I love the beautiful men of the Harlem Gay Pride.
Model Wars; Dec 17, 2010Safe PICS For All Ages, Rated GDEMAND END OF DADT! NOW!It is up to YOU! Call your 2 US Senators and let them know how you feel! Do it today! Be Stern! Don't put it off! No more Delays! No Excuses! Now it is time for the US Senate to vote as the US House has passed ending DADT!Here is the list:Akaka, Daniel K. - (D - HI) (202) 224-6361
Alexander, Lamar - (R - TN) (202) 224-4944
Barrasso, John - (R - WY) (202) 224-6441
Baucus, Max - (D - MT) (202) 224-2651
Bayh, Evan - (D - IN) (202) 224-5623
Begich, Mark - (D - AK) (202) 224-3004
Bennet, Michael F. - (D - CO) (202) 224-5852
Bennett, Robert F. - (R - UT) (202) 224-5444
Bingaman, Jeff - (D - NM) (202) 224-5521
Bond, Christopher S. - (R - MO) (202) 224-5721
Boxer, Barbara - (D - CA) (202) 224-3553
Brown, Scott P. - (R - MA) (202) 224-4543
Brown, Sherrod - (D - OH) (202) 224-2315
Brownback, Sam - (R - KS) (202) 224-6521
Bunning, Jim - (R - KY) (202) 224-4343
Burr, Richard - (R - NC) (202) 224-3154
Cantwell, Maria - (D - WA) (202) 224-3441
Cardin, Benjamin L. - (D - MD) (202) 224-4524
Carper, Thomas R. - (D - DE) (202) 224-2441
Casey, Robert P., Jr. - (D - PA) (202) 224-6324
Chambliss, Saxby - (R - GA) (202) 224-3521
Coburn, Tom - (R - OK) (202) 224-5754
Cochran, Thad - (R - MS) (202) 224-5054
Collins, Susan M. - (R - ME) (202) 224-2523
Conrad, Kent - (D - ND) (202) 224-2043
Coons, Christopher A. - (D - DE) (202) 224-5042
Corker, Bob - (R - TN) (202) 224-3344
Cornyn, John - (R - TX) (202) 224-2934
Crapo, Mike - (R - ID) (202) 224-6142
DeMint, Jim - (R - SC) (202) 224-6121
Dodd, Christopher J. - (D - CT) (202) 224-2823
Dorgan, Byron L. - (D - ND) (202) 224-2551
Durbin, Richard J. - (D - IL) (202) 224-2152
Ensign, John - (R - NV) (202) 224-6244
Enzi, Michael B. - (R - WY) (202) 224-3424
Feingold, Russell D. - (D - WI) (202) 224-5323
Feinstein, Dianne - (D - CA) (202) 224-3841
Franken, Al - (D - MN) (202) 224-5641
Gillibrand, Kirsten E. - (D - NY) (202) 224-4451
Graham, Lindsey - (R - SC) (202) 224-5972
Grassley, Chuck - (R - IA) (202) 224-3744
Gregg, Judd - (R - NH) (202) 224-3324
Hagan, Kay R. - (D - NC) (202) 224-6342
Harkin, Tom - (D - IA) (202) 224-3254
Hatch, Orrin G. - (R - UT) (202) 224-5251
Hutchison, Kay Bailey - (R - TX) (202) 224-5922
Inhofe, James M. - (R - OK) (202) 224-4721
Inouye, Daniel K. - (D - HI) (202) 224-3934
Isakson, Johnny - (R - GA) (202) 224-3643
Johanns, Mike - (R - NE) (202) 224-4224
Johnson, Tim - (D - SD) (202) 224-5842
Kerry, John F. - (D - MA) (202) 224-2742
Kirk, Mark - (R - IL) (202) 224-2854
Klobuchar, Amy - (D - MN) (202) 224-3244
Kohl, Herb - (D - WI) (202) 224-5653
Kyl, Jon - (R - AZ) (202) 224-4521
Landrieu, Mary L. - (D - LA) (202) 224-5824
Lautenberg, Frank R. - (D - NJ) (202) 224-3224
Leahy, Patrick J. - (D - VT) (202) 224-4242
LeMieux, George S. - (R - FL) (202) 224-3041
Levin, Carl - (D - MI) (202) 224-6221
Lieberman, Joseph I. - (ID - CT) (202) 224-4041
