and teased the Cobra, which drew a great reaction from Del Rio in the
> background. Reks ducked the Cobra and dropped Santino with his new finisher
> for the first elimination at 2:38. Striker noted no one tried to break up
> the pin.
> Jackson entered and dropped Reks, who backed off and tagged in Show. Zeke
> smiled as Show entered the ring. They traded blows, with Show dominating the
> exchange. Show landed multiple chops to the chest before scooping up Zeke
> for a powerslam. Rey Mysterio then tagged in and dropped a leg on Zeke for a
> two count. Kofi Kingston then tagged in, but Zeke shoved them off and landed
> a double shoulder knock down.
> Raw began working over Kofi as Sheamus officially entered the match and
> pounded away on Kofi. Kofi came back with a high cross-body from the top
> rope for a two count before building some momentum and landing a twisting
> Boom Drop. Kofi started to warm up for the Trouble in Paradise, but switched
> into an SOS drop. Sheamus grabbed the bottom rope to escape a pin attempt.
> Up top, Kofi landed multiple punches before Sheamus crotched him and landed
> the High Cross. Sheamus with the pin to eliminate Kofi at 6:52.
> Rey entered for Team Smackdown and Sheamus ran him over. Raw began working
> over Rey, then Punk tagged in to a big pop. The males chanted for Punk, who
> took a boot to the face. The announcers noted the feud between Rey and Punk
> earlier this year before Punk tagged in Sheamus, who went back to work on
> Rey. Punk re-entered to more pro-Punk chants. Rey then knocked down Punk and
> Del Rio blind-tagged himself into the match, which upset Rey. Punk then
> shoved Del Rio off to the ropes where Del Rio bumped Rey off the ring apron
> to the floor. Del Rio knocked around Punk on the floor, then decided to
> throw Rey, his teammate, into the guardrail just because. Big Show screamed
> at Del Rio as the camera followed Rey, who was tended to by WWE medics to
> sell the attack by Del Rio. Rey was taken to the back with no official
> ruling on whether he was out of the match.
> The match continued with Swagger working over Punk as Team Raw members asked
> for a tag. The crowd rallied behind Punk again before Punk landed a kick on
> Swagger to escape. Morrison tagged in and landed high-flying offense on
> Swagger. Morrison fired himself up and landed the Flying Chuck for a two
> count. Cole said Rey has been taken to the locker room, but no announcement
> on whether he's actually out of the match. Swagger teased the Anklelock on
> Morrison, but Morrison escaped and hit the Starship Pain. Swagger was
> eliminated at 13:07.
> Striker recapped Smackdown down three with Rey's injury, but Cole said it's
> six on five officially. So, who knows. Reks entered for Smackdown and
> Sheamus ran him over with clubbing offense. Lawler sarcastically asked
> Striker how big of a star he was over on Smackdown. Striker retorted he was
> huge, but he didn't book his own territory. Reks was then eliminated at
> 14:32 via the Brogue Kick from Sheamus.
> Big Show entered next for Smackdown and he started brawling with Sheamus on
> the outside. The ref started a ten count after Sheamus shoved down
> Hornswoggle. The fight moved all the way up the entrance ramp. Show realized
> the count was at eight and he tried to run back into the ring, but he was
> counted out along with Sheamus. So, Smackdown is down to two unofficially
> with Edge and Del Rio.
> Truth entered for Raw and Edge entered for Smackdown. Truth asked the crowd
> what's up before missing with the Lie Detector. Edge then hit the spear for
> a pin on Truth at 16:42. Morrison missed with a springboard move, then Edge
> dropped Morrison with a spear for another pin at 17:09. Punk entered next
> and teased the G2S, but Edge countered. Edge then missed with a spear and
> Del Rio tagged himself in for Edge. Suddenly, Punk pinned Del Rio with a
> back-slide out of nowhere at 18:05 to bring Smackdown down to Edge
> unofficially. The camera focused on Del Rio on the way out as he didn't seem
> to care. Suddenly, Rey Mysterio jumped Del Rio from behind and knocked him
> down. And Rey is back in the mix.
