Monday, October 4, 2010

Re: [TOWWFFC] Re: Hell In A Cell Final Results


Grown women were shown crying too. haha

----- Original Message -----
From: "raging_demons" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, October 04, 2010 1:06 PM
Subject: [TOWWFFC] Re: Hell In A Cell Final Results

> Fun part about this, reports have mentioned that there were kids CRYING
> that "Kal-El" is now a part of Nexus.
> I wonder if PG was crying about this too?
> --- In, "FondyMark" <fondy54935@...>
> wrote:
>> -Josh Matthews interviewed six women competing on NXT this season. He
>> said
>> this Tuesday is a big night for them as one of them will be eliminated.
>> The
>> Nexus walked in and the women fled the scene. Health Slater said there
>> are
>> six women and after tonight they'll be six members of Nexus. Matthews
>> bravely said some people are predicting that this will be the end of
>> Nexus.
>> He noted that if any Nexus member interferes, they must disband. Barrett
>> said he doesn't like the rule, but he can beat John Cena on his own.
>> Tarver
>> held up a Nexus logo on a headband or wristband and said they'll give
>> that
>> to Cena after they beat him. Are they too cheap to give him a full
>> t-shirt?
>> -Ricardo Rodrigues introduced Alberto Del Rio. Cole said with glee: "This
>> is
>> awesome!" Lawler told Cole that he's just impressed that he drives a
>> Rolls
>> Royce while his car has a Papa John's pizza sign on it. After Rodrigues's
>> ring intro, Lawler said, "Can I please push 1 for English." Striker said,
>> "That's actually funny, King!" Cole said he wants to kind out what kind
>> of
>> hair gel he uses because he wants to use it. Lawler said he has so much
>> mousse in his hair, it's about to sprout antlers. Del Rio entered the
>> ring
>> and said tonight is his WWE PPV debut and he wants to make it special.
>> After
>> gloating about his interview the little Chihuahua, he talked on and on
>> about
>> being willing to face anyone and said he's better than all of the people
>> in
>> the crowd. Edge answered the challenge, further cementing his apparent
>> turn
>> back into a babyface.
>> Edge said he's not there to defend Texas or Rey Mysterio or even
>> Christian.
>> He said there's a lot about Del Rio is stupid including his scarf. Del
>> Rio
>> told him to choose his words very carefully. A few insults later Del Rio
>> took off his jacket and appeared ready for battle. Jack Swagger walked
>> out
>> and said what's stupid is an American and a Mexican arguing while the
>> All-American American isn't even wrestling tonight. He complained that
>> Edge
>> speared his personal mascot. "It wasn't a real eagle. It was a human
>> being
>> inside that, a human being with medical bills, medical bills which you
>> will
>> pay!" Edge said he'd pay for his mascots medical bills. He said he might
>> as
>> well pay for his and Del Rio's too. He jumped Edge. Del Rio and Swagger
>> attacked Edge. Del Rio slipped out of the ring quickly. The mystery
>> G.M.'s
>> chime sounded. Apparently he has jurisdiction over PPVs even though
>> Swagger
>> and Del Rio are Smackdown wrestlers. Cole said the message is coming on a
>> new upgraded laptop. Cole stood at the podium and read from a sheet paper
>> on
>> the keyboard which the camera showed over his shoulder. He said Edge must
>> apologize to him on Raw tomorrow, but just first face Swagger right now.
>> The bell rang to start the match at 9:13 p.m. Swagger went on early
>> offense,
>> but Edge made a comeback at 1:00. Striker said Cole reads those emails
>> with
>> such enthusiasm. Cole said he is just doing his job. Swagger dominated
>> the
>> first five minutes including a body scissors mid-ring. Edge attempted a
>> comeback at 6:00, but Swagger blocked an leglock attempt. He countered by
>> slamming Swagger back-first drop-slam to the mat and leveraged him into a
>> two count. Swagger countered with an anklelock. Edge grabbed the bottom
>> rope
>> to force a break.
>> Edge climbed to the top rope at 8:00 and hit a flying dropkick. Cole said
>> it's not often you see Edge climb to the top rope. Edge scored a two
>> count.
