Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Re: [TOWWFFC] Frustation grows in the locker room


I agree! MVP would have made a great champ.

"" <> wrote:

>MVP would have make a a great champion. He came in with a huge hype. He came in as a major free agent. With the oportunity to ascend and be a main headliner. And I think everyone was hoping he would make it.
>But from day one, it seemed that with each passing month, he kept having to take a back seat to other newer wreslters.
>And that is a shame. A total misuse of true genuine talent. There are now so many guys in the back just like MVP. Guys have have paid thier dues and are overdue for a well deserved push. Like MVP they are stressed. They are frustrated. They want a push. And you may see some of these guys leave in the next few months. It has to be frustrating to see their fellow wrestlers leave and thrive in TNA!
>WWE would be smart to continue the trend they started this past week when they gave Koslov and Santino, two veterans, a tag team title. I wonder how long that will there are no real tag teams in WWE today. WWE seems to like putting together 2 indiviual talents like in the case of dashing cody and mcintrye and calling them a tag team. The only legit tag team they had was the hart foundation and they broke those guys up! They had also broken up Cryme Time .....a crowd favorite. They brought in the due busters who are already history, and now you have the Usos.........yes the Usos are the only legit tag teams at this momment.
>It was nice to see Zotsi Tashu....that's his name right?......being used but again.............whether it is Christian, Mark Henry, or Kofi or even Masters or Hawkins..........they have a ton of talent in the back taking a back seat and growing frustrated as time goes by. If they see things go well for MVP...they may also follow suit. Oh! Dont forget the guy who was so hyped and unbeatable in ECW in the show's final months....who is now a free agent and gone- Vance about hype for nothing!!
>It is not really so much about talent. They can make anyone look good and unbeatable with the right storyline. If they wanted to .....they could make Santino win the next 50 matches!!! And they would make you think he is unbeatable!!
>It is just about the creative team and spreading the wealth around. That's just my take.
>By the way, I like the talent now on NXT but now they cant put it on tv!!! And it would have been cool to get a legend or two to coach as a pro......maye piper..........or arn anderson.......or million dollar man or dusty..............missed the boat on that one!

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