Wednesday, October 27, 2010

[TOWWFFC] WWE Sues CT Secretary Of State AND...


Before I continue on with the news here. I kind of find it funny that WWE, a place where they CONSTANTLY remove signs from the audience & practices "creationist history", is doing this.

WWE sues the Connecticut Secretary of State for the whole "Don't Wear WWE merchandise at the polls" deal. Now I've experienced this during the whole AH-NULD Governor battle & this not only covered AH-NULD, but it also effected other stars like Gary Coleman & the porn star. And WWE is suing! With that & Lawler's comments on RAW (recaps peeps!) I think Vinnie Mac sees himself that Linda's going to loose.

Sources: WWE Press Release

"On behalf of myself, my company, WWE® fans and any Connecticut citizen who wants to exercise their constitutional right to vote, I have filed a lawsuit today asserting that Susan Bysiewicz's directive that allows poll workers to refuse registered voters wearing WWE merchandise the right to vote is a flagrant act of censorship and discrimination," said Vince McMahon, Chairman and CEO, World Wrestling Entertainment."

AND...The results are...

"STAMFORD, Conn. – "The moment Connecticut Secretary of State Susan Bysiewicz issued an un-American, unconstitutional and discriminatory directive prohibiting voters from wearing WWE merchandise at the polls, Attorney General Richard Blumenthal should have immediately stepped in to enforce the law. As a result of the Attorney General's inaction, I brought suit to enforce these basic, fundamental constitutional rights. Within hours of filing the lawsuit, Blumenthal recused himself, and Bysiewicz reversed her position and immediately notified all Local Registrar of Voters and Town Clerks via email. I am pleased that Connecticut voters have had their freedom of expression and their right to vote restored," said Vince McMahon, Chairman and CEO, World Wrestling Entertainment."

AND! Vinnie Mac tells TMZ that he'll wear WWE Merchandise at the polls.

Just want to say...Linda for Senator = Vinnie Mac for Senate.

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