Sunday, October 10, 2010

[Peckers_Pics] Muscle Wars; Oct 11, 2010; Safe PICS For All Ages, Rated G

Muscle Wars; Oct 11, 2010
Safe PICS For All Ages, Rated  G 
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Diet & Fitness:

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  • It is our hope that these photos shall inspire you!

Today's Health/Excercise Message:
Challenge bullies wherever you encounter them, says Judith Hollands
Oct 10, 2010 / The Post Standard
The loss of another young life due to bullying deeply disturbs me.
On Sept. 22, Tyler Clementi threw himself from a bridge, after being exposed as gay by two schoolmates who chose to record his sexual encounter with another male and stream it, live, online.

Tyler did not deserve to be humiliated to death. No one does. After all, we are the land of the free, aren't we? Yet people who are different, for any reason, are subject to indignities and injustice. In 2009, our president signed a law, making it illegal to harass others due to gender identity. In 2007, suicide was the third leading cause of death for young people ages 15 to 24, according to the National Institute of Mental Health. Many of these deaths are now being called "bullycides" — suicide by brute harassment.

My gay son is in a bully-targeted population. He, like Tyler, falls into a category of people who are signaled, via word, gesture or act, that he is unwelcome in society.

Sometimes it's obvious, a remark like, "Hey gay boy, you don't belong here." Bystanders should not tolerate such bullying. A responsible adult should be told and should intervene.

I see the kinds of conduct that drive a child to opt out. Within my own family, my son has been called a mistake of nature. At 7, he was cornered in a school bathroom and ridiculed because of his colorful sneakers. At 9, a teacher bullied him so badly that another mother called me, concerned with what was going on. At 14, he was not openly gay, but the name-calling was in full force: sissy, faggot, femmy queen.

He is an adult now and able to say, just last week, "There was something wrong with that teacher, Mom." At 9, no child can risk believing his caregivers could be so untrustworthy. No one wants to believe that friends, schoolmates, teachers, preachers, mentors, coaches or others we look to for care and guidance could be so mindlessly cruel — or could silently allow public acts of cruelty.

As human beings, we need to recognize that bullycide is real and is depriving us of the potential of thousands. It deprives them of a right that most of us take for granted — the right to live and love freely.

Don't be silent. Demand safe social encounters and don't accept bullying at home, school and work. Make it the law and see that it is enacted in our courts and everyday lives. Teach our children that they are born to live within our society, not on the outskirts. Live and love inclusively.

Refuse to condone bully attacks in all their ugly guises — harassment, discrimination, prejudice, abuse, persecution, conflict and violence.

We all need to get bully smart — recognizing it and stopping it now. A bully at school, at home or at work is a risk to everyone. Where character bashing is permitted, the scene is set for all other forms of violence, from assault to murder and bullycide.

My heart grieves for the loss of Tyler Clementi. But I am encouraged by the public outcry. I hope that this energy can be harnessed for a lasting campaign to debunk bully tolerance and its deadly costs.

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And Now, Our War of the Fittest!
This group is called "Peckers PICS."  The English -  slang definition of "pecker" is to pluck at the truth. Therefore, we peck at items such as Gay Men's Health, Male Fitness, Gay (LGBT) Politics & Issues.  In this section you may peck at each photo in order to decide the winner of the "war of the fittest!"  Whereas, you should select the guy that may inspire you to exercise and "get fit!"   Warning: This may stoke you!
Remember your participation in discussion of health / news articles - appearing in this message is greatly appreciated!
Jared Padalecki - as Sam Winchester - Supernatural
Adam Ray
Andrey Babanov
You Decide!
FOLSOM STREET FAIR, San Fran, CA; Sep 26, 2010
FOLSOM STREET FAIR, San Fran, CA; Sep 26, 2010
Super Stoked?
FOLSOM STREET FAIR, San Fran, CA; Sep 26, 2010
Rioters Throw Molotov Cocktails At Gay Pride Parade In Belgrade, Serbia

BELGRADE, Serbia - Serbian riot police fought running battles Sunday with thousands of far-right supporters who hurled Molotov cocktails and stun grenades to try disrupt a gay pride march in downtown Belgrade. More than 140 people were hurt and more than 200 were arrested, officials said.

