Sunday, December 19, 2010

[TOWWFFC] Re: Would Anybody Care...


Only thing I found was from L-O-P. So...enjoy.

"Eric Bischoff took issue yesterday to something was posted on his Facebook page where a fan said that if he were in any other business and had not delivered for them the way that he hasn't delivered for TNA, he would have been fired by now. Bischoff actually called the audio blog that the poster does and took him to task for what the blogger posted. It was an interesting exchange that featured Bischoff harping on every incorrect statement that the poster made, as well as repeatedly asking him if he knew confidential company numbers. A few interesting points come out of the exchange. One was that Bischoff totally distanced himself from the creative process, at one point largely implying that it was an area that needed fixing. I found this interesting because it was only a few months ago that Bischoff was posting about being a part of the process with Vince Russo and Matt Conway. He even thanked them for covering for him when he took his long siesta back in June (while the Paul Heyman to TNA talks were ongoing). Unfortunately the blogger didn't know that and thus didn't call Bischoff on it, letting him off the hook. The other interesting thing that came out of it was that when the blogger would make statements like "TNA has lost more money this year than they have lost in the last seven combined", Bischoff asked him how he knew that.

The blogger said it was on the internet and anyone could find it. Ouch dude, really bad stance to take. Bischoff pointed out that is BS and that TNA's numbers are not public knowledge because they are a private company. It gave him the perfect out because folks, estimates may be on the internet but no true TNA financial numbers are. When asked to divulge some of these numbers, Bischoff repeatedly fell back on the stance that it was proprietary information. He did say that Reaction has been a financial boon to TNA, and also said that merchandising deals have risen due to Hulk Hogan and himself joining the company. Bischoff also said he wasn't there to give the guy information but rather to have him defend the statement that Bischoff should be fired from TNA. It's just a shame that the blogger made statements that were easy to refute because that is what Bischoff focused on. Had the blogger been able to put a more cogent argument out there, it would have been very interesting to see how Bischoff would have reacted. Honestly, I was shocked that Bischoff would even bother calling into a show like this but it made for an interesting piece that you can listen to by clicking here."

With shiny new link too!

--- In, LongHunter69 <no_reply@...> wrote:
> --- In, raging_demons <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > That I mention, or anybody would mention, a story where Eric BITCH.............................................................................................................................................OFF attacked a guy verbally on some audio blog because the guy was a douche to him on FB?
> >
> I heard about this. People were making fun of a 50+ yr old man calling people names and such. If there is a transcript, by all means post it :p

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