> Edge crawled toward the Smackdown corner looking for a tag to Rey, but Miz
> cut off Edge and landed left hand strikes. Striker noted Miz's current MITB
> briefcase possession as Miz worked over Edge. Zeke added a boot to the head
> on Edge from the ring apron and Miz made a cover for a two count. Zeke then
> entered and worked over Edge with power offense. Miz re-entered and kicked
> Edge in the head for a two count. Raw's three remaining members slowed down
> the pace and tagged in and out wearing down Edge. Edge suddenly caught Punk
> in the corner with an electric chair.
> Edge crawled across the ring and tagged in Rey, who came in hot on Punk. Rey
> hit a cross-body splash, but Punk rolled through into a cover for a
> nearfall. Punk and Rey started trading pin attempts ala Dolph vs. Bryan,
> resulting in a polite applause from the crowd after the stalemate. Rey then
> hit the 619 and quickly flew onto Punk with a big splash for the pin on Punk
> at 24:07. So, it's Zeke and Miz vs. Rey and Edge.
> Zeke quickly stormed the ring and tackled Rey before starting an attack on
> the injured arm. Zeke told Miz that he has him now. Zeke shot off Rey and
> set up for a big charging splash, but Rey kicked Zeke in the face. Rey tried
> to bounce off the ropes, but Zeke floored him with a big shoulder tackle.
> Zeke and Rey exchanged control, then Rey hit a 619. Rey followed with a
> springboard splash attempt, but slipped on the top rope and kind of fell on
> Zeke. Rey made a cover and Zeke kicked out, but they called it a three count
> since that was supposed to be an elimination. After some confusion, Zeke was
> declared eliminated.
> Miz and Riley tried to work together to take out Rey, but Rey shook off Miz
> and tagged in Edge, who dropped Miz with the spear center ring. Edge made
> the pin for the win. They cut to a shot of Striker celebrating and gloating
> as Cole was shown leaning back in his chair selling disgust. Striker
> recapped the highlights of the match as Rey and Edge celebrated with
> Hornswoggle and the trophy in the ring. Hornswoggle got his hands on the
> trophy, but it tipped him over. Striker said this might be the only way the
> cup comes to Minnesota. Edge eventually left with the trophy and celebrated
> with Rey on the way out.
> WINNERS: Team Smackdown (Rey & Edge) at 27:45. A bit slow at times and just
> an okay elimination match based on the artificial Raw vs. Smackdown feud.
> Some of the better sequences couldn't make up for the overwhelmingly blah
> exchanges. The mix of characters just wasn't that strong for the majority of
> the match and this will likely just wash over the audience. WWE advanced the
> Rey vs. Del Rio feud, but other than that, Raw will be back to resetting
> their feuds on TV after focusing on "Raw as a collective unit" for three
> weeks. (**1/2)
> Order of Elimination:
> Santino (Raw) via Reks at 2:38.
> Kingston (SD) via Sheamus at 6:52.
> Swagger (SD) via Morrison at 13:07.
> Reks (SD) via Sheamus at 14:32.
> Sheamus (Raw) via count-out at 15:29.
> Big Show (SD) via count-out at 15:29.
> Truth (Raw) via Edge at 16:42.
> Morrison (Raw) via Edge at 17:09.
> Del Rio (SD) via Punk at 18:05.
> Punk (Raw) via Rey at 24:07.
> Jackson (Raw) via Rey at 26:16.
> Miz (Raw) via Edge at 27:45.
> Edge & Rey win for Team Smackdown.
> In-ring: After a video package hyping the PPV main event of Randy Orton vs.
> Wade Barrett, Nexus's music hit to bring out Barrett. Cena followed close
> behind as an unwilling servant. WWE champ Orton then came out and Justin
> Roberts handled the formal ring intros. Before the bell sounded, Barrett
> made it clear to Cena that if Barrett does not win this match, he fires Cena
> tonight.
