Wednesday, January 12, 2011

[TOWWFFC] TNA Impact Taping Results (1/20) *Spoilers*


TNA Impact Taping Results (1/20) *Spoilers*
Written by Richard Gray on Jan 11, 2011 - 8:29:47 PM

TNA Wrestling taped next week's Impact tonight from Universal Studios in
Orlando, Florida. Thanks to Wrestling News World Orlando correspondent Tim
Capture for writing results. Below are full results:

Dark Match:

* Davina Fly (I think) vs. Angelina Love. Winner via bicycle kick, Angelina

TNA Impact (Airing 1/20 on Spike TV):

* Kurt Angle is out first. Before his former wife and her new husband comes
out he wants to set the record straight. She said last week it wasn't about
Kurt. He says it was about him because he went to bat for her and got her
into TNA. Then when she was in, he'd turn around and look back and always
see Karen with Jeff. He had no proof but look what happened. Then Jeff had
to come out and make this personal. One thing they can't take away is his
character. He was a good husband and a good father. He did whatever he could
for his family. Now they can do this the easy way or the hard way. The easy
way is she comes out and they make amends and go their separate ways. The
hard way is if she provokes him he'll pull every skeleton out of her closet.
Jarrett's music hits and his entourage surrounds the ring. They try to get
to Angle but he knocks them all off the apron. Angle asks if that's all
Jarret has? Immortal's music hits and Eric Bischoff and Ric Flair stand at
the ramp and smile. Five police officers then come out and make Kurt Angle
leave with them.

* Non Title Match, Sarita vs. Velvet Sky vs. Mickie James vs. TNA Knockout
Women's Champion Madison Rayne. During the match, Tara ran out and hit James
with her elbow pad, then Rayne went for a loaded glove hit but James moved
and rolled Rayne up for the win.

* Rob Terry w/Ric Flair vs. Matt Morgan. Before the match starts, Flair asks
if there's a woman in the building who wouldn't want to go home with Terry.
Flair knows somewhere in the building Matt Morgan is here. Flair says a new
big man is on campus. He calls out Matt Morgan to see what he's got. Winner
via Carbon Footprint, Matt Morgan. Five second match. Rob Terry turns around
to a Carbon Footprint and the match is over. Flair attacks Morgan afterwards
but his chops have no affect. Abyss runs down and tries as well but Morgan
is able to fight him off too. He hits a side slam on Terry but Abyss comes
to and attacks Morgan again. Terry and Abyss shoot Morgan off but Morgan
hits a double clothesline. They finally gain the advantage after clipping
Morgan's leg. They proceed to beat up Morgan. Flair hits a low blow then
Terry and Abyss hit a double chokeslam. They leave Morgan in the ring
writhing in pain.

* Backstage, AJ Styles and Kazarian are talking. AJ Is telling Kazarian his
match is important. Kazarian says he handles his business and is all about
Fortune. He takes off, then Red's brother grabs AJ and says he needs to be
ready. In 2 weeks they're coming and there's nothing he or Immortal can do
about it.

* For the TNA X Division Championship, Jay Lethal vs. Kazarian. Winner via
reversed sunset flip, Kazarian.

* Jeff and Karen Jarrett come to the ring. "You sold out" chant starts. Jeff
says what you are witnessing a great wife and mother as well as someone who
is beautiful on the inside and outside. Loud "sloppy seconds" chant starts.
He says you also see a victim, a victim of Kurt Angle. Karen is hard to hear
because she doesn't have a performer's voice and doesn't project. She talks
for a minute and then Kurt Angle sneaks into the ring from the crowd and
German suplexes Jeff. Karen stops Kurt and Karen and Kurt have a stare down.
Karen slaps Angle and this gives Jeff a chance to hit a low blow on Angle.
Jeff proceeds to start beating on Angle as Karen cheers him on. Jeff
finishes Angle off with a kick to the junk and leaves Angle in a heap.

* Backstage Angle is shown flipping out, throwing things around, beating on
a garbage can and destroying stuff.

* Tommy Dreamer vs. Jeff Hardy. Winner via Twist of Hate, Jeff Hardy.

* Kurt Angle is shown walking around backstage with a baseball bat.

* Ric Flair is on the phone and AJ Styles comes up to him out of breath. He
tries to tell Flair about how they're coming but Flair dismisses him and
says they is us. Does he want to piss Bischoff off? Flair instead ices AJ
and makes him drink the Smirnoff Ice. Kurt Angle comes up and hits AJ with
the bat. Flair asks him what his problem is. Kurt chokes Flair and says he
wants a match with Jarrett. Not an exhibition but a match.

* Main event, Beer Money vs. Rob Van Dam & Mr. Anderson. RVD hit a Frog
Splash on Storm but Jeff Hardy ran out and distracted the referee. Matt
Hardy runs in and hits a Twist of Hate on RVD. Winners: Beer Money

* Backstage Brian Kendrick is shown talking to Brother Ray. Ray turns around
and yells at him that his name is Bully Ray. Kendrick is trying to teach Ray
relaxation techniques. He tells Ray to close his eyes and breathe in deep.
Ray asks Kendrick to show him again. Kendrick closes his eyes and Ray shoves
Kendrick into the lockers and says he feels better already.

* Ric Flair is in Eric Bischoff's office with Jeff Jarrett and Bischoff.
Flair is freaking out about Angle and says he's out of control. Bischoff
says he'll handle things.

* Devon comes to the ring. He says Ray is in the back shoving people into
lockers. Why doesn't he come out here and let Devon finish what he started
at the pay-per-view and that's whooping Ray's a--. Bully Ray makes his way
to the ring. Before he gets in, Brian Kendrick attacks him from behind and
rolls him in. Devon hits some shots on Ray. Ray tries to use his wallet
chain on Devon but Devon grabs it. Security stops Devon from using it but
then Ray hits a cheap shot on Devon. Ray beats up the security guys and gets
them out of the ring. Ray then places Devon's head in a chair and hits the
chair with his chain.

* Kurt Angle is shown walking backstage again.

* Kurt Angle comes to the ring. He stares at the ramp and looks ready for a
fight. Jeff Jarrett's music hits. He comes out in his wrestling along with
Gunner and Murphy. Jarrett tells them to hit the ring and get Angle. They
take their shirts off and go after Angle. He at first has no problem
handling them but they eventually take over on Angle. Jarrett now hits the
ring and beats on Angle. Gunner holds Angle up for Jarrett to hit but Angle
ducks. Jarrett hits Gunner and Angle clotheslines Murphy out of the ring.
Angle locks a choke on Jarrett. Karen runs to the ring and screams for Kurt
to stop. Immortal runs out from the crowd and all take turns beating up
Angle. Abyss comes out from the entrance with his arms outstretched. He
falls to his knees and goes face down. Tommy Mercer appears from behind him.
Angle uses the distraction as a chance to clear the ring. Angle and Mercer
stare Immortal down.


* Generation Me vs. Ink Inc. Winner via Moorgasm/Samoan Drop combo to Max
Buck, Ink Inc.

* Eric Young w/old TNA Championship belt vs. Rob Terry. During the match,
Eric gets on the mic and said he received word from the heavyweight high
council and this match is now non title because of Terry's irregular size
and that they're tag partners. Winner via full nelson slam, Rob Terry Terry
attacks Young after the match. Orlando Jordan runs down and knocks Terry out
of the ring.

Dark Match:

* Amazing Red vs. El Generico. Winner via Code Red, Amazing Red in an
awesome match.


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