Monday, October 11, 2010

[TOWWFFC] Bound For Glory Results - FINAL!!!


Mark didn't post them up yet, I have insomnia, there you go!

Source: L-O-P

"Sting, Kevin Nash and The Pope vs. Samoa Joe and Jeff Jarrett

We get a video package for the next match before going to the ring. Out first is the team of The Pope, Sting and Kevin Nash. Out next is the handicapped team of Jeff Jarrett and Samoa Joe. Jarrett comes out first by himself. Pope and Joe will be starting things out.

We get a lock up and Joe and Pope chain wrestle for a bit, both men getting in huge shots, and Pope hitting a great flying shoulder block. Joe responds with a series of short rights and an awesome belly to belly variation. Joe pounds on Pope in the corner, unrelenting. Pope comes back, hitting Joe with lefts and rights, but he eats a high knee when he sends Joe into the ropes. Pope tags out to Sting, who comes in to lots of love. Sting turns to Jarrett, and Joe responds by hitting Sting with a series of rights. Sting avoids a splash from Joe and retaliates with a Stinger splash. Another attempt from Sting and Joe responds with a vicious urunage.

Sting goes to the outside and Joe follows, hitting Sting with some more rights, and launching him into the barricade. Nash catches Joe from behind with a knee to the back, and Sting connects with a clothesline, taking Joe down. Sting sends Joe chest first into the barricade before heading back into the ring. Sting tags out to Nash, who comes in and hits a series of high knees to Joe's gut, before following up with a series of elbows to the side of the head. Nash tags right out to Pope, who comes in and hits Joe with a series of boots, and a goofy corner elbow drop. Joe comes back with a couple of chops, but Joe gets 4Up for his troubles and Sting tags in. They try for a double clothesline, but Joe comes back with a double clothesline of his own. Nash is in to stop the tag, hitting a terrible splash in the corner before eating a kick to the face from Joe.

Joe almost gets the tag, but Jarrett jumps off the ring apron. Joe looks angry and shocked. When he turns around, all three men are looking at him. Joe tries to take them all on, but all three men beat down Joe at once. Joe still tries to come back, but Nash, Pope and Sting are unrelenting. Nash tags in, and he hit a jackknife powerbomb on Joe. Nash pins Joe, and that's it for this one.

Winners: Kevin Nash, The Pope and Sting

- Mr. Anderson is backstage with Christy Hemme. Anderson says everything was fine until Kurt Angle punched him in the nuts. Anderson apologizes to Angle's friends and family because he has to end Kurt's career tonight.

- We go back to the ring and out comes Team 3D for their big announcement. They run down their accomplishments and say they're proud to be a part of TNA, someone who takes pride in tag team wrestling and has the best tag team division in the world. Brother Ray says there's a time in every tag team career where they wonder what else is to do. He announces that they are officially retired but have one last request. They want to go out with one more match against the best tag team in the world today, as he calls it. 3D want their last match against The Motor City Machineguns. Ray thanks the fans and they tell Devon to get the tables. Devon does his testify line as their music plays and the fans applaud them.

- We get a promo video for tonight's Lethal Lockdown match. Christy Hemme goes backstage with Ric Flair and Fortune. Flair says Fortune are going to hurt EV 2.0 tonight and then he's going to make Mick Foley kiss his ass. Kaz says they are going to bury EV 2.0 tonight. The rest of Fortune cut promos on EV 2.0. AJ Styles tells Tommy Dreamer they are getting rid of EV 2.0 for good tonight. Flair cuts another promo and starts dancing at Hemme to end the segment.

Lethal Lockdown: Tommy Dreamer, Rhino, Sabu, Stevie Richards and Raven with Mick Foley vs. AJ Styles, James Storm, Robert Roode, Matt Morgan and Kazarian with Ric Flair

We go to the ring and out first comes EV 2.0, being led by Mick Foley. EV 2.0 surrounds the Lethal Lockdown structure. Out next comes the team of Fortune, led by Ric Flair. Flair and Foley brawl a bit at ringside before all of Fortune can even get down the ramp. Kaz and Stevie enter the cage as they will be starting things off for their teams.

Kaz gets the upper hand with a huge right hand and a series of forearms to Richards' face. Kaz goes to slam Richards face first into the cage, but Richards stops him, hits four big neckbreakers in a row, before slamming Kaz back first into the cage repeatedly. Stevie kicks Kaz in the back, but when he goes for a dropkick, Kaz avoids it and is able to come back with a body slam, and a springboard leg drop.

