Sunday, October 10, 2010

Re: [TOWWFFC] Re: Bound For Glory Results - 1/2 Point


Of course Vince will offer more money with the promise of a shorter work schedule and they will take it.

raging_demons <> wrote:

>Mark will post the results later but not only this is Kevin Nash's last match at Bound For Glory but Team 3D announced their retirement as well.
>--- In, "FondyMark" <fondy54935@...> wrote:
>> TNA Bound for Glory PPV Results
>> October 10, 2010 (10-10-10)
>> Daytona Beach, Fla. at the Ocean Center
>> Report by James Caldwell, PWTorch assistant editor
>> After one of the worst wrestling shows of the year Thursday night on a live
>> Impact, can TNA rebound with tonight's "biggest PPV of the year?" Four title
>> matches, Lethal Lockdown, Monster's Ball, handicap match with a potential
>> "third man," and a comedy tag match are on the docket for tonight's live TNA
>> PPV...
>> The PPV opened with a backstage hallway shot of Kurt Angle walking. It was
>> shot slow-motion, Reaction style. After video clips of Jeff Hardy and Mr.
>> Anderson to set up the three-way TNA Title match, they cut to rapid-fire
>> clips of the other top stars on the PPV. No voice-over man here, just
>> straight video clips in rapid-fire fashion. They showed a close-up of Mick
>> Foley getting stitched up. Mr. Anderson training. Hardy flying. Angle
>> bleeding. Anderson intense. Hardy charismatic. Angle saluting. One Night.
>> Will Change Everything. Great intro video.
>> Arena: After crowd shots of the fans in the arena, they cut to the
>> announcers positioned ringside to set up the PPV. Mike Tenay and Taz talked
>> up Abyss's "final match," the "they" reveal, Kurt Angle's career on the
>> line, and the TNA World Title on the line. Tenay made a point to emphasize
>> there is no count-out, No DQ, and no time limit for the Angle vs. Hardy vs.
>> Anderson match.
>> During ring introductions for the opening TNA Tag Title match, we got a good
>> look at the top part of the arena curtained off with just the lower section
>> filled. The BFG set looks very slick with three big TVs side-by-side to
>> display full graphics with a row of bright lights below the TV screens.
>> vs. GENERATION ME (MAX & JEREMY BUCK) -- TNA Tag Title match
>> Rapid-fire start with the Guns landing double-team offense on Max. Shelley
>> then tried to bounce off the ropes for offense on Max, but Jeremy yanked his
>> foot from the outside. GenMe had a touch of offense before the Guns came
>> back with more signature double-team offense. The Guns then went flying to
>> the outside with double suicide dives, even landing on their feet like cats.
>> Back in the ring, Shelley hit a top-rope cross-body block on Jeremy for a
>> two count. Jeremy then pulled the ref aside to create a distraction to give
>> GenMe an opening. They capitalized with a big neckbreaker off the second
>> turnbuckle to focus on Shelley's injured neck, which Shelley sold nicely.
>> Jeremy taunted Shelley, then GenMe began working over Shelley with their own
>> double-team offense.
>> At 6:00, the audience tried to rally behind Shelley, but GenMe cut him off.
>> Jeremy tried a top rope move, but Shelley fought him off. Shelley then
>> fought off Max on the ring apron and came off the top with a double foot
>> stomp to Jeremy's chest. Shelley then inched his way toward Sabin to make
>> the hot tag, with Sabin coming in hot with rapid-fire offense. Sabin then
>> came off the apron with a big leaping springboard clothesline on Max for a
>> close nearfall. Max went looking for a tag to Jeremy, but Jeremy was KO'ed
>> on the outside. Back in the ring, the Guns hit a combination neckbreaker for
>> a close two count that Jeremy just broke up in time. More teased highspots,
>> then Max hit a sick wheelbarrow slam on Sabin in the ring for a close two
>> count. Max had a "freak out" facial expression selling the nearfall.
