Thursday, May 12, 2011

Re: [Peckers_Pics] Do NOT Get in This Van

The laughter you heard was scornfully ridiculing your vomitous notion that there is such a thing as a "pedophile's grin" along with your willingness to accept it as evidence  of pedophilia.  In a country where black men could be lynched for looking the wrong way at a white woman, or where Matt Shepard can be fenced for looking the wrong way in a gay bar, we should remain forever and contemptuously aware of the unholy injustice that such a sinister and flip reaction can bring about.  One does not vanquish and destroy evil by adopted the very tyranny which it visits upon its victims. If you become the thing you claim you wish to destroy, you only strengthen it, and debase yourself and what otherwise would be a nobel, worthy cause.

This whole thread, which suggests that a "gay look" should be used to target and remove a gay politician, is no better than a group of vicious thugs hassling and beating and murdering the "gay look" of two young men walking down the street arm in arm.  And when it turns out those men were brothers, and not homosexuals,we only have further evidence of the moral depravity of just such a code.

"But it's not fair!  They do it to us!"

Yes, they do.  But let us be better than them.

From: Mark Tillman <>
To: Peckers_Pics Yahoo Group <>; "" <>
Sent: Thu, May 12, 2011 11:48:15 PM
Subject: Re: [Peckers_Pics] Do NOT Get in This Van


Oh what in gay hell have I started?! LMAO! I am glad you laughed hard when you read my email request Referring to the older man on the left as a pedophile. Actually you quoted me correctly above when I said a pedophilia grin. At the time I was not making a joke I was very serious. Now after reading your email it's cracking me up what you had said and what I said earlier. The picture of him on the magazine that says kill medicare, Should actually say "You better work"! LMAO! Marking ;-)

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From: BronxBearBud <>;
To: <>;
Subject: [Peckers_Pics] Do NOT Get in This Van
Sent: Fri, May 13, 2011 12:07:12 AM


(Warning:  You are about to enter an SRZ: Sarcastic Ridicule Zone.  Do NOT fasten your seatbelt - the bumpy ride might knock some sense into you instead.)

"I wanted to ask you to please re send the original picture of him his mother and that Older man to the left presumably his dad that looks like a child molester With that pedophilia grin on his face?"

OMGAYGOD - You GO, girlfriend, I am simply loving this!   "pedophile grin on his face"?  I laughed so much I had to moisturize these gay lips!  And of COURSE my lips are more fabulous than that lecherous old queen's!

But to be serious, I'm glad some of us have the strong, sensible values (oh my, aren't I simply the butch philosopher!)  needed to move our cause forward.  What better way to target this DREADFUL closet case and his boy-bungling troll of a daddy than by playing the pedophilia card on THEM for a change!  It's time to pull on our Jacks and grab at our Jills and see if we can get the jump rope twirled around the necks of these bigots!  Not only must we do this for ourselves, we must do it for the freaking children!

Blah blah blah - I can already hear some tired old queen trying to impede our progress with the bitchy notion that "trivializing the vile horror of child sexual assault" only makes us part of the problem,  how our own insightful and inciting lip-based accusations are  "no better than the  klansman's venomous claim that black lips hungered for a white girl's petals" (as if i would EVER wear such a boring white robe!) -- blah, blah, blah, cry me a river, you Proud Mary - what you don't seem to understand is that as the victims of such vile slander ourselves, WE have even more of a right to knot such words together and use them in our march towards righteous justice - besides, look at who we'd be lynching!  Like any of US want to see that nasty old man show up and ruining our next party?  Talk about a blown fuse!

And let us keep our righteous struggle equal and appropriate for all.  When a "proud black Christian family man" like Eddy Long shortens a Rally of Outrage against gay marriage to catch a flight to Bangkok with one of his 17 year old "Long Fellows", let's make sure WE'RE at that rally - maybe weave a few black dildos into one of Condie's discarded wigs to show what a savage witch Long is, or maybe tapping our way through the crowd with a bucketful of lubed up Chicken bones, really show dem folks how Eddy REALLY likes to get his fingers (and his black hole) greasy.  I done be sure that i can already hear a homo-rappa-friendly-remix of "We Shall OverCOME" - just let's make the Dr. Martina Luther Queen drag warrior knows to keep the boombox down low on the float...

Oy!  Did I just say "black hole"?  As my rebbe said after schtupping me in that nice yeshiva where any boy could safely and happily bend over in prayer with his nice republican rebbe, "There are black holes that suck you up and black holes that you suck dry -- just don't be such a schmuck that you forget to collect the rent!"  I asked rebbe to explain some more but some messuganah Child Protection Agent pounded on the door and he had to run for the next next flight to Jerusalem - oy, so packed it was like a cattlecar he told me.   Anyhow,   i guess maybe the pogrom we can save for Eric Cantor?  The schmuck looks like he has a wide stance, or am I lying?

Gee, isn't it wonderful to go to war and fight the injustice of homophobia?  May we soon heil the day when such vicious bigotry ist utterly verboten!   Homos Uber ALLES, bitches!

Mark Tillman <>
To: Peckers_Pics Yahoo Group <>
Sent: Thu, May 12, 2011 5:39:42 PM
Subject: Re: [Peckers_Pics] Tell me the homphobe Aaron Shock is not gay?


Hey there jake. I've already commented on the flamboyant Aaron shlock Earlier this morning. I wanted to ask you to please re send the original picture of him his mother and that Older man to the left presumably his dad that looks like a child molester With that pedophilia grin on his face?! I too have noticed he never brings a female companion to any event. I know maybe it is a conspiracy? Maybe focus on the family by doctor james dobson assisted aaron in getting into politics so that focus on the family would have a secret insider? Lord knows how many men from that organization who are presumably high ranking members and have some of the worst anti gay rhetoric in america, have literally been caught with their pants down with a rent a boy escort or secret homosexual lover! This Theory is not far fetched! We hear about it happening almost every week in the news. Please re send just the picture because I forgot to save it to show my partner?! Thanks marki

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�Every gay and lesbian person who has been lucky enough to survive the turmoil of growing up is a survivor. Survivors always have an obligation to those who will face the same challenges.�

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