Friday, July 30, 2010

Re: [Peckers_Pics] TARGET Corporation Supporting Anti Gay Canidate

I don't Target gave the donation as a way of pissing off our community. They did
it because Republicans look out for big companies, where as the demarcates look
out for the little guy, like us. Now you can sit here and complain about Target
and the butt hole republican or you can do something about it. Flood this guy
with all sorts of gay literature and stuff about equal rights and all that or
you can stay pissed off at Target, after all Target is only looking out for
their bottom line.


Moderator: Target's CEO is a Teabagging jerk! Articles point to this. When Gays and democrat's boycotted Whole Foods because of their CEO's anti-health care stance, they quickly got rid of their CEO. Now we need to do the same against Target and Best Buy. To me, the case is clear. We have the right to spend our hard erned bucks on companies that support our cause. If they dish out money to the opposition, than they are attempting to hurt us. Period! You boycott the company and you will see them turn full circle. If You debate and drag out the issue not to boycott them, you render us ineffective. Think of every gay person fired by the military during a time of war! Think about every gay teen suicide! Think about gays who are refused the right to marry! Think of gays who are victim of a hate crime! Think of gays who are fired from their jobs? Thhink of gays that are not allowed to adopt children! Think of Gays that are denied the right of fair housing!
Democratics not corporate fiendly? BS!!!! Obama saved us from a great depression. A company should be on their knees and thanking our president. The FOX NEWS BS is dragging down our nation and Target made a strategic move that will change their direction. We need to rebel and quick! ....Jake

From: Steam Heat <>
Sent: Fri, July 30, 2010 11:15:57 AM
Subject: RE: [Peckers_Pics] TARGET Corporation Supporting Anti Gay Canidate

I agree completely with William. Target is still a great corporation and a pride
of MN and Minneapolis.I can't imagine supporting WalMart over Target, but that's
an individual choice.
Why not go after the really terrible companies - the ones that don't make the
HRC list at all.

Moderator: This is a story; whereas i am reading both sides of what people
think. I respect both sides. However,  Target donated their money to a
vehemently anti-gay polician who has a history of dishing hateful gay rhetoric.
If we do not teach Target a lesson, than Target will do it again. Remember, you
have to look at the big picture.  The US Supreme Court stated companies can now
spend as much as they want on a election.  If i buy a 10.00 T shirt, and 25
cents of it is donated to someone who hates me (gay people), than i should not
buy thewir T-shirt.  I do not shop walmart and guess what?  I do not need to
shop Target. Target has not apologized for its donation.  Now, if Target gave a
donation to a member of the KKK - EVERYONE WOULD BE ANGRY!  wELL, SENDING MONEY
WANT ME DEAD.  And, how do you know that Target is not edging towards a  new
policy of so-called ring-wing conservatism to compete with Walmart?  I am
shocked that some in the LGBT community would defend this contribution.  If You
Boycott them - their revenue goes down. You call stockbrokers and tell them to
sell your shares of Target. You tell your family, friends, etc.  Boycott Target
until they correct the policy.  If you boycott ehm, they will change their
tune.  Dont send my community bucks and than send bucks to the  community who
wants me dead! They cant have it both ways.  My God, there are countless
hate-crimes and gay suicides daily.  We are attempting to overturn DADT and
DOMA.  What Target did was deliberate and they are making fools of us. 

Date: Thu, 29 Jul 2010 21:27:51 -0500
Subject: Re: [Peckers_Pics] TARGET Corporation Supporting Anti Gay Canidate



With Jake's permission, I'd like to add a comment about this whole Target
matter.  I live in Minneapolis, and can see the Target headquarters outside
my living room window (does that make me the Minneapolis Sarah Palin?).  I
don't work there, but have shopped there for years, and will continue to do
so despite this brouhaha  Here's why: Target's support of the gay
community hasn't wavered one iota.

The ad in question deals entirely with local/state matters regarding jobs
and taxes.  (Minnesota has some of the highest personal and corporate tax
rates in the US.)  It says nothing about GLBT issues at all.  The fact
that Target Corporation wants to have a governor elected who will cut corporate
taxes and make it easier for them to hire the employees they need to function
shouldn't be a surprise to anyone.  EVERY corporation in America does the
same thing.  Read any major corporate annual report and you'll see detailed
contributions to political action committees that advocate the same issues in
every state.  If we boycott every company in America for things like this,
where are we going to buy groceries and toilet paper and computers?

Dayton/Hudson Corporation, which became Target Corporation has always
been a leader in supporting their GLBT employees, the local GLBT Community, and
national GLBT groups and issues.  If I remember correctly, they have a 100%
rating with HRC!  They have been consistent in their support of the local
gay community, and are one of the largest, most vocal supporters, both as a
corporation and as employees, of Twin Cities GLBT matters.