>> Not a ton of heat because, well, once again Edge turned without turning
>> and
>> this match wasn't scheduled (and therefore lacking that anticipation
>> build-up over time). Edge climbed to the top again, but Swagger charged
>> at
>> him and threw him quickly to the mat. Swagger scored a two count. Edge
>> came
>> back and set up a spear a minute later, but Swagger side-stepped it and
>> turned it into a gut-wrench powerbomb for a near fall at 11:00. Edge went
>> one way and Swagger the other as Swagger went for a Dragon screw. Edge's
>> knee torqued bad, but he apparently was okay as Swagger moved in with an
>> anklelock. Edge grabbed the bottom rope, but Swagger dragged him back to
>> the
>> middle. Edge escaped on his own and hit a spear for the win.
>> WINNER: Edge in 12:00.
>> STAR RATING: **1/2 -- Good action, but felt a little flat for some reason
>> despite a solid effort from the two wrestlers.
>> -The "Please Don't Try This At Home" video aired.
>> -Backstage David Otunga tried to talk Slater and Justin Gabriel into
>> sticking with the plan. Otunga said he didn't have time to run it by
>> Barrett, but he's sure his plan will work without getting Barrett DQ'd.
>> He
>> told them to come with him as he explains it in more detail. Michael
>> Tarver
>> didn't chime in, but looked upset as usual.
>> 4 -- JOHN CENA vs. WADE BARRETT -- Hell in a Cell Match with Special
>> Stips
>> After a video recap of their feud, Barrett walked out to the ring first.
>> Cena ran to the ring as Cole said Cena has been the poster child of WWE
>> and
>> "embodies everything this company stands for." He said tonight he puts it
>> all on the line because if he loses, he must join Nexus (whatever that
>> means, since they've left it to fans' imaginations what that entails).
>> The
>> bell rang to start the match at 9:34 p.m. They opened with a collar and
>> elbow which Barrett quickly turned into a headlock. Cena countered
>> quickly
>> with an armbar. Cena leapfrogged Barrett and then hit a dropkick leading
>> to
>> a two count at 2:00. Striker said, "I can't believe I'm saying this, but
>> Cena is out-grappling Wade Barrett."
>> At 4:00 Cena lifted Barett for the Attitude Adjustment, at which point
>> the
>> rest of Nexus came to ringside. Cena dropped Barrett and turned toward
>> them.
>> Barrett hit Cena from behind, then jumped to ringside to scold Nexus for
>> coming to ringside despite his instructions. Barrett whipped Cena into
>> the
>> ringside barrier and then yelled at the rest of Nexus again asking them
>> who
>> was in charge. He threw Cena into the ring and made the cover. Cena
>> kicked
>> out at two. Barrett methodically fended off Cena's comeback attempts and
>> remained on offense. A "Let's Go Cena" chant broke out at 7:00. Striker
>> said
>> every WWE Superstar has vested interest in the outcome of this match.
>> Cole
>> said they're glued to monitors backstage. Striker wondered if Cena would
>> be
>> subservient to Barrett if he's forced to join Nexus or if he'd try to
>> lead
>> it. Striker said he's intrigued by the possibility.
>> Cena made a comeback at 8:00 with two flying shoulder tackles and a
>> sideslam. He signaled for the You Can't See Me routine and then dropped
>> the
>> Five Knuckle Shuffle. Big Show ran to ringside and attacked Nexus. Mark
>> henry, Goldust, The Hart Dynasty, Kofi Kingston, Bryan, Chris Masters,
>> Dolph
>> Ziggler, Morrison, MVP, and Evan Bourne ran out and attacked the ringside
>> Nexus members. As Cena watched wiht a smile, Cole said the playing field
>> is
>> even again. Cena then went for an STF, but a rested Barrett kicked out
>> and
>> sidekicked Cena in the gut. He then slammed Cena and scored a two count.