>> They reset the match with all four men involved in the action. Suddenly, all
>> four men were in the corner. Jeremy then cleared off Shelley and Max nailed
>> a bulldog on Sabin. GenMe then hooked up with a sick 450 splash on Sabin as
>> he was hanging across the middle rope. Max had a pin, but Shelley broke it
>> up just in time. Shelley then suddenly snapped off a double DDT on GenMe,
>> leaving all four men stunned in the ring. Another sequence of rapid-fire
>> offense and bodies flying everywhere, then Max hit a spear center-ring.
>> Jeremy then followed with a springboard splash from the apron and Max made a
>> cover for another nearfall.
>> At 12:00, Max "officially tagged in" Jeremy, who came off the top with a
>> 450, but Shelley got his knees up. Sabin then came running out of the corner
>> and jumped up top to give Jeremy a big overhead release German Suplex. Sick
>> spot. Shelley then went up top and the Guns nailed the Skull & Bones
>> combination splash for the pin and the win. Guns retain the tag titles. Taz
>> excitedly fed to a replay of the "huge air show" in the ring showing off the
>> various highspots in the match.
>> WINNERS: Guns at 12:54 to retain the TNA Tag Titles. Heck of a PPV opener
>> continuing to showcase the Machineguns. A shorter version of this type of
>> match was badly missing on the live Impact to whet the appetite of viewers
>> for the PPV. The match was heavy on highspots, but still told a good story
>> of GenMe trying anything possible to (a) win the titles and (b) prove they
>> belong. Meanwhile, the match continued to get over the "resiliency"
>> characteristic for the Guns that helps them connect with the audience.
>> (***3/4)
>> Backstage: Christy Hemme talked to Madison Rayne and Tara about the four-way
>> Knockouts Title match tonight. Madison quickly started ripping Hemme,
>> complete with Bozo the Clown, skank, and b---- references in a two-sentence
>> span. Madison said there's no truth to the rumor Tara is turning on her.
>> Madison walked off, leaving Tara to contemplate matters.
>> Arena: Mickie James bounced out to the ring as the special referee for the
>> four-way Knockouts Title match. Madison and Tara came out first, and
>> together, for the title match. Beautiful People then made their dual
>> entrance and Mickie James held up the KO Title. Taz said it looks good in
>> her hands and noted she's a five-time "women's champion.
>> 2 -- Knockouts champion ANGELINA LOVE vs. VELVET SKY vs. MADISON RAYNE vs.
>> TARA -- Knockouts Title match -- Mickie James special referee
>> Madison was screaming at everyone early on, including ref Mickie, who she
>> cut a promo on during the pre-match interview. Madison screamed at Tara to
>> do work, so Tara obliged with offense on Sky as Angelina paced on the apron
>> looking to pick a spot in the four-way style match. Tara then teased the
>> Widow's Peak on Sky, but Sky countered. Tara countered back with a roll-up
>> and hooked the tights for the win, which Mickie didn't see. Tara sold being
>> a bit nervous with the win considering Madison's frame of mind. Mickie then
>> entered the picture and dropped Madison with a kick to the head
>> WINNER: Tara at 5:58 to capture the Knockouts Title. Another KO Title match,
>> another title switch for a belt that means very little at this point.
>> They're clearly setting up for Tara vs. Mickie in a WWE special. (*)
>> Backstage: Eric Young was covered in temporary tattoos a/k/a drawings from a
>> five-year-old all over his body. Hemme asked EY about his "weird
>> relationship" with Orlando Jordan. Young surmised that OJ thinks he's his
>> dad and he's going to show him what a father figure looks like. EY then
>> walked in sporting a white lace outfit covering him from head to toe. EY
>> freaked, then OJ told him to get ready for their match.
