Saturday, October 23, 2010

[TOWWFFC] Spoilers for WWE Films "Knucklehead"


The Following Contains Spoilers for the WWE Films Latest BOMB "Knucklehead" starring The Big Show. If you don't want to read the spoilers then I recommend dodging this post. HOWEVER! If you want to read it, you have been warned!


































The movie starts at a local run-down, church operated, orphanage where an all-boys version of "The Wizard of Oz" is about to be performed in front of some people. Henry, a pudgy boy apparently dressed as "Toto" is playing on his Game Boy Advance while being teased by another boy dressed as "Dorothy". Henry apparently has a smart mouth & tells "Dorothy" off. Mary walks in & tells Henry that everything will be okay & make sure he tries his best, Henry doesn't think trying his best will work. At the front of the stage Sister Francesca, the head nun with a walking cane, comes out on stage to announce the play & says that the role of "Glenda, The Good Witch of the North" will be played by Walter Krunk she begrudgingly says. So the play starts with the moment that Dorothy crushing "The Wicked Witch of the East" with her house, Henry barking which gets a laugh, and the clue of Glenda being lowered down from the rafters. Glenda is apparently a REALLY BIG MAN with a beard & goofy looking hair. (RD: I'm guessing this is Walter Krunk & he's being played by WWE's Big Show."). Since Walter is GINORMOUS the rigging can't hold him up so it goes kerblooie with Walter swinging around all over the place basically destroying the set! (RD: Because you see a big, fat guy swinging around cinched to a rigging rope destroying it...IS FUNNY!)

Now we are over to a gym where hustler Eddie is training a MMA fighter for a big fight with Pops, Eddie's dad, is talking to Eddie hoping this fighter will win for him. Eddie says this guy will be a champ. Pops is wondering where he found the guy, Eddie said basically from rescuing him from paying off too many parking tickets. Enter Loan Shark Earl & his MMA fighter Redrum (RD: It's MURDER spelled backwards!). Apparently Eddie owes Earl at least $25,000 in unpaid debts & he wants it. Eddie is going to use his MMA fighter to win a big tournament in New Orleans to win the prize so he can pay off his debts to Earl. Earl doesn't like that since he's going to enter that tournament with Redrum so he's going to win that prize; Earl tells Eddie to find another way to raise the money or else. Earl shows Eddie an example by ordering Redrum to take out Eddie's fighter with one punch. Earl then orders Redrum to punch Eddie in the face, Redrum doesn't want to because Eddie won't collect Earl's money, Earl orders Redrum to punch Eddie so Redrum punches Eddie in the face anyways. While lying in the ground from Redrum's attack & trying to recover, Eddie slowly gives up while Pops give Eddie this piece of advice for his current problems: PRAY!

Back to the orphanage where Walter is cooking breakfast with Henry in the kitchen; Henry is feeling really depressed that he's not going to be adopted anytime soon, Walter is trying to make the kid feel better saying that he didn't get adopted either mostly because he's a freak of nature but he turned out great. Walter's got to go to the bathroom so he asks Henry to keep an eye on the oven while he's goes "take care of business". So Walter leaves the kitchen with Henry playing his Game Boy Advance & heads out to the bathroom. At the bathroom Mary's waiting for the bathroom to be open & she hears a lot of farting. Walter's running up & is behind Mary thinking it's the line for the bathroom, Mary's curious as to who's in the bathroom it Walter's behind her, Sister Francesca walks out of the bathroom (RD: Oh that's what we needed! Fart jokes!) which gets a "What The Hell?!?" look from Mary. Walter returns to the kitchen & thanks for Henry ignoring the oven he causes a grease fire. Walter tries to put the fire out with water & the next thing you know the kitchen is destroyed! (RD: FYI, never use water to put out a grease fire!) The housing inspector arrives & thanks to Henry's neglect COMBINED with Walter's stupidity the orphanage is going to be shut down with all the orphans sent to foster homes because there is no kitchen & the orphanage is a complete disaster. Henry pulls an "Oliver Twist" impersonation trying to get the housing inspector not to close the orphanage down, the housing inspector changed his mind and gives the orphanage 10 days to get the kitchen at LEAST started renovations or he'll close the orphanage.