Kaz goes to the top, and tries for a top rope leg drop, but Richards gets out of the way. Richards hits Kaz with an open hand chop, and imitates Flair, to his displeasure. Stevie kicks Kaz in the chest before scoring with a quick suplex. Richards hits a reverse STO before locking in what looks to be a LeBell lock, but AJ Styles comes in and Richards has to break. Styles connects with a huge dropkick to take Richards off his feet. Styles and Kaz hit a double clothesline before pulling Richards by his arms and standing on his hair. A double team clothesline/backbreaker is pretty awesome and Styles locks in the figure four to follow up.

Kaz pulls on Richards' arms while Styles continues to hold on with the figure four. When the countdown startes, they break their holds, and Tommy Dreamer makes his way into the mat. Dreamer hits a double clothesline to Styles and Kaz. Dreamer sprays something into Styles' eyes before chopping Kaz and hitting a great pumphandle suplex on Styles. Richards and Dreamer hit a double team elbow drop side slam on Kaz before Dreamer slams Richards on top of Styles. Dreamer places Kaz on the top rope, and Stevie tries for a superplex, with Styles coming in from the bottom and executing a simultaneous powerbomb. The clock counts down and Robert Roode is the next man in.

Roode comes in as a house of fire and helps turn the tide in his teams favor. Dreamer is busted open and Styles is raking his face across the cage. Flair punches at Dreamer through the camera hole, and Foley looks pretty angry. This is just a plain brawl, as the heels gloat, showing both Richards and Dreamer to their own team. Roode hits a big splash to Richards, as does AJ. We get the countdown again and this time it's Sabu.

Sabu comes in as a house of fire, taking it to everyone and using Dreamer and Richards as stepping stools for big splashes before hitting Styles with a huge DDT. Sabu locks in a modified camel clutch on Styles, and Dreamer hits a front powerslam on Kaz. Sabu locks in the same hold on Roode and Dreamer has Styles in a crossface. Styles fights out of it, and things are breaking down a bit, and James Storm is the next man in the match.

Beer Money begin their double teaming, hitting a double team suplex on Sabu, and Dreamer. Richards is able to hit the Stevie kick to Roode, but Storm hits Richards with a superkick of his own. Everyone's just brawling as the clock counts down and Raven makes his way into the ring. As this match has been going, the tide turns when Raven makes his way into the ring and works over everyone, sending Roode face first into the cage before slamming a used handkerchief into his face. Dreamer attacks Styles' groin in a tree of woe. Roode is split open now. Raven rips away at Kaz's face. Again, it's devolved into a regular brawl, as Matt Morgan makes his way in as the last entrant for Fortune.

Morgan picks Sabu up and powerbombs him into the side of the cage and Sabu is split open now too. Morgan hits rapid fire elbows in the corner on Dreamer before hitting a big boot to Richards. The members of Fourtune are just punching kicking and choking the members of EV2, and Raven is split open now as well. Rhyno makes his way in, and it's time for Lethal Lockdown to begin.

Rhino hits a big spinebuster and a huge gore to Storm, and the cage roof begins to lower. Flair and Foley finally boils over and they begin brawling on the outside, trading punches and chops. Flair blades pretty obviously, and he's bleeding too. People are grabbing weapins and hanging from the cage roof, and whacking each other with weapons, and Flair and Foley are fighting, and as always this match is a complete mess.

Raven and Morgan trade Kendo stick and trash can blows, Morgan goes to bicycle kick Richards, but he ends up kicking the cage instead. Kaz is launched out of the cage through the door, and now action is spilling to the outside. Kaz decides to climb to the top of the cage, where there are convenient tables and ladders. Richards follows. Kaz has a ladder set up and he trades blows with Richards. Sabu dives out of the cage through the door on top of Morgan. Richards puts a table in position on top of the cage, but Kaz low blows Richards. Kaz rolls Richards on top of the table.

Kaz climbs the ladder, and almost gets to the top, but Bryan Kendrick comes from out of nowhere and attacks Kaz, knocking him off the ladder. Kendrick backdrops Kaz through the table, then begins meditating on top of the cage. in the cage, Dreamer hits Styles in the leg with a chair as he climbs the ropes. Dreamer connects with a top rope Dreamer Driver on top of a chair to Styles, covers AJ, and this one is over.

Winners: Tommy Dreamer, Rhino, Sabu, Stevie Richards and Raven

- Backstage, Christy Hemme asks Kurt Angle about the World Title and his career tonight. Angle says he has to win the World Title. Angle says he is winning this one for Hulk Hogan.

- We go to a five minute music video for tonight's main event.

TNA World Heavyweight Title Match: Mr. Anderson vs. Jeff Hardy vs. Kurt Angle

We go to the ring for tonight's main event which will crown a new TNA World Heavyweight Champion as the title is vacant. Tenay and Taz rundown the match and it seems like they're killing time here. Out first comes Jeff Hardy, debuting a new theme song. Mr. Anderson comes out next and stops on the ramp with his mic to introduce himself. Kurt Angle is out last. We get no formal ring introductions. The bell rings and here we go.

