Wednesday, January 12, 2011

[TOWWFFC] TNA Impact Taping Results (1/13) *Spoilers*


TNA Impact Taping Results (1/13) *Spoilers*
Written by Richard Gray on Jan 10, 2011 - 8:59:21 PM

TNA Wrestling taped this week's Impact tonight from Universal Studios in
Orlando, Florida. Thanks to Wrestling News World Orlando correspondent Tim
Capture for providing us with text-message updates. Below are full results:

Dark Match:

* Shannon Moore vs. TJ Perkins. Winner via Moorgasm, Shannon Moore.

TNA Impact (Airing Thursday on Spike TV):

* For the TNA Tag Team Championship, Beer Money vs. The Motor City Machine
Guns. Winners via DWI to Alex Shelley, Beer Money. Shelley accidentally
superkicked Sabin to lead to it.

* Mr. Anderson is out with the Jeff Hardy TNA Championship belt. A--hole
chant erupts. Sep 22 1999 he had his first match in Green Bay, Wisconsin in
front of 400 against Derek St.Homes, Esq. He lost. Since then he's been
driving up and down the country wrestling everywhere. Finally he found
himself here in TNA. In Dixie Carter's TNA. It was a year ago he debuted at
Genesis. Then this year at Genesis he won the World Title. He thanks the
a--holes for their support. He asks for Matt Morgan to come out. Morgan
joins Anderson in the ring. Anderson says they've had their ups and downs
and didn't always see eye to eye. But when the chips were down, Matt had his
back. Morgan says the match was his hardest fought battle ever. Morgan says
after a battle like that the competitors have a mutual respect. Morgan says
even though Anderson is champ now, Morgan's desire for the championship
hasn't died. 2011 will be the year of the Blueprint.

* However, this isn't about Morgan, this is a celebration for the new
champion. Morgan leaves but Eric Bischoff then comes out. Eric says the
mutual admiration society bored him. This isn't Dixie's TNA, this his, Hulk
Hogan and Ric Flair's TNA. They're not going to tolerate Anderson as champ.
He's just a fraud. He turned his back on Bischoff, Flair and Hogan. At the
pay-per-view Anderson is wrestling Jeff Hardy again for the title. Anderson
asks him if he's done yet. Anderson says Bischoff is outnumbered and there's
only one of him. How many a--holes are here? He dares Bischoff to talk crap
now. Hardy shows up on the big screen and says Anderson got lucky. Before
Hardy could say more, Rob Van Dam attacked Hardy. Anderson runs to the back
but Fortune attack both guys. There's no audio so we don't know what is
said. RVD and Anderson are left lying.

* Mr. Anderson & RVD vs. The Hardy's in the main event tonight.

* "The Pope" D'Angelo Dinero is out. He's out because of what's been going
down with Samoa Joe the last few weeks. The Pope is trying to make a
difference in the world today. Pope is going to lead by example and forgives
Joe. He asks if Pope would be as forgiven if he was following Joe around?
Would he be forgiven if he followed Joe and his wife around? Because he did
and he has footage. On the screen a photo of pigs having sex is shown. He
says he has footage of his wife giving birth. Footage of a pig with her
piglets suckling is shown. What if he had footage of him and his wife doing
the unthinkable? Joe comes out at the sound of that and Pope bails. Joe says
the funniest thing is that for a guy says he's pimpin, Pope sure does run
like a b----. Joe doesn't chase b----es. He says Pope is a fraud and a
phony. Instead of chasing him, he promises at some point he will get his
hands on him and he promises, Joe is going to kill him.

* Backstage, Ric Flair and Eric Bischoff find and beat down Beer Money. They
say Anderson and RVD did it.

* Jeff Jarrett is out with his entourage. They all get in the ring and
applaud JJ. He says tonight is a night of celebration. We're celebrating the
career of a retired MMA fighter. A fighter who has never been beat. He made
an example of Kurt Angle at the PPV. He could've hurt him but he didn't. He
would like to introduce to everybody the lovely and vivacious, Karen
Jarrett. Instead, Kurt Angle comes out. The entourage goes after him but
Angle takes them all out. Angle stares Jarrett down. Jarrett starts to take
his watch off. Karen comes out and gets on the mic and distracts Angle.
Jarrett bails and joins Karen. She's sick and tired of Angle ruining things
for her. This should've been her night. She alludes to Kurt being ready and
then leaves.

* For the TNA Knockout Women's Tag Team Championship, Madison Rayne & Tara
vs. Angelina Love & Winter. Madison tried to use a loaded glove on Angelina
Love but Mickie ran down and stopped Madison and then chased her to the
back. Winner after a camel clutch type move from Winter to Tara, Angelina
Love and Winter. Short and horrible match.

* Mr. Anderson is back out. They're making him re-do his promo from earlier.
Last time he wore street clothes that looked like crap and was sucking on a
lollipop. He now is in his gear and no lollipop. Anderson explains that
sometimes in TV you have to re-do things. He went to the back and felt he
didn't say all the things he was thinking and all the things he felt. This
time he's more to the point. He says WWE wouldn't let him be himself. They
wouldn't let him chew gum there. He shows the camera he's chewing gum. Funny
though. They told him to get rid of the lollipop but gum is fine.

* Abyss w/Ric Flair vs. Matt Morgan. Winner via Carbon Footprint, Matt
Morgan. Flair tried to pull the referee out but Morgan held onto him. Rob
Terry ran out afterwards and he, Abyss and Flair beat up on Morgan.

* Rob Van Dam & TNA Champion Mr. Anderson vs. Matt & Jeff Hardy. Anderson
comes out bleeding from the head. Referee got knocked out when RVD and
Anderson had the advantage. Beer Money ran out and helped the Hardys. The
referee came to and saw Matt hit a Twist of Hate on Anderson and Jeff hit a
Swanton. Winners: Matt and Jeff Hardy. The rest of Fortune come out to beat
down on RVD and Anderson. Eric Bischoff watches from the top of the ramp and
smiles. Fortune celebrates over a fallen RVD and Anderson.


* Some kid named Tyler Wilson comes to the ring with Jeff Hardy. He's got
face paint on and poses on the turnbuckles like he's Jeff. Make a Wish I

* Non Title Match, Brian Kendrick vs. TNA X Division Champion Kazarian.
Winner via behind-the-back driver, Kazarian.

* Rob Terry vs. Jay Lethal. Winner via Full Nelson Slam, Rob Terry.


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