Sunday, October 3, 2010

[TOWWFFC] Hell In A Cell Results - 1/3 Point


OCTOBER 3, 2010

Thanks for joining me tonight for live coverage of WWE's Hell in a Cell PPV.
Will John Cena be forced to join the Nexus or will the Nexus have to disband
forever? Will Undertaker get definitive revenge on Kane or will that feud
end up unresolved or with more fuel added to the fire? Will Daniel Brian,
Miz, and John Morrison steal the show? Stay tuned and hit refresh regularly
for my coverage of what happens and my reaction as the show progresses.

If you watch this event, please send me a review afterward. Include your
name, hometown, a 0-10 rating for the overall event, your picks for the best
match and worst match, and a brief paragraph of thoughts. Send to Thanks!

-A video package aired celebrating the Hell in a Cell format with a
Halloween haunted house voice talking in the first person as if he were the
Hell in a Cell cage.

-As the pyro blasted and the camera panned the crowd, Michael Cole
introduced the show. He called HIAC demonic and inhumane and "the Devil's

1 -- DANIEL BRYAN vs. THE MIZ vs. JOHN MORRISON -- U.S. Title Match -
Submissions Count Anywhere

During Morrison's ring entrance, they showed Jerry Lawler, Cole, and Matt
Striker at ringside. What if the alarming drop in PPV buys lately is because
so few people want to spend three hours of their lives with Striker being
Striker? Cole went into his anti-Bryan bit, saying his dream ends tonight
and he's going home without gold. Miz walked out and said: "This is
ridiculous. I was the mentor of both of you. Neither you would be here if it
weren't for me." He said without either of them, he'd still be a huge star
in WWE "because I have 'it.' I have the star quality." He predicted he'll
walk out as the U.S. Champion. He declared: "I never tap out because I am
the Miz and I'm awesome." Lawler said Cole had goosebumps. Cole said Miz is
fantastic and the future of pro wrestling.

The match began at 8:07 p.m. Miz ran from Morrison. Bryan battled Morrison
in some chain wrestling as Miz observed from ringside. Cole hyped a number
of countries WWE is watched in. It's not bad to push how many countries
they're seen in, but anyone who posts on YouTube tonight might end up being
seen in a few dozen countries by the end of this PPV, too, so it doesn't
mean what it once did. Miz went after Morrison at 3:00. Bryan intervened and
applied Cattle Mutilation on Miz. Cole couldn't believe that's what it was
called. It's a strange name for a move applied by a vegan. Miz reached the
bottom rope to force a break. Bryan threw some round kicks to Miz's chest.
Then he settled into a leglock. Miz screamed in pain and tried to roll free.
They kicked each other in the head with their free leg repeatedly. Morrison
re-entered and gave a corkscrew moonsault to both men, breaking up the hold.
Morrison then applied a leglock on Bryan. Miz broke it up at 5:00.

Miz and Morrison brawled into the crowd. Miz applied an armbar. Morrison
slapped his way free. Miz put Morrison in a modified Dragon Sleeper up
against a guard rail. Bryan broke it up. Miz threw Bryan face-first into the
trash can. He slapped him and then called a spot. Bryan took him down with
an armbar. Morrison joined in and they brawled onto the stage. Morrison
threw Miz behind the stage lighting area. Then he leaped off the hockey
boards with a roundkick. Miz charged at Morrison with an equipment box on
wheels. He threw Bryan onto it and rolled it into the ramp. Morrison leaped
over the box and kicked Miz, then surprised Miz with a leglock submission.
Bryan intervened. Miz gave Morrison the Skull Crushing Finale on the floor
at 10:00.

Miz and Bryan knocked each other down with simultaneous clotheslines.
Morrison then climbed up the stage set and leaped off of it onto Miz and
Bryan as they stood up, landing mostly on Miz. All three were slow to get
up. They replayed the dive from two angles. Morrison got up and applied a
Texas cloverleaf. As Miz seemed on the verge of tapping, Alex Riley
interfered. Bryan jumped Riley and knocked him into the cameraman near by.
Brian applied his Lebell Lock on the stage. Miz yelled for about five
seconds and then tapped out. Because Brian made Miz tap out again, Cole
conceded: "I admit it, Daniel Bryan is the real deal. I still think he's a

WINNER: Bryan to retain the U.S. Title in 14:00.

STAR RATING: ***1/2 -- Very good opener. Good mix of innovative submissions
along with some big highspots and a satisfying finish.

