Wednesday, July 28, 2010

[TOWWFFC] Impact Spoilers for 7/29 and 8/5


TNA Impact Taping Results (7/29) *Spoilers*
Written by Richard Gray on Jul 26, 2010 - 6:10:21 PM

TNA Wrestling taped this week's edition of Impact tonight from Universal
Studios in Orlando, Florida. Thanks to Wrestling News World Orlando
correspondent Tim Capture for providing us with text-message updates. Below
are full results:

* Prior to the start of the tapings, Dixie Carter was going up and down the
rows greeting fans and shaking hands. Our correspondent got in a firm
handshake and hello.

Dark Match:

* Xavier vs. Douglas Williams in a TNA tryout bout for Xavier. Winner via
Chaos Theory, Douglas Williams.


* Hernandez & Rob Terry vs. Desmond Wolfe w/Chelsea & Brutus Magnus. Winner
via backslide from Desmond to Hernandez with Magnus holding his feet from
the outside, Desmond Wolfe & Magnus.

* Generation Me vs. Ink Inc. Winner via neckbreaker/Samoan drop combo, Ink

* It was announced for parents to watch their kids and for no one to jump
the rails. This was because of the incident earlier this month.

TNA Impact (Airing Thursday on Spike TV):

* The ECW crew comes out with a video showing their name as E V 2.0. Tommy
Dreamer says he's been here eight weeks and this is the loudest he's heard
the Impact Zone. He says due to some legal complications with the alphabet,
they came up with E V 2.0. He chants it a few times and it seems catchy. He
thanks Devon for joining them and asks what's going on. Devon says he
doesn't know and Ray is letting dumb family stuff get in the way of this. He
calls Ray down to discuss it. Devon tells him to put all their problems
aside because these guys are our family. This is who we started out with and
had or backs since day one. He asks if he's in or out. Dreamer says tells
him to put it aside and join up. This is like his favorite band KISS putting
the band back together. Mick Foley says no matter what they're going to put
on a hell of a show. At the end of Ray's career if he doesn't do this he'll
always regret it. The crowd chants "one more time". Taz gets on the mic and
tells Ray to just do it. Ray gets in the ring and takes the mic. He asks
Devon to answer one question: are we going to light somebody on fire? The
crowd chants E V 2.0. Ray says why not, sounds like a lot of fun. Hulk
Hogan's music hits. Hogan comes to the ring. He says he feels safe now that
Team 3D made up. He thanks them for doing this and for doing it in TNA. He
just wishes he knew in advance and would have some surprises of his own. He
says these guys bring hardcore to a whole new level. Dixie told him these
guys were to the 90's what he was to the 80's. He said he has a surprise for
them. Abyss' music hits and he says he hates to interrupt but they are not
happy. They are down right pissed off. This was never supposed to happen and
they hold one person responsible for this and it's Dixie Carter. Hogan tells
Abyss he doesn't care what he says. Dreamer is a guest of theirs here. Abyss
says they have given him strict orders to take out Dreamer tonight and stop
Hardcore Justice. Hogan says Abyss doesn't call the shots and Dreamer
doesn't have to do anything. Dreamer says he'd actually love to fight Abyss
and he'd love to fight him tonight. Abyss says tonight he's going to kick
Dreamer's a--.

* Sarita vs. Angelina Love. Winner via Botox Injection, Angelina Love.

* Backstage Eric Young is talking to himself and joking around. Orlando
Jordan starts yelling at him to be serious because they have a match
tonight. Young acts crazy, Jordan yells at him again, Young says he has a
plan and has backup coming tonight.

* Ink Inc. vs. Orlando Jordan & Eric Young. It looks like Eric Young's
backup is one of Orlando Jordan's mannequins. He's tied it to the tag rope.
Eric Young threw the mannequin in the ring but hit no one. This lead to Ink
Inc hitting their finisher on Jordan and getting the pin.

* Backstage Christy Hemme is interviewing Dreamer. She says he must not have
expected this tonight. Dreamer says he doesn't have a contract with TNA and
wrestling is what he does. So tonight, he's going to show his passion and
innovate some violence on Abyss. Dreamer vs. Abyss in a hardcore match is
announced for later tonight.

* Ric Flair comes out with AJ Styles, Kaz and Beer Money. He asks if you
smell that? It's called excitement in the air. Lethal, wherever you are, we
already know Flair is a wrestling god but he's also a wrestling genius. He
had a rematch clause and next week it's Flair vs. Lethal in a street fight.
Now let's discuss Fortune and its newest members, Beer Money. They're the
real enforcers of TNA. Storm says he knew they would join Fortune and soon
enough become four time world tag team champions. Tonight they have the
Motor City Machine Guns in a steel cage match and will show their dominance.
Now onto the new Global champion. Kaz interrupts to say they're not a group
of rookies, they're a group of highly trained elite athletes looking to take
over. AJ says he couldn't have said it any any better. AJ says it doesn't
matter what country he would go to with the title, Fortune is what is making
people watch the show so this is not a Global title, it is a TV title and
he'll honor it as much every week. He'll do so first by defending this TV
title against Rob Terry. Flair says it's time to go celebrate with some
women. Before they can leave, Kurt Angle comes out and says just like AJ has
to honor the belt, he has to honor his commitment to climb the rankings and
AJ is next. It's real, d--- real.

