Sunday, December 5, 2010

[TOWWFFC] Re: Final Resolution - Final Results


And Eric finally gets his son, Garret aka Jackson James, involved in the TNA
Main Event scene. Surprised it took him this long.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Mark Vitek" <>
To: "TheOriginalWWFFanClub" <>
Sent: Sunday, December 05, 2010 9:57 PM
Subject: Final Resolution - Final Results

>vs. GENERATION ME (MAX BUCK & JEREMY BUCK) -- TNA Tag Title match -- Full
>Metal Mayhem match
> GenMe came out first and waited for the Guns to meet them on the
> entranceramp to initiate the match. The tag belts were suspended above the
> ring TLC-style. The teams went back and forth trading offense early on.
> Sabin took a chair near the head/neck region when Jeremy tossed a chair
> toward his face, which was too close for comfort. Max Buck was the first
> to tease climbing a ladder looking for the tag belts, but Shelley yanked
> him down. The Guns then crunched Max inside the ladder before suplexing
> Jeremy on top of the ladder. Next, Max was hung up in the tree of woe to
> take a surfboard dropkick. This led to Shelley coming off the top with a
> double foot stomp onto both GenMe'ers, who were stacked up inside chairs
> and ladders. The Guns backed off to the corner to let the audience soak in
> the climax of the sequence of moves punishing GenMe.
> Shelley began climbing the ladder, but it was apparently too short for the
> champs to reach up and grab the tag belts. Cue up the short jokes. The
> Guns then brought in two more ladders, which were of equal height. So,
> after stalling for time to allow GenMe recover, all four men battled on
> top of the three ladders in-play. Eventually, all four men came back to
> the mat where the Guns took control again. The Guns then placed a table on
> top of the three ladders positioned in the center ring of the ring. The
> construction area did not come into play immediately, as Shelley KO'ed
> Jeremy on the outside by delivering Sliced Bread #2 off the apron through
> a table.
> Sabin and Max then climbed up the ladders and stood on the table about
> 10-15 feet in the air. They traded chair shots and Max took a flatback
> bump off the table through a table on the mat below. Sabin then reached up
> and took the TNA Tag Titles. Sabin was bleeding from the forehead as the
> camera zoomed in on Sabin selling shock they kept the ittles. Meanwhile,
> Shelley sold a left knee injury as he re-entered the ring to celebrate.
> WINNERS: Guns at 16:27 to retain the TNA Tag Titles. Ambitious, creative
> match, but that was almost the match's downfall with several
> overly-choreographed spots that seemed too complicated at times and almost
> canceled out the really innovative spots they brought to the table. On a
> PPV heavy with stipulation matches, the teams tried to stand out, but with
> mixed success. Individually, Sabin continues to stand out as a future
> singles star for this company. Sabin vs. Max Buck in a singles feud down
> the road could be money. (***)
> 7 -- THE POPE D'ANGELO DINERO vs. ABYSS -- Casket match
> Abyss called for the casket to be opened 20 seconds into the match, but
> Pope blocked and moved the action to the floor. Pope rammed Abyss's head
> into the guardrail several times and teased a casket entry, but Abyss
> blocked and they re-entered the ring. They returned to the floor and Abyss
> dropped Pope onto the edge of the casket in a painful-looking spot. Back
> in the ring, Abyss nailed a charging corner splash and took control of the
> match. Abyss called for the lid and headbutted Pope into the casket. Abyss
> took a deep breath and slowly approached the lid, but Pope kicked the lid
> open. Pope then fired himself up and made a comeback, including a bulldog
> from the second rope that always looks so dangerous with the head/neck
> region involved.
> Pope called for the casket to be opened and he dumped Abyss inside. Pope
> tried to close the lid, but Abyss grabbed Pope around the throat and
> knocked Pope back to center ring. Abyss then rolled Pope into the casket
> and again took his sweet time approaching the lid. He tried to close it,
> but Pope blocked by pushing against the top of the plastic-looking lid.
