Friday, May 27, 2011

Re: [Peckers_Pics] Male/Gay Health-Discussion-PICS Politicians and Gays - OH MY GOD!!!!!!

Thank you very much Ralph! I appreciate your comments regarding my email. I also want to applaud your courageousness, in living a free and open life with your partner, especially living in India! I'm very familiar with Indian law and Hindu culture in general. As I've mentioned before, since my father was an American Air Force General stationed at Nato in Belgium until I was 16 year old, we lived in India for 1 year, while my father worked with India's government regarding Pakistan.

We then moved back to Belgium, where he was normally based. I learned a lot about life in India while living there at age 14 years old. I was very aware of India's laws relating to gay men and women! At that time, it seems as though I remember the country not even recognizing that homosexuality existed in India?! I might be wrong about my recollection, and you might be able to refresh my memory? Nevertheless, I am strongly aware of your every day plight to be cautious of publicly displaying your sexual orientation and love for your partner, even to your family of Hindu faith! Thanks again for your comments and accolades to me! I wish you and your partner the very best in your relationship and fight for equality! You and your partner take care, Marki

Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android

From: <>;
To: <>;
Subject: Re: [Peckers_Pics] Male/Gay Health-Discussion-PICS Politicians and Gays - OH MY GOD!!!!!!
Sent: Fri, May 27, 2011 5:48:56 PM


Hi Marki
Bravo for the mail, mate. I am totally impressed with your statements, and agree with them.
I am not American, nor Republican, nor Christian. I come from India, where being gay is just not accepted - by Hindu people or others. The law does not recognise them. I have been lucky to have become a doctor and then decided I don't want to marry a woman - because that is what is "normal". I have a loving partner, also Indian, and we have come out to my parents wheb we were in our 30s.
What I was saying is I know a lot of my gay friends getting married to women and leading double lives as they take on male lovers. These are not bisexual men, but gays trapped in societal values and making their own life a misery.
Also, the Kinsey scale was not devised to differentiate between str8 and gay men. What Kinsey wanted to show was the continuum of human sexuality along a gradual scale. Its a shame we gays are doing the same thing str8 people do - getting prejudiced.
All in all, an excellent debate, though.

Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone

From: Mark Tillman <>
Date: Thu, 26 May 2011 17:17:45 -0700 (PDT)
To: Peckers_Pics Yahoo Group<>
Subject: Re: [Peckers_Pics] Male/Gay Health-Discussion-PICS Politicians and Gays - OH MY GOD!!!!!!


Hello everyone. I wanted to weigh in on your discussion if you can call it that, Regarding sexual identity and Why the world doesn't need women??!! Actually I can't believe I just wrote that! When another member earlier this morning wrote a quick entry regarding the kinsey scale, I chose to elaborate a bit on exactly what it meant And what the kinsey scale actually is for those that may not know! I just logged on to my yahoo email and read a few emails that were very disturbing to me! Thank god jake intervened and made an effort to say what he said. I totally agree with jakes assessment that the 2 of you or more, that are expressing these out rageous beliefs and ideals, really are not making very much sense of the matter and certainly did not understand my email regarding the kinsey scale! Taking college psychology would be a good first step I might add. It disturbs me that these remarks were brought on by my quick and easy to read explanation of the kinsey scale! However I did not go into complete detail as to what the entire kinsey scale it is. It was meant to be a quick synopsis of the kinsey scale As it pertains to the former members remarks And my remarks regarding aaron schock. Perhaps it's partly my fault and maybe I didn't explain the kinsey scale or my point very clearly, as I intended to and thought I did??!! The message I wrote regarding the kinsey scale had nothing to do with the ideals being discussed in this thread. Another thing that was said by 1 member during the banter back and forth about dreaming being the deciding factor of one's sexual orientation is totally off base and unfounded! Just because a man dreams about sex with another man if he's having a sexual dream, DOES NOT Mean that he is gay!! In the same way, if a man dreams about having sex with a woman If having a sexual dream, it DOES NOT Mean that he is straight!! A gay man can dream about sex with men or women, And vice versa for a straight man. Dreams do not dictate your sexuality Or who you may prefer to have sexual contact with, Meaning a man or woman, or using your logic even a goat! I am not going to sit here and teach a class on dreams and how it relates to psychology, or how it relates or does not relate to one's sexual orientation! However if you or anyone for that matter is interested in more information regarding the kinsey scale, when it was completed and what results came from the study, email me directly and I will direct you to a website for you to read about the kinsey scale and hopefully enlighten you as to what it means, how it works and why it was done.... along with the history behind the kinsey scale as a whole. By emailing me directly for the information, Hopefully you will come to an understanding of my message earlier as it related to the republican topic at hand Which spark my Email message. As jake clearly mentioned earlier, You seem to be way off base with your Ideals and remarks. I will end by putting it this way.... As you mentioned in your message earlier That you would go a step further as saying that you are gay and only attracted to men, thus implying that women or feminists are who and what makes you gay, as for me I have always been gay and always knew I was attracted to boys and then later during puberty, men! Scientific and psychological testing and studies have shown that one's sexual orientation is determined at conception through your DNA. Personally after college and medical school, I came to believe this analogy and study, Even though I grew up in a very conservative, republican, Religious, Home and family environment Of a united states air force general, My dad! Even though I grew up in that environment at home, in public and at church, And constantly wrestled with the idea that I was hell bound If I was gay, Even all of those factors did not change the fact That deep inside from the time I can remember, I was attracted to the same sex!! Unfortunately I did not fully understand The concept of same sex attraction meaning "gay", Until I had left home for college, Got married to a woman after my freshman year in an honest attempt to "fix" me Since I had been taught my entire life that I needed to be straight like everyone else, fathered a daughter at 20 years old by my ex wife tricking and deceiving me into thinking we were having safe sex, which of course ended in divorce very quickly and allowed me to come out to family and friends as to who I really was as a gay man. No more sneaking around and no more lies.... I was finally free of a burdensome lie! People have asked me before if I would do it differently if I could go back in time. My answer is, I don't know because even though the horrible stressful route I chose took quite a long time to finally come to an end and free me from the nightmare I had been living! I also love my daughter and would never tell her I wish she had not been born! However coming to terms with my sexual identity at a younger age with out the envirement I was in would definitely have made a difference!! According to your logic that would make me straight or bisexual, but that is far from the case! I am a gay man who prefers same sexual attraction, even as I walked down the aisle at my wedding, I firmly knew I prefered men sexually and always had. This is not rare! Many men that know they are gay go through life in a married relationship and live a lie their entire life, while usually being very depressed and stressed in their relationship.....feeling trapped, if you will. Overall my point is that just because a man has sex with a woman all the time or on just an occasion, does not define them sexually as straight or vice versa! I apologize for confusing anyone in my message earlier referring to the kinsey scale as it pertained to the issue regarding republicans in the closet. I certainly hope this message explains what I meant earlier to those members that seemed to not understand or fully ascertain the point! Since many of these outlandish remarks were made after I wrote my first message and are under the same thread, I felt it necessary to further explain my own views and what I originally meant. Thanks marki

Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android


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�Every gay and lesbian person who has been lucky enough to survive the turmoil of growing up is a survivor. Survivors always have an obligation to those who will face the same challenges.�

...Jake (Moderator)

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