Tuesday, February 1, 2011



Huh? Chavo is irrelavent now because he is older and the creative team chooses
to make him irrelavent, but chavo was one of the top crusier weights of his
day...ummm Chavo and Eddie???...and the crowd reacts to chavo that way because
he is being pitched as a jobber and  a nobody.......they make him loose to
Hornswaggle..and now he is dressing up as the eagle for Swagger...but ...if they
wanted to , they could make chavo win a belt and the crowd would eat it
up....... i mean...they are giving lawler a push!!!

They control the rise and fall of each and every star..there was a storyline if
you remember where, i think Eddie, or one of the main eventers went on amajor
losing streak, and I know the guy was a main eventer!  

And the crowd didnt reject chavo..he wasnt liked because as a heel you are
expected to be booed...plus.the creative team simply decided to do something
else.......storylines do end ya know

So you want a push for the young guys and for the sake of the future of the
WWE......... Kofi is young............and he has been on this roster longer than
Del Rio................ kofi must not be the future..........kaval.........for
sure wont  be the future......evan bourne must not be the future........... all
of them on the roster longer than Del Rio ................all loved by the
crowd...........so the crowd would hate to see Kofi get a push, or the crowd
would have been against givng Kaval  the push he deserved...come on man!!..he
won NXT!  You dont have to decide between EITHER or OR!

These kids are also part of the future  of WWE.....but if you keep denying them
the chance...........you will continue to lose talent.................

So WWE is planning for the future by hiring Nash and Booker?.......... If you
dont give the fans something worth watching today...there is no future......they
care more about the here and now.......they can always sign young
talent.......werent they trying to get Goldberg and the Rock  to come back for
Wrestlemania...........the stage perhaps for a young star to make it and
catapulte his career.............. So you are cool about Miz and Del Rio
headlining Wrestlemania..........??

Who are the main eventers on wwe and tna..... lets throw some names out
..........  no one under 30 in that group..................but all headliners
being used in main storylines!!

Here is the thing...i will repeat it....i spent several hours reading hundreds
of blogs online during the RR. You are in the minority...because the majority of
the fans think it was too soon of a push for Del Rio and it could have been a
great opportunity to help another up and comer break through the glass

From: Jason Satterfield <sinnerotheflesh@gmail.com>
To: TheOriginalWWFFanClub@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tue, February 1, 2011 2:29:04 PM

On Tue, Feb 1, 2011 at 10:15 AM, Davian Castanet
<dcastanet_jw@rocketmail.com> wrote:
> Change?.........WWE gives the push to the same circle of people, and when they
> have a chance to give it to some of the guys in the back who have paid thier
> dues, they give it to the new green hornet............

It's not about "paying dues". You HAVE to build on the future, not the
past. If these guys sitting around had the right factors or management
saw it in them, they would have been pushed already. For instance
there have been several attempts to push Chavo Guerrero higher over
the years, but it doesn't catch on. But he has been Tag Team,
Cruiserweight, and ECW champion. He won't be winning the Rumble now
over talent that is actually over.

> Once again, we dont mind change..............butis this the kind of change you
> want....what message are you giving the locker room

Be over.

> Effect: Kaval- GONE, Mickey James- GONE, Shelton Benjamin- GONE, Batista-
> MVP- GONE, Matt Hardy- GONE ( Matt, i dont mind as much but still...)

First you said dozens. You haven't named one dozen Mickey James and
Shelton Benjamin who were fired. Batista was in the main event until
he quit. He JUST lost the title.

Not one wrestler said "I was being passed by for younger talent" when
leaving. (who knows what Matt Hardy was saying)

This isn't a regular job where your passed by for promotions.
Promotions that passed by the young talent and focused on the veterans
ultimately fail.(*cough* WCW *cough).

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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