> Pope made another comeback and connected with the DDE double knee smash to
> the back. Pope rolled Abyss into the casket again, then tried to close the
> lid while standing on the floor, but Abyss punched through the
> Styrofoam-looking side of the casket and connected with Pope's groin.
> Abyss proceeded to chokeslam Pope into the casket and he closed the lid
> this time for the win. Abyss showed off his fist, which was bleeding from
> the punch-through-the-casket move.
> WINNER: Abyss at 11:40. It was what it was - another gimmick match that
> seemed laughable at times because of how cheap the casket looked. (*1/4)
> Backstage: Ref Hebner gave Samoa Joe and Jeff Jarrett pre-match
> instructions as Jeff Jarrett danced around talking trash. Suddenly,
> Immortal security jumped Samoa Joe from behind. Jarrett tried to call them
> off as Joe sold a knee injury.
> Video package: They went to a video on Jeff Hardy. Suddenly, the video
> ended and they went back to a dark Impact Zone. Tenay started to talk,
> then they cut to a video on Joe vs. Jarrett. It's obviously been a rough
> production night. The TNA Title match was a very fluid situation right
> before the PPV that probably threw off the production team.
> Impact Zone: Jeff Jarrett came to the ring first for the semi-main event.
> Samoa Joe limped out next as the medical team tried to check on Joe, who
> told them to get lost. Jarrett smiled as he saw a wounded opponent across
> the ring from him.
> 8 -- JEFF JARRETT vs. SAMOA JOE -- Submission match
> Joe circled around the ring early on to avoid locking up with Jarrett. Joe
> eventually lured Jarrett into an armbar, but Jarrett reached the ropes for
> a break. Joe remained seated on the mat to taunt Jarrett before applying a
> keylock that Jarrett escaped. Jarrett came back with a front anklelock,
> but Joe escaped and landed right hand blows. Joe then rolled Jarrett onto
> his stomach and applied an anklelock, but Jarrett broke the hold again.
> Joe came back with a Texas Cloverleaf and Joe sat down on the hold
> center-ring. Jarrett, again, escaped to the ropes.
> Jarrett had enough and teased leaving the ring, but Joe slapped on a rear
> naked choke. Jarrett tapped, but they were outside of the ring. The
> announcers noted Hebner's pre-match instructions the finish must happen
> inside the ring. So, inside the ring, Joe applied a Crossface. Jarrett
> tapped, but his foot was under the ropes, so ref Hebner waved it off. Joe
> then hit the Musclebuster and slapped on a rear naked choke, but TNA
> security hit the ring to distract the ref. Joe cleared them from the ring,
> but it gave Jarrett an opening to slap on the Anklelock. Joe was forced to
> tap out, giving Jarrett another win over Joe.
> WINNER: Jarrett via submission at 9:05. Fun, different match focused on
> actual wrestling holds. It was a classic heel victory with Jarrett winning
> only because of circumstances rather than actual skill. The feud doesn't
> seem to be over, as Joe needs to conquer Jarrett before the program is
> over. Big picture - is this the best use of Joe? Probably not, but it's
> keeping him in the main event picture. (**1/4)
> Backstage: Hemme brought in Mr. Anderson, who was dressed in a referee
> t-shirt. The camera - shockingly - slowly zoomed in on Anderson in normal
> fashion. Anderson talked before Matt Morgan walked into Anderson's
> interview time. He said he wants a No DQ match because he knows Immortal
> will try to interfere. Anderson, who apparently has the power to add
> stipulations, said he's going to call it right down the middle. "Ya know,
> just like an a-hole would," he dryly said. They cut to a video package on
> Jeff Hardy.
> Impact Zone: Mr. Anderson came out first for the TNA Title main event
> where a casual audience member likely had no idea who was challenging for
> the title before the previous segment considering TNA decided for the
> second straight month not to give Morgan any pre-match PPV time to focus
> on his quest for the TNA Title. After Morgan came out as the challenger,
> Jeff Hardy's music hit. Hardy eventually walked out to the ring with a
> very slow gait. In the hours leading up to the PPV, it wasn't clear if
> Hardy would actually be wrestling on the PPV. Hardy eventually made it to
> the ring and Jeremy Borash handled the formal ring introductions. Mr.