Eddie enters the church part of the orphanage. Eddie doesn't know how to pray so he comes up with some half-assed prayer. While on one of the connecting rooms of the church Sister Francesca & Mary are in the room & Sister Francesca is letting Walter have it for the mess he created. (RD: Why isn't Sister Francesca yelling at Henry as well? Henry had a hand in this by letting it happen in the first place!) Walter says he's so sorry but he's just a "Knucklehead". (RD: Title Of The Movie!) Sister Francesca grabs Walter by the ear & shoves her to the window to show Walter the mess he created by letting the kids at the orphanage sent to foster homes that won't adopt these kids sharing the same that that Walter ended up with. Walter says that he's sorry & that he'll fix it. Back at church Eddie is basically saying that he's waiting for a sign from God to show the help he needs. Back at that room where Sister Francesca is pushing Walter around with her cane, so much so that Walter trips & goes through a window that connects the window to the church, Eddie screams "HALLEHULAH!" because he just found his miracle!

At Sister Francesca's office (RD: A.K.A. that connected room to the church); Eddie shows his internet promo video to Sister Francesca, Walter, & Mary what he does. Eddie shows that he's a MMA trainer & wants Walter to fight for him in New Orleans. Walter doesn't want to fight because he doesn't have a mean bone in his body; Mary is wondering if Eddie is going to use Walter since Walter is basically a giant, naïve, idiot. Sister Francesca grabs Eddie & throws him out of the room to discuss the matter with Walter & Mary. Sister Francesca says that thanks to what Walter did they basically don't have a choice so she's going to let Walter go with Eddie to be a fighter & to make sure Eddie isn't going to rob Walter or the orphanage Mary is going with Walter because Mary has "some life experience". Sister Francesca opens the door & pulls Eddie back in to the room & tells Eddie that she'll agree to his offer but he better not screw with her or else she threatens God on him!

So Walter, Mary, & Eddie take off in the orphanage's school bus to use for the trip. Eddie shows Walter some quick holds with Mary driving. Mary wonders what will be the plan for Walter. Eddie says that he has arranged the entire trip for Walter by going through a lot of places that hold amateur MMA matches so that Walter can build up experience & he'll film all of it & put the highlights of it on YouTube so Eddie can build Walter's street cred. Eddie mentions that Walter's first fight is today. Mary is shocked that Walter's is going to fight today, Walter doesn't think he can do it but Eddie has confidence in him.

Walter & the gang stop at a synagogue; Mary doesn't believe that a MMA fight is going to be here & what is Eddie thinking. Eddie tells Mary & Walter that everything's okay. So Walter & the gang enter the synagogue where they meet the fight promoter. (RD: No, No, NO! The fight promoter is Artie from "Warehouse 13"! DAMN YOU WWE!) The promoter is getting everything settled with Eddie while Eddie tells Walter to go change in some trunks. Eddie & Mary are escorted to the ring where Walter's opponent is in the ring & all of the audience members are Jewish stereotype looking members holding HUGE Star's of David like if they were WWE signs. (RD: That's not tasteless at all!) Walter comes out wearing only socks, a shirt from the orphanage, & some white Hanes. Mary is embarrassed at what she's looking at, Eddie is asking Walter to go change into something like a pair of swim trunks, and Walter explains that's all he has. Eddie gets Walter to the ring while checking his trunks for skid marks. In the ring the fight promoter going through the rules of the match which includes no punches to the groin. (RD: Key part there.) The fight begins & Walter just sits there & does nothing while his opponent just continually punches him. (RD: A.K.A. The Homer Simpson defense from the time Homer was a boxer.) Walter's opponent is getting tired so he goes for the nut shot. Walter screams in pain & topples over on his opponent, Walter's opponent is literally flattened by him so he taps due to the mass tonnage of Walter! Walter wins!

Back at the gym with Pops. Earl & Redrum appear looking for Eddie. Pops said that Eddie's heading to New Orleans, Earl said Eddie can't go to New Orleans thanks to Redrum destroying Eddie's fighter, Pops said Eddie found a bigger & meaner fighter than before. Earl threatens Pops where Eddie is, Pops won't say anything, so Earl orders Redrum to hurt Pops.