>> As Barrett continued a run of offense, Striker pointed out the young boys
>> and women were cheering Cena while the men were cheering Barrett. Lawler
>> said, "Your point?" It's not often, if ever, the announcers get that
>> specific with detailing the crowd split with Cena. Barrett set Cena on
>> the
>> top rope, but Cena knocked Barrett down when he met him up there. He
>> followed with a top rope legdrop to the back of Barrett's shoulders,
>> which
>> led to a two count. At 16:00 Cena lifted Barett for a AttAdj, but Barrett
>> escaped and gave Cena his Wasteland finisher. "Oh no! Oh no!" said Cole,
>> but
>> Cena kicked out. Everyone took a deep breath - the wrestlers, fans, and
>> announcers.
>> When Barrett stood, Barett surprised him with an AttAdj for a believable
>> near fall. Striker said Barrett is as tough as they come. Cole asked,
>> "Can
>> you believe this match?" It has been good, with the match stipulation
>> really
>> adding to the drama of each near fall. Cena slipped on an STF next in
>> mid-ring. Cole called for Barrett to tap out. A "fan" slipped the ring.
>> The
>> referee smothered him. Cena released the hold. A security guard joined
>> the
>> ref in subduing the "fan." Then someone else blind-sided Cena with a
>> weapon.
>> Cole asked, "What the hell just happened!" Barrett covered a KO'd Cena.
>> Cole
>> said, "No way! No way!"
>> They cut to great shots of fans reacting to the loss - kids, women, men,
>> all
>> with their jaws dropped or holding their heads in shock. Cole said there
>> was
>> a hit and run. Striker said Raw live tomorrow night is going to be
>> awesome.
>> Striker asked if there was a shirt available to put on Cena now. He said
>> nothing will ever be the same. "This is not happening," Cole said. "This
>> is
>> a tragedy." It looked on replay like Husky Harris hit Cena. He deserves a
>> roster spot, so good if it was him. The initial fan could have been
>> another
>> NXT alum, but there was no shot of his face.
>> The Nexus celebrated in the ring and lifted Barrett onto their shoulders.
>> Cena eventually got up as the crowd stood in stunned silence. Cena
>> regained
>> his senses and just looked blankly and gulped. They continued to show
>> fans
>> reacting with tears and disbelief and jaws dropped and arms crossed.
>> Great
>> camera work. Cena hugged a couple fans at ringside. Lawler said it almost
>> seemed like Cena was saying good bye to his fans.
>> WINNER: Barrett in 18:00.
>> STAR RATING: ***1/2 -- Good match. Cena carried Barrett to a match that
>> told
>> a really good story. The post-match selling of everything was WWE at its
>> best. Remember, Barrett wasn't in on that finish, and that wasn't
>> necessary
>> for that story to play out that way unless they're planting seeds for
>> Barrett being upset with Nexus giving him a dirty win rather than him
>> winning on his own, as he seemed confident he could do.
>> -Matthews interviewed Bearer who said he's been gone for six years,
>> biding
>> his time patiently and developing his own master plan, waiting for the
>> time
>> to make his presence felt. He said Kane may be the Devil's favorite
>> demon,
>> but he will never be the Father of Destruction's favorite son.
>> -A video package aired on WWE's work with children in charity work. These
>> should slow down after the election.
>> 5 -- MICHELLE MCCOOL (w/Layla) vs. NATALYA -- Divas Title Match
>> As Natalya came out, Cole saluted the troops watching all over the globe.
>> This match gets second-from-top billing not because it's considered a
>> co-main event, but rather it's the match that could be cut down or
>> expanded
>> depending on how the show is running time-wise. That said, a good
>> side-effect is making the title seem a little more prestigious based on
>> the
>> positioning on the show. The match began at 10:03 p.m. McCool and Layla
>> double-teamed Natalya at ringside at 1:00. Back in the ring McCool
>> applied a
>> body scissors.
>> Natalya made a comeback at 4:00 Layla stood on the ring apron. Natalya
>> turned her attention to her and grabbed her by her hair. McCool kicked at
>> Natalya, but kicked Layla instead. Natalya rolled up McCool for a two
>> count.
>> McCool countered with a snap belly-to-belly. At 5:00 Natalya applied a
>> sharpshooter. Layla threw her shoe at Natalya, prompting the DQ.
