Thursday, January 19, 2012

[Peckers_Pics] Male/Gay Health-Discussion-PICS Model Wars-Jan 20, 2012-Boycott Salvation Army-TARGET-Trump-FOX NEWS

Model Wars-Jan 20, 2012- / Health-News-PICS
Safe PICS For All Ages / "NO" Religious Discussion
Boycott Salvation Army-TARGET-Trump-FOX NEWS/Murdoch

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  • Perhaps our male fitness photos shall inspire you to get Fit!
Health, Wellness, Exercise, Reflections:
The Food Package Paradox

By Jeff and Mary Blyskal / January 18, 2012

You're ready to eat healthier and maybe lose some weight. Great! But be careful – the "healthy" phrases on food package labels don't always mean what you think. And the meals you make from them may not be as low in fat, sodium or calories as they seem. Here are 7 misleading buzzwords and how to handle them...

"Reduced-sodium," "whole grain," "low-fat"… you choose these food package buzzwords to lose weight and reduce your risk of diabetes, heart disease and even cancer.

But hold on before you toss them into your shopping cart.

The food manufacturers' hand is quicker than the eye.

Attractive packaging claims lure you into buying products that are just what the doctor ordered, but that same healthier product may have other ingredients you should avoid.

Some "healthy" phrases have loose definitions - and others aren't regulated at all.

Read on for a closer look at 7 "healthy" supermarket foods, and why they aren't always what they seem.

Food Package Buzzword #1: "Low-Fat" or "Fat-Free"

Even with fat-free foods, you still may be eating as many calories and, therefore, won't lose weight.

Though foods labeled low in fat must meet Food and Drug Administration (FDA) standards – "fat-free" means fewer than 5 calories of fat per serving and "low-fat" is 40 or fewer fat calories – many fat-free foods aren't significantly lower in calories.

That's because when manufacturers reduce the amount of fat in foods, they replace it with something else – often sugar or other carbohydrates, as well as extra salt.

"Food is a balance between water, protein, carbohydrates and fat," says Robert Post, Ph.D., deputy director of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion in Alexandria, Va. "If you decrease the amount of one of those ingredients, you'll likely have to increase the amount of the others."

Still, people assume they're consuming fewer calories and eat larger servings, according to the American Diabetes Association.

Nutrition tips: Just because a food is low in fat doesn't mean you can stuff yourself with it, warns Barry Swanson, Ph.D., Regents professor and interim director of the Washington State University School of Food Science in Pullman, Wash.

Food Package Buzzword #2: "Zero Grams of Trans Fat"

A food can contain as much as .5 grams of trans fats per serving and still be labeled as having "0 grams" or being "not a significant source," according to FDA rules.

That amount may not seem like much, but people frequently eat more than the recommended serving size, especially when munching on foods like chips and other snacks.

Nutrition tips: It's better not to have any added trans fats in your diet, according to the American Heart Association (AHA).

Trans-fatty acids are created when liquid oils are processed to become solid fats. Manufacturers like them because they improve a food's texture and increase shelf life.

But these fats are extra-unhealthful – mostly because they raise LDL ("bad") cholesterol and lower HDL ("good") cholesterol, according to the Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research.

Over time, high LDL levels can lead to atherosclerosis, a buildup of plaques on artery walls, which can reduce or block blood flow and cause heart damage.

If you want to be sure a food doesn't have trans fats, check the ingredients label. If you see "shortening," "hydrogenated" or "partially hydrogenated" oils, put it on the no-no list, the Mayo Foundation says. Food Package Buzzword #3: "Reduced Sodium"
"Reduced sodium" products must have at least 25% less salt per serving, according to the FDA. But for some foods, even the reduced amount is still high.

For example, Progresso Reduced Sodium Minestrone contains 470 mg of sodium per serving (defined as half a can). Sure, that's better than the 690 mg in its regular minestrone – but it's still a lot for a small part of a single meal. If you eat a whole can, you're getting close to half the suggested daily sodium limit of 2,300 recommended by the USDA.

Nutrition tips: Reduce your consumption of foods that tend to be extra-high in salt, including packaged soups, canned or frozen meals, deli meats, marinades or condiments (such as soy sauce) and fast foods.

Most Americans consume an average of 3,400 mg of sodium per day, much of it from packaged foods and restaurant meals.

