Friday, December 10, 2010

[TOWWFFC] TNA Impact Taping Results (12/23/10 & 1/6/11) *Spoilers*


TNA Impact Taping Results (12/23) *Spoilers*
Written by Richard Gray on Dec 9, 2010 - 7:59:53 PM

TNA Wrestling taped more Impact tonight from Universal Studios in Orlando,
Florida. They are taping out of order tonight so we do not have dates on
things right now. Thanks to Wrestling News World Orlando correspondent Tim
Capture for providing us with text-message updates. Below are full results:

TNA Impact (Unsure of the date this will air):

* Max Buck vs. Jeremy Buck vs. Robbie E w/Cookie vs. Kazarian with Jay
Lethal on commentary as TNA X Division Champion. Winner via a behind the
back driver on Max Buck, Kazarian

* Backstage Sarita is beating up Velvet Sky and yelling at her. Sarita is
using her belt to whip and choke her. Velvet makes some comebacks but is
mostly beaten bad by Sarita. Sarita eventually hangs Velvet by the belt.
Angelina finally runs in for the save.

* Finals of the Knockouts Tag Tournament, Madison Rayne & Tara vs. The
Beautiful People. Velvet is nowhere to be seen. She's probably too hurt from
the attack. Winter comes out towards the end to be Angelina's tag partner.
She gets tagged in and cleans house. Winner via catatonic to Madison from
Winter and new Knockouts Tag champions, Winter & Angelina Love.

* Jeff Jarrett MMA Invitational. Jarrett uses Kurt Angle's old fireworks and
rising from the stage entrance. He also has his entourage with him. Jarrett
says it's been several weeks since he did the first Double J Double M A
challenge. He's very disappointed in the challengers. So tonight he's
leaving it up to the professionals. He was very impressed last week by
someone who faced one of the biggest, baddest guys there is in Brother Ray.
So tonight he's giving Amazing Red a shot.

* Amazing Red vs. Jeff Jarrett. It looks like someone put something in Red's
eyes when they put Vaseline on his face. Jarrett immediately pounced on Red,
hit some punches and locked on an ankle lock for the submission win. After
the match Jarret consoles Red and says I heard you have a baby brother.
Bring him next week and he'll face him.

* Iron Man Match for the World Television Championship, AJ Styles vs.
Douglas Williams. First fall via Styles Clash, AJ Styles. Winner of the 2nd
fall via Chaos Theory, Douglas Williams. Time runs out with each competitor
having a point. Earl Hebner tells Jeremy Borash that we now have a 5 minute
overtime. Match restarts. The five minutes elapses without another pinfall.

* Crowd calls for five more minutes. AJ gets on a mic and says the people
want a winner. So one more time, you and me at Genesis. What do you say?
Williams said sorry, you had your rematch and didn't beat him. AJ said what
kind of champion are you? He defended his belt against everybody. Williams
said shut your mouth, he is a fighting champion so you've got your match.
Williams said if he loses he loses his title, what does AJ lose? How about
if AJ loses he leaves Fortune forever. AJ refuses and says no way. Eric
Bischoff comes out and says AJ will face Williams at Genesis and if he loses
there will be no spot in Fortune for AJ or a spot anywhere for him.

TNA Impact (Airing 1/6/11 on Spike TV):

* They're taking the Christmas decorations off the ring. We're now onto
Impact right before Genesis.

* "The Pope" D'Angelo Dinero is in the ring. He has some business to take
care of. Someone has been following Pope around with a video camera while
he's handling his affairs. He doesn't know who this person is but he knows
his congregation doesn't approve. Whoever it is he's calling them out right
now. Come out and face him face to face. Samoa Joe's music hits. Joe comes
to the ring and says if he's learned anything is that the person who wins
the war is the one who controls perception and how people thinks. He sees
The Pope talking himself up like he's a good person but he's really a
scumbag. They've seen him at the strip clubs. He's been talking about
helping the needy with his charity but no one at the charities is getting
help from him. We saw Pope picking up puppies for the orphanages but none of
them have puppies. So what's going on? Is he a scumbag? Pope says how dare
you! When he's at a strip club he's telling the girls to pick a new path.
When he gets the puppies he's saving them from certain death. When he goes
to the orphanages he goes to bring positivity to the people's lives. Pope
isn't new to the game, he's true to the game and sees what Joe is doing. He
needs to be careful and check himself before he wrecks himself.

* Strap Match, Sarita vs. Velvet Sky. Winner is Sarita. She was being choked
on Velvet's back and would hit the turnbuckles as Velvet made her way
around. On the 4th one Sarita flipped Velvet over and touched the last
turnbuckle. Sarita attacked Velvet after the match but Angelina Love made
the save. Velvet was extremely upset afterwards and stormed off in a huff.

* Double J Double M A Challenge. Jeff Jarrett is out with his entourage
again and does the Angle entrance once again. Everybody so far has tapped
out real quick. He needs new challengers. Everybody in the back is scared of
him. So he asked everybody for brothers, sisters, anybody. Red said he had a
baby brother so get out here Red. Amazing Red comes to the ring. Jarrett
promises no problems for him. He knows he's the most feared fighter today.
To give baby brother a fair shake he'll let him have the first shot. Jarrett
gets on his knees for the shot. Out comes Tommy Mercer from behind.

* Tommy Mercer vs. Jeff Jarrett. Mercer was much more of a match for Jarrett
than anybody else and took him down a bunch of times. Mercer locked in an
ankle locked but Jarrett's entourage pulled him out of the ring. Red goes
over and attacks the entourage. As the ruckus is happening Jarrett tries to
use the guitar on Baby Brother but Red stops Jarrett and smashes the guitar
on the ring. The referee calls for the bell and declares this a no contest.
Money does not change hands.

* Madison Rayne is out in an evening gown and has four guys in tuxedos with
her. They're carrying her to the ring and open the ropes for her. They all
kiss her hand and leave. She screams at everybody to be quiet she has
something important to say. She came out to all her adoring fans so they
could see what a real champion is. Full of class and elegance, not like some
corn fed, poor, country slut. Mickie James comes out and grabs the mic. She
says what she'd say might go something like this and hits Madison. She beats
her up and then rips Madison's dress off. Madison bails and makes a run for


* Gunner & Murphy vs. Ink Inc. Winner after a nightstick shot from Gunner to
Neal, Gunner & Murphy.

* Sarita vs. Miss Tessmacher. Winner via sitout butterfly suplex, Sarita.


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