-A commercial aired for John Cena's "Legendary" movie now out on DVD with
bonus material.

-The announcers hyped the Randy Orton vs. Sheamus match.

2 -- RANDY ORTON vs. SHEAMUS -- WWE Title Match

When was the last time the WWE Title was defended on the second match on a
show (perhaps not counting the Royal Rumble PPVs)? Sheamus came out first.
Orton got a nice pop when his music played. Orton smiled with his eyes as he
stared at Sheamus inside the Cell. During ring intros, Orton and Sheamus
stared each other down about two feet from one another. The crowd chanted
"RKO! RKO!" as the bell rang to start the match at 8:33 p.m. Cole said this
match is so dangerous, there have only been 20 of them. I bet there have
been fewer lingerie matches in WWE, so does that make a lingerie match even
more dangerous?

Cole noted that Orton said he'll do anything, regardless of honor, to win
this match, and that makes him especially dangerous in a Cell. At 1:00 Orton
clotheslined Sheamus over the top rope to the floor. Sheamus threw Orton
into the Cell wall, then entered the ring. At 4:00 they returned to ringside
where Sheamus reverse whipped Orton into the cage and then clotheslined him.
He picked up the ringside steps and threw them toward Orton, but Orton
ducked out of the way. He then picked up Sheamus and rammed him into the
wall of the cage twice. Striker said it'll be interesting how Sheamus feels
after getting his first taste of the Cell. Orton picked up the ringside
steps and hit Sheamus in the head with them. This is where WWE loses a lot
of fans because they want to see blood in these situations. Sheamus reversed
an Orton suplex attempt and then knocked him off the ring apron into the
cage at 6:00.

Sheamus went on methodical offense against Orton. He removed a turnbuckle
pad, but Orton blocked Sheamus's attempt to ram his head into the exposed
turnbuckle. At 10:00 Sheamus remained in control inside the ring, mixing
stomps and mat holds. Orton made a comeback at 11:00 and knocked Sheamus
into the corner without the turnbuckle pad. Both were slow to get up. They
exchanged punches in center-ring. Orton slipped out of Sheamus's arms and
hit two clotheslines and a snap powerslam and a belly-to-belly for a two
count. Orton was selling a lingering rib injury. Sheamus went for a one-arm
slam, but Orton elbowed free and then set up for the RKO. Sheamus blocked it
and then sent Orton into the ropes and hit him with a knee to his injured
ribs on the rebound.

Sheamus brought the base of the ringside steps into the ring. Orton escaped
a slam attempt and then powerslammed Sheamus onto it. Orton snapped
Sheamus's neck over the top rope and then dragged him off the ring apron
with a DDT onto the floor. Orton continued to sell his ribs. Sheamus got up
and shoved Orton into the ringpost. Back in the ring, Sheamus climbed onto
the steps with Orton in hand. He gave him a backbreaker. The announcers had
to explain how that hurt more because there was no give underneath Sheamus's
feet upon impact unlike on the mat. Sheamus then gave Orton his thrust kick
tot he jaw for a believable near fall at 18:00. Orton's kickout got a nice
pop from the crowd.

Sheamus grabbed a chair at ringside. He bashed Orton across the back and hip
with it several times, then made another cover for a two count. Sheamus grew
frustrated. Sheamus wildly swung a chair at Orton, but Orton ducked and he
hit a sudden RKO. Sheamus rolled out of the ring. Orton was disappointed he
couldn't make the cover. He followed Sheamus to the floor. Orton rolled to
the floor and set up a punt kick. Sheamus, though, avoided the kick and then
countered immediately with a thrust kick to Orton's face.

Sheamus rolled Orton into the ring and made the cover. Orton kicked out
right before three at 21:00. Sheamus pounded the mat in frustration. He got
up, played to the crowd, and moved the ring step base to center-ring again.
Sheamus set up his High Cross, but Orton countered by sweeping Sheamus's
legs. Some fans chanted "RKO! RKO!" Orton delivered with an RKO on the
steps. He covered Sheamus and scored the three count.

Orton held the title belt in the air afterward and let a little half smile
escape. He wrapped the title belt around his waist and then climbed the
cage. He walked on top of the roof and held his belt in the air.

WINNER: Orton in 23:00.

STAR RATING: **** -- Very good title match. Not a match of the year
contender (some bleeding would have helped in that regard), but nothing to
complain about. Two pros putting on a good match.

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