> Anderson whispered in Borash's ear that it's now a No DQ match. The crowd
> chanted, "Morgan, Morgan" and booed Hardy, who was crouched in the corner.
> 9 -- TNA World Hvt. champion JEFF HARDY vs. MATT MORGAN -- TNA World Title
> match -- No DQ match -- Mr. Anderson special referee
> Anderson called for the bell and the match was on. Morgan dominated early
> and landed signature rapid-fire elbow smashes in the corner. Morgan then
> choked Hardy across the top rope and Anderson casually leaned against the
> top rope before saying, "Yeah, it's No DQ." Hardy then slingshot Morgan
> across the top rope to take control of the match. Hardy settled into a
> chinlock before Morgan came to his feet. Hardy tried right hands, but
> Morgan no-sold and side-stepped a desperation Whisper in the Wind attempt.
> Morgan then smashed Hardy with a discus clothesline for a close two count.
> Morgan scored another close two count and kept his cool as Anderson told
> him it was a two.
> Hardy suddenly came back with a Twist of Hate, but Morgan kicked out.
> Hardy didn't like the count, then took out his anger on Morgan. Morgan
> suddenly nailed the Carbon Footprint, but he sold a knee injury
> immediately afterward. It gave Hardy an opening to put his foot on the
> bottom rope to break a subsequent pin. Morgan continued to sell the knee
> and couldn't execute a suplex, so Hardy nailed a Twist of Hate for another
> two count. Hardy ripped off his t-shirt and went for the Swanton Bomb, but
> Morgan got his knees up to block. On commentary, Taz said Hardy was behind
> closed doors all day, so they didn't know what mindset he was in for the
> title match.
> Hardy and Morgan came to their feet, but Hardy ducked out of the ring and
> dared Anderson to count him out. Anderson slowly counted to eight, reached
> nine, and stopped before ten. He left the ring and told Hardy to get back
> in the ring. Hardy piefaced Anderson, then again. And a third time.
> Anderson then reached back and popped Hardy with right hands before
> rolling Hardy back into the ring. Morgan rolled up Hardy, but Hardy kicked
> out with Anderson maintaining a normal cadence. Back on their feet, Hardy
> nailed a third Twist of Hate. Anderson then very slowly dropped to his
> knees, made a one count, made a two count, held the two, Morgan kicked
> out, and Anderson dramatically said it was a close nearfall.
> At 10:00, Hardy slipped out of the ring and lured Morgan into popping him
> with a chair to the knee. The chair entered the ring with Hardy and
> Anderson was bumped to the outside. Morgan then smashed Hardy with the
> Carbon Footprint and had the visual three count with Anderson on the
> floor. Suddenly, Eric Bischoff showed up and led Jackson James to the
> ring. Bischoff rammed Anderson into the ringpost before throwing Jackson
> into the ring, not realizing Morgan still had a pin going. Morgan almost
> scored a three count, which would have been hilarious if Bischoff
> accidentally cost Hardy the title. Morgan glared at Bischoff, who turned
> to leave. Morgan then held up the chair and wanted a chokeslam, but Hardy
> kicked him low. Hardy then hit another Twist of Hate, this one on the
> chair. Hardy made a cover and it was good for a three count. Hardy retains
> the TNA Title.
> Post-match: Hardy kind of crouched down on the mat catching his breath.
> They cut to a shot of Anderson bleeding on the floor and in a pool of
> blood. Hardy took his title belt and celebrated before they replayed the
> main sequences during the match. To close the PPV, they focused on Hardy
> and Anderson in back-and-forth shots. They cut to a shot of Morgan holding
> his head with his face down before a final shot of Hardy on the entrance
> stage holding his TNA Title belt.
