Saturday, July 17, 2010

[TOWWFFC] *Spoilers* TNA iMPACT Tapings - 7/22/2010


*Spoilers* TNA iMPACT Tapings - 7/22/2010
Posted by Marc Middleton in iMPACT! Results on Tuesday, July 13th, 2010

*We open with the standard pyro as Taz and Mike Tenay welcome us.

*TNA Global champion Rob Terry vs. AJ Styles. Pretty decent with Kaz trying
help Styles every chance he gets. At one point, Terry does push ups with
Styles. In the end, Styles uses the ropes to get the pin and become the new
Global champion. Fortune gets their first title.

*Sarita and Madison Rayne are speaking backstage about their issues with
Velvet Sky and Taylor Wilde, respectively. Sky shows up. Sky accuses Sarita
of being the motorcycle woman. They mention the Knockouts Tag Team titles
will be defended tonight.

*Angelina Love and Taylor Wilde vs. Sarita and Madision Rayne. Before the
match, Earl Hebner announces that since the TNA Board of Directors has no
proof it was actually a member of the Beautiful People who interfered at
Victory Road, the Knockouts championship must go back to Rayne. Love hands
the belt over to Hebner and Rayne is champion again. The match goes back and
forth. Love and Taylor win. The Motorocycle woman arrives and helps beat
down Love and Wilde. Velvet Sky and Lacey Von Erich come out on the stage as
the heels are leaving and Rayne convinces Lacey to leave with her, leaving
Sky alone on the ramp.

*Mick Foley, Rhino, Raven, Stevie Richards and Tommy Dreamer are seen
arriving at the Impact Zone.

*Kurt Angle vs. Hernandez. Pretty good match. Lots of near falls but in the
end, Angle locks in the anklelock and Hernandez taps. I'd assume this was a
ranking match and Angle is after #6 next.

*After the match, Kevin Nash comes out and calls out Jeff Jarrett. After a
minute or so, Jarrett comes out. Nash says that he thought about what
Jarrett said last week, but that it wasn't Sting who is the log in the TNA
punchbowl, but Jarrett. Jarrett says he doesn't know what Nash is talking
about. Nash blames Jarrett for the entire Scott Hall and Sean Waltman
contract issues. He tells Jarrett he is a selfish son of a b***h and walks
off. Jarrett is left speechless.

*Samoa Joe vs. Jeff Hardy for the first time ever, so they are giving away a
PPV bout for free. The match starts off with Joe chants then Hardy chants
start, building to dueling chants as the two battle around ringside. Pretty
back forth between the two with lots of near falls. Joe takes advantage by
keeping it mat based wrestling so Hardy cannot get his high flying stuff
going. Lots of powerful chops by Joe. More near falls. Joe has the crossface
locked in but hardy gets his foot to the ropes. Fans chanting for Hardy.
They keep going and the bell rings for a time limit draw. They keep going at
it as the referees try to keep them apart.

*Mr. Anderson pinned Matt Morgan with the Mic Check. Morgan attacks Anderson
after the match when he calls for the mic and bloodies him. Anderson is
helped out by the trainers.

*TNA Tag Team champions The Motor City Machineguns vs. Beer Money in a No
Rules Street Fight. Match #2 of 5 match series Beer Money out first in
t-shirt and jeans with kneepads on out, Next are the Guns dressed in shirts
and their wrestling outfits. The fight goes straight up the ramp
immediately. One of the Guns hold Storm so the other can sprint up the ramp
with a kick. Beer Money uses a chair to take back over. Beer Money
clothesline referee Brian Hebner. The Guns use a trash can on Storm. Earl
Hebner runs in but is bumped and there's no referee. Storm cracks a beer
bottle over one of the Gun's heads. They drag a ref over to count and get
the pinfall. Beer Money are up 2-0.

*Christy Hemme interviewed TNA champion Rob Van Dam. Both mentioned the ECW
letters as Van Dam said ECW was where he first became a star and it was
great to be back with the boys again last week.

*TNA President Dixie Carter came out to address what happened last week with
Tommy Dreamer. She notes that she had invited the former ECW stars to TNA.
Dreamer put over ECW legends like Taz and others. He said that "One Night
Stand" inn 2005 was closure for him but Vince McMahon had to go and bring it
back and forced Tommy to watch his close friends and family get fired one by
one until Dreamer couldn't take it anymore. He said that his friends have
been begging him for two years to come to TNA but he has two daughters now
and couldn't pass up the big paycheck he was getting. When he came to
Slammiversary and met with the talent before the show and felt the spirit of
the fans, he knew this was the place to be. Dreamer was crying during the
promo.Dreamer said that several years ago, they were promised things that
didn't come true and it wasn't fair to the wrestlers or the fans. He asked
Carter to give everyone "one last night." Carter agreed, but only if the
former ECW crew have "full control" of the PPV. Dreamer promised they were
going to take the Impact Zone "to the Extreme" and do it so everyone can
remember the original company one last time, not the way it was when Vince
McMahon shut it down. Abyss interrupts and says "they are not happy. This
wasn't supposed to happen and they are downright pissed." Abyss says it was
Dixie's fault and he goes after her but Van Dam attacked him. Everyone hits
their finisher on Abyss. Devon comes out and they do the "Get the Tables"
and RVD hits the Five Star Frog Splash.

Thanks to for these TNA iMPACT spoilers, to air next Thursday


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