Lincoln, Blanche L. - (D - AR) (202) 224-4843
Lugar, Richard G. - (R - IN) (202) 224-4814
Manchin, Joe, III - (D - WV) (202) 224-3954
McCain, John - (R - AZ) (202) 224-2235
McCaskill, Claire - (D - MO) (202) 224-6154
McConnell, Mitch - (R - KY) (202) 224-2541
Menendez, Robert - (D - NJ) (202) 224-4744
Merkley, Jeff - (D - OR) (202) 224-3753
Mikulski, Barbara A. - (D - MD) (202) 224-4654
Murkowski, Lisa - (R - AK) (202) 224-6665
Murray, Patty - (D - WA) (202) 224-2621
Nelson, Ben - (D - NE) (202) 224-6551
Nelson, Bill - (D - FL) (202) 224-5274
Pryor, Mark L. - (D - AR) (202) 224-2353
Reed, Jack - (D - RI) (202) 224-4642
Reid, Harry - (D - NV) (202) 224-3542
Risch, James E. - (R - ID) (202) 224-2752
Roberts, Pat - (R - KS) (202) 224-4774
Rockefeller, John D., IV - (D - WV) (202) 224-6472
Sanders, Bernard - (I - VT) (202) 224-5141
Schumer, Charles E. - (D - NY) (202) 224-6542
Sessions, Jeff - (R - AL) (202) 224-4124
Shaheen, Jeanne - (D - NH) (202) 224-2841
Shelby, Richard C. - (R - AL) (202) 224-5744
Snowe, Olympia J. - (R - ME) (202) 224-5344
Specter, Arlen - (D - PA) (202) 224-4254
Stabenow, Debbie - (D - MI) (202) 224-4822Tester, Jon - (D - MT) (202) 224-2644
Thune, John - (R - SD) (202) 224-2321
Udall, Mark - (D - CO) (202) 224-5941
Udall, Tom - (D - NM) (202) 224-6621
Vitter, David - (R - LA) (202) 224-4623
Voinovich, George V. - (R - OH) (202) 224-3353
Warner, Mark R. - (D - VA) (202) 224-2023
Webb, Jim - (D - VA) (202) 224-4024
Whitehouse, Sheldon - (D - RI) (202) 224-2921
Wicker, Roger F. - (R - MS) (202) 224-6253Wyden, Ron - (D - OR) (202) 224-5244
CALL NOW! I just did! It is so easy! Ask if they have a view? If they say no, Ask them - Why not? Advise that everyone you spoken to in your town wants it to end! Ask if the person is a true leader and can rise above party lines? Ask them about our translators in Iraq that were supposidly gay and fired for being Gay? Ask them how many soliders died due to lack of translators? Tell them 76% of American people support ending DADT. Ask them to give us a Christmas Gift and do it now!
Diet & Fitness:
Reminder: Did you complete your Diet Journal today? Get it done! Did you do any physical activity? If not, make a point of it by tomorrow! Own a bike? Ride it to lunch, work, park, lake! It is our hope that our male fitness photos shall inspire you!Today's Health - Wellness / Exercise / Reflections:Senior-care providers face more gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender clients, report indicatesMost agencies open to training but cite financial issuesBy Frederick Melofmelo / TwinCities-Pioneer Press / 12-15-2010A new report suggests that despite their willingness, many senior-care providers may not be ready to serve the growing number of openly gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender clients.The report was issued recently by the University of Minnesota and the PFund Foundation, a Minneapolis-based organization dedicated specifically to gay-rights issues.