* They're building the cage now.

* Steel Cage Match: Beer Money, Inc. vs. The Motor City Machine Guns. Match
3 in the best of 5 series. Robert Roode got bloody early on. Sabin did a
dive off the top of the cage onto Beer Money. Winner via neckbreaker/frog
splash combo onto James Storm, The Motor City Machine Guns.

* Mr. Anderson's music hits but Matt Morgan comes out instead. He does the
pose for the mic but it doesn't drop and he gets angry and yells to the sky.
He does it again and it slowly drops. He does the normal Anderson intro but
does it with his own info and ends it with Matt Morgan.....Morgan. The music
hits again and Mr. Anderson comes out this time. He gets the mic dropped at
the top of the ramp and shows Morgan how easy it is. He does it a couple of
times and doesn't know what Morgan's problem is. He goes to the ring and
gets in Morgan's face. Morgan asks him if he finds it odd that this very mic
is what left him bloody? Morgan is shocked the resident loudmouth of TNA is
silent. He sees what's going on. Anderson wants to hit. Morgan says he'll
let him do it. He'll bend over and give him a free shot right now. Instead,
Anderson gives a nut shot. As Anderson gloats over him, Morgan applies the
claw and takes Anderson down. He chokes him with the mic cord until Jeff
Hardy makes the save. Hardy and Anderson beat on Morgan until the two
security wrestler guys run in and start tossing Hardy and Anderson around.
Al Snow, D-Lo Brown and Simon Diamond run out to stop them and yell at them.
The two guys were the ones who got the dark match at the last tapings, Phil
Shatter and Johnny Clawmarks.

* Backstage Hemme asks Anderson and Hardy what happened. Anderson says he
knows who they are. They've been training for ten years and had to settle
for security. Now they decided to try and get some attention. Well congrats
boys, you got their attention and now it's Hardy and Anderson versus the
security guys.

* Kazarian w/AJ Styles vs. Rob Terry. Terry wins in under a minute with a
one handed spinebuster.

* Murphy Gunner, Phil Shatter & Matt Morgan vs. Jeff Hardy & Mr. Anderson.
Winner after a Mic Check and Swanton Bomb on Gunner, Jeff Hardy & Mr.
Anderson. Terrible match, I'm told Gunner has no business working on TV.

* Eric Bischoff is out with a major announcement. EB is accompanied by Miss
Tessmacher. August 12th, 9 PM you'll see something special. He said they
wanted to give PPV quality matches on TV. Abyss interrupts and said he just
got done talking to them and was told to make the main event for that night.
It involves him, a fifteen foot ladder, RVD and his girl Janice. He'll have
Janice hung over the ring and he'll tear the flesh off RVD's a--. Abyss
tells EB he can make this happen so MAKE IT HAPPEN! Bischoff agrees to it.
Abyss says EB is OK by him but Janice doesn't didn't forget what he did last
week. Before Abyss can attack him, RVD runs out and beats up Abyss. Abyss
takes back over but before he can use Janice on RVD, Al Snow, Simon Diamond
and D-Lo Brown come out with chairs to back him off. Tommy Dreamer comes out
and this leads to...

* Hardcore match: Tommy Dreamer vs. Abyss. Winner after a chokeslam onto a
barbwire board, Abyss. After the match, Abyss grabs Janice to attack Dreamer
but Raven runs down with a chair. It ends up bring a swerve and Raven DDTs
Dreamer. The rest of the EV2.0 guys run down and attack Abyss and yell at
Raven to end the show.

TNA Impact Taping Results (8/05) *Spoilers*
Written by Richard Gray on Jul 27, 2010 - 8:56:31 PM

TNA Wrestling taped next week's edition of Impact tonight from Universal
Studios in Orlando, Florida. Thanks to Wrestling News World Orlando
correspondent Tim Capture for providing us with text-message updates. Below
are full results:

Dark matches:

* Bobby Fish vs. Rob Eckos. Winner via springboard moonsault off the top
turnbuckle, Bobby Fish.

* Okada vs. Jeremy Buck. Winner via 450 splash, Jeremy Buck.

TNA Impact (Airing next Thursday on Spike TV):

* Tommy Dreamer comes to the ring. He calls Raven out immediately. Raven
stays at the entrance. Dreamer asks him why he did it. He knew what this
meant to him. Dreamer says they were best of friends and worst of enemies.
Raven asks him if he thought he'd ever forgive Dreamer for stealing his
girl? Dreamer's kids should have been his kids. They shouldn't be calling
him Uncle Scotty, they should be calling him Daddy, just like his wife will.
Dreamer attacks Raven. Abyss comes and attacks Dreamer. RVD comes out with a
chair and attacks Abyss. Raven DDTs Dreamer on the stage. Mick Foley comes
out and hits Raven with a barbwire bat and says at Hardcore Justice there
will be a winner as he will be the special guest referee, quote the Foley,

* The Beautiful People of Lacey Von Erich & Velvet Sky vs. Taylor Wilde &
Hamada. During the match the Masked Rider came out and Madison Rayne came
out on the ramp. The Masked Rider gave Lacey a chair while the referee was
knocked out but Taylor dropkicked it into Lacey and got the win. Winners and
new Knockouts Tag Team Champions, Taylor Wilde & Hamada. That match was
absolutely horrible and will have to be edited heavily. Lacey had no idea
what she was doing.

