Thursday, February 24, 2011

[Peckers_Pics] Twink Wars, PICS; Feb 25, 2011-Safe PICS For All Ages

Twink Wars, PICS; Feb 25, 2011
Safe PICS For All Ages / We Support Keith Olbermann

Updates on slain gay activist - David Kato of Uganda @ ObamaBiden2008

Updates on Keith Olberman @ ObamaBiden2008

Boycott: Chick-fil-a as they are against gay marriage and donate to anti-gay causes. 

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Diet & Fitness:

  • Reminder: Did you complete your Diet Journal today?
  • Did you do any physical activity?  If not, make a point of it by tomorrow! 
  • Perhaps our male fitness photos shall inspire you to get Fit!
Health - Wellness - Exercise - Reflections:
Can Your Toothbrush Make You Sick?

02/24/11 - Huffington Post - By Julia Felsenthal, Slate

A sticker on Colgate toothbrush packages warns consumers: "Got A Cold? Change your toothbrush." According to the company's web site, "germs can hide in toothbrush bristles and lead to reinfection." Competitor Arm & Hammer offers the same warning that toothbrushes should be replaced "anytime you've had a cold or have been ill since germs may be lurking among the bristles." Can a person really re-catch a cold from a toothbrush?

No, unless it's someone else's toothbrush (or someone else's cold). Much like the admonition from shampoo companies to "lather, rinse, repeat," the idea that a toothbrush must be replaced seems designed to sell more product. Once you've been infected with a particular strain of a virus, you develop antibodies that make the likelihood of re-infection very low. Even if the virus were still hanging out on your toothbrush after you recovered -- colds and flus can survive there in an infective state for anywhere from a few hours to three days -- those antibodies should keep you from contracting the same illness twice. Your toothbrush is no more dangerous while you're still sick, since the viral load on the bristles is negligible compared with what's already in your system.

It is possible to re-infect yourself with bacteria, however. If you were afflicted with strep throat, for example, a colony of streptococcal bacteria might end up on your toothbrush and remain there long enough to give you a second case after you'd taken a course of penicillin. But that threat might be mitigated by toothpaste, which sometimes contains antibacterial compounds. And, despite the claims of toothbrush manufacturers, this wouldn't apply to a typical case of the (viral) sniffles.

It is possible to catch a cold, a bacterial infection, or even a blood-borne disease such as Hepatitis B or C from someone else's toothbrush.* (It's an especially bad idea to use a sick person's toothbrush while the bristles are still wet.) Even if you don't put it in your mouth, the infected implement might contaminate another toothbrush nearby: When two are stored in the same cup, their bristles sometimes come into contact. A dirty toothbrush might also pass bacteria or virus particles to the rim of a toothpaste tube, and then on to another toothbrush from there.

Another questionable practice: storing your toothbrush so close to the toilet that spray from the flush can reach its bristles, especially in a shared bathroom. As this episode of Mythbusters points out, the presence of some fecal coliforms on your toothbrush won't necessarily make you sick, but the spray from toilet water has been known to spread noroviruses, which are responsible for outbreaks of gastrointestinal illness on cruise ships and in other places.

Despite all this, the American Dental Association isn't overly concerned over the microorganisms living on your toothbrush bristles. Generally speaking, our immune systems are up to the task of fighting off any illnesses that might result from them. The ADA does suggest rinsing off your toothbrush after brushing, storing it in a position that allows it to air dry, and keeping it away from other toothbrushes. The association also recommends replacing your toothbrush every three to four months, once the bristles are frayed and worn, but not in the aftermath of every cold.
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And Now, Our War of the Fittest!

This group is called "Peckers Pics."  The English -  slang definition of "pecker" is to pluck at the truth. Therefore, we peck at items such as Gay Men's Health, Male Fitness, Gay (LGBT) Politics & Issues.  In this section you may peck at each photo in order to decide the winner of the "war of the fittest!"  Whereas, you should select the guy that may inspire you to exercise and "get fit!"   Warning: This may stoke you!
Your participation in discussion of health / news articles - appearing in this message is greatly appreciated.
San Francisco Pride Parade, 2008
San Francisco Pride Parade, 2008
You Decide!
Bunkhouse Club, Sayville, NY;  Feb 19, 2011
Bunkhouse Club, Sayville, NY;  Feb 19, 2011
Huckabee Blasts DOMA, Cracks Gay Joke
By Suzy Khimm / Thu Feb. 24, 2011 / Mother Jones

In his failed 2008 bid for president, Mike Huckabee cast himself as the Family Values candidate, and he seems to be rehashing the same gambit for 2012. Appearing at the National Press Club on Thursday to promote his new book, "A Simple Government," the former Arkansas governor unloaded about the economic cost of broken families, attempting to wed social and fiscal concerns. At times, Huckabee -- a former pastor -- struck the moralizing tone of a church youth group leader. "Families that do not have frequent dinners together around their own table are twice likely to use tobacco, marijuana," he told the crowd. He lamented single-parent families for passing on costs to the taxpayer -- though he didn't go so far as to utter the word "welfare queen."

Huckabee's comments seemed to regurgitate old debates over the welfare state. But while fiscal concerns continue to eclipse social ones on the national level, there are a few issues that could fit into Huckabee's wheelhouse. On Wednesday, President Obama indicated that he would no longer support the Defense of Marriage Act. When asked about the president's decision, Huckabee laid into Obama for changing his stance after having supported "traditional marriage" during his 2008 campaign:

"The president has made an incredibly, amazing inexplicable political error. He is out of touch with the voters in every state in which this is on the ballot...Had he taken this position in the campaign, he might not have been elected. He supported traditional marriage with a man and woman [in 2008]. Either not being honest then or he's not being honest now. Or he changed his mind, and he needs to explain when and how that happened, and why."

Despite his political attack on Obama, Huckabee laid off from moralizing against homosexuality or gay marriage, both of which he adamantly opposes. And he may choose to avoid that tack during the Republican primary in an attempt to reach out to more libertarian-minded tea party types.

But he could conceivably use a fiscal argument to inveigh against "non-traditional marriage." In an interview with Slate, Huckabee said he didn't know Obama's reasons for flip-flopping on DOMA, but added: "I do know there is a definite economic impact of the breakup of families in this country." When pressed by Mother Jones as to whether gay marriage truly imposed an economic burden on the country at the Press Club, Huckabee declined to answer.

But Huckabee did make time to crack a gay joke during his Thursday appearance. As Huckabee wrapped up his speech, he received a signal from the event host, Bob Webb, that it was time to move on to the question-and-answer session with reporters. "I think I'm getting the question signal -- either that or you were making a pass at me, I'm not sure," he told Webb, as the audience chuckled.
"Every gay and lesbian person who has been lucky enough to survive the turmoil of growing up is a survivor. Survivors always have an obligation to those who will face the same challenges."
Alert: NEW Episode of "Roommates, Ryan takes on John" - Episode 116, By Clay  (Continuing Wrestling fiction series). Your "PUBLIC" Yahoo Profile must include "PUBLIC" Age, Gender, Location - before you apply for membership @


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"Every gay and lesbian person who has been lucky enough to survive the turmoil of growing up is a survivor. Survivors always have an obligation to those who will face the same challenges."

...Jake (Moderator)

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