Angle and Hardy attack Anderson right off the bat, beating on him in the corner, before Angle tries for a splash in the corner, and connects with the ring post. Hardy takes Anderson down with a big forearm, but Anderson comes right back with a neckbreaker, but a pin is broken up by Angle. Angle kicks at Anderson's legs, before pounding on Anderson's head for a bit. Angle tries to splash Anderson only to eat a big boot, but he responds with a belly to belly, although the pin is broken up by Hardy. Hardy pounds on Angle in the corner, climbing the ropes and hitting Angle with repeated right hands, only to be stopped with a double ax handle to the back from Anderson.

Angle hits a German suplex on Hardy while Hardy hits one on Anderson for a pretty awesome sight. Angle goes for pins on both men to no avail, so he sinks a big European uppercut into Hardy's chest, and he charges Hardy, only to be backdropped out to the floor. Anderson takes the opening and kicks and hits an elbow drop on Hardy, but Angle drags Anderson to the outside, where they trade blows and are taken out by Hardy with a big suicide dive.

Angle goes for Hardy's knee, before hitting a beautiful snap suplex, that's good for a two count. Angle locks in a rear chin lock, but Hardy fights up to his feet, and out of the hold, following up with clotheslines to Angle, then Anderson. Hardy eats a big super belly to belly suplex, and Anderson hits a standing Green Bay plunge. Hardy hits a mule kick to Anderson before hitting a dropkick to Angle. Hardy calls for a swanton, but misses it, and Angle does something weird, going right into a pin, for two. Anderson places Hardy on the top turnbuckle, and goes for the superplex, but Hardy fights it. Anderson grabs Angle in a powerbomb, and Angle hits a superplex at the same time. Anderson goes for pins on both to no avail.

Angle hits three consecutive German suplexes on Anderson before doing the same freaking thing to Hardy, because he's a wrestling machine. Angle locks in the ankle lock on Hardy, and when Anderson goes for it, Angle hits Anderson, knocking him down, and locks in an ankle lock on both men, although it looks just a bit goofy. Both men roll through and Angle is launched over them. Angle goes to the top rope, but he's stopped by Anderson, who tries to get Angle on his shoulders for the Green Bay Plunge from the top, and he connects. Anderson covers Angle, but Hardy breaks it up with a swanton. Hardy covers both men, and both kick out at two.

Hardy tries for the twist of fate, and knocks Anderson off the ring apron to the outside. Angle hits the Angle slam on Hardy and gets a two count for his troubles. Anderson climbs the ropes, and Angle stops him, trying for, and hitting a modified Angle slam from the top. Hardy goes for the pin, but Anderson kicks out at two. Hardy hits the whisper in the wind on Angle, Anderson eats a twist of fate, and Hardy goes to the top rope, hitting a swanton on Anderson. Cover and it's broken up by Angle, who pulls Hardy off with an ankle lock.

Jeff fights out of the ankle lock and Angle walks into the mic check. Anderson pins Angle and gets a really long two count. We get a couple of roll ups and a double clothesline by Anderson and Hardy. Angle goes to the top and hits a beautiful moonsault, hitting Hardy, but it's still not enough for a three count. Hardy rolls to the outside. Anderson takes Angle down with a shoulderblock, both men try for their finishers in a quick series but neither is able to connect. Angle goes for a clothesline and the referee eats it. Angle hits a German suplex, and Anderson responds with a mic check.

Eric Bischoff makes his way down to the ring with a chair in hand. He gets into the ring, and holds it up, and Hogan's music hits. Hogan is in the arena, on crutches, and Eric Bischoff looks shocked.

Hogan makes his way down to the ring, and slowly but surely makes his way into the ring. Bischoff tosses the chair out of the ring, but Hogan knows what's going on. Hogan and Bischoff argue. Bischoff grabs a crutch and he and Hogan square off. Hardy tries to play peacemaker. He grabs the other crutch from Hogan, and turns around and uses it to whack Angle across the back. Bischoff says this is awesome, and hands Hardy the other crutch. Hardy uses it to blast Anderson. Hardy hits the twist of fate, Bischoff drags the ref into place, and Hardy pins Anderson for the three count.

Winner and New TNA World Champion: Jeff Hardy

- After the pin, Hardy celebrates with his TNA World Title and Bischoff & Hogan. Jeff Jarrett and Abyss run down to join the celebration. This appears to be "they." Rob Van Dam comes down to ask Hardy what he's doing. Hardy lays out RVD with the belt. Bound For Glory goes off the air with Hardy, Abyss, Jarrett, Hogan and Bischoff celebrating in the ring."

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