> 7 -- WWE champion RANDY ORTON vs. WADE BARRETT (w/John Cena) -- WWE Title
> match
> Orton dominated in the first minute as Cena simply stood by non-reactionary
> on the outside several feet away from the ring. Some of the males chanted,
> "Fire Cena," as Orton worked over Barrett. The chant gained momentum and the
> announcers ignored it. Barrett then tossed Orton to the outside, leading to
> a stare down between Cena and Orton. Barrett didn't like Cena's reaction to
> an opportunity, so he rolled out of the ring to challenge Cena with his
> eyes. Back in the ring, Barrett rocked Orton into the corner with kicks
> before Orton fired back with a clothesline. Barrett continued to work over
> Orton as Cena watched from a distance.
> Barrett didn't appreciate Cena's lack of effort, so he screamed at him
> ringside. Orton snuck up behind Barrett and clotheslined him into the ring
> steps as Cena backed up to the announcer table. Orton stared down Cena, then
> rolled Barrett back into the ring and applied a chinlock. The match moved
> back to the floor where Barrett reversed a whip sending Orton flying into
> the ring steps. Back in the ring, Barrett landed three left hand jabs to
> Orton and made a cover for a two count. Barrett went to the second rope,
> paused, and delivered a flying elbow drop for another nearfall.
> At 8:00, Barrett shoved a boot into Orton's face in the corner as the camera
> continued to focus on Cena staring into the ring from ringside. Barrett
> continued to score nearfalls as the crowd waited for something to get
> excited about. Barrett slowly came to his feet and dragged Orton to the
> outside before ramming him head-first into the guardrail in front of a fan
> dressed as a clown and a man wearing a Peyton Manning jersey. The clown or
> Peyton shouted, "You suck!" toward Barrett as he rolled Orton back into the
> ring and slapped on a chinlock.
> Orton sold a comeback, was cut off, then finally gave the audience some hope
> with right hand strikes, followed by a dropkick. Orton positioned Barrett on
> the second rope for his patented spike DDT, but Barrett slipped out and the
> ref was bumped. Barrett knocked down Orton with a clothesline as Barrett
> shouted at Cena to get on the ring apron. Orton suddenly bumped Barrett into
> the apron, bumping Cena off the apron to the floor. Nexus then stormed the
> ring and Orton tried to fight them off. Striker ominously said Barrett is
> going to be the new WWE champion. We know that's not happening now.
> Nexus held up Orton, who accepted right hand strikes from Nexus members.
> Cena suddenly stormed the ring and tackled Nexus members. Barrett knocked
> down Orton in the confusion, then Barrett screamed at Cena. Cena said that
> if Barrett gets DQ'ed, he loses. Barrett accepted the explanation, then went
> on the attack, but Orton made his comeback as the ref came back to life.
> Orton dropped Barrett with the spike DDT from the second rope before he
> started pounding the mat with his fists.
> Suddenly, Cena snuck in the back door and scooped up Barrett. He dropped him
> with the Attitude Adjustment and the ref called for the bell. Barrett was
> announced as the winner via DQ, which drew silence since it was one of those
> groan-inducing, predictable cop-out finishes for Barrett to win. Cena
> grabbed the title belt and started to hand it over to Orton, who dropped
> Cena with the RKO. That drew a mild pop from the males. Orton celebrated
> with the title, then dropped Barrett with the RKO as Barrett tried to sneak
> attack him. The announcers tried to explain the finish and Cena working
> Barrett's system as Orton celebrated. They replayed the key moments of the
> match as Cole said Barrett will be livid going forward. Orton held up the
> title belt in the ring as the show concluded.
> WINNER: Barrett via DQ at 14:34, Orton retains the WWE Title. Another lame
> finish to one of the two big title matches on the PPV. That same finish has
> resulted in the match simply being thrown rather than a DQ more times than
> not in recent years. WWE's inconsistent match finishes and non-finishes on
> TV this year caught up with them, as the audience simply groaning at the
> announced finish perfectly captured the reaction to this. The first ten
> minutes of the match was like Orton vs. Triple H at WrestleMania 25. (*)
> FINAL THOUGHTS: I can't recall the last time three headline matches all came
> in that much below expectations. Right now, Orton's character is damaged
> goods as a babyface champion. They have to go back to square one with
> Orton's character while WWE presumably continues the majority of their TV
> focus to Barrett and Cena. Strong start to the PPV, followed by a downhill
> slide. Thumbs down.
