Friday, January 21, 2011

Re: [Peckers_Pics] Hair Wars, PICS; Jan 19, 2011 - Special Edition

Dear Moderator(Jake)~I have read what you wrote in response to mine several times.  I no more attack "our neighbor" than how he presented his words.  Had nothing to do with his education, background or whatever.  I don't know him except on here.  No one knows me on here other than by name My song and dance was the fact a fish out of Canada's water and a fish out of United States Water will both stink the same in the sun. There are things in all countries that are good and beneficial.  Instead of pointing out and playing "Im better than you or my country is better than yours"  Offer suggestions or point out benefits that have been seen in their own countries workings etc. to learn from each other.  Not play something similar to gossip column talk about people in another countries government etc. true or not.  I don't live under any other countries laws or people, so I can't speak about them.  I can only learn about them, from them and ask questions.  Walk away with something from it.

I appreciate this group.  I do appreciate what you try to accomplish.  I love my country such as it is, good or bad this is all I got to work with, try to cause change within.  I stand behind President Obama as he is trying to break the walls that hold us all.   I am not the only one who felt this was more of an attack then a contribution to the group. However, unlike them I spoke up!  Which is what you permit within this group.  I have done no wrong and have no apologies.   

From: Gregory Miles <>
Sent: Thu, January 20, 2011 8:37:51 PM
Subject: Re: [Peckers_Pics] Hair Wars, PICS; Jan 19, 2011 - Special Edition


My grandmother always said, that you can't pull a sliver out of a finger without
your glasses on. I find it quite interesting when someone from another country
can so easily have an opinion that they are NOT in the middle of and go on
assumptions. Put your glasses on friend and really look into your own country
and your own way of doing things. Palin, Obama etc. are USA issues, NOT
Canada's. You are involving yourself with things here with what is going in the
United States of America and you don't live here~if you do live here as you have
already said you are "Canadian" so you aren't a US citizen! So you really have
no need or concern to what happens here. Stick to what you know in your
country! I lived and went to school in your country~Quebec for over three years
and trust me I could have just as much to complain about, if not more. Every
country has its dramas etc. the United States of America is still one of the
best countries in the world to live in. I was allowed to travel with my father
when he was in the Army 37 years and commanded several military bases here in
the US as well as overseas. I seen and experienced many things.

In references to your "gun" issue and the Arizona occurrence. In the United
States it is the right unless you are a convicted felon in this country; if you
are of legal age, you are given the right to "Bear Arms" So according to you,
the United States of America government should take away that right!? Is that
what your country does!? The US government didn't make this kid do this. It
was NOT the gun's decision to kill these people and injure these people in
Arizona. The kid made the decision to do this. People kill people, not guns.
It is a sad situation and he will have to live with that choice. If I had my
way, he wouldn't have a trial. WIthout a doubt we know he did it, but as an
American citizen he has a right to trial. His day in court. We the tax payer
end up paying for. I can complain about that because I am given the right to
"Freedom of Speech"!

Daedalus Gregory~Native American and United States of America Citizen

Moderator: 1st of all Daedalus; this group is for people all over the world. And what goes on in America, effects the entire world. Gifford was a friend of the LGBY community and that community is International.

2nd, Almost every country studies american politics, history, etc. Thefine member you are refering to is from Canada (our neighbor). If Plain uses the word Blood Libel, that term does affect jews not only in the USA; but in the entire world. It is a false term used against jews. It is equated to the worst of terms possible. I would not like to see a anti-semetic wave started against jews in america that could spread elsewhere.

3nd, Canada has guns; but they use them peacefully.

4th, How dare you attack someone because they are from another country. One from another country has great incite. I was educated in the UK. I was born in the uSA. Should i not speak of the UK? what hole are you buried in that a foreigner is a predator, enemy of the USA? Because telling someone it is not your business is casting them as the enemy. WHen i took a trip to australia and the olympics in atlanta took place, everyone stood in horror when a bomb wnt off in atlanta. The whole world was worried, horrified and united with america. Just prior, a plane loaded with passengers that left JFK mysteriously exploded (TWA). The world was concerned. When 9/11 took place, the world was befind us; but your form of rhetoric, made the world our enemy. You must never act arrogant, supreme over anyone. We are 1 world, 1 planet. Day by day thew planet gets smaller. We share a international space station with russia and others. Gifford being shot may prevent her husband and astronaut from goign to the Intnl space station on the next space shuttle mission. Yes, the world is effected.

5th, what happens in canada is important to america. Canada has free health care as well as gay marriage. Canada stays ahead of the game and we always hope that what happens in canada will trackle down to the USA.

6th: Canada and USA have vast shared business's. Both the Canadian and American govts both bailed out GM.

7th, how often do i post intnl; articles? i think i do so often. Therefore, as we watch the world, the world watches us.

8th, You are a native american. How can you be closeminded when what happened in europe drove white people to the usa who took your land. wouldn'ty it have been nice if the american indians knew what was going on in europe and were prepared for the white man's invasion.