>> EY had a prop with him on the way to the ring: a TNA Rule Book. They zoomed
>> in on the cover, which looked like something that was printed up at Kinko's
>> down the street before the show. OJ started things off, then EY tagged in
>> and started celebrating with everyone in the match. EY clapped hands with
>> Jordan, but then slingshot him into the ring. Ink, Inc. then hung out Young
>> to dry on the top rope. OJ was positioned behind EY and Ink, Inc. yanked up
>> and down the top rope to get a cheap pop before knocking them to the
>> outside.
>> Back in the ring, Orlando cut off Shannon and made a sensual cover for a two
>> count. EY then picked up then rulebook and began reading it before kicking
>> OJ's hand off the ropes as he was attempting to gain additional leverage. EY
>> then ran across the ring to fire up the crowd on behalf of Ink, Inc. I saw
>> Super Dragon do that spot at a PWG show years ago. Suddenly, Young took the
>> "hot tag" for Moore and cleaned house on his partner, Jordan. EY celebrated,
>> then Moore and Neal hit a combination top rope neckbreaker on Jordan for the
>> pin and the win. EY celebrated with Ink, Inc. and the Rule Book post-match
>> as Jordan came to life in the background. EY then made nice with Jordan to
>> conclude the bit.
>> WINNERS: Ink, Inc. at 6:38. One of those examples where TNA has no idea how
>> to get over a character (EY), so they go for the "silly wrestling shtick" to
>> draw cheap heat because some of the decision-makers don't take the genre
>> seriously. (n/a)
>> Backstage: Jeff Hardy vowed to give someone Twist of Fate and the Swanton
>> Bomb tonight. Short, brief, and effective.
>> Impact Zone: Next up is the X Division Title match. Out first was Douglas
>> Williams sporting new black pants. Very sharp. Two head bobs later, Jay
>> Lethal came out to defend the X Division Title.
>> 4 -- X Division champion JAY LETHAL vs. DOUGLAS WILLIAMS -- X Division Title
>> match
>> Very quick transition from the silly comedy to the unhyped X Division Title
>> match. Lethal hit the Lethal Combination early on, sending Williams rolling
>> to the outside. Back in the ring, Lethal continued to dominate, then hit a
>> springboard moonsault for a two count. Lethal tried to follow with a
>> handspring elbow, but Williams countered with a nice release German Suplex
>> for a two count. Williams continued to work over Lethal before teasing the
>> Rolling Chaos Theory and connecting, but it was only good for a two count.
>> Slow count from ref Hebner, the elder, and Williams argued with Hebner. The
>> crowd chanted, "That was three," which isn't good with the audience is
>> agreeing with the heel. After the debate between Williams and Hebner,
>> Williams tried a top rope huracanrana, but Lethal countered into a sunset
>> flip pin for the win.
>> WINNER: Lethal at 8:16. It was difficult for the crowd to get into this
>> more-serious athletic match after an over-booked KO Title match and
>> superfluous comedy tag match. The finish was an example of a good "sports
>> finish" in pro wrestling that can be parlayed into a re-match with Williams
>> appearing to be cost the match via an MLB umpire dressed as Earl Hebner slow
>> on a three count, but, unfortunately, there likely won't be any follow-up.
>> (**1/4)
>> Post-match: Lethal randomly went into the crowd to celebrate with the crowd.
>> Taz said Lethal was hot-dogging it a bit. Suddenly, Rob E. jumped Lethal in
>> the audience as Cookie annoyingly yelled in the background. The fight
>> spilled over the guardrail to ringside, then into the ring. Rob E. dropped
>> Lethal with a Cutter before standing over him. Cookie presented Rob with the
>> X Division Title before Rob took the mic. Rob called him a disgrace to New
>> Jersey. The crowd chanted "boring" as Rob cut a promo vowing to take the
>> title back to Jersey.
>> Arena: After a video package on the RVD vs. Abyss feud, Abyss made his way
>> to the ring and placed Janice on the announce table. In the ring, Abyss took
>> the mic and said he has prophesized about "their" arrival. He said the date
>> is upon them. It begins with taking out RVD and continues with the "take
>> over" on 10-10-10. RVD's music interrupted as Taz speculated on who "they"
>> is/are. RVD then slowly walked out and kicked Abyss in the head immediately
>> upon rolling into the ring.