> credit:
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "FondyMark" <fondy54935@...>
> To: "TheOriginalWWFFanClub" <>
> Sent: Sunday, October 24, 2010 8:25 PM
> Subject: Bragging Rights - 1/2 Point Results
> > WWE Bragging Rights PPV Results
> > October 24, 2010
> > Minneapolis, Minn.
> > Report by James Caldwell, PWTorch assistant editor
> >
> > The second WWE PPV of the month will feature WWE champion Randy Orton vs.
> > Wade Barrett (with John Cena in his corner) for the WWE Title, World Hvt.
> > champion Kane vs. The Undertaker in a Buried Alive match, and Team Raw vs.
> > Team Smackdown in a seven-on-seven elimination match. And it all seems to
> > be taking a backseat to The Undertaker and Brock Lesnar exchanging words
> > at UFC 121 last night...
> >
> > PPV open: Evil lurks in the darkness looking for you with Kane vs.
> > Undertaker. Interesting start to the opening PPV video package focusing on
> > Kane vs. Taker part III. The video ended, then briefly focused on Raw vs.
> > Smackdown before going live to the Target Center. Michael Cole said
> > tonight is about earning a year-long opportunity to gloat about victory.
> > Jerry Lawler plugged the main event tonight of Orton vs. Barrett for the
> > WWE Title.
> >
> > Ringside: They focused on the Stanley Cup lite Bragging Rights trophy.
> > Matt Striker was shown sitting next to Cole and Lawler to discuss Kane vs.
> > Undertaker tonight. They focused on the burial plot positioned near the
> > stage that looked rather PG-safe.
> >
> > On-stage: Vickie Guerrero interrupted the tombstone visual before asking
> > the crowd to help him welcome out Intercontinental champion Dolph
> > Ziggler - the man who chose her to date when he could have chosen anyone
> > else in the world. Out came Ziggler to pose on stage before making his way
> > to the ring. Daniel Bryan came out to face Ziggler as the announcers
> > plugged each men's respective submission holds.
> >
> > 1 -- IC champion DOLPH ZIGGLER (w/Vickie Guerrero) vs. U.S. champion
> > DANIEL BRYAN -- non-title champion vs. champion match
> >
> > After a loud "Daniel Bryan" chant from the crowd, the match started on the
> > mat with some nice holds exchanged. Ziggler then rolled to the outside to
> > recover and Bryan followed out. Ziggler tried to hide behind Vickie, so
> > Bryan flew over her with a running knee strike to the forehead from the
> > ring apron. Back in the ring, Bryan landed a corner attack and Ziggler
> > rolled to the apron again. Bryan got caught and Ziggler slingshot him
> > throat-first across the middle rope. Worth noting is a nice touch with the
> > ring ropes going "Texas vs. Oklahoma" splitting the colors right down the
> > middle red and blue.
> >
> > The crowd rallied behind Bryan with a "Daniel Bryan" chant as Ziggler
> > continued to work the throat and neck area. Bryan countered a neckbreaker
> > into a backslide for a two count, then Ziggler caught Bryan with a
> > throat-first drop across the middle rope again. Ziggler followed with a
> > nice overhead body slam for a nearfall. Ziggler went back on the attack
> > and the crowd resumed a pro-Bryan chant. Ziggler landed a running neck
> > snap for a two count, then taunted Bryan and slowed down the pace. Bryan
> > tried to come back with a desperation corner attack, but Ziggler moved and
> > Bryan ate the turnbuckle neck-first.
> >
> > At 8:00, Ziggler resumed an attack on Bryan's neck as the crowd resumed a
> > Bryan chant. Bryan fought out of a chinlock with a jawbreaker, then both
> > men recovered to their feet. Bryan landed a kick strike to the shoulder,
> > then a second, and a third. Bryan landed rapid-fire kicks before landing a
> > knee to the face that rocked both men. Bryan ducked a clothesline, then
> > hit a flying elbow smash and showed babyface fire that the crowd responded
> > to. Bryan landed a flying kick to the face and made a cover for a two
> > count.