You own our canadian friend a big apology.

PS. sorry for typos, etc. it is late.

From: stanleyblanc <>
Sent: Thu, January 20, 2011 10:04:54 AM
Subject: Re: [Peckers_Pics] Hair Wars, PICS; Jan 19, 2011 - Special Edition

Bullying, intolerance, both political and racial ethnic sexual prefernce are
things that the United states MUST comes to terms with.
The gun laws are ridiculous!1
sarahPalin being a policalfavourite of the Republicans and the Right is
The United States is like the Roman Empire when it was falling apart!

I am a canadian and this is frightening.
We have our right wing prime minister who is a JOKE but the United states with
its president being the head of state even if is a Nixon or God forbid a Palin
is LIVING HORROR as they would hold to much power!1
In our system if our Prime Minister went as nuts as Sarah or other right wingers
he/she would have a check and balance system that forbids DICTATORS (as long as
we have a non=monetarily/ or power influenced or greedy Head of state which is
the Monarch, who is the first servant of the people, whereas the prime minister
is the first servant of the Head of State).
I hope canada never becomes a republic!!
The United States has proven many times that too much power in a Head of State's
hands can kill hundreds of thousands of people
(i.e. the useless and wasteful Viet Nam war!!>)

In other words: The United States leaders of all of the political degrees of
Republican and Democrat need to study Canada'sHuman Rights Bill and see what we
do and think.
Of course the jerk Stephen harper is trying to erode a lot of stuff.

For Heaven's Sake keep guns out of the pockets and purses of
students and faculty in Arizona's colleges and universities!!!!!
God Bless,
Butch Blanc

From: Greg <>
Sent: Tue, January 18, 2011 11:37:25 PM
Subject: Re: [Peckers_Pics] Hair Wars, PICS; Jan 19, 2011 - Special Edition

Am I reading this correctly that he did NOT commit suicide?

Moderator: You are correct. we do not know as the info is from the father
and directly from the coronor's office. I do not know if the father
is in denial, or his death was caused by complications due to enlarged
heart. It is possible that bullying LEAD TO stress causing
complications that caused death. We just do not know
yet. They do not say what evidence of suicide was found.... And
the media did report suicide! There must be a reason such as a
letter, or evidence at the scene. ...jake

----- Original Message -----
>From: Jake
>Sent: Tuesday, January 18, 2011 7:30 PM
>Subject: [Peckers_Pics] Hair Wars, PICS; Jan 19, 2011 - Special Edition
>Hair Wars, PICS; Jan 19, 2011
>Safe PICS For All Ages, Rated G
>Consider joining: * Members should join our President Barack Obama group .
>(Health Care & Gay Rights, Gay Marriage, Repeal DOMA, Don't Ask & Don't Tell)
> * Wrestling Pic group @
> * Bearhug Yahoo PIC Group
> * HeadLock HeadScissor @
> * Heath Ledger group @
> * Bearhug Submission - Roommates (Wrestling fiction) (Your Yahoo Profile must
>include Age, Gender, Location (to the public) before you apply for membership!):
>Diet & Fitness:
> * Reminder: Did you complete your Diet Journal today?
> * Did you do any physical activity? If not, make a point of it by tomorrow!
> * Perhaps our male fitness photos shall inspire you to get Fit!
>Health - Wellness - Exercise - Reflections:
>>Two Gay Nonprofits To Share Harvey Milk's Old Store
>>>January 18, 2011/ KTVU
>>>SAN FRANCISCO -- The nation's largest gay rights lobbying group is letting a
>>>suicide prevention hotline for gay teens open in the San Francisco storefront
>>>where Harvey Milk waged his historic political campaign.
>>>The space-sharing deal announced Tuesday by the Human Rights Campaign and The
>>>Trevor Project was aimed at quelling a tempest over the slain gay rights
>>>leader's old stomping grounds.
>>>Some of Milk's friends and admirers complained last month when the Human Rights
>>>Campaign announced it was moving its gift shop and information center into the
>>>site of Milk's old Castro Camera store.
>>>They said the organization's incremental approach to gay rights ran counter to
>>>Milk's uncompromising message of gay pride.
>>>The Trevor Project is planning to run a crisis hotline from inside the
>>>space.Take Action:
> * Boycott advertisers of Glenn Beck- Fox News. Glenn Beck is anti-gay rights.

