Friday, January 7, 2011

[Peckers_Pics] Twink Wars, PICS; Jan 8, 2011 - Safe PICS For All Ages, Rated G

Twink Wars, PICS; Jan 8, 2011
Safe PICS For All Ages, Rated  G

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Diet & Fitness:

  • Reminder: Did you complete your Diet Journal today?
  • Did you do any physical activity?  If not, make a point of it by tomorrow! 
  • Perhaps our male fitness photos shall inspire you to get Fit!
Health - Wellness - Exercise - Reflections:
Timing Is Everything
By Jorge Cruise,  Diet and Fitness Expert / January 07, 2011
You'll hear from a lot of fitness experts that you should work out in the morning. And while there are plenty of good reasons to start your day off with exercise, you should also consider your personal circumstances. Some people are naturally more energetic in the morning, while others hit their peak at the end of the day. If you're a night owl, schedule your workout for the evening -- you'll have more energy and burn more calories.

The same philosophy goes for other daily tasks. Try to accomplish as much as you can during the time of day that you're most alert, rather than force yourself to be productive when you just don't have the energy. On the flipside, make sure you make the most of your low-energy moments by setting aside time during that part of the day for a nap or sit-down tasks that won't leave you feeling drained.
Take Action:

And Now, Our War of the Fittest!

This group is called "Peckers Pics."  The English -  slang definition of "pecker" is to pluck at the truth. Therefore, we peck at items such as Gay Men's Health, Male Fitness, Gay (LGBT) Politics & Issues.  In this section you may peck at each photo in order to decide the winner of the "war of the fittest!"  Whereas, you should select the guy that may inspire you to exercise and "get fit!"   Warning: This may stoke you!
Your participation in discussion of health / news articles - appearing in this message is greatly appreciated.
From "NHB Battle" Wrestling Video Company: JayJay Young headscissoring big brother Ben Young
Click Me
Jason Gerhardt - is an American actor, best known for playing the character Cooper Barrett ("Three") on the soap opera General Hospital. Gerhardt was raised in Minnesota and is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin–Madison.
Clash Gay Night Club;  West Palm Beach, FL / Jan 5, 2010
Click Me
Click Me
Clash Gay Night Club;  West Palm Beach, FL / Jan 5, 2010
Click Me 
Click Me
Ryan as "The Crow" - by Alice Marie Photography
Click Me
Fernando Llorente
Model - Adam
You Decide!
NYC Gay Pride; June 27, 2011
NYC Gay Pride; June 27, 2011
Shameless' Gay Teen Cameron Monaghan is the Anti-Kurt Hummel
Vanity Fair / by Brett Berk / January 7, 2011
Cameron Monaghan plays gay teenager Ian Gallagher on the new Showtime series Shameless (premiering Sunday, January 9), joining an ensemble cast that includes William H. Macy as his shambolically alcoholic father, Emmy Rossum as his marginally slutty but wise and responsible sister, and Joan Cusack as the mysophobic mom of an orally promiscuous neighbor girl. If this sounds exciting, it is. If it sounds like too much excitement for a 17 year old like Cameron, it isn't. He's a pro, having been deep in the business since he was eight.

Since I've made something of a specialty of interviewing young guys who play gay (or gay-ish) on TV, I was practically under contractual obligation to give Cameron a call. But there was nothing obligatory about our conversation, which covered diverse topics including organ theft, hermaphrodites, and smashing queer stereotypes, and consistently showcased Cameron's transcendent poise and intelligence.

Brett Berk: Cameron! Happy New Year. 2011 promises to be a big year for you, and I want to talk about that, but first I want to discuss what your New Year's resolutions were for last year, because they seemed to work.

Cameron Monaghan: You know, I never really do the New Year's Resolution thing. I kind of just try to stay focused, not get too distracted, and do the best I can. And that's something I like to tell myself every year around New Year's

So, no selling your soul to Satan?

Ha ha. No. Not this year.

I've talked to a bunch of young actors recently and they all have seem to have crazy stories about getting their big breaks: wrestling a bear, or being plucked from obscurity while gyrating onstage.  What's your story for being cast on Shameless?

I don't have any crazy stories. I got the audition, I went in to read for the casting director, the producers and director, and the network. Then I had a chemistry read with Jeremy White who plays my brother [Phillip] on the show. And a few days later I had the part.

You didn't have to break anyone's knees, or rip out anyone's voice box or anything?

I could make something up if you want! But no. No crazy story like that.

Drat! Well, how did you get into acting in the first place? From your IMDB entry, it seems like you've been on screen since you were barely walking.

You know, I grew up watching movies and television, and one day when I was really young I told my mom I wanted to become an actor, and she was really supportive and got me involved in local theater and commercials. From there I moved up to auditioning for movies and television. I booked The Music Man (with Matthew Broderick and Kristen Chenoweth), and from there, I just kept going.

So no pushy stage parent vicariously fulfilling their own dreams of stardom?

Not this time. No. No E Hollywood True Story here. No juicy details.

But there's a long line of Monaghans waiting in the wings, right? Like one of those Culkin/Fanning cabals?