Not only is a high salt intake associated with elevated blood pressure, which raises the risk of heart attack, but it also means most of us get more than the suggested amount.

The USDA recommends adding flavor with salt-free seasonings, such as herbs, spices and lemon juice. But check the labels on spice blends to make sure salt isn't one of the main ingredients.

Food Package Buzzword #4: "Just 100 Calories"

Those individually wrapped snack packs make calorie-counting easier and help dieters avoid mindlessly gobbling a full-size box or bag at one sitting. Shrinking serving size creates the impression of reduced damage from the empty calories of cookies and cakes.

But these smaller products can be just as unhealthful as their full-size counterparts. They're often high in simple carbohydrates and low in protein, so they can cause blood-sugar fluctuations that increase food cravings rather than satisfying them.

For example, Weight Watchers' Golden Sponge Cake with Creamy Filling – much like an 87-calorie Hostess Twinkie – has 80 calories. Compared ounce-for-ounce, the full-size Twinkie has only 7 calories more than the Weight Watchers clone.

What's more, just because these snacks are wrapped in small packages doesn't mean you'll eat only one.

Nutrition tips: Junk food is still junk food, no matter what its size, says Jenny Kinne, a clinical nutrition specialist at Children's Hospital Boston.

They're still empty calories, she warns.

"A half-hour after eating one, you're going to be hungry – and then potentially start overeating," she says.

Stick to snacks like crunchy veggies, low-fat yogurt or a handful of nuts.

Food Package Buzzword #5: "Zero-Calorie Cooking Spray"
Cooking sprays deposit a thin film of oil to prevent food from sticking to a frying pan or other surface, while being low in fat. Some brands even promise the miracle of zero calories and fat on their nutrition labels.

Get a stopwatch: For zero calories (or as the FDA defines it, less than 5 calories), you have to limit a "serving" to a spritz of less than half a second. That requires trigger-finger speed worthy of an O.K. Corral shooter.

According to the nutrition label on Smart Balance cooking spray, a full second of spray time results in 1.5 g of fat – which adds up if you're expecting zero.

Nutrition tips: Don't spray with a heavy hand. Also avoid cooking sprays formulated for "high heat" because they may contain trans fats, according to the consumer group Center for Science in the Public Interest.

Here's a better way to sauté: Pour a teaspoon of oil into a pan and spread it around with a paper towel. Not only will this spread the oil evenly, but the towel will soak up some of the excess.

Food Package Buzzword #6: "No Nitrates or Nitrites"

Some manufacturers sell "uncured" meats, such as bacon, with the promise that no nitrites or nitrates have been added. But the small type may say, "Except for naturally occurring nitrites in celery powder."

Nitrites and nitrates salts have been used to preserve meats since the Roman Empire to prevent the growth of toxins, such as botulin, which causes severe food poisoning. They got a bad rep in the 1970s, when researchers linked them to cancer in laboratory animals. Since then, levels in most packaged lunch meats, hot dogs and bacon have been reduced to one-fifth their `70s levels to meet USDA rules.

Do these chemicals increase your cancer risk? Research conflicts for adults and children, according to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Studies show there may be an increased risk when consumed by small children or pregnant mothers, the agency reports.

Nutrition tips: Uncured meats might be better for you. Not due to nitrites or nitrates, but because of their lower sodium content, says Post of the USDA.

If you can't afford pricey all-natural products, choose versions low in fat and sodium, such as some varieties of turkey bacon.

Food Package Buzzword #7: "Whole Wheat" Or "Whole Grain"
Whole grain contains more nutrients and fiber than refined white flour, because it retains the germ (plant seed) and bran (outer husk).

But it also has a rougher texture than refined flour, so manufacturers don't want to add too much of it. As a result, many products whose labels proclaim "wheat flour" or "contains whole grain" also may contain significant amounts of white flour too.

In other cases, products labeled as "whole grain" are made with the components of whole grain, rather than actual grains in their natural state, says Kantha Shelke, Ph.D., a food ingredient specialist and spokeswoman for the Institute of Food Technologists in Chicago.

"So when a package claims `whole-wheat pasta,' it doesn't necessarily mean pasta made from whole wheat flour," she says. "Rather, it's made with a flour blend."They also raise blood sugar more quickly and don't keep you satisfied as long.

