In its tenth stop, officials behind NOM's Summer for Marriage Tour 2010 walled off hundreds of demonstrators from their rally. One head count put NOM supporters at about 54 and counter protesters at 466.

This after NOM supporters were outnumbered Monday in Indianapolis, Indiana 3 to 1. Other stops have been equally sparse, some with as few as 20 supporters.

The mood turned somber in Indianapolis when a sign calling for violence against gay men and lesbians was spotted in the crowd.

The sign featured two nooses along with the caption "The Solution To Gay Marriage" in red.  It was signed by Larry Adams of the Cross Bearer Ministry in Indianapolis.

"The Bible says the last days men's minds will get confused,"  Adams said in an interview posted on the website Bilerico.  "I'm trying to tell them the right thing out here because I care for them and I don't want 'em to go to hell."

When asked whether he believed being gay was a choice, Adams responded that the devil had tempted him in the past.

"I was once confused myself until I was about 40 years old," he said. "And I started reading the Bible, somebody told me about reading the Bible and I started reading it. And now I know what's right and what's wrong."

Evan Wolfson, executive director of Freedom to Marry, called on NOM officials to repudiate Adams.

"NOM's Summer for Marriage anti-gay bus tour has devolved from a media gimmick to a display of prejudice and incitement to violence," Wolfson said.

"All Americans are harmed by the divisiveness, prejudice and violence that NOM's actions invite," he added.

Equality Indiana President John Keep told On Top Magazine that his group, along with Stonewall Democrats, Freedom to Mary, and Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG), was protesting the rally by showing the film "Out In Silence" at a local church.

In Madison, Brian Brown, the group's president, rejoined the bus tour after skipping three rallies.

Bishop Robert C. Morlino of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Madison, told the crowd that "gay bashers and gay bashings have no place among us," a possible reference to Monday's anti-gay sign.

In her remarks, Julianne Appling of the Wisconsin Family Action attempted to discredit the large counter protest by saying: "Thank you all for coming. [We hoped for a larger turnout] but our people actually have jobs."

The bus tour, which includes stops in 23 cities, is expected to end with a Washington D.C. rally on August 15.

The bus rolls into Saint Paul, Minnesota on Wednesday.