Tuesday, December 7, 2010

[TOWWFFC] TNA Impact Taping Results (12/09) *Spoilers*


TNA Impact Taping Results (12/09) *Spoilers*
Written by Richard Gray on Dec 6, 2010 - 9:51:17 PM

TNA Wrestling taped this week's edition of Impact tonight from Universal
Studios in Orlando, Florida. Thanks to Wrestling News World Orlando
correspondent Tim Capture for providing us with text-message updates. Below
are full results:

Dark Match:

* Tommy Mercer vs. Neiko. Winner via some sort of flashback driver, Tommy

* There's a band called "Heavier Than Usual" set up on the stage.

TNA Impact (Airing Thursday on Spike TV):

* Impact starts. Tara is introduced and is singing her opening with
shirtless Generation Me dancing. Mickie James comes out and hits Tara but
Generation Me grabs her. Tara attacks Mickie but Eric Young makes the save.
Tara and Mickie fight down the ramp. Security breaks it up but they break
away again. They're finally broken up and Mickie gets in the ring and on the
mic. Mickie says they'll never be able to settle this with security breaking
it up. Mickie says they need to settle this in a steel cage. But she doesn't
want to wait until Genesis. She wants it tonight.

* Eric Bischoff is yelling at all of Fortune over Dixie Carter serving
papers stopping Hulk Hogan from doing anything. They all need to keep on
their toes or they could lose everything. He singles out AJ Styles for
losing the TV Title. No more losers. Rhino comes in asking for his contract.
Bischoff says here it is. He writes "NO!" on a piece of paper. Rhino goes
after him but Fortune grab him and drag him out.

* Immortal's music hits and all of the group (except Hardy and Hogan) comes
to the ring. Bischoff gives a big introduction and welcomes the TNA World
Champion Jeff Hardy to the ring. Bischoff begins to speak but the crowd
chants "Hardy sucks". Bischoff praises Hardy for retaining the title and
then tells Matt Morgan to come to the ring. Eric says no need to worry,
nothing will happen. He says TNA from this point forward is about fair play.
He says he watched Morgan's match over and over and the reason Morgan didn't
have a chance to win is because of a bad referee. Bischoff says Morgan did
the righteous thing and fought for Anderson so he deserves another shot. So
he's set up Morgan vs. Mr. Anderson for a title shot. Morgan said Anderson
isn't cleared to wrestle yet so it isn't happening. Bischoff says Anderson
can wrestle and if he doesn't he's done with TNA and can go home to Green
Bay and cry. Anderson is shown watching on a monitor from the back.

* There's plants in the crowd for the MMA invitational. Local wrestler
Johnny Armani is nearby.

* Brother Ray is backstage saying he was the stronger of Team 3D. He
could've chosen anybody to be his partner and tonight he'll prove it. He
says "COME ON DEVON!" and shoves a random African American guy on the chest

* Johnny Armani and Mike Cruz are both plants in the crowd.

* Brother Ray & "Brother Devon" vs. Ink Inc.. Winner via Samoan
drop/neckbreaker combo to "Devon", Ink Inc. Ray tries to powerbomb "Devon"
through a table afterwards but the referee stops him.

* Non Title Match, Gunner & Murphy vs. The Motor City Machine Guns. Beer
Money are on commentary. Winner via disqualification, The Motor City Machine
Guns. Murphy used a nightstick on Shelley. The Guns turned the tables though
and used the nightsticks to beat up Gunner and Murphy.

* The Beautiful People are backstage talking about their match later. Wynter
shows up to wish Angelina Love luck. Velvet Sky asks who that was and
Angelina is happy she could finally see her and says she'll tell Velvet all
about her.

* Matt Morgan and Mr. Anderson are backstage. Morgan asks what his decision
is and Anderson says he's wrestling. Morgan is angry and says he can't.
Anderson appreciates his concern and what he did but sometimes in wrestling
you get a little owie on the back of the head. Morgan argues again but
Anderson says he's tired of riding the pine and he's confident the doctor
will clear him.

* TNA Knockouts World Tag Team Title Tournament Match, Daffney & Sarita vs.
The Beautiful People. Winner via reverse STO from Angelina to Daffney, The
Beautiful People.

* Four African American men bring the casket to the ring. They open it and a
strobe light is in there. Gospel music starts playing and a dancing gospel
chorus come out. "The Pope" D'Angelo Dinero is on the mic saying his match
at Final Resolution was just the beginning. He says a lot of inspirational,
gospel type things and then asks for donations. Pope was never actually seen
so I guess he was in the casket?