No. Only child here. No next replacement in the factory lineup. Just me.

O.K., no dirt in your family. So let's talk about this role: Ian Gallagher. For the folks who haven't seen eleven-hundred previews for the show, Ian is clearly meant to be a bit…incendiary, sort of the anti-Kurt Hummel.

He's the anti-stereotype. He never does anything that's stereotypically perceived as "gay". He's tough, he's street smart, and he's pretty much unlike any gay teenager on television right now.

That's for sure! He smokes, he relishes porn, he's in the R.O.T.C., and he's having lots of sex--some of it with his married, Muslim boss. I think he's great. But what did you think when you read the pilot?

When I first got the sides, it was definitely a little shocking seeing the content and the language. So at first I was like, What is this? It's crazy! But it was really intriguing how no-holds-barred the situations and dialogue were. And I was so interested that I read the whole script, and I was hooked. I became a fan of the show before I was even cast.

You're only 17, so what about your mom? What did she think?

My mom knew about the content as well. We discussed the role. But she has no problems with it. It's acting, it's really not that big a deal. I kind of grew up watching R-rated movies and more adult content, because that's where all the best performances are. So, no problem there.

So what would you say drew you to the role?

It's one of those really intricate, multilayered characters, with all this inner struggle going on. You see these parts in movies and television, and they're just so amazing, but they're very rare for young actors like me. So it's a fantastic opportunity. And besides that, the show stars William H. Macy. The guy's a legend.

There's inevitably a part in these kinds of conversations where the interviewer subtly segues into asking you about your own sexuality by posing a question about how you connect personally with the character, and where you answer by either decrying labels and alluding to the universality of human experience, or shock everyone by coming out as straight or gay. We're at that part now. Have you thought about how you want to handle this?

Yeah. You know, I'm not gay myself, but it's a role I'm very happy to play. I'm always happy to support the gay community. Ian's a really fantastic part. A non-stereotypical part. And I think a lot of teens--and a lot of gay teens, especially--will really relate to the role.

In what ways?

I mean, he's going through a lot of problems. He's living in a neighborhood where people don't accept homosexuality, so he's kind of closeted and insecure about it, and he feels like he has to hide it, even from his family--and in some ways he kind of does. He's going through a lot of struggles, and I think a lot of teens in America are also going through that.

Well put! Now, according to someone I spoke with, your role "develops hugely" throughout the season. Which made me wonder, where do you go from having sex with your married, Muslim boss? Prostitution? Organ theft? Gays in the military?

Well, not giving too much away, there's definitely going to be some competition for Kash [the married, Muslim boss] as the story goes on, there's going to be some struggle between Ian and Kash, and there's going to be some relationship interest for Ian--maybe male, maybe female.

Maybe male, maybe female??

Maybe both, who knows! No, I'm just kidding. No hermaphrodites. Yet.

Speaking of what to expect, you're also going to be in a big movie this spring, Disney's Prom, which--since I'm a 12-year-old girl at heart--is a total must-see for me. Sadly, I didn't spot you in the trailer, unless you're the blonde girl or the dude that looks like McLovin.

Yeah. That was me. I was the blonde girl.

You're very versatile as an actor!

Ha ha. Thanks. Actually, I'm in the next trailer. I play Corey, who's a sophomore. He's kind of outside the major social sphere of the school. He's not popular, though he desperately wants to be, and that's a major source of frustration for him.

The movie is about a prom. Do you get to go to the eponymous event?

Um, since my character is a sophomore, he can't actually go to the prom, which is a big conflict for the sophomore characters in the movie. There's something … related to going to the prom that my character takes part in but … I can't give too much away.

That's O.K. I don't want you to spoil the movie for me, since I'm sure I'll be watching on opening night. Do you get to dance at all on screen?

There's a lot of dancing in the movie. Actually, there's a fun air-guitar scene, an improv that the director threw at me between one of the takes, and I'm hoping that gets into the movie. I guess you can call that dancing?

It's a form of dancing. The lowest form.


Besides improv air-guitar, do you have any other secret talents or endearing traits--particularly ones that have some suggestive or metaphorical significance: for example, I love to hunt, or I hate puppies.

Well … the opposite of "I hate puppies." I love puppies, and I love animals in general. Besides that, I do martial arts: extreme martial arts. I also play real guitar and drums, and sing. And I'm taking some college classes, hoping to major in English and creative writing.

Creative writing was my major. Look where it got me! Guitar, drums, singing? You in a band?

No. No band right now, kind of flying solo, messing around, writing songs a little bit.

Sounds like you should audtion for Glee. Have you?

No. I didn't. I was a bit too young for it when the auditions were going on.

Well, Cameron, this has been amazing, probably, like, the second-best interview I've ever done. Anything else you want to tell the readers?

Ummm … [Goes into announcer voice.] Shameless premieres January 9. You should watch it. It's a lot of fun. I think everyone is going to like it.

From what I've seen, I think you're right.


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"Every gay and lesbian person who has been lucky enough to survive the turmoil of growing up is a survivor. Survivors always have an obligation to those who will face the same challenges."

...Jake (Moderator)

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