> >
> > At 10:00, Bryan caught Ziggler coming off the ropes with a kick to the
> > upper chest. Bryan then went to the apron and flew halfway across the ring
> > with a springboard kick strike that just caught Ziggler on the way down
> > for a two count. Ziggler suddenly came back with a standing kick and Bryan
> > fell like a tree in the forest to sell the move, which barely grazed
> > Bryan. Ziggler with a nearfall, then he teased the Zig-Zag, but Bryan
> > blocked. Bryan hit a kick strike to the head, then rolled him over and
> > made a cover for another nearfall.
> >
> > At 12:00, Bryan went up top, but Ziggler crotched him. Ziggler went up top
> > for a superplex, but Bryan slipped underneath and crotched Ziggler. Bryan
> > then climbed up behind Ziggler for a suplex, but Ziggler fell on top of
> > Bryan on the way down and scored a close two count, followed by Bryan
> > rolling on top of Ziggler for a close two count. Nice sequence. Ziggler
> > came to life and tried a sleeper, but Bryan countered. They suddenly
> > collided hard off the ropes with dual cross-body block attempts, sending
> > both men crashing to the mat.
> >
> > At 14:00, they started trading bombs from their knees before making their
> > way to their feet. Ziggler suddenly tried a small package, but Bryan
> > kicked out. They started trading pin attempts with a close count for
> > Ziggler, who then hit the Rocker Dropper. He made a cover and scored a
> > three, but the ref saw Bryan's foot on the bottom rope before the three
> > count was made official. The ref waved off the pin, which drew applause.
> > Ziggler went back to work with the sleeper, but Bryan fought off the hold.
> > Ziggler eventually re-locked the hold and dropped Bryan to the mat, but
> > Bryan reached the ropes for a break.
> >
> > Vickie started screaming in protest and Ziggler started taunting Bryan.
> > Ziggler lost his cool and Bryan suddenly slapped on the LeBell Lock center
> > ring. The crowd popped as Ziggler had nowhere to go. Ziggler eventually
> > tapped out, giving Bryan the submission win. Post-match: Vickie screamed
> > at the ref and argued with him in protest. Ziggler argued too and the ref
> > sent them packing to the back. The crowd added insult with a "You tapped
> > out" chant aimed at Ziggler on the way out.
> >
> > WINNER: Bryan at 16:14 via submission. Awesome opening match. They set a
> > great pace early on, then featured some good back-and-forth pin attempts
> > and counters to counters with a good story to the finishing sequence. A
> > very nice showcase of what we know Bryan is capable of and what Ziggler is
> > capable of with the right opponent. (****)
> >
> > Backstage: Miz and Alex Riley celebrated the victory for Team Raw. That's
> > a sight. Miz credited himself for being Bryan's Rookie. Sheamus then
> > walked in and reminded Miz he's the former WWE champ on Team Raw, so he's
> > not going to listen to Miz. Miz was interrupted by C.M. Punk, who said
> > he's captain straight edge. He reminded Miz that last time they saw him in
> > the ring, he was pinned by Rey Mysterio. Suddenly, Rey Mysterio
> > interrupted seeking snacks and beverages. Riley whispered he said there
> > might be snacks and beverages. Punk said he knows strategy, especially
> > about Smackdown. He said he will be giving orders. Since they're taking
> > orders, Santino said he would like some Sun Chips.
> >
> > Sheamus got things back on track saying if anyone gets in his face, he'll
> > kick his head off. Punk laughed and Miz turned around to talk about them
> > not trusting each other. He said they need to be "one" for once. He said
> > they are Team Raw...and they are awesome. Punk just laughed and laughed.
> > He said some of them are awesome. Punk walked off and they were back to
> > Miz and Riley, who screamed at Miz to take control of things tonight. Miz
> > said they're taking Smackdown down tonight.
> >
> > In-ring: Unannounced, WWE tag champ Cody Rhodes came out on stage to
> > admire himself. Drew McIntyre then joined him on stage to make their way
> > to the ring. No word on their opponents here. Cole and Striker discussed
> > grooming tips, then Rhodes took the mic. He said no one has more to brag
> > about than the WWE tag champs. McIntyre started talking, which drew
> > mockery from the announcers. He said all the boys in the back are scared
> > of them and they don't have any opponents left.
