Sunday, December 19, 2010

[TOWWFFC] TLC - Final Results


6 -- Kane vs. Edge vs. Alberto Del Rio vs. Rey Mysterio in a TLC match for
the World Title

They threw everything in the book out here with some wild spots that were
about 80 percent on point. The first ten minutes was just action crash and
burn without much long-term selling or attempts to grab the title. Lots of
teased finishes before Del Rio was KOed with a scary table spot, Rey was
taken out via Tombstone, and Kane was taken out via spear through a table.
Edge then climbed the ladder and retrieved the belt to become World champ.

WINNER: Edge at 23:49 to become World champ. They were given a lot of time
and put together an ambitious match, but the big table and ladder spots were
rendered meaningless at times with the lack of selling. It undercuts the
whole gimmick. Good story told even with those critiques. (***1/2)

Rhodes out for grooming tips and with the played out 15 years ago "Houston,
we have a problem" line. It's also Houstonians, not Houstoners. Probably the
worst botch I've heard. Rhodes did a fat promo for the local heat. Some
generic rock music interrupted and Santa and the Bellas came out. Big Show
played Santa and bantered with Rhodes. Show ripped off Rhodes's clothes and
revealed his wrestling trunks. Rhodes sold embarrassment and left.

Backstage, Cena took out Husky with a chair shot to the face. Barrett is the
last man standing.

CM Punk was out for commentary on the main event.

7 -- John Cena vs. Wade Barrett in a chairs match

Very simple story early on with Barrett on the advantage with control of a
chair. On stage, things became a bit silly when Cena grabbed an office chair
from backstage and wheeled Barrett down the ramp into ring steps. The crowd
tried to get re-interested with dueling pro and con Cena chants. The formula
unfolded with Cena thwarting all of Barrett's offense and eventually nailing
an Attitude Adjustment across a row of six chairs for the pin.

Post-match: Cena landed a chair shot on the ramp, then chased Barrett down
for another chair shot. Cena then put Barrett under a board and pulled down
a string of nine chairs hanging from the entrance staging. That was it for
Barrett. Cena celebrated and credits rolled.

WINNER: Cena at 19:03. I don't see Nexus or Barrett recovers from this
unless WWE takes the TNA approach that no one watches the PPVs anyways so
they can re-write the story on TV. Formula main event to send the crowd home


----- Original Message -----
From: "Mark Vitek" <>
To: "TheOriginalWWFFanClub" <>
Sent: Sunday, December 19, 2010 8:55 PM
Subject: TLC - 1/2 Way Results

> WWE TLC PPV Results
> December 19, 2010
> Live in Houston, Tex.
> Report by James Caldwell, PWTorch assistant editor
> Dark Match: US champion Daniel Bryan (w/Bellas) beat Ted DiBiase
> (w/Maryse) at 5:18 to retain the US Title. The crowd recognized all of
> their offense and reacted accordingly. Bellas took out Maryse on the
> outside and Bryan applied the LeBell Lock for the victory. Bryan is over
> as a face and Maryse is over as a heel the crowd wanted to see get hers.
> (**)
> Michael Cole, Matt Striker, and Jerry Lawler were introduced as the
> announcers tonight. Cole is way over as a heel.
> 1 -- Ziggler vs. Swagger vs. Kingston IC Title ladder match
> Swagger was injured or cut early in the match. The ringside doctor wrapped
> up his wrist with athletic tape while Ziggler and Kofi battled. Some nice
> hope spots for Kofi that confirmed he's over huge with the kids. Swagger
> and Kofi yanked the belt down and Dolph grabbed the belt off the mat to
> "win."
> WINNER: Dolph at 8:56. Good opener with some story-driven spots that
> didn't try to overdo it and kill the crowd the rest of the show. (**1/2)
> 2 -- LayCool vs. Beth Phoenix & Divas champ Natalya in a tables match
> Beth did a trademark show of strength hoisting both Layla and McCool on
> her shoulders for a bodyslam early in the match. They slowed to a halt
> after introducing two tables including the Witch Table from Smackdown.
> They mixed in some false finishes that popped the crowd before Natalya
> executed a double Sharpshooter. More false finishes, then Natalya pushed
> both McCool and Layla on a table before hitting a top rope splash through
> the table for the win.
> WINNERS: Natalya & Phoenix. Some slow spots, but an overall good showcase
> match for Natalya and Phoenix. Both are over and can carry the division
> going forward. The heels got their comeuppance for a nice payoff to the
> program.
> Backstage, Kane cut a mixed face and heel promo before snapping.
> 3 -- Santino & Koslov vs. Nexus's Slater & Gabriel in a WWE Tag Title
> match
> Santino with a comedy face promo before the match. They worked toward
> Santino getting the hot tag and setting up the Cobra, but Hennig ran in
> and took out Santino for a DQ. Nexus and Wade Barrett then blasted the
> champs with chairs to set up a Cena chant.
> WINNERS: Santino & Kozlov via DQ at 6:28. Filler set up for Barrett vs.
> Cena later. (*1/2)
> 4 -- Sheamus vs. Morrison #1 contender ladder match
> Sheamus was more interested in finding new and unique ways to work over
> Morrison's left knee than climb the ladder for the contract. No real hope
> spots at all for Morrison in the first 12 minutes. After Morrison won a
> dueling ladder battle, then tease spots started coming in flurries. They
> set up a big move where Sheamus went flying off a ladder through a ladder
> on the floor. Morrison then took it home with a nice kick strike after
> rebounding off the ropes on the ladder to climb up and grab the contract.
> WINNER: Morrison at 19:09. Very good match with some innovative spots and
> a nice pace to the match for the audience to follow along with. The finish
> was excellent. (***3/4)
> Good heat on The Miz during a backstage promo.
> Backstage, Barrett and Husky found Nexus sprawled out on the floor selling
> a beating.
> 5 -- The Miz vs. Randy Orton in a tables match for the WWE Title
> Very telling to have Miz's first PPV title defense on the undercard.
> Strong crowd reactions both ways during ring entrances and formal ring
> intros. They did a similar heel title retention finish as the IC Title
> match with Orton powerbombing Riley through a table, Miz dropping Orton
> with the SCF and dragging Orton in Riley's place, then Miz waking up a
> bumped referee. The ref called for the bell to give Miz the win.
> Suddenly, the ref restarted the match when he saw a video replay. Moments
> later, Miz threw Riley into Orton, who flew off the apron through a table
> on the floor for a second win.
> WINNER: Miz at 13:40. That was an overbooked mess. Geez. Might as well
> take the belt off Miz if they have to go to those lengths to give
> challengers an "out" for taking a loss to "undeserving champion" Miz.
> (n/a)
> source:

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