>> 5 -- ABYSS vs. ROB VAN DAM -- Monster's Ball match
>> The crowd was hot for RVD as Taz noted this is it for Abyss since he's
>> supposed to be fired after the match. RVD took the early advantage and used
>> a chair to knock Abyss to a seated position in the corner. RVD followed with
>> a surfboard dropkick to the face, with Abyss getting his hands up to absorb
>> the chair blow. On the floor, RVD hit a turnaround splash that took both men
>> to the ground. Back in the ring, Abyss ran over RVD with an elbow to the
>> face. He tried to introduce his barbed wire board, but RVD countered a slam
>> with a bulldog into the wires. Abyss shook and twitched, then RVD tried to
>> follow with Rolling Thunder, but Abyss moved and RVD ate the wires
>> back-first, which helps explain RVD wearing a t-shirt to wrestle here.
>> RVD rolled to the floor to sell and recover while Abyss went looking under
>> the ring for a table. Abyss then cracked a trashcan over RVD's head before
>> rearranging the guardrails. Abyss placed a second barbed wire board across
>> the ring apron and guardrail for use later on in the match, as Abyss rolled
>> RVD back into the ring. RVD then cut off Abyss and knocked him back-first
>> onto a standard issue Home Depot table propped up ringside. RVD then
>> followed with a Rolling Thunder onto Abyss through the table for one of
>> those five-second pops before the audience is disinterested.
>> Back in the ring, RVD hit a spin kick taking a chair into the face. He then
>> wanted a coast-to-coast dropkick, but Abyss came to his feet and threw the
>> chair across the ring into RVD's face to send him flying off the top rope
>> through the barbed wire board below. Some of the ringside fans, who were so
>> concerned with the health of the babyface, chanted, "This is Awesome," as
>> RVD was selling near-death on the board scraps. Back in the ring, Abyss went
>> for a suplex into another barbed wire board, but RVD shoved Abyss off into
>> the board. RVD was instantly recovered and went for another coast-to-coast,
>> this time connecting with the board into Abyss's face. Van Dam then went up
>> top for the Five-Star Frogsplash and paused to do the Rob-Van-Dam
>> thumbs-to-shoulder pose. The pause cost him, as Abyss moved out of the way.
>> On the outside, Abyss rolled to the floor and was instantly recovered
>> calling for Janice. Abyss retrieved his board from the announce table and
>> brought it into the ring, but RVD ducked a Janice shot. RVD then chucked a
>> chair into Abyss's face. He then walked over to Janice and slowly picked it
>> up to bash Abyss in the gut. Abyss started shaking and convulsing before RVD
>> kicked him in the face to drop him to the mat. RVD followed with the Five
>> Star Frogsplash for the pin and the win.
>> WINNER: RVD at 12:58. The babyface gets the victory and the heel gets his
>> comeuppance. They kept the "Foley and Flair" blood and gore and guts to a
>> watchable minimum, but it was still your basic no-sell gimmick stunt match.
>> (**1/2)
>> Post-match: Taz noted that's supposed to be it for Abyss as RVD celebrated
>> in the ring. Taz still wanted to know who "they" is. The problem with TNA's
>> booking of this is that there's more emphasis on the heel revealing a
>> surprise rather than a top babyface, RVD, finally getting his revenge on
>> Abyss, who nearly ended his career and life in the storyline. As RVD left
>> the ring, Abyss leaned into the camera and said, "10-10-10. Get ready, here
>> we come."
>> Video package: They focused on the various conspiracies and indecipherable
>> talk involving the Sting, Nash, and Pope vs. Eric Bischoff feud setting up
>> the handicap match tonight. ... In the arena, Sting, Nash, and Pope came to
>> the ring as Mike Tenay said he's tired of all the talk and conspiracy
>> theories from Sting and Co. Taz said he's hoping for answers tonight.
>> credit:

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