The findings, drawn from completed surveys of 15 "Agencies on Aging" in Iowa, Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota and Wisconsin, mirror results of a related national study that found senior-care agencies to be open, generally, to training on how to respond to the needs of nonheterosexual seniors.
The Agencies on Aging administer federal funding for Meals on Wheels, health insurance counseling, senior transit providers and other services provided under the Older Americans Act.
In fact, more than half the agencies surveyed in the five-state region already offered staff GLBT training. Their willingness to do so was tempered, however, by financial concerns.
The results are significant, say study organizers, in light of more than a decade of research showing many gays and lesbians fear discrimination because of their sexuality as they seek out elder services.
"The intake person says, 'Sure, we offer respite care. What's your name? ... What's your wife's name?' " said Dawn Simonson, executive director of the Metropolitan Area Agency on Aging. "Has the staff had experience? Are they able to work comfortably in a gay couple's home? It's not enough to say we treat everybody equally. We need to be sure we're offering services in a really consumer-centered manner."
The "Ready to Serve?" report states that "full staff training, with sufficient time to understand LGB and T identities and unique needs and to develop a plan of action, is likelier to result in welcoming, appropriate services that LGB and T older adults trust. The agencies in the PFund region were overwhelmingly open to receiving training around issues of LGB and T aging."
In the surveys, a handful of agencies questioned whether such training is necessary. They said they did not treat people differently because of their sexual orientation or even ask what it is.
"I'm not sure how we would know that," wrote a respondent. "We do not ask people to identify their sexual preference in our intake process."
The overwhelming majority of respondents in the five-state region believed GLBT seniors would not be turned away by senior-care providers.
Cathy Croghan, chairwoman of the Training to Serve board of directors, said treating everyone the same isn't quite cutting it. Her organization helps agencies such as senior centers and respite-care providers understand that asking the right questions at intake might help them realize who else they should be communicating with in that senior's family or support network.
"If I only ask about your nuclear family, I might be missing the picture of who really provides support for you," Croghan said. "GLBT folks are twice as likely to age alone and four times less likely than the adult population to have children. They can't be married in this state. Often, they have this 'family of choice,' which might be a network of friends or a longtime partner.
"And a traditional senior-service provider might never ask the questions that would lead to that support structure for that individual," Croghan continued. "They're asking narrower questions."
Only one of the agencies surveyed specifically targeted outreach services to gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender clients. Another agency said it developed an outreach program five years ago, but it could not find any clients to participate.
Among the recommendations in the PFund report, the foundation hopes to see more gays and lesbians on advisory boards and councils dealing with the elderly.
PFund also supports legislation -- such as a bill proposed in the California state assembly -- prohibiting discrimination in senior care based on sexuality and mandating that LGBT seniors be included in regional care plans created by area Agencies on Aging.
Surveys in the five-state region were gathered from a national study of 320 senior agencies sponsored by the National Association of Area Agencies on Aging, the Metropolitan Area Agency on Aging, Services and Advocacy for GLBT Elders, the PFund Foundation, the University of Minnesota's College of Education and Human Development and the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force.
The national "Ready to Serve?" study was the first of its kind to include providers in rural areas as well as bisexual and transgendered seniors.
Consider joining:
Members of Peckers Pics should join our President Barack Obama group . (Health Care, Gay Rights, Gay Marriage, Repeal DOMA & Don't Ask Don't Tell
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ObamaBiden2008/join Bearhug Submission - Roommates (Wrestling fiction)(Your Yahoo Profile must have Age, Gender, Location before you apply for membership!). http://groups.yahoo.com/group/BearhugSubmission_/joinTake Action:
- Boycott advertisers of Glenn Beck on Fox News as well as all of FOX NEWS! Glenn has lied about Health-care, called our President a racist, and is anti-gay rights.
- We demand immediate end of DADT. It is out-right discrimination.