At a hotel room somewhere Eddie is going through the footage of the fight while Walter's in the bathroom. Eddie then goes to the bed & tries to fix the hotel's air conditioner, Walter then appears out of the bathroom & dives for the bed! Since the bed can't hold Walter, the bed is destroyed & Eddie is flying landing on Walter looking like some gay embrace when Mary walks in the room looking shocked. Walter sees Mary & wants to talk to her in private. Outside the hotel we see Earl & Redrum staking the place out. Earl is talking to Redrum about they need to take Eddie out before he can reach New Orleans, Redrum is asking how they are going to do it, Earl doesn't know because he hasn't done it before so he'll think of something, Redrum thinks Earl is "IMPROVISING". Walter is talking to Mary, Mary is trying to convince Walter not to fight anymore, but Walter wants to fight because not only he can experience the world but he wants to prove that he can help out. While Walter & Mary are talking Earl & Redrum enter Eddie's hotel room. Earl threatens Eddie not to go to New Orleans then he orders Redrum to beat Eddie up, Earl & Redrum leave after Redrum kicks Eddie's ass. Walter & Mary return to find Eddie beaten up.

The next day Walter & the gang are on the road with Eddie showing Walter some more moves. Mary & Eddie complain when Mary notices that the engine on the bus is smoking. Everybody panics when finally the bus crashes in a lone corn field somewhere. Everybody panics & runs from the bus like HELL as the bus explodes. Walter & gang leave the corn field with Eddie mentioning that they have to get to their next match by 4:00PM the next day or else they'll miss it. Mary arranges a ride by doing some sexy hitchhiker moves which gets a truck with an animal trailer up. Walter is inside the truck with a redneck looking driver drinking nothing but energy drinks & urinating into a jug. The driver wished Walter was Mary because he's been REALLY-REALLY-Lonely. (RD: Good thing Walter & the truck driver doesn't know "The Rules of The Road" or else Walter would be giving some "oral love" to the truck driver.) Walter tries to talk some small talk to the truck driver at what he does, the truck driver does "Importing & Exporting but mostly Importing". Back to Eddie & Mary who are at the back of truck where we found out what the truck driver meant, seems like the driver is hauling pigs…AND ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS! Mary & Eddie are complaining again. Eddie talks to an immigrant, immigrant threatens Eddie in Spanish that you mess with him you die, Mary translates for Eddie meaning that all he wants is a simple hug, so of course Eddie hugs the immigrant & hilarity ensures! Eddie wonders what's Mary's problem is, Mary says that he doesn't trust Eddie & she doesn't want Walter to get hurt.

The truck driver stops at Eddie's location for Walter's next MMA fight. Walter gets out of the truck while Eddie & Mary get out of the back of the truck. Unfortunately that lets out the pigs with the immigrants running for the hills! Eddie gets Walter & Mary to Walter's next fight and it's…some kid's house. The kid who's running it, (RD: Played by Future RAW Guest Host Bobb'e J. Thompson. So that's why he's guest hosting RAW!) Eddie & the kid are going through the financials as we get a look at the kid's backyard & it's a big homemade MMA ring. (RD: So WWE frowns on backyard wrestling but backyard MMA matches is okay I guess?) Eddie goes outside to take a look at Walter opponent & he looks like a smaller looking version of Batista. So Eddie comes back in & psyches Walter up making his opponent sound like a cross between Hitler & The Emperor, the kid's father comes early & closes the backyard MMA immediately threatening the cops on everybody which makes anybody in the backyard including Walter's opponent to flee. Inside Eddie is still getting psyching Walter up making his opponent, now it looks like the kid's father, now the most evil man in the planet. Walter is so psyched up that he gets up, mows the kid's dad down, & plow him through a wooden fence! Walter raises in arm triumph declaring that the evil has been stopped. Eddie calls Pops to see how he's doing, apparently Pops is in the hospital thanks to Earl & Redrum & he wants Eddie to "AVENGE ME BOY!" But Pops hangs up the phone quickly when he sees a smoking hot redhead nurse wanting to give him a sponge bath.

Walter & gang go through a run-down mobile home park. Seems like Mary knows somebody in the park so they can get a night's sleep. They arrive at a certain mobile home & they meet Tina. Tina & Mary are old friends back when Mary was a "certain dancer". (RD: Me thinks stripper.) Mary shuts Tina up & everybody gets in the house. First thing Eddie notices is Tina's stripper pole in the middle of the room. Mary is asking Tina for any jobs in the area for some quick cash, Eddie is asking Tina is they are any fights in the area since Walter is a fighter. Tina starts getting a crush on Walter, Walter is crushing back on Tina, and then Tina remembers that there's an open challenge at the local county fair where the winner will get $500 by fighting some guy named "Bare Knuckle Dave". Tina thought it would be a good idea to give Walter an "Extreme Makeover" so Walter comes out in his "new look" with "etched on tattoos. " (RD: Actually Walter's new look is the look that we all know Big Show with.) Eddie loves Walter's new look. Night's approaching and Eddie tries to teach Walter some kicks & moves for a bare knuckle fight but Walter somehow trips & falls on his back, Eddie tries to help out Walter but Eddie is dragged to the ground with Walter.

