Sunday, November 21, 2010

[TOWWFFC] Survivor Series Results - Hour 1


WWE Survivor Series PPV Results
November 21, 2010
Miami, Fla.
Report by James Caldwell, PWTorch assistant editor

The 24th Survivor Series opened with a video package on Old School Survivor
Series moments (and logos), starting with the main event from Survivor
Series 1987 leading to more recent clips. They transitioned into John Cena's
dilemma and his "WWE life" on the line tonight. Splinter's voice could be
heard in the form of Roddy Piper telling Cena not to spit in his face. The
video included clips of Cena sitting in an empty arena contemplating his
future. Also, Cena sitting on the ring apron contemplating what to do. It's
Orton vs. Barrett with Cena as special referee in the main event.

Arena: Michael Cole introduced the show and noted Survivor Series is the
second longest-running WWE PPV. Justin Roberts then introduced the first
match of the PPV for the U.S. Title as Cole set things up with Jerry Lawler
and Matt Striker. Ted DiBiase was out first with Maryse and Cole noted
DiBiase is looking for his first major singles title in WWE. Daniel Bryan
then came out to defend the U.S. Title and the announcers started bickering.
And bickering.

1 -- U.S. champion DANIEL BRYAN vs. TED DIBIASE (w/Maryse) -- U.S. Title

DiBiase and Bryan started trading holds, then the lights suddenly turned
out. Bryan and DiBiase kept wrestling, then the lights came back on a few
seconds later. Bryan landed a kick strike to the gut that cleared DiBiase to
the apron, but DiBiase came back with a suplex clear over the top rope
dropping Bryan to the floor. Back in the ring, DiBiase landed an elbow smash
while Bryan was draped across the ring apron and the announcers noted
DiBiase's new aggression post-Goldust situation.

DiBiase settled into a side headlock as the crowd chanted for Bryan. Cole
and Striker bickered some more regarding Bryan before Bryan landed a double
foot kick to the chest that decked DiBiase. Bryan then landed trademark kick
strikes and backflipped over DiBiase to land another blow. Bryan proceeded
to smash DiBiase to the outside and immediately followed with a suicide dive
onto DiBiase. Bryan immediately began selling a right shoulder injury before
rolling DiBiase back in the ring. Bryan went up top and landed a signature
double foot thrust kick to the chest that resulted in a two count. Bryan
continued to sell the right shoulder before landing multiple kick strikes to
the chest. And some more. DiBiase grabbed Bryan's leg, but Bryan countered
into a small package for a two count. Bryan teased the LeBell Lock, but
DiBiase blocked and smashed Bryan with a clothesline for a two count. Pause
for everyone to catch their breath.

DiBiase fired himself up and kind of started doing a Randy Orton IED pump-up
before attempting Dream Street. Bryan rolled out, though, and scored a
nearfall while maintaining contact. DiBiase followed with a spinebuster once
they broke contact and scored another nearfall. DiBiase then pounded on
Bryan with right hands, but Bryan countered a top turnbuckle offensive
attempt into a super back drop as they seemed to float in the air for
several moments. Bryan scored a nearfall, then tried the LeBell Lock, but
DiBiase countered into a corner catapult for a nearfall. Bryan then
immediately transitioned into the LeBell Lock out of nowhere and DiBiase was
forced to tap out, giving Bryan the win. Cole said he doesn't get it.

WINNER: Bryan at 9:58 to retain the U.S. Title. Excellent opening match.
Bryan showed those marketable gritty babyface characteristics while DiBiase
showed a more aggressive in-ring side that's been missing form his singles
run. (***)

Post-match: Bryan went back to selling the shoulder while receiving the U.S.
Title belt in victory while Maryse sold frustration ringside. They replayed
the high points of the match before Bryan celebrated on the way out.
Suddenly, The Miz and Alex Riley jumped Bryan from behind with the MITB
briefcase. Miz then sauntered to the ring as the lights faded out on him.
Light issues tonight.

Miz, from Cleveland, cut a promo on Miami since they took LeBron James. He
said Nexus is similar to the Heat in that they're "hopelessly mediocre."
More local heel promo before equating James to Wade Barrett. He said James
feels he's entitled to a championship, like Barrett. Miz said James needs to
go back to Cleveland and apologize. A chant of "Let's go Heat" interrupted.
Miz then said he's tired of carrying the MITB briefcase, so, right now, it's
not a matter of if, but when. The lights faded out again as Miz said the
audience are all witnesses to his awesomeness.

Backstage: After a video package on the Sheamus vs. John Morrison feud, they
cut to Sheamus standing by with Josh Mathews for a pre-match interview. He
mocked Morrison calling him a bully and said Morrison must be jealous of him
being a former and soon-to-be WWE champion. Sheamus vowed to break
Morrison's will and body. Cole said from ringside he believes him.

In-ring: Sheamus came out first as Lawler told a story about bullying
everyone in high school. And this is their babyface commentator voice. Cole
continued to talk up Sheamus while heeling on Morrison, who came out second
and threw his jacket across the ring to show he meant business.