Thousands of police officers sealed off the streets in the capital where the march took place, repeatedly clashing at several locations with rioters who tried to burst through security cordons.

Several parked cars were set on fire or damaged, shop windows were broken, garbage containers were overturned and streets signs destroyed. Several shops were looted before police restored peace late afternoon.

The anti-gay rioters also fired shots and threw Molotov cocktails at the headquarters of the ruling pro-Western Democratic Party, setting the building's garage on fire. The state TV building and the headquarters of other political parties were also attacked, with many windows shattered by stones.

Protesters chanting "death to homosexuals!" hurled bricks, stones, glass bottles and stun grenades at riot police. Police responded by firing tear gas and deploying armored vehicles to disperse the protesters, who remained in the heart of the capital even after the brief pride march ended.

Interior Minister Ivica Dacic said police estimated that 6,000 rioters faced 5,600 policemen. He praised the police "for preventing even more serious bloodshed."

Sunday's gay pride march was viewed as a major test for Serbia's government, which has pledged to protect human rights as it seeks European Union membership.

Right-wing groups broke up a gay march in 2001 and forced the cancellation of last year's event.

"This was undoubtedly a political message, an attempt to destabilize the country and this government," said political analyst Miljenko Dereta. "The rioters had political support."

He said Serbia's pro-European government still faces strong opposition from the conservative and nationalist forces opposed to the modernization and reform of the country, which was ravaged by the wars in the Balkans in the 1990s.

The protesters hijacked a bus, ordered all of its passengers and the driver out, and pushed it down a steep street before it hit an electric pole on a main Belgrade square. They also destroyed a mobile breast cancer detection unit that was parked on another square.

A gay-rights activist, Lazar Pavlovic, said that staging of the pride march was a "historic event." He condemned the violence and noted that the incidents and immense security measures illustrate the dangers the gay people in Serbia are facing.

Police said 141 people, mostly police officers, were injured. They said 207 people were detained, 100 of whom remain in custody, suspected of violent behavior.

Serbian President Boris Tadic condemned the "vandalism" on Belgrade streets and pledged that the extremists would be arrested and punished.

"Serbia will guarantee human rights for all its citizens, regardless of the differences among them, and no attempts to revoke these freedoms with violence will be allowed," Tadic said.

Belgrade mayor Dragan Djilas said damage was estimated at more than euro1 million ($1.39 million).

Right-wing groups say the gay events run counter to Serbian family and religious values. Most of the rioters Sunday were young football fans whose groups have been infiltrated by neo-Nazi and other extremist organizations.

"These riots obviously have nothing to do with the gay parade or any moral values," said Democratic Party spokeswoman Jelana Trivan. "These are hooligan gangs which must be punished severely."

Defense Minister Dragan Sutanovac, vice president of the Democratic Party, said a part of the party's archive, warehouse and phone lines at the building were destroyed and shots were also fired at the building.

"It is high time that we deal in a very democratic way, through the courts, with those who call themselves members of the patriotic organizations," Sutanovac said. "Is this Belgrade or the wild West?"

Senior Justice Ministry official Slobodan Homen said the state response would be "fierce." He said the city center is covered with surveillance cameras, the rioters have been identified and many already have been detained. He said they could face up to eight years in prison.

Vincent Degert, the head of the EU mission in Serbia, addressed about 1,000 gay activists and their supporters who gathered at a park in downtown Belgrade which was surrounded by riot police, including some in armored vehicles.

"We are here to celebrate this very important day ... to celebrate the values of tolerance, freedom of expression and assembly," Degert told the crowd, members of which waved rainbow flags.

The same right-wing group set the U.S. Embassy on fire during riots in 2008 to protest U.S. support for Kosovo's independence.

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton plans to visit Belgrade in the coming days as part of a tour of the Balkans.


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"Every gay and lesbian person who has been lucky enough to survive the turmoil of growing up is a survivor. Survivors always have an obligation to those who will face the same challenges."

...Jake (Moderator)

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