* AJ Styles is backstage complaining to Abyss how his title was stolen and
he wants it back. Abyss said not to worry, he's going to handle his

* For the TNA TV Championship, Abyss vs. Douglas Williams. Winner after
Abyss ran into an exposed turnbuckle and got schoolboyed, Douglas Williams.
AJ Styles attacked Williams after the match and gave him a Styles Clash on
the stage.

* Jeff Jarrett MMA Invitational. Jarrett says Sunday night the entire world
of professional wrestling saw he's the most dangerous fighter today. Even
the Samoan Submission Machine himself tapped out. Jarrett says in this
holiday season he's in the giving mood. He wants to give someone here a
chance to make something of themselves. He's putting up $100,000 to anybody
to make him submit, man, woman or child. Out of the crowd local indy
wrestler Johnny Armani is pointed out but Jarrett says he'd gas out. Out of
the crowd Jarrett picks local wrestler Mike Cruz. Borash makes sure Cruz
understands what he's getting into. Jarrett makes short work of him and
makes him tap to a rear naked choke. Multiple people from the crowd tried to
get to Jarrett so they could get the money. A big, fat fan literally tore
some guardrails apart and went to the ring. Nobody stopped him. Jarrett
wanted him to get in the ring but police finally got the guy to go back to
his seat.

* Re-tape from earlier, "Team 3D" vs. Ink Inc. Same finish, Ink Inc wins
with their neckbreaker/Samoan drop finisher. After the match, Ray goes to
powerbomb "Devon" but the real Devon runs out for the save.

* Another re-tape, Gunner & Murphy vs The Motor City Machine Guns with Beer
Money on commentary. Same finish, disqualification due to nightstick use,
The Motor City Machine Guns grab the nightsticks and beat up Gunner and

* Cage is being set up now. Two local wrestlers, D Ramos (Homicide's cousin)
and Carlos Rivera drew so much attention to themselves during the MMA
Invitational that Eric Bischoff pulled them aside and said he loved their
look. He then had them cut a promo about what went down and it's supposed to
be on Reaction.

* Main event Cage Match, Mickie James vs. Tara. Winner via Thesz Press off
the top of the cage, Mickie James. Tim tells us the match is "definitely
worth checking out." Mickie is visibly hurt. She messed up her right knee
and is limping. Tara is also hurt and still down. She's getting checked out.
Trainers help her up and she's getting assistance to the back.

* Cage is being taken down. Mickie Foley will be out next. Also a cow-main
event of TNA Tag Team Champions The Motor City Machine Guns, Matt Morgan &
Rob Van Dam vs. Beer Money, Abyss & TNA Champion Jeff Hardy. The ring is
decorated for the holidays and has a red carpet plus two scales.

* Two medical trainers are waiting in the ring. All of Immortal (minus
Hardy) and Rob Terry come out. Ric Flair says everybody has an opportunity
to see greatness. However there is a stranger amongst us, a guy known as the
Freak, Rob Terry. He has a chance to prove himself and prove he can be their
bodyguard. Bischoff says they have medical personnel on hand ready to take
care of any problems Anderson has and check his well being. Matt Morgan
comes out of the blue. Morgan says this is a sham. To put Anderson at risk
is ridiculous. Bischoff says he's misreading things. He's got two doctors
here ready to check both of them. Flair says man to man this guy here is a
doctor and to be listened to. Morgan threatens to take Flair's temperature.
Mick Foley comes out and asks Morgan to relax and let him handle this. He
says his last time here was tearing the place up with Flair. It was probably
the last great thing he ever did because of too many d--- concussions. With
what they know now it's not right to make someone wrestle if they have a
concussion. Flair says Foley is a whiny b---- and was a major part of the
problem for too long. Foley says he doesn't disagree but wants to be a part
of the solution now. He says they made their mistakes but now everybody can
learn from their mistakes. He's not letting this match happen. Bischoff
calls Foley a hypocrite and says he forced people to keep up with him and
caused this. Segment over with nothing happening.

* TNA Champion Jeff Hardy, Beer Money & Abyss vs. TNA Tag Team Champions The
Motor City Machine Guns, Rob Van Dam & Matt Morgan. Winner via springboard
tornado DDT from Sabin to Roode, the team of The Motor City Machine Guns,
Matt Morgan & RVD


* Non-title match, TNA X Division Champion Robbie E w/Cookie vs. Shark Boy.
Robbie came out without the belt so we wouldn't be surprised if he drops it
some time this week. Winner via neckbreaker, Robbie E.

* Magnus vs. Tommy Dreamer. Winner via DDT, Tommy Dreamer.

credit: wrestlingnewsworld.com

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