> >
> > Suddenly, the Raw GM buzzed. Again, the inconsistency with the GM having
> > authority over a PPV. Cole stepped to the podium and read an email from
> > the GM. Cole said there is a team on Raw worthy of facing Cody and Drew
> > for the tag titles. Cue up Nexus's theme music. Cole closed the laptop and
> > walked back to the announce table as Wade Barrett walked out on stage.
> > Barrett said he will soon be crowned new WWE champion, but right now,
> > welcome out one-half of the next WWE tag champs, David Otunga. Out came
> > Otunga as the first challenger. As his partner...John Cena. Cue up Cena's
> > theme music as the tag champs wiped their foreheads in shock. Suddenly,
> > Cena went sprinting right to the ring past Otunga and Nexus. Cena did his
> > routine as Otunga slowly made his way to the ring to start things off.
> >
> > CENA -- WWE tag title match
> >
> > Otunga told Cena he's starting things off. Cena wanted to get the first
> > piece of the action, but Otunga held him off. The bell sounded and the tag
> > champs quickly took down Otunga and started working him over in their
> > corner. Otunga finally broke free and slap-tagged Cena into the match.
> > Cena slowly entered the ring to milk his first entrance into the match.
> > Cena and Cody locked up, with Cena pushing Cody to the corner before
> > leaving himself exposed for a knee to the gut. Otunga asked for a tag once
> > Cena gained control, but Cena waved him off. Cena then executed a delayed
> > vertical suplex for a two count. Otunga interrupted and shouted at Cena to
> > tag him in. Cody took advantage of the discussion by smashing Cena from
> > behind to isolate Cena in the heel corner.
> >
> > The crowd got into the match with a dueling chant of "Let's Go Cena" and
> > "Cena Sucks" as the heels continued to work over Cena. At 5:30, Cena broke
> > free of Cody's attack and attempted signature offense before Drew tagged
> > in and took the sit-out slam to set up the Five Knuckle Shuffle. Cena told
> > Otunga he can't see him, then dropped the Shuffle on Drew. Cena chased off
> > Cody, then dumped Drew over the top rope. Cody blind-tagged in for Drew,
> > though. Cody wanted the Cross Rhodes, but Cena countered into the STF
> > center ring. Cena locked it in and Rhodes tapped out after a few seconds,
> > giving Cena and Otunga the win and the belts.
> >
> > Post-match: Otunga excitedly grabbed the tag title belts and acted like he
> > had a huge accomplishment. Cole noted Otunga didn't contribute much of
> > anything during the match. Otunga eventually handed over one of the belts
> > as Otunga continued to gaze into the belt. Cole noted it's the first time
> > Nexus has won championship gold in WWE. Otunga posed in the ring as Cena
> > just watched him. Cena waited for Otunga to stop celebrating, then dropped
> > him center ring with the Attitude Adjustment. Cena then grabbed both title
> > belts and posed in the ring before leaving the ring. Otunga eventually
> > recovered and looked around bewildered at what just happened.
> >
> > WINNERS: Cena & Otunga at 6:29 to capture the WWE Tag Titles. Hopefully
> > Nexus goes Freebirds Rules so Gabriel can slide in for Otunga, who isn't
> > exactly the most proficient wrestler. Decent story to the match continuing
> > to give the Cena Fanbase something to cheer about while Cena is "forced"
> > to be part of Nexus. (*1/2)
> >
> > Backstage: Josh Mathews caught up with Ted DiBiase and Maryse. Mathews
> > wanted to know how DiBiase plans to win back the Million Dollar Title.
> > Maryse started speaking French, which drew agitation from DiBiase, who
> > interrupted. He said Goldust is weird and he doesn't like him. He credited
> > Goldust for being clever and tricky stealing his property, but he's going
> > to do him a favor by beating Goldust, then taking back his title, and then
> > having his fake NXT girlfriend deported. "Yeah!" Maryse said from behind.