>> WINNER: Natalya in 5:00 via DQ so LayCool retained the Divas
>> Championship.
>> STAR RATING: * -- On the way to being better than usual for a women's
>> match
>> in WWE, but that finish was bad.
>> 6 -- UNDERTAKER (w/Paul Bearer) vs. KANE -- World Title Match / Hell in a
>> Cell
>> After a video package, Kane came out first, then Taker and Bearer. Kane
>> jump-started the match by attacking Taker as he and Bearer approached the
>> cage door. The match began officially at 10:20 p.m. Taker beat up Kane at
>> ringside, including jabbing him with a chair in the opening minute. Kane
>> legdropped Kane and scored a two count early. When he went for a
>> chokeslam,
>> Kane countered with an eye poke. Kane then rammed a chair into Taker's
>> abdomen and then bashed him across the back. They took turns on on the
>> offensive for several minutes at ringside. Taker hit a guillotine legdrop
>> at
>> 7:00.
>> Taker body scissored Kane mid-ring. Kane fought out of it and punched
>> Taker
>> several times at 8:00. Taker fired back with a flying clothesline. Taker
>> limped toward Kane and applied an armbar, then climbed to the top rope
>> for
>> the top rope walk. Kane quickly knocked Taker off balance by
>> clotheslining
>> his injured leg. Kane hit a top rope clothesline at 12:00. Taker, though,
>> surprised Kane with Hell's Gate. Lawler said he didn't quite have the
>> full
>> grip. Kane shifted himself under the bottom rope to the floor and pulled
>> himself free.
>> They both stood and gave each other simultaneous big boots to the face.
>> Kane
>> and Taker both sat up at the same time about 20 seconds later. They
>> punched
>> each other o their knees, which got the crowd involved and chanting along
>> with each punch. Taker seemed to be getting the better of Kane, but Kane
>> then stood and hit Taker with an uppercut. Taker came back seconds later
>> with a chokeslam for a two count at 15:00. They showed Bearer at ringside
>> hitting the cage and yelling, "Damn! Damn! Damn!"
>> Taker set up a Last Ride, but Kane escaped by hitting Taker's injured
>> leg.
>> He then chokeslammed Taker for a two count. The crowd didn't buy it as a
>> possible finish. Kane punched Taker in the corner, but Taker countered
>> with
>> a powerbomb out of the corner for a more believable near fall at 17:00.
>> Taker lifted Kane for a Tombstone, but Kane countered with his own
>> Tombstone. He almost slipped trying to get a good grip. It led to a two
>> count. Kane couldn't believe Taker kicked out. He turned to the ref,
>> yelled,
>> "That was three!" and then punched the ref. He pounded the mat and threw
>> a
>> fit. The ref at ringside called for help from the back. They opened the
>> cage
>> door and several officials and referees helped that ref out of the ring.
>> Bearer walked into the ringside area and was locked inside the Cell. Kane
>> saw that and walked toward Bearer. Bearer waddled away. Kane ordered him
>> to
>> enter the ring. He had the urn with him. He begged off in the corner.
>> Kane
>> told him he shouldn't have come back. "Do you have any idea what I'm
>> going
>> to do to you?" he said. Taker, though, sat up and chokeslammed Kane.
>> Taker
>> looked at Bearer, who held up the magical urn. Bearer smiled. Taker
>> rolled
>> his eyes back and then did the throat-slice gesture. Thunder noises
>> filled
>> the arena and the lights flickered purple. Bearer opened the urn and a
>> light
>> shined out of it into Taker's eyes, blinding him. Bearer held it in front
>> of
>> Taker and told him to stand, but he looked devilish. He handed Kane the
>> urn.
>> Taker looked confused. Kane looked confused, too, but he grabbed the urn.
>> Kane then KO'd a stunned Taker in the face. The crowd booed. Kane gave
>> Taker
>> a chokeslam for the win. Cole said it was the ultimate act of treason.
>> "Why
>> would Paul Bearer bring Undertaker back from the brink of destruction
>> just
>> to destroy him again?" asked Cole. Good question.
>> WINNER: Kane in 22:00.
