Tuesday, November 23, 2010

[TOWWFFC] R.I.P. WWE Championship: 1963-2010


This states the obvious so very well! Although I still think he has
compromising photos of Linda and/or Vinnie. ;-)



What a Miztake! R.I.P. WWE Championship: 1963-2010
By Kingly One - (Featured Columnist) on November 23, 2010

Once upon a time, the WWE Championship was more than just a meaningless
shiny piece of metal. It meant more than just a ridiculous ornament that
talentless people were adorned with.

It was the culmination of years of hard work and an entire career of honing
one's craft. Some of the greatest names in the history of wrestling have
held the title, and some of the greatest names in wrestling history haven't.

Needless to say, the WWE Championship was once the highest prize that one
could possibly dream of winning in wrestling.

That all changed tonight.

Some bright person thought it was a wonderful idea, above all the talent
that WWE is teeming with, to give the Money in the Bank briefcase to an
oleaginous toad that goes by the name "The Miz."

Sane people, like me, thought that this couldn't possibly be the direction
they were going. We thought that there had to be some kind of esoteric
storyline that creative were looking to employ-one in which Miz doesn't win
the WWE title.

In other words, we thought that we were dealing with rational, thinking
people who respect their title belts and wouldn't flush the value and
prestige of their most prized title down the toilet.

Despite being critics of WWE's booking choices, we thought that it would
take a special case of cretinism to give such an influential title to such a
demonstrably talentless hack without a shred of athleticism in his body.

Well.may this event be a answer to all of those who were still wondering:
Yes, WWE's creative team consists of the most idiotic people known to man.

Unfortunately, those of us who were expecting genius-level displays of
intelligent booking from know-nothing cretins were being exceedingly-and

Tonight, WWE has proven that the combined intelligence of their officials is
far lower than a pack of decaying and eviscerated lab rats.

Had WWE decided to give Miz the World Heavyweight Championship, I probably
would have still been outraged, inasmuch as I don't even believe he deserved
the United States Championship.

However, after a few moments of inveighing against such a decision, I would
have come to terms with it being that a) the title has been used as a
training title for a few years now b) it is not of the same prestige as the
WWE title, and c) similarly undeserving people, albeit more talented than
the Miz, have held the title.

That would have been a bad decision, but certainly one that I could have
gotten over after a few days. Handing the Miz the WWE Championship has
unpardonably pooh-poohed (diarrhea style) all over WWE's rich wrestling

In about half-a-dozen articles, I elegantly laid out the many reasons why
The Miz should not touch the WWE title with a cardinal pole. The most
important reason being that HE CANNOT WRESTLE.

Of course, whenever I raised this pertinent point, Mizfits would immediately
change the subject by saying, "Well, his mic skills are amazing!" or by
viciously denouncing me for daring to speak the truth about their venerated

Speaking against the Miz in the IWC was tantamount to sacrilege in the
religion-or illness-of Mizfitism. Look where it has gotten us...

Hypocritically, Miz's fanboys would be the first to disparage WWE for not
focusing on wrestling, while simultaneously apologizing for the Miz's Diva
Search-like wrestling skills by pointing at his amazing mic work.

It is unspeakably absurd that in 2010, at a time when MMA and boxing are
vastly improving their quality and appeal to the young, male demographic
(the demographic that matters), the bright minds in WWE think it is time to
put their most prestigious championship on an inflexible amphibian who makes
Ashley Massaro and Kelly Kelly look like the The Hart Foundation in the

If WWE officials think that the Miz is ever going to be their next version
of The Rock, they're not only stupid, but I'd suggest they've been smoking
something strong and illegal.

Not only has Miz got the charisma of a builder's muddy work shoes, which he
hides with a pathetic catchphrase that has captivated those who can't tell
the difference between genuine and feigned charisma, but he is a patently
poor in-ring worker by comparison.

Although The Rock was never Bret Hart in the ring, it is amazingly dimwitted
to think that Miz is capable of putting on matches at the level that The
Rock did in his prime.

After years of watching Miz wrestle with some of the biggest names that
wrestling has to offer, Miz has failed to put on a single performance that
one can look at and say: "Yes! That's a future world champion!"

But because this pitifully mediocre-at best-guy has so dazzled the world
with his simplistic catchphrases, he has deluded unthinking people into
believing that he is a superstar who rocks the world.

The main point to glean from this event today isn't that the Miz is
talentless-he showed us that long ago.

What people need to understand from today's ridiculous event is that WWE
management has demonstrated its profound obtuseness and that the
decision-makers in WWE are all troglodytes who do not have their finger on
the pulse of what the crowd wants.

If WWE feels that it can adhere to a failing model of sizzle and no steak,
camera and no action, wallet and no money and still remain relevant with its
fans and competitors going into 2011 and the rest of the decade, they're
sorely mistaken.

If WWE doesn't reintroduce ACTUAL WRESTLING as its central attraction, UFC
and boxing are going to take what's left of their 16-30 demographic and WWE
will soon become nothing more than a glorified children's superhero program.

The Miz is the epitome of what is wrong with the WWE. He is precisely the
kind of clunker that should be begging for airtime in the midcard.

The fact that someone so remarkably mediocre and untalented is at the top of
the mountain in the WWE, and in possession of the greatest title in
wrestling history, speaks volumes of how far off track WWE has gone.

This is the beginning of the end for WWE, unless they change course-and
quickly. Not that I've been religiously watching WWE programming in the
months previous to this catastrophe, but the creative team has given busy
people like me even more reason to keep the TV switched off on Monday

Congratulations, WWE! Now that's awesome!


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