Day of the fair. Tina & Mary are selling funnel cakes, Tina gives Walter a free funnel cake because he "likes him". Walter eats some funnel cake but Eddie takes it away from him & save it for the fight. Eddie & Walter arrive at the arena where a fan is giving Walter some advice to use against his opponent "Bare Knuckle Dave", Eddie thinks it odd for a fan to give Walter advice & gets the fan to leave. The fight starts & Walter's opponent is nowhere to be seen…until a WWE-esque smoke entrance appears (RD: Nope, Not kidding!) and a huge bear walks into the ring wearing a shirt. Walter is freaking out! Apparently Walter's opponent isn't "Bare Knuckle Dave", it's "Bear Knuckle Dave"! Eddie's eating the funnel cake, Walter's screaming for help from Eddie trying to get some advice, Eddie gives Walter some advice the best he could. The bear smells the funnel cake & goes for Eddie & grabs him! Eddie's screaming like a little girl with Walter telling Eddie to give the bear the funnel cake but Eddie's screaming like a little girl. Walter decides to get the bear in a sleeper hold. Walter makes the bear submit then pass out. Walter wins!

At an all you can eat bar. Eddie thanks Tina for the fight & room for the night but they need to take off. Walter's getting all lovey dovey with Tina. Eddie tells Walter to stop eating the buffet or else he'll get sick. Walter doesn't think he'll get sick. So Walter & gang are travelling by bus, Eddie's asleep trying to use Mary's shoulder as a pillow but Mary throws Eddie off, while Walter doesn't feel so good. Walter's getting all gassy. (RD: Oh great! More fart jokes! I hate fart jokes if they are used constantly!) Walter tries to run to the bathroom farting along the way but the bathroom's too small & Walter's a lot of man! So Walter is stuck in the bathroom farting & pooping along the way. (RD: Great! Fart & Poop jokes! BAH!) The bus pulls over because Walter's farts were killing everybody in the bus, then the fire department was called in to get Walter free since now he's stuck in the toilet! The fire department finally got Walter free using The Jaws Of Life & a giant tug of war rope! So Walter & the gang are walking the night. They all bond & everything over their experiences so far. Walter & Mary ask why did Eddie stop MMA fighting, Eddie explains it has something to do with a career-ending KICK TO THE NUTS! Of course this gets Walter & Mary to laugh their asses off. The next day Walter & gang arrive at some gas station located out of nowhere. Mary decided to cool off, Walter's goes to the bathroom to get his composure, & Eddie goes inside to get a location to the nearest car rental place. While Eddie's getting the instructions on how to get to the rental place, a local biker gang with one FUGLY biker chick approaches. The bikers want to kidnap Mary so they can have "a good time" with her; Mary's screaming & putting up a fight, Eddie's hearing all the noise outside so he rushes out & does a good job taking out one of the bikers but he soon gets overwhelmed due to the numbers game. Walter then comes to the rescue like a madman possessed taking out all the bikers, the FUGLY biker chick has a lead pipe to take out Walter with, Walter just screams at the FUGLY biker chick & she runs like HELL! Eddie's happier than anything because Walter's finally the fighter that he knew he was.

Back at the orphanage where Henry is getting postcards from Walter of his adventures on the road. Next we go to Earl in his office where he sees the YouTube video of Walter choking out the bear & he realizes Redrum may be in trouble. Redrum sees this too. Earl knows that he needs another plan to stop Eddie & Walter. So Earl, Redrum, & some random whore are at the orphanage trying to convince Sister Francesca to adopt an orphan. Sister Francesca is talking to Earl about the responsibilities of raising a kid when Henry walks into the room returning a globe. Earls sees Henry & wants to adopt him. Earl convinces Henry that he has everything a kid needs, but Sister Francesca doesn't believe them & orders them to leave her orphanage.

The next day some frat boys find Walter & the gang camping out. The frat boys wanted to take pictures with Walter because Walter's YouTube bear choking video is a hit! Eddie is trying to scare the frat boys away but the frat boys have money to offer Walter because they want to fight & take photos with Walter. Eddie couldn't refuse the offer. So Walter is fighting the frat boys while Eddie's collecting the money, they have enough money to go to New Orleans.

