Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Re: [Peckers_Pics] What's good about America

This is just about the exact wording our beloved Governor, Rick Fairy, said to gays when he signed the constitutional amendment banning same sex marriage.  He was asked by a reporter what his gay/lesbian constituents would think of him signing the law, and he said if they didn't like it, they should move to another state that more closely reflects their values.  Jeff Texas is just as idiotic and rabid in his views of denial of civil liberties, freedom from oppression and discrimination, and government regulation of individuals.  He should go live in a fundamentalist Islamic nation, where his views are more closely represented.

And Jeff, Texas isn't America, and America isn't Texas.  Hate to burst your delusion about that. 
I have lived in Texas since 1979.  I don't want to move out of America, but I'm getting real close. And I'm even closer to moving out of Texas.  We are becoming the laughing stock of the country, especially with the recent Texas School Book debacle, and the abhorrent performance of our immediate past President and vice President, who by the way, was a long time resident of Texas before federal election rules made him relocate out of Texas.

And, now this GOP hypocritical, bigoted, religious right fundamentalist platform.

And the sheep go "baaaaaaaa". A great example of the stellar educational system of the State of Texas.

From: Jeff Texas <jefftexas2008@yahoo.com>
To: Peckers_Pics@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tue, July 6, 2010 10:32:28 PM
Subject: Re: [Peckers_Pics] What's good about America


If you don't like America you can always live somewhere else.

Moderator: Jeff, i was told I should live somewhere else during the Bush administration. Clearly, America is my home. But, i do not have to agree. During WW2, if Germans did not approve of Hitler, should they have left, or shoulod they have resisted Hitler? Too bad so many left and died because of Hitler. Perhaps, one more person who stayed alive, did not leave and resisted, would have been more successful in change. Clearly, many Republicans (to include the TEA PArty) may have gay people SENT to prison camps, and this has been announced by Huckabee in the 1990's. Are you advocating we should accept everything and be proud of it no matter what? Should we have been pro-american while we allowed slavery? I read the article and was clearly upset. I am disgusted with what republicans advocate in texas. Did you read it? you are not upset? Am I suppose to leave my country, because i don't agree with Texas republicans? I really do not get you. If you ever say this to any member of my group again, you shall be gone. If you tell a gay person to leave america because he does not agree, than you don't belong in any of my groups. Jeff, you have offended me as well as the other member and the entire gay community. ......jake

--- On Tue, 7/6/10, Patrick Sinnott <patrickjohnsinnott@yahoo.com> wrote:

From: Patrick Sinnott <patrickjohnsinnott@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [Peckers_Pics] What's good about America
To: Peckers_Pics@yahoogroups.com
Date: Tuesday, July 6, 2010, 6:42 PM


Jeff Texas and the others, not so fast.  Do you know what the Texas GOP party platform says?
Here's a link:
http://www.nydailyn ews.com/news/ 2010/06/22/ 2010-06-22_ texas_gop_ platform_ criminalize_ gay_marriage_ and_ban_sodomy_ outlaw_strip_ clubs_an. html
The GOP screams to make government leave us alone and not interfere with our freedoms and our lives.  This is blatant and ugly hypocrisy from the GOP.  So what else is new???

From: Jeff Texas <jefftexas2008@ yahoo.com>
To: Peckers_Pics@ yahoogroups. com
Sent: Mon, July 5, 2010 9:40:24 AM
Subject: Re: [Peckers_Pics] What's good about America


Thank you for that comment, it was greatly appreciated.

--- On Mon, 7/5/10, Don Gorton <dgorton@verizon. net> wrote:

From: Don Gorton <dgorton@verizon. net>
Subject: [Peckers_Pics] What's good about America
To: Peckers_Pics@ yahoogroups. com
Date: Monday, July 5, 2010, 1:13 AM


                As I listen in to the Pops concert that defines the 4th of July celebration in Boston, I am very aware that there is much about this country unworthy of celebration. I am thinking back to the gay “pornography� scandal at Smith College in 1960, the year I was born. Three closeted gay professors, Joel Dorious, Newton Arvin, and Edward Spofford, were arrested for possessing pictures not dissimilar to those which Jake is gracious enough to share with us every day. In that day, any suggestive image of an attractive man shirtless could be deemed to be “pornography� by the police. Witchhunts were the rule, not the exception where homosexuality was involved. The careers of the three Smith professors were ruined naturally, even if the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts did overturn their convictions in 1963. (For more information see the obituary of Prof. Dorius from
2006: http://www.nytimes. com/2006/ 02/20/obituaries /20dorius. html )
                I am proud to say that the America that persecuted its citizens for experiencing same-sex desire is very different 50 years after the Smith College scandal. We need not fear the FBI or the Post Office or state police or any other agency rounding up the members of this list serv and charging us with possession and distribution of pornography. We aren’t where we want to be 41 years after Stonewall, but being exposed as gay is no longer the firing offense as it was for the Professors at Smith College. There is much symbolism in the fact that, for several years leading up to the Stonewall Riotsâ€â€�and one week after the riots in 1969â€â€�gays and lesbians protested on the 4th of July in annual “Reminders�  at Independence Hall in Philadelphia that all Americans did not enjoy the blessings of liberty and the pursuit of happiness championed in the
Declaration of Independence. We have advanced the LGBT cause over the years by drawing on the Enlightenment ideals upon which this country was founded. We are determined yet to have America live up to the constitutional promise of equal protection of the law.  
                America the Beautiful, the lyrics of which were written by a lesbian from Boston (in the 19th century), captures America’s inspired quality for correcting its mistakes and striving to do better that make the 4th of July so meaningful. The second verse challenges us: “America! America! God mend thine every flaw ….� True patriotsâ€â€�doing God’s workâ€â€�are still about the unfinished business of securing freedom and justice for all Americans. That is reason to celebrate.
                Happy 4th of July to my fellow Americans!
"If you bring forth what is within you, what you
bring forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is
within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you."
--Jesus Christ, Gospel of Thomas, v. 70


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To join the Obama group please click (or copy and paste the link into your browser) @  http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ObamaBiden2008/join

Thank you!

�Every gay and lesbian person who has been lucky enough to survive the turmoil of growing up is a survivor. Survivors always have an obligation to those who will face the same challenges.�

...Jake (Moderator)

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