Sheamus opened with a slap to the face that fired up Morrison, who landed a
head scissors and dropkick sending Sheamus to the outside. Morrison then
nailed a corkscrew plancha on the floor and landed right hand strikes to the
jaw. Sheamus shoved Morrison into the barricade, though, followed by a
Polish Hammer to the face. Back in the ring, Sheamus resumed control of the
action and cut off Morrison's comeback attempts. Sheamus deliberately slowed
down the pace and did his Ronald McDonald smile to the crowd, which drew
boos. Sheamus became upset moments later and showed a change of emotion
pounding on Morrison with clubbing forearms to the back. Morrison fired back
with big right hand strikes before hitting a cross-body block from the top
rope. Sheamus rolled through, though, and landed a front slam for a two

At 6:00, Sheamus turned evil and measured Morrison for the Brogue Kick, but
Morrison ducked and hit an enziguiri. Both men fell to the mat, then came to
their feet trading bombs. Morrison then nailed successive clotheslines
followed by a leg whip for a two count. Moments later, Morrison ran into
Sheamus, who dropped him with the Irish Curse backbreaker for a nearfall.
Morrison and Sheamus traded control a bit before Sheamus began focusing on
Morrison's left knee to cut off his aerial attack.

Morrison suddenly decked Sheamus in the corner and wanted Starship Pain, but
Sheamus grabbed Morrison and teased the Irish Curse. Morrison escaped,
though, then avoided the Brogue Kick for a second time. Morrison nailed the
flash kick before hitting a flying knee strike to the chin for the pin and
the win. Striker sent a message to the kids at home to fight back against
bullies, like Morrison did against Sheamus.

WINNER: Morrison at 11:11. Good singles match at times. It's not clear if
this is a sign of Morrison in line for a stronger babyface push on Raw or
just receiving a victory as part of bullying being a hot topic and Sheamus
getting his comeuppance. (**)

Backstage: Cena was pacing around in the locker room looking a bit worn.
R-Truth then walked in and Cena cut him off. Cena wanted to know what's up.
No, not that what's up. Truth said he has a solution. Truth said Nexus is
banned from ringside, but he is not. Truth suggested something could
"accidentally" happen to Randy Orton. Cena smiled and said that sounds
great...then changed emotion to saying, "No way!" Cena said he made a
promise to call it down the middle. He said that's the truth. R-Truth said
he'll believe it when he sees it. More drama leading to the main event.

In-ring: Kaval came out first for the IC Title match up next. Before Dolph
Ziggler came out, they replayed Kaval's surprise victory over Ziggler on
Smackdown this Friday setting up the title match tonight. Cole said he
thinks Friday was a fluke. Vickie Guerrero then came out on stage, excused
herself, and introduced the greatest Intercontinental champion. Out came
Ziggler acting cocky pointing to the IC Title belt around his waist. Cole
and Lawler gave shout-outs to various U.S. military bases around the world
watching Survivor Series on AFN.

3 -- IC champion DOLPH ZIGGLER (w/Vickie Guerrero) vs. KAVAL --
Intercontinental Title match

Cole did his NXT Season 2 anti-Internet spiel to begin the match as Kaval
quickly scored a one count on Ziggler. Ziggler then scored a one count and
they began exchanging control of the match. Ziggler settled into control of
the match as the announcers filled air time with worthless banter. Kaval
then popped Ziggler with a kick strike before coming off the top rope with a
springboard moonsault for a two count. Someone was bleeding, as Kaval had a
touch of blood on his upper chest. Kaval then absolutely blasted Ziggler in
the corner with a springboard kick strike as Ziggler seemed to be looking to
counter the move. Kaval communicated with Ziggler, rolled him over, and
scored a nearfall.

Kaval wanted a top rope attack, flung Ziggler to the mat, and measured
Ziggler for twisting corkscrew plancha, but Ziggler moved. Kaval landed on
his feet anyways and scored a nearfall on a small package. Ziggler then came
back with the Fameasser for a two count. They reset as Vickie screamed at
Ziggler to finish him. Ziggler tried the sleeperhold, but Kaval escaped,
then ran off the top turnbuckle and hit a turnaround flying kick for a two
count. Nice sequence.

Both men came to their feet at 8:30 and Kaval landed a strike to the
mid-section before Ziggler came back with headbutts. They seemed to be
trying to feel out the next move and Kaval shot off Ziggler to the ropes. He
tried a victory roll, but Ziggler rolled through and grabbed Kaval's tights
to to secure a three count. Vickie screamed in delight as Kaval cursed his
bad luck. Ziggler, meanwhile, was bleeding from the nose and selling the
effects of Kaval's offense as he left with the belt and Vickie.

WINNER: Ziggler at 9:32. Not quite long enough to reach the three-star
level, but good action. They seemed to be a bit off at times and the crowd
was waiting for something to get excited for early on before the string of
nearfalls at the end. (**1/2)

Backstage: Todd Grisham brought in Jack Swagger to talk about Team Del Rio.
Swagger said he's the only former World Hvt. champion on Team Del Rio, so it
should be called Team All-American Americans. Cody Rhodes interrupted and
said he caught Swagger trying to get into a club last night in Miami
sporting some broken shoes. Del Rio then interrupted with "Drew" and
"Tyler." Del Rio said them interrupting each other is boring. Drew seemed
bored standing in the background. Del Rio said he wants to see kids crying
when Rey Mysterio is destroyed. He sounded like a director: "I want tears."
Del Rio said he'll buy a round of beers when they win. He told them not to
worry because he's the captain. Del Rio walked off and Cody said he's


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