Now we get a montage (RD: MONTAGE!) of the following: Walter being successful in his next amateur fights, Eddie's training Mary in some MMA moves & kicks, Walter & the gang bonding over a campfire, Henry watching YouTube videos with Sister Francesca watching. The montage ends with Sister Francesca at her houses watching the Walter choking out with a bear YouTube video again when she click on another video to find Redrum's YouTube video, Sister Francesca is shocked to find out that Redrum was at the orphanage with the potential to do harm to the place & her kids.

Walter & the gang finally arrive at New Orleans! Walter & Mary are window shopping, Walter thinks Mary looks good at a dress in a window but Mary doesn't think so & can't afford it. Walter & Mary arrive at a luxury hotel with Eddie holding the keys to the adjoining rooms. Walter is giddy with joy at the rooms with Mary watching Walter on her bed. Walter then jumps into bed AND this time the bed holds. Eddie arrives with presents with Walter, Mary asks Eddie is getting a room here for the night was a bad idea, Eddie said that since they are finally here at New Orleans they should live & act like champions with Walter agreeing with Eddie. Eddie even has a couple of presents for Walter & Mary.

At a local bar/restaurant where a local band is playing music when Walter & Eddie walk in. (RD: Walter & Eddie looked like Arnold Schwarzenegger & Danny DeVito from "Twins" at this moment. ) The band stops for a moment but Eddie wants them to play on since they are here to have fun. Walter sees a lot of hot women at the bar so Eddie tries to give the advice of "not to stare", which fails immediately when Mary walks in wearing a hot dress that makes Eddie mutter incoherently. A hot girl finds Walter and she says she's her biggest fan from Walter's bear choking video, Eddie says it's okay for Walter to dance with her. So Walter's dancing which leaves Mary & Eddie talking. Eddie notices that Mary's basically a killjoy while Eddie orders a "Cadillac Margarita" (RD: It's a HYOOOGE Margarita.) with Mary ordering water from their waitress Jiggles. (RD: Yes it's her name & no she's not jiggly. Not enough boobage.) Eddie asks Mary to dance but Mary doesn't want to, so Eddie goes to the dance floor to dance with Jiggles admiring Eddie because "Mary's so lucky to have Eddie for a boyfriend". Mary mentioned that she & Eddie are not in a relationship so that makes Jiggles happy. Jiggles leave & come back with their drinks and Mary was her water. Mary thinks about the whole conversation with Eddie so she decides to drink Eddie's gigantic Margarita until she is wasted. Mary sees Eddie talking to Jiggles so she walks up to Jiggles & smacks her for "talking to her man!" Jiggles tell Mary "you don't know who you're dealing with!" Jiggles blows her whistle & rips off her clothes to reveal that she is in fact…a MUD WRESTLER! So Jiggles drags a drunk Mary to the mud wrestling pit where Jiggles is daring Mary to fight her, Mary takes off her clothes so she's in her underwear, one spin kick from Mary & Jiggles is knocked out in the middle of the mud wrestling ring! Walter finds Eddie and they take the passed out Mary out of the bar.

Mary & Eddie are walking along the New Orleans shore. Mary opens up to reveal FINALLY that she was a stripper, but not any old stripper, your atypical drugged out whoring stripper! Sister Francesca found her & rescued her. Mary owes Sister Francesca & the orphanage for everything. Mary & Eddie are holding hand-to-hand walking, talking, & hugging. Meanwhile Walter is at the hotel restaurant eating dinner when Tina walks in out of nowhere. Walter is very happy to see her & Tina is very happy to see Walter. Tina has a present for Walter that she made: A pair of fighting trunks & a fight robe with an emblem of a knocked out bear. Walter loves this present from Tina.

Day of the fight. Walter & gang arrive. Fight organizer is asking for Eddie's registration but the problem is Eddie didn't register and he's begging to let Walter fight. The fight organizer said no but thanks to Mary using Walter's YouTube fame she manages to get Walter into the fight. Eddie & Walter are in the back & Walter's scared. Eddie thinks Walter is going to be okay and they hug, of course this leads to the rest of the guys in the backstage area giving funny looks to Walter and Eddie. Pops walks in & Eddie's happy to see him. Eddie talks to Pops alone & Pops thinks Eddie may have changed to a nice guy. Eddie gives Pops the remaining money he made on the road, about $4,000, and tells Pops if something happens to him, give the remaining money to the orphanage.