"Products made from blends are often more glycemic than products made from honestly ground whole-wheat flour," Shelke adds.

Nutrition tips: At least half the grains you eat should be whole grains, according to the USDA. To tell the difference, look for "100% whole wheat" (or other grain) on the label, or make sure "whole wheat" (not just "wheat flour") is first on the ingredient list.
Take Action:
  • Boycott Target, Best Buy, Gold's Gym - for donating money towards anti-gay political candidates/organizations. Update: (12/26/2010): Target is continuing to donate to anti-gay groups/causes/politicians. Update 03/08/11 - Lady Gaga Ends Target Partnership, Reportedly Over Target's Poor LGBT Stance. Update 3/25/2010 - Target displays their hypocrisy and Sues California Gay Rights Group for Lobbying Outside Stores. Target is attempting to block the LGBT right of free speech! STOP SHOPPING AT TARGET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Update 4/8/2011: Target lost its case to stop the LGBT from canvassing in front of their stores. A huge PR Disaster for TARGET! Perhaps Target should go out of business as they betrayed their investers and customer base. Target contributed massive funds to a politician who would like to exterminate gays. Now, Target can not stop us from Boycotting them, nor picketing, nor talking to customers near their stores; although, Target allows a anti-gay company such as the Salvation Army to stand outside their door and speak with customers and raise money. Isn't this a double standard?
  • End DOMA (Defense of Marriage Act). Prevents Federal employees and Gays in the Military from gaining equal benefits. Prevents Gay Partners from gaining equal benefits.
  • Pass a LGBT friendly ENDA (Employee Non-Discrimination Act). ENDA would prevent employment discrimination of LGBT workforce.
  • Boycott Salvation Army as they will not hire Gays! "DO NOT DONATE TO THEM."
  • BOYCOTT "Chick-fil-a" for donating money to anti-gay groups.
  • BOYCOTT KOCH INDUSTRIES PRODUCTS- to include their products: Angel Soft toilet paper / Brawny paper towels / Dixie plates, bowls, napkins & cups / Mardi Gras napkins and towels / Quilted Northern toilet paper / Soft 'n Gentle toilet paper / Sparkle napkins / Vanity fair napkins / Zee napkins / Georgia-Pacific paper products & envelopes / All Georgia-Pacific lumber & building products (INVISTA Products) / Lycra / Stainmaster Carpet. The billionaire - Koch brothers are ultra republican - tea bag founders/supporters that do not support causes of the LGBT community.
  • Boycott WALMART - The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force criticized Wal-Mart for denying employee benefits to same-s-x partners and for failing to prohibit discrimination based on gender identity. By comparison, the group said two other chain stores with a strong presence in New York, Costco and Walgreens, did much better.
  • "Tune Out Trump", Boycott all Trump Hotel, casinos, holdings, The Apprentice and NBC Network! At CPAC, Trump said he is considering a run for president as a Republican. In a interview with the Des Moines Register, Trump added that he opposes all forms of legal recognition for gay couples, not just marriage. "They should not be able to marry," he said. So why does NBC keep the Apprentice when Donald Trump has stated he may run for president? After making racist remarks about Obama and recv'g public backlash, Trump decided not to run for president after NBC renewed his awful TV Show. How can NBC re-new the clown's show after he pulled such hateful shenanigans?
  • Boycott Georgia for Execution of Troy Davis @ 11:08 EST, Sep 21, 2011:
    Former US President and Former GA Gov. Jimmy Carter felt that TROY DAVIS should not be executed and deserved a re-trial. The Former Director of the FBI felt that TROY DAVIS Was Not Guilty! Do not drive through Goergia as it is dangerous. Do not fly via Atlanta. For your safety -Do not travel to GA. TELL YOUR COMPANY NOT TO PARTICIPATE IN A CONVENTION IN GA! "Georgia Executes Innocent People!"

And Now, Our War of the Fittest!