> WINNER: Jeff Hardy at 12:31 to retain the TNA Title. Another over-booked
> TNA Title match with the heel winning to keep the program going, although
> they seemed to be looking ahead to Hardy vs. Anderson rather than another
> re-match for Morgan, who has another "out" after the visual three count
> and ref bump. As for Hardy, he can put together a good performance in his
> sleep, which seems to be part of the problem where he can get by with his
> "I don't care" attitude because of how good he is as a performer. We
> received word prior to the PPV that he was almost pulled because he was
> hammered backstage, but TNA stuck with the original PPV line-up. And they
> kept the TNA Title on him. (**1/2)
> credit:
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Mark Vitek" <>
> To: "TheOriginalWWFFanClub" <>
> Sent: Sunday, December 05, 2010 8:47 PM
> Subject: Final Resolution Results - 1/2 Point
>> TNA Final Resolution PPV Results
>> December 5, 2010
>> Orlando, Fla.
>> Report by James Caldwell, PWTorch assistant editor
>> TNA's final PPV of 2010 began with a video package on TNA World champion
>> Jeff Hardy saying he would tell the old Jeff Hardy to stop destroying his
>> body for the fans and having nothing to show for it. He said friendship
>> is an illusion and everyone is messed up. They showed footage of the
>> build-up to Jeff Hardy vs. Matt Morgan for the TNA Title tonight.
>> Suddenly, the screen went completely dark as they went to the Impact
>> Zone. No video, just the sound of people screaming. No announcers either.
>> The PPV theme song continued to play in the background before stopping. A
>> technical difficulties graphic came on the screen and all audio faded
>> out.
>> Four minutes into the PPV broadcast (opening video and downtime), they
>> went to the Impact Zone with Mike Tenay setting up the title match
>> tonight. Taz said they're a little tardy, but they're here.
>> 1 -- INK, INC. (Shannon Moore & Jesse Neal) vs. BEER MONEY (Robert Roode
>> & James Storm) -- #1 contender match for TNA Tag Titles
>> Tenay and Taz set the stage that Immortal/Fortune want all of the gold in
>> TNA, so Beer Money is looking to get the Tag Titles back. Tenay
>> apologized for the technical difficulties at the start of the PPV as the
>> opening match began. The females in the crowd were hot for Ink, Inc.
>> early on as they executed flashy offense to control the match early on.
>> Beer Money had miscommunication issues to keep feeding the crowd's
>> interest in the match before Beer Money cheated to take control of the
>> match.
>> After being isolated for a few minutes, Neal made a hot tag to Moore, who
>> landed high-flying offense before playing to the partisan crowd. The
>> action broke down moments later and both members of Beer Money were
>> cleared to the outside to set up some moves on the outside. Shannon
>> executed an Asai moonsault on Roode, then took a ride on Storm's booze
>> cruiser for a babyface pop. Back in the ring, Moore executed a
>> neckbreaker on Roode for a two count. Neal then tagged in and cleaned
>> house. He looked like the Red Rooster with his red Mohawk flapping. Neal
>> charged Roode, but ran into a superkick from Storm. Beer Money hit the
>> DWI on Neal and that was good for the three count.
>> WINNERS: Beer Money at 10:45. Basic, formula tag match to start the PPV.
>> The match was fine and sets up another potential classic between the Guns
>> and Beer Money. The vocal females in the crowd were firmly behind Ink,
>> Inc., which kept the crowd into the match. (**)
>> Backstage: Christy Hemme brought in Knockouts champion Madison Rayne for
>> an interview. The camera zoomed in and out at a seizure-inducing,
>> dizzying rate. It was seriously way over-the-top to completely distract
>> from anything Rayne said. She vouched for Tara in the next match against
>> Mickie James.
>> 2 -- MICKIE JAMES vs. TARA -- Falls Count Anywhere match
>> Tara came to the ring on her motorcycle before dipping out of the ring
>> when Mickie made her entrance. Tara pointed to the floor, saying she
>> wants to start the fight on the floor. So, they did. Jackson James is the
>> special referee, of note. The action moved into the ring for a short
>> while before returning to the outside. From the outside, they went deeper
>> into the Impact Zone exploring the entire building. A few onlookers
>> cheered on Mickie, who was whipped into a trash receptacle.