While I'm disappointed they chose to contribute to an independent political
action committee that is supporting a candidate who, in addition to the tax
position they support, advocates anti-gay positions which run counter to
their corporate mission, I can't fault them for exercising their constitutional
right to do so.  I believe the chairman of Target sent a letter to all of
their employees confirming the continued corporate support for GBLT issues that
matter.  Given all the publicity their support of the independent political
action committee has generated, does anyone honestly believe Target corporation
could take even the tiniest step backward in that position without the
entire pink sky falling on their heads?  Girl, please!

Boycott, if that makes you feel better.  Go shop at WalMart and
contribute to their support of third-world companies employing children to
sew their soccer balls and gym shoes.  Does that make you feel

There are an awful lot of really important issues facing the US today, not
least of which involve the evolving status of gay and lesbian citizens and the
exercise of their full constitutional rights.  Certainly our anger and
wrath could be better aimed at issues that matter, and will make a

For the record, I intend to support one of the DFL (Democratic) candidates
for governor in the Primary election in a couple of weeks, and the general
election in November.

My two cents.  Thanks Jake, love the group!


  ----- Original Message -----
  From: patrick ferguson
  Sent: Thursday, July 29, 2010 4:16
  Subject: [Peckers_Pics] TARGET
  Corporation Supporting Anti Gay Canidate
  I myself just placed a call to TARGET Corporation, and expressed
  shock of this political support. I also informed them that I would
  longer patronize their company, stores, or internet sites.  I was
that the information regarding my call would be passed on
Target CEO, Gregg Steinhafel and to senior staff

When calling, I asked to speak with
  Gregg or his assistant.


  Target CorporationTarget
  1000 Nicollet MallMinneapolis, MN 55403-2542
  (612) 304-6073

Date: Thu, 29 Jul 2010 20:32:56
Subject: [Peckers_Pics] Model Wars; July 30, 2010 - Safe PICS For All
  Ages, Rated G

  Model Wars;
  July 30, 2010
Safe PICS For All
  Ages, Rated  G
    Members of Peckers Pics should join our
    President Barack Obama group .  (Health Care & Gay Rights,
    Gay Marriage, Repeal DOMA &, Don't Ask Don't
    Daily Wrestling Pics  @
    Daily Bearhug Hold PIC Group @
    HeadLock HeadScissor @
    Heath Ledger
    group @
    Bearhug Submission  - Roommates (Wrestling fiction)
    (Your Yahoo Profile must have Age, Gender, Location
    before you apply for membership!).
  Take Action:


    Boycott advertisers of Glenn Beck on Fox News as
    well as all of FOX NEWS!  Glenn has lied about Health-care, called our
    President a racist, and is anti-gay rights.
    We demand immediate
    end of DADT. It is out-right discrimination.
    Boycott Bill O'Reilly and FOX News and their
    advertisers.  Bill discussed a French commerical by McDonalds that was
    meant to show that McDonalds is Gay Friendly. Bill said what is next? Is
    McDonalds going to get be Al-Qaida friendly as well?  Further, Bill
    said that McDonalds would never show a gay friendly commercial in the
    USA.  Imagine,  Bill is comparing Gays
    to Al-Qaida.
    Arizona because of their uncivilized anti-Immigration Law
    that encourages racial profiling and increases hatred towards
    minorities.  A remedy: Demand Republicans to  support Immigration
    NEW: Boycott Target
    and Best Buy for donating money towards anti-gay polical
  Diet & Fitness:
    Did you complete your Diet Journal
    today?  Get it done!
    Did you do any physical activity? 
    If not, make a point of it by
    It is our hope that these photos shall inspire
    Health/Excercise Tip:
      Energy Zapper:
      Not exercising
Too tired to work out? Whatever you do, don't skip it.
      Exercise will put spring back in your step.

People who regularly
      complained of fatigue increased energy levels by 20% with regular,
      low-intensity exercise, according to a 2008 University of Georgia study.

You don't have to run marathons either. The study found that those
      who did low-intensity exercises, such as walking, cut fatigue levels more
      than those who ran or did high-impact aerobics.

      Exercise every day, even for as little as 10 minutes.

If you're in
      a time crunch, just "take a walk around the hallway," Cheung says.