The ring announcer comes in to announce the beginning of the tournament with the winner earning $100,000, complete with ring corner pyro. (RD: I wonder if Kane was in the area?) Now we get another montage (RD: MONTAGE!) of all the MMA fights that the various opponents, Walter, & Redrum participated in until it's the finals. Walter vs. Redrum. Earl is in the bathroom looking pretty when Mary walks out of the stall, apparently we're in the ladies bathroom. Earl tells Mary that she better ask Eddie the "real reason" that Eddie no longer fights, Earl tells Mary the real reason that Eddie no longer fights is that Eddie's banned from all MMA fighting because he took a dive in his own fight. Mary doesn't believe Earl so she takes off. Mary finds Eddie & demands to know what "a certain man", meaning Earl, told her about Eddie taking a dive & being banned. Eddie tries to explain what Mary heard was true and that it was pretty hard to explain. Looks like we don't get Eddie's explanation about why he's banned from MMA as Sister Francesca with some nuns arrive to tell Mary & Eddie that Henry has been kidnapped and she has a picture of Earl with Henry near a New Orleans dock saying that Walter looses the fight or Henry will drown. Mary recognizes Earl in the photo as the man that told her of Eddie's past. Eddie tells everybody that he & Mary will be at Walter's corner, Eddie will tell Walter what's going on with Henry, while Sister Francesca and the nuns look for Henry. The final match of the tournament is here. Walter enters the ring and the first round of the match begins; Redrum is letting Walter have it but Walter defends himself. The first round is over and Eddie tells Walter his plan that he must continue to fight while the nuns look for Henry. While the nuns are all over the place looking for Henry, the second round begins with both men taking a beating. Walter tells Eddie that he can't take it anymore, Eddie tells Walter to hold on. The third round begins and both men are equal in the ring, which is until Earl pops up holding Henry by the throat yelling at Walter to lose the fight or else Henry dies. Redrum has beaten Walter within an inch of his life telling Walter to stay down, Walter then gets up and says "Well then, I guess I'm just a Knucklehead!" (RD: Title Of The Movie!) and punches Redrum. Walter has Redrum in a Gogoplatta submission hold, (RD: WWE fans, Walter is using Undertaker's "Devil's Triangle" move.) Redrum taps, Walter wins the tournament! Earl takes Henry and tries to leave the arena but runs into Sister Francesca and the nuns! Apparently Sister Francesca has a Taser Cane so she unsheathes the handle and uses it on Earl to stun him. While Eddie, Mary, & Walter get a $100,000 check for winning the tournament the cops arrive, Earl tries to get up but Sister Francesca uses her Taser Cane again on Earl and Earl goes down again! The cops find Earl and the nuns, the cops arrest Earl for kidnapping and all sorts of charges. Back in the ring as Pops finds Eddie. Bad news is that Pops APPARENTLY is addicted to gambling so he placed a bet with the $4,000 Eddie gave him, Good news is that Pops placed all the money on Walter with 20-1 odds so Pops won an additional $80,000! Eddie decides to give his cut of the $100,000 AND the entire $80,000 to the orphanage! Walter and Mary are cheering for Eddie.

Later on we see Walter moving out of the orphanage. Tina arrives to hug Walter and to tell him they found an apartment they can share so she'll meet him later. Henry is depressed that his friend Walter is going to leave him. Walter has a surprise for Henry, Walter is going to adopt Henry and Henry's going to live with Walter & Tina. The end of the movie we see Walter & Henry hug.

Overall: Urm…BAD! I expected it to be bad, the first reviews that came in is bad. Yeah it's bad. If I can tell some of the things that are coming, then IT'S BAD! I hate fart & poop jokes if they are used a lot because it can be a crutch, a few is okay but they used too many or they were WAY too long. However there is some good news. Out of the 9 people that were in the movie theater at the time, counting yours truly, that saw this movie & half of them were kids, the kids liked this movie. Of course these are the same kids that made John Cena WWE Champion HOW MANY TIMES?!?! They were giving away WWE Trick-Or-Treat Bags but I refused because I didn't want anything to remember me of this movie. I even did my annual tradition of getting drunk before seeing a WWE movie, it didn't work. It's going to bomb like the rest of them. PLEASE STOP MAKING THESE MOVIES! PUH-LEASE!

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