>> The Knockouts left the building and Tara sent Mickie flying into a row of
>> wheelchairs against the wall of the soundstage. One of the Universal
>> Studios rides was in the background as Mickie took a bottle of water from
>> the Impact Zone concessions and sprayed Tara with it. Mickie and Tara
>> trash-talked each other as Mickie shoved Tara into the chainlink fence
>> separating the Impact Zone from Universal Studios. They moved closer to
>> the theme park exchanging control of the "match."
>> Next was the men's restroom outside of the Soundstage. A couple of guys
>> were taking care of business. One guy was taking the Browns to the Super
>> Bowl and he charged out of a stall with newspaper in hand. Taz noted he
>> failed to wash his hands. The ref had enough and stormed off. Suddenly,
>> Madison came out of a stall with a fire extinguisher. She sprayed Mickie,
>> who dropped to the restroom floor. Tara made the cover and told the
>> referee to come back. Three count and it was over.
>> WINNER: Tara at 10:25. Only in TNA can there be outside interference in a
>> Falls Count Anywhere match. They took an intense, physical feud that was
>> hot at last month's PPV and turned it into comedy here. At least it seems
>> to be setting up Madison vs. Mickie for the Knockouts Title. (n/a)
>> Backstage: Robbie E. and Cookie cut a promo ahead of the X Division Title
>> match. Christy Hemme had enough of Cookie complaining and told her to get
>> lost. Hemme walked off the set, asking, "Really?"
>> 3 -- X Division champion ROBBIE E. vs. JAY LETHAL -- X Division Title
>> match -- Cookie suspended in a shark cage
>> Before the match, Cookie complained that she was not going in the shark
>> cage. Lethal had enough and dragged Lethal into the ring to star the
>> match. Cookie decided to peace out and started to leave. You knew this
>> was coming. Shark Boy returns. Shark dragged Cookie to ringside and threw
>> her in the shark cage. Ref Earl Hebner called for the cage to be raised
>> and the bell sounded to officially begin the match. Cookie continued to
>> interject herself into the match by screaming down at Lethal from inside
>> the cage. Lethal dominated early on and Robbie accepted one hard chop,
>> then a second, and a third. Robbie sold like a pro here.
>> Robbie took control moments later and gave a shout-out to Cookie that he
>> has this under control. Cookie screamed at Hebner to count faster
>> following a two count. Robbie slapped on a hard reverse chinlock and
>> maintained the hold for a while. Lethal sold fading out as his hand was
>> dropped twice before clenching his fist on the third drop. Lethal mounted
>> a comeback and landed a handspring elbow smash followed by the Lethal
>> Combination for a two count. Lethal and Robbie then collided mid-ring as
>> Cookie shouted instructions from the cage. She managed to toss an object
>> to Robbie over Hebner's head, but Hebner took it away when he saw it.
>> Cookie then tossed a second hairspray object to Robbie, but Lethal stole
>> it and used it. Hebner felt the spray as Lethal went for a pin, so Hebner
>> DQ'ed Lethal.
>> Post-match: Cookie was lowered to ringside in the cage and escaped with
>> the win. Cookie posed in the ring with the X Division Title as Robbie
>> sold on the floor and Lethal dejectedly walked off. Cookie continued to
>> parade around with the title belt until Shark Boy re-emerged. Shark took
>> a slap to the face, then a second slap. Shark turned around, then hit a
>> Stunner on Cookie.
>> WINNER: Robbie via DQ at 8:11. An expected over-booked finish to continue
>> presenting The Shore as heels who effectively circumvent the rules.
>> Unfortunately for Lethal, the babyface to finally give Robbie and Cookie
>> (or just Cookie) their comeuppance wasn't the babyface in the match, but
>> a character who hasn't been on TV in months. Whether it's on PPV or TV or
>> at a house show, violence against women doesn't need to happen, and it
>> fits TNA's traditional misogynistic booking. As for Robbie, I was really
>> impressed with his work in this match first selling for Lethal, then his
>> offensive attack. It was a step up for him. (**)
>> Backstage: Hemme was with Tommy Dreamer, who was dressed in a XXL black
>> sweatshirt and a trucker TNA t-shirt. The camera zoomed in and out a
>> bunch of times again as Dreamer talked about the RVD vs. Rhino match
>> tonight and their long friendship.