If possible, work out first thing in the morning, Fischer says.
      "It can be as stimulating as an espresso [for] waking you up."

      you're drooping after lunch, take a 10- to 20-minute walk. Even just
      standing up while working instead of sitting in front of a computer helps
      loosen the
  And Now, Model
    This group is called "Peckers
    PICS."  The English -  slang definition of "pecker" is to pluck at
    the truth. Therefore, we peck at items such as Gay Men's Health
    and Male Fitness, Gay (LGBT) Politics & Issues.  In this
    section you may peck at each photo in order to decide the winner of the
    "war of the fittest!"  Whereas, who is the model that may inspire you
    to exercise and "get fit?"  Warning: This may stoke
    Remember your participation in discussion of health and news
    articles in this message is greatly
  [CLICK ME For Larger
  For Larger PIC]
  For Larger PIC]
  For Larger PIC]
  For Larger PIC]
  For Larger PIC]
  For Larger PIC]
  For Larger PIC]
  For Larger PIC]
  ME For Larger PIC]
  [CLICK ME For Larger
  For Larger PIC]
  For Larger PIC]
    Ohio - Gay Pride; June 19,
    Columbus, Ohio - Gay Pride; June 19,
  Mom's One Person Protest of Target
    Randi Reitan- Mother, Gay Rights
    Activist;  July 29, 2010; Huffington Post
    Two days ago I shopped at Target for
    the last time. All the items I bought, I returned in protest of Target's
    $150,000 support of Tom Emmer, the anti-gay Republican candidate for
    governor in Minnesota. As a mom, I had to do this one person protest. My
    youngest son is gay, and I love him more than anything I could ever buy at
    Target. Video of my final shopping trip to Target was posted on YouTube and
    you can watch it here:
    When I first learned that Target had
    donated $150,000 to support Tom Emmer, I was shocked. Anger quickly followed

    and I knew I had to speak out. Thankfully, there are many others who are
    speaking out with me. News of Target's support of Emmer has gripped the
    progressive community across the nation.
    I had felt good about shopping at
    Target before this news. Target always had a strong presence at PRIDE and a
    100% rating with the Human Rights Campaign. It is important to me to support

    businesses that affirm their gay employees.
I called Target headquarters to ask
    them how they could give Emmer $150,000 when they have prided themselves as
    a company that embraces diversity. I told them they can't say they support
    the gay community in their workplace and then financially back a candidate
    who will do all he can to deny their gay employees their civil
Minnesota is at a unique time right now. We are in the
    midst of our primary. On August 12th, we will pick the Democrat candidate
    for governor. There are three good people in that race and each one of them
    strongly supports marriage equality. We have marriage equality within our
    reach if anyone of them wins in November.
On the other side, the Republicans
    have already united behind Tom Emmer. He is known for his anti-gay stands as

    a state legislator. He has consistently supported a constitutional marriage
    amendment that defines marriage as one man, one woman. He has also supported

    the Christian rock group, You Can Run But You Can Not Hide, that shares
    anti-gay messages on the radio. Emmer as governor would be a nightmare for
    anyone who longs to see the day of equality.
Target CEO, Gregg Steinhafel,
    personally supports Minnesota candidates like Michele Bachmann. That does
    not surprise me and I realize that is his personal money. However, when
    Target as a corporation writes the check, that crosses the line. Then money
    spent at Target is quite literally money being spent to elect Tom Emmer as
    Minnesota's next governor. For LGBT people and those who love them, this is
    not acceptable. We must speak up and we must boycott, or Target's $150,000
    will just be the tip of the iceberg since corporations are now free to give
    political donations.
I encourage you, please speak out with me. Call Target
    headquarters and ask to speak to their executives or stop by your local
    Target and talk with the store manager in person. Let them know you can't
    shop at a store that financially supports anti-gay candidates. The gay
    community and its allies must draw a line in the sand here or equality
    remains just a dream.

    "Every gay and lesbian person
    who has been lucky enough to survive the turmoil of growing up
    is a survivor. Survivors always have
    an obligation to those who will face the same







All members of "Peckers PICS" are requested to join our "Obama Biden 2008" group
as it runs in conjunction to this group.  Both groups shall not repeat articles
from one group to another.  However, to gain full knowledge of Gay rights,
members must belong to the Obama group as well as this group.  Therefore, please
accept your invitation to join. 

To join the Obama group please click (or copy and paste the link into your
browser) @

Thank you!

"Every gay and lesbian person who has been lucky enough to survive the turmoil
of growing up is a survivor. Survivors always have an obligation to those who
will face the same challenges."

...Jake (Moderator)

Yahoo! Groups Links


All members of "Peckers PICS" are requested to join our "Obama Biden 2008" group as it runs in conjunction to this group. Both groups shall not repeat articles from one group to another. However, to gain full knowledge of Gay rights, members must belong to the Obama group as well as this group. Therefore, please accept your invitation to join.

To join the Obama group please click (or copy and paste the link into your browser) @

Thank you!

�Every gay and lesbian person who has been lucky enough to survive the turmoil of growing up is a survivor. Survivors always have an obligation to those who will face the same challenges.�

...Jake (Moderator)

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