>> STAR RATING: **3/4 -- Some of the match was good, some of it dragged, and
>> unfortunately the finish was just too complex or not well executed, as it
>> came off flat and somewhat confusing as it played out. It's too bad
>> because
>> the pieces were there for a good turn, but perhaps Bearer is just so slow
>> and awkward in his movements, it slowed everything down a little too
>> much.
>> Plus, if Bearer was going to turn on Taker, there were plenty of times in
>> that match when it might have ended before he had the chance, and if
>> appeared Kane wasn't in on it, so had Kane not hit the ref, Bearer
>> wouldn't
>> have had the chance to enter the cage to execute his plan. So Bearer,
>> storyline-wise, was very lucky to have the chance to turn on Taker.
>> FOLLOW-UP: I asked earlier when was the last time the WWE Title was
>> defended
>> so early on a WWE PPV. PWTorch reader Matt Hampton did some research and
>> writes: "Regarding the last time the WWE Championship was defended so
>> early,
>> the WWE Championship was the first match of Elimination Chamber 2010,
>> with
>> John Cena winning the title (the second match was also for the WWE
>> Championship, with Batista defeating Cena). The earliest the title was
>> ever
>> defended at the Royal Rumble was 1995 when it was the 3rd match (not
>> counting the dark match) of the night out of five matches, it was Diesel
>> vs.
>> Bret Hart to a no-contest."
>> Credit:
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "FondyMark" <fondy54935@...>
>> To: "TheOriginalWWFFanClub" <>
>> Sent: Sunday, October 03, 2010 8:18 PM
>> Subject: Hell In A Cell Results - 1/3 Point
>> > OCTOBER 3, 2010
>> >
>> > Thanks for joining me tonight for live coverage of WWE's Hell in a Cell
>> > PPV. Will John Cena be forced to join the Nexus or will the Nexus have
>> > to
>> > disband forever? Will Undertaker get definitive revenge on Kane or will
>> > that feud end up unresolved or with more fuel added to the fire? Will
>> > Daniel Brian, Miz, and John Morrison steal the show? Stay tuned and hit
>> > refresh regularly for my coverage of what happens and my reaction as
>> > the
>> > show progresses.
>> >
>> > If you watch this event, please send me a review afterward. Include
>> > your
>> > name, hometown, a 0-10 rating for the overall event, your picks for the
>> > best match and worst match, and a brief paragraph of thoughts. Send to
>> > pwtorch@... Thanks!
>> >
>> > -A video package aired celebrating the Hell in a Cell format with a
>> > Halloween haunted house voice talking in the first person as if he were
>> > the Hell in a Cell cage.
>> >
>> > -As the pyro blasted and the camera panned the crowd, Michael Cole
>> > introduced the show. He called HIAC demonic and inhumane and "the
>> > Devil's
>> > playground."
>> >
>> > 1 -- DANIEL BRYAN vs. THE MIZ vs. JOHN MORRISON -- U.S. Title Match -
>> > Submissions Count Anywhere
>> >
>> > During Morrison's ring entrance, they showed Jerry Lawler, Cole, and
>> > Matt
>> > Striker at ringside. What if the alarming drop in PPV buys lately is
>> > because so few people want to spend three hours of their lives with
>> > Striker being Striker? Cole went into his anti-Bryan bit, saying his
>> > dream
>> > ends tonight and he's going home without gold. Miz walked out and said:
>> > "This is ridiculous. I was the mentor of both of you. Neither you would
>> > be
>> > here if it weren't for me." He said without either of them, he'd still
>> > be
>> > a huge star in WWE "because I have 'it.' I have the star quality." He
>> > predicted he'll walk out as the U.S. Champion. He declared: "I never
>> > tap
>> > out because I am the Miz and I'm awesome." Lawler said Cole had
>> > goosebumps. Cole said Miz is fantastic and the future of pro wrestling.