>> 4 -- ROB VAN DAM vs. RHINO -- First Blood match
>> The match began with RVD in control of the action. He showboated to the
>> crowd several times before the action moved to the floor. Rhino landed a
>> suplex on the floor to take control of the action. Back in the ring,
>> Rhino landed a Gore that temporarily KO'ed RVD. Naturally, Rhino began
>> celebrating and playing to the crowd. Why not immediately grab a knife or
>> a cheese grater from under the ring and try to slice open RVD's forehead?
>> Rhino took his time retrieving a trashcan that he placed in-between the
>> turnbuckles in the corner. It didn't come into play immediately, as RVD
>> made a comeback and hit a Five-Star frogsplash. The trashcan came into
>> play when RVD tried to smash Rhino, but Rhino punched him in the groin
>> before hitting a DDT.
>> Rhino tried to finish off RVD with a piledriver into a trashcan lid, but
>> RVD blocked. RVD then surfboard kicked a trashcan lid into Rhino's face.
>> No blood yet. RVD placed a trashcan into Rhino's body, then went to the
>> opposite corner. Poor Rhino had to sell for a while as RVD showboated on
>> the top turnbuckle before going coast-to-cast with the Van Terminator.
>> Rhino came up bleeding heavily from the forehead, giving RVD the win and
>> more time to showboat. The announcers speculated on Rhino's future in TNA
>> and Immortal after the loss.
>> WINNER: RVD at 12:24. Rhino showed a different side to his character
>> working heel, while RVD seemed to be going through the motions in a
>> middle-of-a-PPV match. The First Blood stipulation is inherently flawed,
>> as there are so many ways to make someone bleed without needing to go
>> through the steps of a standard wrestling match. Considering the
>> parameters of the match were not established ahead of time, it created
>> unintended logic questions. On a show with so many stipulation matches,
>> this match won't stand out on the overall PPV line-up. (**1/4)
>> Backstage: Hemme brought in Kazarian to ask Kazarian about A.J. Styles
>> vs. Doug Williams. Hemme used the heel term "betray" to describe Williams
>> leaving Fortune to set his own path as a babyface. Poor writing and/or
>> delivery. The camera zoomed in and out on Kazarian as he said he hopes
>> Williams loses and crawls back under the rock from which he came from.
>> 5 -- TV champion A.J. STYLES vs. DOUGLAS WILLIAMS -- TNA TV Title match
>> Styles played heel by stalling early in the match, but the crowd was
>> split on supporting Doug or Styles. Williams cleared Styles to the floor
>> early on and landed a cannonball splash off the ring apron. Back in the
>> ring, Styles and Williams went back and forth showing how evenly matched
>> they are in the ring. Styles took momentary control and did his signature
>> high-flying moves to get babyface pops. Styles then caught Williams's
>> knee on the middle rope, giving him an opening to slap on the figure four
>> leglock. Williams escaped, then mounted a comeback with uppercuts and
>> elbow strikes. Williams executed an exploder suplex that resulted in a
>> two count.
>> The action continued to go back-and-forth with Styles in control and
>> Williams fighting back from his knees. Styles landed a Pele kick that
>> could have resulted in a fall, but Williams fell to the outside. Styles
>> tried a high-flying move, but Williams caught Styles with a waistlock and
>> proceeded to bounce Styles off the guardrail into Rolling Chaos onto the
>> ringside padding. Great sequence. Back in the ring, Williams teased the
>> Styles Clash and connected. Williams made a cover and it was good for a
>> three count to win the TV Title.
>> WINNER: Williams at 14:50 to capture the TV Title. Terrific match with
>> Williams showcasing his technical skills to eventually win over the
>> crowd, which was partial toward Styles early on. Very interesting finish
>> with Styles losing clean to Williams. (***1/2)
>> Backstage: Hemme caught up with Generation Me in the entrance area. The
>> camera continued to zoom in and out every few seconds. GenMe said it's
>> not about tag titles, tables, ladders, or chairs, but the end of a
>> career. Max Buck said they're ending the Machineguns's careers tonight.
>> credit:

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