> * Update: DADT has been repealed. President Obama has kept his promise!
> * Boycott Bill O'Reilly and FOX News and their advertisers. Bill discussed a
>French commercial by McDonalds that was meant to show that McDonalds is Gay
>Friendly. Bill said what is next? Is McDonalds going to be Al-Qaida friendly as
>well? Imagine - Bill O'Reilly compares Gays to Al-Qaida! * Boycott Arizona the
>home of "hater" - U.S. Senator John McCain. Arizona's Hateful anti-Immigration
>Law - encourages racial profiling and increases hatred towards minorities. A
>remedy: Demand Republicans to support Immigration Reform (The Dream Act).
>Further, Senator McCain voted against ending DADT and Blocked Immigration
> * Boycott Target, Best Buy, Gold's Gym - for donating money towards anti-gay
>political candidates/organizations.Update: (12/26/2010): Target is continuing to
>donate to anti-gay groups/causes/politicians.
> * End DOMA (Defense of Marriage Act). Prevents Federal employees and Gays in
>the Military from gaining equal benefits. Prevents Gay Partners from gaining
>equal benefits.
> * Pass ENDA (Employee Non-Discrimination Act). ENDA would prevent employment
>discrimination of LGBT workforce.
> * Boycott Salvation Army as they will not hire Gays! "DO NOT DONATE TO
>THEM."And Now, Our War of the Fittest!This group is called "Peckers Pics." The
>English - slang definition of "pecker" is to pluck at the truth. Therefore,
>we peck at items such as Gay Men's Health, Male Fitness, Gay (LGBT) Politics &
>Issues. In this section you may peck at each photo in order to decide the
>winner of the "war of the fittest!" Whereas, you should select the guy that may
>inspire you to exercise and "get fit!" Warning: This may stoke you!
>>Your participation in discussion of health / news articles - appearing in this
>>message is greatly appreciated.
Scoot McNairy


3Click Me


VanjaFranjoUdoviÄ�ić (Serbian Cyrillic: �'�°Ñš�°

(born September 12, 1982 in Belgrade, Serbia, SFR Yugoslavia) is a professional
Serbian water polo player.
- Since 2007, he's been playing defense for Italian club Pro Recco where he
arrived after playing two seasons for CircoloNauticoPosillipo from Naples. He
started his career in water polo club Partizan from Belgrade and then moved on
to VKJadran from HercegNovi.
- In June 2010, Pro Recco club leadership served Udovi�ić with an
ultimatum in an effort to force him to switch his national team allegiance and
start playing for the Italian national team. He refused, choosing to continue
playing for the Serbian national team. As a result, Pro Recco terminated his
contract. His decision to remain loyal to his country resulted in a wave of
positive reaction in the Serbian press, while Serbian Water Polo Association
president publicly thanked Udovi�ić for refusing to cave into the
Italian pressure.
- Following the 2010 European Championship that was held in Zagreb, the
representatives of local club HAVKMladost approached Udovi�ić about
joining their club. On 16 September 2010, he was unveiled as the new the club's
new acquisition on a one-year contract.
- With Serbian national team he has won gold on World Championship in 2009,
2005, European gold in 2003 and 2006, European gold for juniors in 2000 and
Olympic silver in 2004.


Wayne Cole



Click Me 12


Click Me 15
D Williamson

Ron S, age 27
Click Me 17
CJ, age 25
Click Me 18



You Decide!
Fort Lauderdale Pride; June 20, 2010
2010 Stonewall Street Festival on Wilton Drive in Wilton Manors,
>Florida (Fort Lauderdale); May 29, 2010
Friends believe bullying was behind gay teen's alleged suicide
[May not be suicide; but may have been stressed by bullying that agitated a
cardiac condition]
>Updated 1 /18/2011; KARE 11
>MILTONA, Minn.-- Family and friends are mourning the death of a central
>Minnesota teenager whose alleged suicide may be related to bullying over his
>sexual orientation.
>The Douglas County Sheriff's Department says Lance Lundsten, an 18-year-old
>student at Jefferson High School in Alexandria, took his own life on Saturday.
>On a Facebook memorial page dedicated to Lundsten, those who knew him are
>commenting that bullying over the fact Lunsten was openly gay may have played a
>role in his death.
>Deputies responded to an emergency call at Lundsten's family's residence in
>Miltona around 10 p.m. Saturday. He was rushed to Douglas County Hospital where
>he died.
>"According to his Facebook page, Lundsten was openly gay," reports KSAX-TV in
>Alexandria. "On a Facebook memorial page in Lundsten's honor, friends said that
>Lundsten had been bullied at school for his sexual orientation. Some students
>who knew Lundsten believed the bullying may have led to his suicide."
>Lundsten's father reportedly called KSAX and said that the coroner ruled that
>Lance died not of suicide, but coronary edema. He said his son had an enlarged
>heart, and that neither drugs nor alcohol was found in the teen's system.
>The funeral for Lundsten is scheduled for Tuesday evening. "Every gay and
>lesbian person who has been lucky enough to survive the turmoil of growing up is
>a survivor. Survivors always have an obligation to those who will face the same


All members of "Peckers PICS" are requested to join our "Obama Biden 2008" group as it runs in conjunction to this group.  Both groups shall not repeat articles from one group to another.  However, to gain full knowledge of Gay rights, members must belong to the Obama group as well as this group.  Therefore, please accept your invitation to join. 

To join the Obama group please click (or copy and paste the link into your browser) @

Thank you!

�Every gay and lesbian person who has been lucky enough to survive the turmoil of growing up is a survivor. Survivors always have an obligation to those who will face the same challenges.�

...Jake (Moderator)

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