* Rob Terry vs. AJ Styles w/Kazarian. I have to assume it's for the title
since AJ said he's defending it on every show. Hebner just held the belt up
so it's for the title. Winner via springboard 450 splash, AJ Styles

* Match 4 of the best of 5: Ultimate X Match - Beer Money, Inc. vs. The
Motor City Machine Guns. Before the match happened and Ultimate X was being
set up, Velvet Sky and Madison Rayne were shown fighting backstage as
security breaks it up. Winners: Motor City Machine Guns. Super awesome match
that will be a match of the year candidate.

* Huge announcement is teased up next. Hulk Hogan, Eric Bischoff and Miss
Tessmacher come out. Beer Money vs. The Motor City Machine Guns is next week
on the special Impact, Kurt Angle vs. AJ Styles, Jeff Hardy vs. whoever
accepts his challenge. Nash's music hits and he comes out and asks why his
name wasn't mentioned. Hogan tells him it's time for guys like him and Nash
to step back and let the young guys take over and have their shot. Hogan
says no more politics and no more smoke and mirrors. Nash asks Hogan if he's
kidding. He says Hogan is the king of politics. Bischoff screams at Nash
that there's no more room for cliques and politics. Nash asks him if he ever
met someone he knew was the wrong guy to mess with? He says he's that guy
and then shoves Bischoff over. Hogan gets some shots on Nash but Nash gives
him a low blow. Nash teases a powerbomb on a chair but Jeff Jarrett breaks
it up. Jarrett gets in some punches of his own and gets ready to deliver a
chair shot but Sting comes out in red face paint and hits Jarrett's chair
with his bat, taking out Jarrett. Nash during this time gave Hogan the
weakest chair shot ever. Sting then gives Nash the bat but everybody was
laid out so he didn't use it. Sting and Nash leave together and medics come
out to check on Hogan.

* There other matches announced for the special Impact but I couldn't hear
it. There was one involvng Abyss with Bischoff as special guest referee.

* Orlando Jordan vs. D'Angelo Dinero. During the match, Eric Young runs out
to get as much of the Dinero dollars as he can. This distracts Jordan and
let's Pope take over and hit a new move where he jumps to the top rope and
drops down to hit a edgeocution and win the match. Afterwards, Matt Morgan
runs out and hits a Carbon Footprint on Dinero. Mr. Anderson runs out for
the save. The security tag team comes out and mocks Anderson and makes him

* Backstage, Christy Hemme interviews Ric Flair and asks if he can beat
Lethal this time around. Flair does his usual Flair awesome interview about
his clothes and how he's a wrestling god and WOOOOOOOOO I'M THE NATCHA BOY!

* Street fight: Jay Lethal vs. Ric Flair. Lethal wrestles in jeans and an
under shirt, Flair wrestles in his suit. Douglas Williams comes out to
ringside during the match. Winner due to help from Williams, Ric Flair.
Flair got stripped almost naked and bled a ton. Lots of weapon shots.
Flair's body is so broken down it's hard to watch.

* Impact main event: Abyss & Raven vs. Tommy Dreamer & Rob Van Dam. Winner
after a 5 Star Frog Splash to Raven, RVD & Tommy Dreamer. Abyss attacks RVD
and Dreamer after the match. He chokeslams RVD and Dreamer. Stevie Richards
runs out for the save but is taken out. Rhino tries and gets the same. Team
3D comes out but Raven takes them out with a chair. The lights go out and
when they come back on The Sandman is there and delivers tons of Singapore
cane shots to Raven and Abyss. All the ECW guys celebrate in the ring
afterwards. Beers are brought out by Jerry Lynn, Simon Diamond, Al Snow and
Hulk Hogan. Sandman does the beer can to the head gimmick. They play Enter
Sandman so I have to assume we're off the air.

* They're celebrating in the ring for a long time and have thrown numerous
beer cans into the crowd and spit beer all over the place. SoCal Val is now
in the ring and she drank beer and got beer dumped on her. The crowd is
going crazy as they're witnessing one of the biggest reunions of ECW
originals as you'll probably ever see again.


* Daffney vs. Hamada. Winner via Hamada Driver, Hamada. Terrible, terrible
match. After the match, Daffney attacked Hamada and beat her down. Daffney
pulled a chain out of her boot and choked her out until Taylor Wilde ran
down to make the mat save.

* Desmond Wolfe w/Chelsea & Magnus vs. Ink Inc.. Chelsea distracted Neal
with his dog tags which allowed Wolfe and Magnus to hit a sideslam/running
kick combo for the win. After the match the Brits and Chelsea celebrate in
the ring. Looks like Chelsea is a full blown heel again.

credit both:

<*> For all off topic discussions please use WWERHC:


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