This group is called "Peckers Pics." The English - slang definition of "pecker" is to pluck at the truth. Therefore, we peck at items such as Gay Men's Health, Male Fitness, Gay (LGBT) Politics & Issues. In this section you may peck at each photo in order to decide the winner of the "war of the fittest!" Whereas, you should select the "Male Model" that may inspire you to exercise and "get fit!" Warning: This may stoke you!
Your participation in discussion of health / news articles - appearing in this message is greatly appreciated.
Clark Lichty
Gregg Bianchi
You Decide!
Brighton, UK Pride; Aug 13, 2011
Amsterdam Pride; Aug 6, 2011
Poll: NJ majority backs gay marriage
Jan. 19, 2012 - Daily Record - Michael Symons

TRENTON -- A majority of New Jersey voters support allowing gay couples to get married in the state, according to poll results released Thursday by Quinnipiac University.

Fifty-two percent of registered voters surveyed said they would support a law that would allow same-sex couples to get married, and 42 percent were opposed.

The results aren't the first to measure majority support for gay marriage in New Jersey, as the Rutgers-Eagleton Poll also found 52 percent in favor in surveys last August and October. But it is a first for Quinnipiac, and it comes just before the Legislature begins to consider the issue next week.

"Legislative Democrats are making same-sex marriage their big opening issue, and New Jersey voters support them," said Maurice Carroll, director of the Quinnipiac University Polling Institute.

Democrats supported the idea, 62 percent to 33 percent, and Republicans were opposed, 59 percent to 35 percent. Independents were closer to Democrats on the issue, supporting it 54 percent to 38 percent.

Pollsters found a split among respondents based on how frequently they attend religious services. Those who attend services weekly opposed by a 58 percent to 36 percent margin, while those who attend less frequently than that were supportive by a 61 percent to 33 percent margin.

Democratic legislative leaders have said passage of legislation that permits gay couples to marry will be a top priority this winter. The Senate Judiciary Committee has scheduled a hearing and vote on the topic for next Tuesday.

Assemblyman Reed Gusciora, D-Mercer, said the poll's finding that 65 percent of registered voters disagree that same-sex marriage is a threat to traditional marriage is "more telling," though that result hadn't improved from a 2009 survey, before the idea was voted down in the Legislature in 2010.

"This falls in line with what we've been saying all along -- not a single heterosexual marriage would be affected by this law, but to same-sex couples, the right to basic equality, fairness and dignity will make all the difference," said Gusciora.

Gov. Chris Christie hasn't said whether he would sign or veto the proposal, should it reach his desk. He has said in the past that he opposes gay marriage and supports civil unions, which are currently allowed in the state.

"Let's see if they actually get a bill passed, or maybe they're going to have to compromise and strengthen civil unions, which I think makes sense," Christie said in an interview Wednesday on New Jersey 101.5.

"There might be other ways to address the issues, the legitimate issues, that folks who are advocates of same-sex marriage raise, and I'd be willing to listen to all of that stuff," he said. "Marriage is a really important issue to me, and this type of societal change that we're talking about is a significant one that overturns hundreds of years of history in New Jersey."

Quinnipiac surveyed 1,460 registered voters between Jan. 10 and 16, yielding a margin of error of 2.6 percentage points.
Every gay and lesbian person who has been lucky enough to survive the turmoil of growing up is a survivor. Survivors always have an obligation to those who will face the same challenges."
Urgent Notice: Our ObamaBiden2008 Group works hand - in - hand with Peckers PICS (Both groups were co-created to work with each-other). To prevent duplication of articles and questions, all members of this group are urgently recommended to join ObamaBiden2008 . We have the LGBT boycott list and discuss end of DADT, etc... There are 3 gay teen suicides in the USA - daily! There are Hate crimes against gay people. There are gay people who are fired over their sexual identity. There are gay people who died for our cause! These groups are focused towards Yahoo Members who sincerely care about LGBT rights and are interested in Gay Men's Health! Most important, we have a most critical election in 2012 that shall determine the future of LGBT rights and our health care (as many suffer from pre-existing illness)! Please Join Now!


All members of "Peckers PICS" are requested to join our "Obama Biden 2008" group as it runs in conjunction to this group.  Both groups shall not repeat articles from one group to another.  However, to gain full knowledge of Gay rights, members must belong to the Obama group as well as this group.  Therefore, please accept your invitation to join. 

To join the Obama group please click (or copy and paste the link into your browser) @

Thank you!

"Every gay and lesbian person who has been lucky enough to survive the turmoil of growing up is a survivor. Survivors always have an obligation to those who will face the same challenges."

...Jake (Moderator)

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