>> >
>> > The match began at 8:07 p.m. Miz ran from Morrison. Bryan battled
>> > Morrison
>> > in some chain wrestling as Miz observed from ringside. Cole hyped a
>> > number
>> > of countries WWE is watched in. It's not bad to push how many countries
>> > they're seen in, but anyone who posts on YouTube tonight might end up
>> > being seen in a few dozen countries by the end of this PPV, too, so it
>> > doesn't mean what it once did. Miz went after Morrison at 3:00. Bryan
>> > intervened and applied Cattle Mutilation on Miz. Cole couldn't believe
>> > that's what it was called. It's a strange name for a move applied by a
>> > vegan. Miz reached the bottom rope to force a break. Bryan threw some
>> > round kicks to Miz's chest. Then he settled into a leglock. Miz
>> > screamed
>> > in pain and tried to roll free. They kicked each other in the head with
>> > their free leg repeatedly. Morrison re-entered and gave a corkscrew
>> > moonsault to both men, breaking up the hold. Morrison then applied a
>> > leglock on Bryan. Miz broke it up at 5:00.
>> >
>> > Miz and Morrison brawled into the crowd. Miz applied an armbar.
>> > Morrison
>> > slapped his way free. Miz put Morrison in a modified Dragon Sleeper up
>> > against a guard rail. Bryan broke it up. Miz threw Bryan face-first
>> > into
>> > the trash can. He slapped him and then called a spot. Bryan took him
>> > down
>> > with an armbar. Morrison joined in and they brawled onto the stage.
>> > Morrison threw Miz behind the stage lighting area. Then he leaped off
>> > the
>> > hockey boards with a roundkick. Miz charged at Morrison with an
>> > equipment
>> > box on wheels. He threw Bryan onto it and rolled it into the ramp.
>> > Morrison leaped over the box and kicked Miz, then surprised Miz with a
>> > leglock submission. Bryan intervened. Miz gave Morrison the Skull
>> > Crushing
>> > Finale on the floor at 10:00.
>> >
>> > Miz and Bryan knocked each other down with simultaneous clotheslines.
>> > Morrison then climbed up the stage set and leaped off of it onto Miz
>> > and
>> > Bryan as they stood up, landing mostly on Miz. All three were slow to
>> > get
>> > up. They replayed the dive from two angles. Morrison got up and applied
>> > a
>> > Texas cloverleaf. As Miz seemed on the verge of tapping, Alex Riley
>> > interfered. Bryan jumped Riley and knocked him into the cameraman near
>> > by.
>> > Brian applied his Lebell Lock on the stage. Miz yelled for about five
>> > seconds and then tapped out. Because Brian made Miz tap out again, Cole
>> > conceded: "I admit it, Daniel Bryan is the real deal. I still think
>> > he's a
>> > nerd."
>> >
>> > WINNER: Bryan to retain the U.S. Title in 14:00.
>> >
>> > STAR RATING: ***1/2 -- Very good opener. Good mix of innovative
>> > submissions along with some big highspots and a satisfying finish.
>> >
>> > -A commercial aired for John Cena's "Legendary" movie now out on DVD
>> > with
>> > bonus material.
>> >
>> > -The announcers hyped the Randy Orton vs. Sheamus match.
>> >
>> > 2 -- RANDY ORTON vs. SHEAMUS -- WWE Title Match
>> >
>> > When was the last time the WWE Title was defended on the second match
>> > on a
>> > show (perhaps not counting the Royal Rumble PPVs)? Sheamus came out
>> > first.
>> > Orton got a nice pop when his music played. Orton smiled with his eyes
>> > as
>> > he stared at Sheamus inside the Cell. During ring intros, Orton and
>> > Sheamus stared each other down about two feet from one another. The
>> > crowd
>> > chanted "RKO! RKO!" as the bell rang to start the match at 8:33 p.m.
>> > Cole
>> > said this match is so dangerous, there have only been 20 of them. I bet
>> > there have been fewer lingerie matches in WWE, so does that make a
>> > lingerie match even more dangerous?
