Sunday, December 5, 2010

[TOWWFFC] Final Resolution Results - 1/2 Point


TNA Final Resolution PPV Results
December 5, 2010
Orlando, Fla.
Report by James Caldwell, PWTorch assistant editor

TNA's final PPV of 2010 began with a video package on TNA World champion
Jeff Hardy saying he would tell the old Jeff Hardy to stop destroying his
body for the fans and having nothing to show for it. He said friendship is
an illusion and everyone is messed up. They showed footage of the build-up
to Jeff Hardy vs. Matt Morgan for the TNA Title tonight.

Suddenly, the screen went completely dark as they went to the Impact Zone.
No video, just the sound of people screaming. No announcers either. The PPV
theme song continued to play in the background before stopping. A technical
difficulties graphic came on the screen and all audio faded out.

Four minutes into the PPV broadcast (opening video and downtime), they went
to the Impact Zone with Mike Tenay setting up the title match tonight. Taz
said they're a little tardy, but they're here.

1 -- INK, INC. (Shannon Moore & Jesse Neal) vs. BEER MONEY (Robert Roode &
James Storm) -- #1 contender match for TNA Tag Titles

Tenay and Taz set the stage that Immortal/Fortune want all of the gold in
TNA, so Beer Money is looking to get the Tag Titles back. Tenay apologized
for the technical difficulties at the start of the PPV as the opening match
began. The females in the crowd were hot for Ink, Inc. early on as they
executed flashy offense to control the match early on. Beer Money had
miscommunication issues to keep feeding the crowd's interest in the match
before Beer Money cheated to take control of the match.

After being isolated for a few minutes, Neal made a hot tag to Moore, who
landed high-flying offense before playing to the partisan crowd. The action
broke down moments later and both members of Beer Money were cleared to the
outside to set up some moves on the outside. Shannon executed an Asai
moonsault on Roode, then took a ride on Storm's booze cruiser for a babyface
pop. Back in the ring, Moore executed a neckbreaker on Roode for a two
count. Neal then tagged in and cleaned house. He looked like the Red Rooster
with his red Mohawk flapping. Neal charged Roode, but ran into a superkick
from Storm. Beer Money hit the DWI on Neal and that was good for the three

WINNERS: Beer Money at 10:45. Basic, formula tag match to start the PPV. The
match was fine and sets up another potential classic between the Guns and
Beer Money. The vocal females in the crowd were firmly behind Ink, Inc.,
which kept the crowd into the match. (**)

Backstage: Christy Hemme brought in Knockouts champion Madison Rayne for an
interview. The camera zoomed in and out at a seizure-inducing, dizzying
rate. It was seriously way over-the-top to completely distract from anything
Rayne said. She vouched for Tara in the next match against Mickie James.

2 -- MICKIE JAMES vs. TARA -- Falls Count Anywhere match

Tara came to the ring on her motorcycle before dipping out of the ring when
Mickie made her entrance. Tara pointed to the floor, saying she wants to
start the fight on the floor. So, they did. Jackson James is the special
referee, of note. The action moved into the ring for a short while before
returning to the outside. From the outside, they went deeper into the Impact
Zone exploring the entire building. A few onlookers cheered on Mickie, who
was whipped into a trash receptacle.

The Knockouts left the building and Tara sent Mickie flying into a row of
wheelchairs against the wall of the soundstage. One of the Universal Studios
rides was in the background as Mickie took a bottle of water from the Impact
Zone concessions and sprayed Tara with it. Mickie and Tara trash-talked each
other as Mickie shoved Tara into the chainlink fence separating the Impact
Zone from Universal Studios. They moved closer to the theme park exchanging
control of the "match."

Next was the men's restroom outside of the Soundstage. A couple of guys were
taking care of business. One guy was taking the Browns to the Super Bowl and
he charged out of a stall with newspaper in hand. Taz noted he failed to
wash his hands. The ref had enough and stormed off. Suddenly, Madison came
out of a stall with a fire extinguisher. She sprayed Mickie, who dropped to
the restroom floor. Tara made the cover and told the referee to come back.
Three count and it was over.

WINNER: Tara at 10:25. Only in TNA can there be outside interference in a
Falls Count Anywhere match. They took an intense, physical feud that was hot
at last month's PPV and turned it into comedy here. At least it seems to be
setting up Madison vs. Mickie for the Knockouts Title. (n/a)

Backstage: Robbie E. and Cookie cut a promo ahead of the X Division Title
match. Christy Hemme had enough of Cookie complaining and told her to get
lost. Hemme walked off the set, asking, "Really?"

3 -- X Division champion ROBBIE E. vs. JAY LETHAL -- X Division Title
match -- Cookie suspended in a shark cage

Before the match, Cookie complained that she was not going in the shark
cage. Lethal had enough and dragged Lethal into the ring to star the match.
Cookie decided to peace out and started to leave. You knew this was coming.
Shark Boy returns. Shark dragged Cookie to ringside and threw her in the
shark cage. Ref Earl Hebner called for the cage to be raised and the bell
sounded to officially begin the match. Cookie continued to interject herself
into the match by screaming down at Lethal from inside the cage. Lethal
dominated early on and Robbie accepted one hard chop, then a second, and a
third. Robbie sold like a pro here.

