HIV infections are on the rise among young gay men in Victoria, prompting calls for more prevention campaigns to combat the virus.

Research published in the Medical Journal of Australia today says the number of gay Victorian men being diagnosed with HIV in their 20s has jumped from 36 in 2007 to 59 last year. This occurred while infections stabilised or dropped among gay men aged 30 and above.

Authors of the research from Melbourne's Burnet Institute said several factors might be contributing to the trend, including rising rates of unprotected anal sex and the growing prevalence of other infections, such as syphilis and gonorrhoea, which increase the chance of bodily fluids mixing during sex.

Behavioural studies had also shown that as HIV had become easier to treat, gay men under 35 were more likely to have sex with more partners, while not knowing their own and their partners' HIV status, the authors said.

''It has … been suggested that younger gay men may be more susceptible to engaging in risky sexual behaviour because they are less concerned about the implications of HIV since the introduction of highly active antiretroviral treatment (HAART),'' the authors wrote.

Head of HIV and STI research at the Burnet Institute Mark Stoove said that as more HIV positive people continued to live longer with treatment, there was also a greater pool of people who could transmit the virus.

This came as more HIV positive and HIV negative men were making decisions about sex according to the chance of transmission, he said.

This could include the use of different sex positions or knowledge about how infectious the HIV positive partner was at a given time, according to recent tests.

Dr Stoove said these factors had changed the way gay men perceived HIV and the risks involved.

''The perception of risk around HIV has become shades of grey, whereas it used to be much more black and white with health promotion messages revolving around condom use … We need much more nuanced messages now around different ways to reduce risk,'' he said.

While overall infections began to drop at the beginning of this year (52 in the first quarter of the year, compared with 66 for the same quarter last year), Victoria's new Health Minister David Davis said his government would produce a new HIV strategy by the end of 2011.

''The long-term task of managing the incidence of HIV requires constant focus,'' he said.

Dr Stoove said although HIV had become easier to treat, there were many reasons to fear the virus, including emerging links to cancer and heart disease for those who live on treatment for long periods. Stigma in the community also persisted.

''It's certainly not something to take lightly,'' he said.