>> >
>> > Cole noted that Orton said he'll do anything, regardless of honor, to
>> > win
>> > this match, and that makes him especially dangerous in a Cell. At 1:00
>> > Orton clotheslined Sheamus over the top rope to the floor. Sheamus
>> > threw
>> > Orton into the Cell wall, then entered the ring. At 4:00 they returned
>> > to
>> > ringside where Sheamus reverse whipped Orton into the cage and then
>> > clotheslined him. He picked up the ringside steps and threw them toward
>> > Orton, but Orton ducked out of the way. He then picked up Sheamus and
>> > rammed him into the wall of the cage twice. Striker said it'll be
>> > interesting how Sheamus feels after getting his first taste of the
>> > Cell.
>> > Orton picked up the ringside steps and hit Sheamus in the head with
>> > them.
>> > This is where WWE loses a lot of fans because they want to see blood in
>> > these situations. Sheamus reversed an Orton suplex attempt and then
>> > knocked him off the ring apron into the cage at 6:00.
>> >
>> > Sheamus went on methodical offense against Orton. He removed a
>> > turnbuckle
>> > pad, but Orton blocked Sheamus's attempt to ram his head into the
>> > exposed
>> > turnbuckle. At 10:00 Sheamus remained in control inside the ring,
>> > mixing
>> > stomps and mat holds. Orton made a comeback at 11:00 and knocked
>> > Sheamus
>> > into the corner without the turnbuckle pad. Both were slow to get up.
>> > They
>> > exchanged punches in center-ring. Orton slipped out of Sheamus's arms
>> > and
>> > hit two clotheslines and a snap powerslam and a belly-to-belly for a
>> > two
>> > count. Orton was selling a lingering rib injury. Sheamus went for a
>> > one-arm slam, but Orton elbowed free and then set up for the RKO.
>> > Sheamus
>> > blocked it and then sent Orton into the ropes and hit him with a knee
>> > to
>> > his injured ribs on the rebound.
>> >
>> > Sheamus brought the base of the ringside steps into the ring. Orton
>> > escaped a slam attempt and then powerslammed Sheamus onto it. Orton
>> > snapped Sheamus's neck over the top rope and then dragged him off the
>> > ring
>> > apron with a DDT onto the floor. Orton continued to sell his ribs.
>> > Sheamus
>> > got up and shoved Orton into the ringpost. Back in the ring, Sheamus
>> > climbed onto the steps with Orton in hand. He gave him a backbreaker.
>> > The
>> > announcers had to explain how that hurt more because there was no give
>> > underneath Sheamus's feet upon impact unlike on the mat. Sheamus then
>> > gave
>> > Orton his thrust kick tot he jaw for a believable near fall at 18:00.
>> > Orton's kickout got a nice pop from the crowd.
>> >
>> > Sheamus grabbed a chair at ringside. He bashed Orton across the back
>> > and
>> > hip with it several times, then made another cover for a two count.
>> > Sheamus grew frustrated. Sheamus wildly swung a chair at Orton, but
>> > Orton
>> > ducked and he hit a sudden RKO. Sheamus rolled out of the ring. Orton
>> > was
>> > disappointed he couldn't make the cover. He followed Sheamus to the
>> > floor.
>> > Orton rolled to the floor and set up a punt kick. Sheamus, though,
>> > avoided
>> > the kick and then countered immediately with a thrust kick to Orton's
>> > face.
>> >
>> > Sheamus rolled Orton into the ring and made the cover. Orton kicked out
>> > right before three at 21:00. Sheamus pounded the mat in frustration. He
>> > got up, played to the crowd, and moved the ring step base to
>> > center-ring
>> > again. Sheamus set up his High Cross, but Orton countered by sweeping
>> > Sheamus's legs. Some fans chanted "RKO! RKO!" Orton delivered with an
>> > RKO
>> > on the steps. He covered Sheamus and scored the three count.
>> >
>> > Orton held the title belt in the air afterward and let a little half
>> > smile
>> > escape. He wrapped the title belt around his waist and then climbed the
>> > cage. He walked on top of the roof and held his belt in the air.
>> >
>> > WINNER: Orton in 23:00.
>> >
>> > STAR RATING: **** -- Very good title match. Not a match of the year
>> > contender (some bleeding would have helped in that regard), but nothing
>> > to
>> > complain about. Two pros putting on a good match.
>> >
>> >
> ------------------------------------


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