Robbie took control moments later and gave a shout-out to Cookie that he has
this under control. Cookie screamed at Hebner to count faster following a
two count. Robbie slapped on a hard reverse chinlock and maintained the hold
for a while. Lethal sold fading out as his hand was dropped twice before
clenching his fist on the third drop. Lethal mounted a comeback and landed a
handspring elbow smash followed by the Lethal Combination for a two count.
Lethal and Robbie then collided mid-ring as Cookie shouted instructions from
the cage. She managed to toss an object to Robbie over Hebner's head, but
Hebner took it away when he saw it. Cookie then tossed a second hairspray
object to Robbie, but Lethal stole it and used it. Hebner felt the spray as
Lethal went for a pin, so Hebner DQ'ed Lethal.

Post-match: Cookie was lowered to ringside in the cage and escaped with the
win. Cookie posed in the ring with the X Division Title as Robbie sold on
the floor and Lethal dejectedly walked off. Cookie continued to parade
around with the title belt until Shark Boy re-emerged. Shark took a slap to
the face, then a second slap. Shark turned around, then hit a Stunner on

WINNER: Robbie via DQ at 8:11. An expected over-booked finish to continue
presenting The Shore as heels who effectively circumvent the rules.
Unfortunately for Lethal, the babyface to finally give Robbie and Cookie (or
just Cookie) their comeuppance wasn't the babyface in the match, but a
character who hasn't been on TV in months. Whether it's on PPV or TV or at a
house show, violence against women doesn't need to happen, and it fits TNA's
traditional misogynistic booking. As for Robbie, I was really impressed with
his work in this match first selling for Lethal, then his offensive attack.
It was a step up for him. (**)

Backstage: Hemme was with Tommy Dreamer, who was dressed in a XXL black
sweatshirt and a trucker TNA t-shirt. The camera zoomed in and out a bunch
of times again as Dreamer talked about the RVD vs. Rhino match tonight and
their long friendship.

4 -- ROB VAN DAM vs. RHINO -- First Blood match

The match began with RVD in control of the action. He showboated to the
crowd several times before the action moved to the floor. Rhino landed a
suplex on the floor to take control of the action. Back in the ring, Rhino
landed a Gore that temporarily KO'ed RVD. Naturally, Rhino began celebrating
and playing to the crowd. Why not immediately grab a knife or a cheese
grater from under the ring and try to slice open RVD's forehead? Rhino took
his time retrieving a trashcan that he placed in-between the turnbuckles in
the corner. It didn't come into play immediately, as RVD made a comeback and
hit a Five-Star frogsplash. The trashcan came into play when RVD tried to
smash Rhino, but Rhino punched him in the groin before hitting a DDT.

Rhino tried to finish off RVD with a piledriver into a trashcan lid, but RVD
blocked. RVD then surfboard kicked a trashcan lid into Rhino's face. No
blood yet. RVD placed a trashcan into Rhino's body, then went to the
opposite corner. Poor Rhino had to sell for a while as RVD showboated on the
top turnbuckle before going coast-to-cast with the Van Terminator. Rhino
came up bleeding heavily from the forehead, giving RVD the win and more time
to showboat. The announcers speculated on Rhino's future in TNA and Immortal
after the loss.

WINNER: RVD at 12:24. Rhino showed a different side to his character working
heel, while RVD seemed to be going through the motions in a middle-of-a-PPV
match. The First Blood stipulation is inherently flawed, as there are so
many ways to make someone bleed without needing to go through the steps of a
standard wrestling match. Considering the parameters of the match were not
established ahead of time, it created unintended logic questions. On a show
with so many stipulation matches, this match won't stand out on the overall
PPV line-up. (**1/4)

Backstage: Hemme brought in Kazarian to ask Kazarian about A.J. Styles vs.
Doug Williams. Hemme used the heel term "betray" to describe Williams
leaving Fortune to set his own path as a babyface. Poor writing and/or
delivery. The camera zoomed in and out on Kazarian as he said he hopes
Williams loses and crawls back under the rock from which he came from.

5 -- TV champion A.J. STYLES vs. DOUGLAS WILLIAMS -- TNA TV Title match

Styles played heel by stalling early in the match, but the crowd was split
on supporting Doug or Styles. Williams cleared Styles to the floor early on
and landed a cannonball splash off the ring apron. Back in the ring, Styles
and Williams went back and forth showing how evenly matched they are in the
ring. Styles took momentary control and did his signature high-flying moves
to get babyface pops. Styles then caught Williams's knee on the middle rope,
giving him an opening to slap on the figure four leglock. Williams escaped,
then mounted a comeback with uppercuts and elbow strikes. Williams executed
an exploder suplex that resulted in a two count.

The action continued to go back-and-forth with Styles in control and
Williams fighting back from his knees. Styles landed a Pele kick that could
have resulted in a fall, but Williams fell to the outside. Styles tried a
high-flying move, but Williams caught Styles with a waistlock and proceeded
to bounce Styles off the guardrail into Rolling Chaos onto the ringside
padding. Great sequence. Back in the ring, Williams teased the Styles Clash
and connected. Williams made a cover and it was good for a three count to
win the TV Title.

WINNER: Williams at 14:50 to capture the TV Title. Terrific match with
Williams showcasing his technical skills to eventually win over the crowd,
which was partial toward Styles early on. Very interesting finish with
Styles losing clean to Williams. (***1/2)

Backstage: Hemme caught up with Generation Me in the entrance area. The
camera continued to zoom in and out every few seconds. GenMe said it's not
about tag titles, tables, ladders, or chairs, but the end of a career. Max
Buck said they're ending the Machineguns's careers tonight.


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