> >
> > In-ring: DiBiase and Maryse came to the ring first as Lawler said the
> > match isn't necessarily for a WWE title, but it's a prized possession. Out
> > next was Goldust, accompanied by the future Mrs. Goldust. Striker started
> > talking rapid-fire about Aksana "competing on every Tuesday
> > night," which just sounds weird. Goldust sat down in the corner before the
> > opening bell sounded.
> >
> > 3 -- TED DIBIASE (w/Maryse) vs. GOLDUST (w/Aksana) -- Possession of
> > DiBiase's Million Dollar Title belt
> >
> > Goldust dumped DiBiase over the top rope early on. Goldust followed to the
> > outside and rammed DiBiase back-first into the guardrail. Back in the
> > ring, Goldust went up top and DiBiase kicked him in the head to send
> > Goldust crashing to the mat. DiBiase worked over Goldust for a few minutes
> > before Goldust made a comeback with his classic offense. Goldust made a
> > cover and Maryse screamed as DiBiase just kicked out in time. Goldust then
> > missed with a flying cross-body and crashed to the floor. Back in the
> > ring, Goldust recovered and tried to fire up the crowd, but DiBiase
> > dropped Goldust with a spinebuster for a two count.
> >
> > After a pause, both men came back to their feet as the crowd had a light
> > chant for Goldust. Goldust and DiBiase then collided mid-ring. Silence.
> > Suddenly, Maryse jumped Aksana from behind, which drew the biggest pop of
> > the match. Maryse then flung Aksana into the ring and Aksana began crying.
> > Goldust checked on his "fiancee," allowing DiBiase to nail Dream Street
> > from behind for the win.
> >
> > Post-match: Maryse entered the ring with the Million Dollar belt to give
> > back to DiBiase, but Aksana tackled her in the ring. Aksana slowly
> > approached DiBiase with the belt and started rubbing his chest. She teased
> > a kiss, then Goldust caught DiBiase from behind with the Final Cut to get
> > the final word on DiBiase. Cole complained about Aksana being deceptive
> > and Lawler made his anti-women remarks, trying to get sympathy on...the
> > heel, DiBiase. They replayed the finish and post-match before showing
> > Goldust and Aksana leaving with the Million Dollar Title belt again.
> >
> > WINNER: DiBiase at 7:29. Decent match. DiBiase needed a credible victory
> > here, but the post-match wiped that away. Meanwhile, the booking and
> > inconsistent announcer talk continues to be befuddling. (*1/2)
> >
> > In-ring: LayCool came out and cut accent jokes on Minnesota. They said the
> > men like their women big since it's really cold here. McCool said Natalya
> > being in Minneapolis can't help her, just like they can't help receiving
> > all those text messages from Bret Favre. That actually drew a
> > complementary applause and laughter from some of the crowd. Striker said
> > that was Shockmaster bad. Out came Natalya to challenge for the Unified
> > Divas Title.
> >
> > 4 -- Unified Divas champion MICHELLE MCCOOL (w/Layla) vs. NATALYA --
> > Unified Divas Title match
> >
> > Natalya got an early crowd reaction executing a delayed vertical suplex,
> > then McCool took control of the match working over Natalya with submission
> > offense. Natalya made a comeback and teased the Sharpshooter, but McCool
> > reached the bottom rope for a break. Eventually, the numbers game caught
> > up to Natalya and Layla ran a distraction to give McCool the victory for
> > the second straight PPV.
> >
> > WINNER: McCool at 4:45 to retain the Divas Title. It felt like a TV match
> > leading to the expected TV-like finish. (*)
> >
> > Survivor Series plug: A different video presentation showed Wade Barrett
> > in a dark room with a single overhead light talking about a "new chapter"
> > in Nexus's history at the next WWE PPV. They had a multiple-camera shoot
> > here that added a unique production value to the commercial.
> >
> > Exterior shot: Mall of America. Cole said Lawler was there today. Lawler
> > shot back that he wasn't since he was stuck on a plane after a fire broke
> > out and avoided disaster. Cole just moved right along in an uncaring away.
> >
> > Stage: Josh Mathews was shown standing inside the six-foot grave to set up
> > the Buried Alive match between Undertaker and Kane. Mathews hyped the
> > match before they went to a video package explaining the story of
> > "betrayal" leading to this match.
> >
> > credit:

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