Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Re: [TOWWFFC] First Reviews of "Knucklehead" Are In!


I thought it looks funny.

raging_demons <> wrote:

>Big Show's Movie "Knucklehead" is out in limited viewings this weekend. The reviews are in! And just like the previous WWE Movies...IT BUH-LOWS! (Yes I will see it to experience the horror for you all!)
>New York Time ""A distinctly shameless and shoddily made family comedy, this WWE production for wrestler Big Show turns an already saccharine plot into a toxic, fart-laden piledriver."
>"A mere plot summary can't begin to approximate the way you'll feel manhandled by a stridently wacky orchestral score (more syrup for your pancakes?) and story elements seemingly selected by a brain-dead Hulkamaniac," Rothkopf said. "Is it fair to include both an unattached blond teacher and a cute orphan with abandonment issues? Wight himself is a benign, dopey presence; you don't mind him. But it's a mistake for the big lug to shoot so broadly for the middle. It takes a special kind of failure to make Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson's efforts look like models of sparkling wit and unpredictability.""
>Slant Magazine: ""If a WWE-produced film can't get squared-circle action right, what can be expected of it?""

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