- Boycott Bill O'Reilly and FOX News and their advertisers. Bill discussed a French commerical by McDonalds that was meant to show that McDonalds is Gay Friendly. Bill said what is next? Is McDonalds going to get be Al-Qaida friendly as well? Further, Bill said that McDonalds would never show a gay friendly commercial in the USA. Imagine, Bill is comparing Gays to Al-Qaida!
- Boycott Arizona the home of senile - Sen. John McCain: because of their Hateful anti-Immigration Law that encourages racial profiling and increases hatred towards minorities. A remedy: Demand Republicans to support Immigration Reform. Further, Their Senator McCain voted against ending DADT and blocked Immigration reform! We shall hold the voters of Arizona responsible!
- NEW: Boycott Target and Best Buy for donating money towards anti-gay political candidates/organizations.
- NEW: Boycott Gold's Gym for donating loads of money to anti-gay candidates.
And Now, Model Wars!This group is called "Peckers Pics." The English - slang definition of "pecker" is to pluck at the truth. Therefore, we peck at items such as Gay Men's Health, Male Fitness, Gay (LGBT) Politics & Issues. In this section you may peck at each photo in order to decide the winner of the "war of the fittest!" Whereas, who is the model that may inspire you to exercise and "get fit?" Warning: This may stoke you!Remember your participation in discussion of health and news articles in this message is greatly appreciated!
Trent SheltonHeight: 6-0 Weight: 202 Age: 26 / Born: 9/21/1984Trent Simmons Shelton is an American football wide receiver for theWashington Redskins of the National Football League . He was signedby the Indianapolis Colts as an undrafted free agent in 2007. He playedcollege football for Baylor.VSCade FosterFreshman kicker for the University of Alabama. Forget yourpreconceptions about kickers being the nerds of football interms of their builds. Foster is 6-1 and weighs 221 pounds.You Decide!Harlem, NY - Gay Pride; June 26, 2010Stoked?Harlem, NY - Gay Pride; June 26, 2010The Harlem Pride Day Celebration took place Saturday,June 26, 2010 on West 119th Street between Lenox andFifth Avenues. The show included performances by localartists, drag queens, a fashion show, dancing, and spokenword.Harry Reid Pulls Omnibus, But Announces Votes On DADT & DREAM ActSam Stein / Huffington Post / Dec 16, 2010WASHINGTON -- Faced with the prospects of having to literally read the full 1924 pages of an omnibus spending bill, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) chose on Thursday night to pull the measure in favor of a continuing resolution to keep government funding.
Republicans, presented with the news, could barely hide their glee. "Did we just win?" asked newly elected Sen. Mark Kirk (R-Ill.), a rhetorical question that seemed to engender sharp rebukes from Democrats.
Kirk was directing his remarks to Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), who had chastised the spending bill as a pork-filled "monstrosity" before relating his sadness at no longer being able to make examples out of the earmarks in the measure.
That, of course, was a rather one-sided if not unfair description of the bill. And what McCain left out of his remarks was the fact that Republican Senators had inserted their own earmarks into the legislation. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), who said his preference was for a one-page "clean" substitute, had more than $100 million dollars worth in spending earmarks in the measure. The Minority Leader had also encouraged Democrats to pursue an omnibus rather than a continuing resolution before the November election.
"Though some of my Republican colleagues in recent days have publicly distanced themselves from the idea that members have a role to play in the appropriations process, nearly all of them did nothing privately to withdraw their priorities from this bill," said Reid.
With defeat on the omnibus, however, came some promise for Democrats. In pulling the spending bill from consideration, Reid announced that he was filing cloture on two of the party's other major priorities: the DREAM Act, which would grant pathways to citizenship for children of illegal immigrants, and the stand-alone repeal of Don't Ask Don't Tell, the military law that restricts openly gay members from serving.
Votes on those measures, a leadership aide told The Huffington Post, would now come on Saturday morning. DREAM will go first, followed by DADT. The former has, it is believed, less of a shot at passage than the latter.
Once the Senate casts those Saturday votes, members will return to debating the START nuclear non-proliferation treaty.
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